That is what happens to property belonging to a defeated country in a ruthless war, the whole world fought against Germany in the first world war and Kamerun  and its people was German property.
In a message dated 5/2/2016 11:59:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Yes Indeed # 16:

16) The divergent interpretation of Texts by Cameroon, protesting continuous Bad Faith by Nigerian Authorities with respect to the 1975 Yakubu Gowon/Ahidjo Maroua Declaration and the Anglo-German Treaty of 1913 that handed over the territory of Southern Cameroons to La Republique du Cameroun.

We are always handed over to somebody by somebody. Lord have Mercy!!!!

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 7:44 PM, 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <> wrote: This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( Add cleanup rule | More info

Political and Diplomatic Relations between Nigeria and Cameroon

Bilateral relations between the two countries were established in 1960. These relationships are greatly influenced by historical, geographical and economic factors. Several agreements govern these relations. They are:

1) Friendship Agreement and Cooperation signed February 6, 1963
2) Memorandum of understanding on the Control of Movement of Persons and Goods: February 6, 1963
3) Trade agreement of February 6, 1963
ratified 01/13/1982 and 04/11/2014
4) Cultural, Social and Technical agreement:
March 22 1972
5) Air Services agreement: May 19, 1978
6) Agreement on Inter-Police Cooperation:
March 27, 1972
7) Mutual Cooperation agreement: March 27, 1972
8) Memorandum of Understanding on a Transnational Highway Project to facilitate Transportation between Cameroon and Nigeria: March 29 2006
9) The Green Tree Agreement: June 12 2006
10) The Cameroon-Nigeria Electrical Inter-Connection Agreement: 06/18/11
11) Cooperation Agreement in the field of Sports and Physical Education: February 18, 2011
12) Agreement establishing Cameroon-Nigeria Border Security Committee: February 28, 2012
13)) Cooperation Agreement in the fields of Science and Technology:
April 11, 2014
14) Memorandum of Understanding relating to the Implementation of the Program on Cooperation and Cultural Exchanges: April 11, 2014
15) Agreement on Youth Development: 04/11/2014
16) The divergent interpretation of Texts by Cameroon, protesting continuous Bad Faith by Nigerian Authorities with respect to the 1975 Yakubu Gowon/Ahidjo Maroua Declaration and the Anglo-German Treaty of 1913 that handed over the territory of Southern Cameroons to La Republique du Cameroun.
17) Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission was created for the implementation of the ruling in favor of Cameroon by the (ICJ) International Court of Justice on the disputed Bakassi Peninsula leading to the brokered Green Tree Accord by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
18) Joint Nigeria Cameroon Committee on Cooperation in the field of Posts and Telecommunications: November 4, 2009
19) Draft agreement signed in Limbe on Management of Protected Species and Areas shared between the two countries.
20) Memorandum of Understanding for the Establishment of a Steering Committee on the previous Agreement on Electrical Interconnection between Nigeria and Cameroon: signed in Yola: June 10, 2010
21) Establishment of a Warning System in cases of Floods from Lagdo Dam December 29. 2012 
22) Negotiations on establishing a Partnership between Nigeria's National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and Cameroon's National Agency for Standards and Quality (ANOR) to fight against the circulation of counterfeit drugs and fake currencies: 03/27/2013. It must be noted here that Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) has signed the MOU, awaiting proposals from  their Cameroon counterparts.
23) Cross Border Security Committee (CBSC): February 28, 2012 *&lt):) cowboy(Meetings of this crucial and very important committee have been holding in Paris, Bruxelles, London, Niamey, Abuja and Washington DC).

Culled from Government Source.

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