Re: [MTC Global] Not me, love my songs

The great gift of God is when one lives and creates there is not only no recognition but even calumny and ignominy! As a consequence, one is left alone as a maverick, an outsider and  a rocker of the boat.The solitude, initially painful,is then sensed as a grace granted to God's creative partners. 

And even then how often these souls yearn for at least a few to love their passion! Swami Vivekananda was one such genius-the father of the Indian renaissance! His vision is much larger than what Sri Ramakrishna Mission is laudably pursuing. His Daridra Narayana is still awaiting a square meal, a roof over the head, literacy, minimal health and a joyful life! We have to rededicate to Swamiji's Complete Works to know about where we have missed out his plans and programmes.


Ashok Vaidya

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 8:04 AM, Prof. Marmar Mukhopadhyay <> wrote:

"Not me, love my songs;
who cares for the moon, people want moonlight. At the end of the concert musical instruments lie uncared in the dust. ...... ", said the poet.
Every one, especially the evolved ones, live for certain principles and purpose. They aspire for their cause to be loved. Instead they get some mundane love of physical care.
How do we relearn to love and nurture the cause of our 'loved ones'! Beyond the physical self.

Swamiji is immortalized by Sri Ramakrishna Mission for its love for Swamiji's cause.

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Ashok D.B. Vaidya MD, PhD, FAIM
Research Director
Kasturba Health Society-Medical Research Centre

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