Re: [MTC Global] suggestions - reg.

Just like a patient deserves a diagnosis before being administered any pills or line of treatment, a scenario in organization needs to be studied before suggesting any remedies, benchmarking goals etc.

Strategy as in Lewis Carroll epic, the cat said, you figure out where you are now and where you want to go.

But, just like few docs, there would be plenty of so called experts, consultants ready with their antibiotics, surgeries and tool kit, never mind if the malady gets immune to such off the shelf snake oils.

God bless!

On Apr 3, 2016 7:10 AM, "Prof. Dr. Ramachandran Narayanan" <> wrote:
Respected professor (s),

Good morning. Greetings.

Can you please share your some strategies / suggestions to improve the management department in an university.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Ramachandran Narayanan,
Annamalai University,

Advisor to the Editorial Board - Indian Journal of Research (ISSN 2452-6593)
Editorial Member - Journal of Studies - ISSN 2348-3652

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