
For 55 years, the minds of our people has been corrupted by lies, deceit and intrigues. A systematic process of social engineering was laid down by Cameroun to turn us into Camerounians. Our history books were doctored; civic intoxication made us sang songs glorifying lies: we worshipped the wrong flag; sang the wrong anthem; thought going to Douala and speaking French made us civilised. It made us more slaves to a system that has never served us.
In trying to undo these intrigues we thought recounting historical wrongs, illegalities and exposing systematic impunity will convince all of our people that this JUNGLE was not made for us. We were wrong because it needed another process of social re-engineering to make the captive adapt to the truth. That is why even educated men like Bara Mark despite knowing the truth still thinks some form of association with Jungle life is necessary.Yes, you need time to socialise the prisoner to adapt and integrate into a free space. The social media is creating a new generation of nationalist; Ambazonian nationalist who do not want anything to do with the JUNGLE call Cameroun. Real Camerounians love their country. Afterall, they remember their Nationalist leaders like Ernest Ouandie, Um Nyobe and others who died fighting for the freedom of their country. A few Ambazonians are still confused. Most are the educated elites who need the regimes certification for certain international portfolio that they want; others enjoy the nepotism because it eliminates competition based on merit.
Do you know that when a Camerounian picks up a foreign nationality, it simply adds to what they have? But do you know why when an Ambazonian picks up a foreign nationality, they throw a party; they celebrate and tell the whole world? It is because it is the first time they really feel like they have a nationality.
Ambazonians must continue to use the social media to educate, inform and help our people abandon a life of servitude that has neither serve us nor will it ever serve our children. The social media is a tool of mobilisation, education and information. It will liberate you mentally. And that is the first step of real and tangible physical liberation. Rest assured that we are working 24/7 for our collective liberation from Cameroun's mundane form of rule. I invite everyone to be part of this process.

Thanks for sharing.
Njousi Abang

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