[MTC Global] No Principal in 22 DU Colleges - Times Of India Report: Dt.:4th April,2016

Over 22 Colleges are running without a permanent principal, irking the varsity's teacher's association, which has been demanding streamlining of the appointment process for a long time now.
Colleges which have been operating without a permanent principal include Hindu College,, Sri Ram College of Commerce, Kirorimal College & Kamla Nehru College....these are prestigious colleges and despite the HRD ministry which has been at the center, the lackadaiscal attitude of the Ministry just shows how much importance they attach to education.
People had and still have great expectation of "Achche Din" but the delivery is just not there. Other political requirements over-rule the Government's concern in this particular area and this conveys a very wrong impression. Word of mouth among youngsters is very common these days and though I had heard this a few months back as my own son is a DU college boy, I see the confirmation in TOI report today.
Can the Government wake up to its priorities?

If being in Center in Delhi, this is the scenario, I wouldn't be surprised if the situation is any different elsewhere.

Warm Regards,

Stephen Narayanan

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