Re: [cameroon_politics] Pour ceux qui en doutent encore

It is amazing the extent to which people lay emphasis and importance on the United Nations Organization.
I wish I still had a book with a blue cover that I read circa 1989.
I have written this throughout the years ever since, for the past 25+ years that; 
the UN is an organization that was founded on the ashes of war, pure war.
The UN is NOT an organization that understands or knows anything whatsoever about peace.
NOT at all.  Then you're talking another organization.  Consequently, the UN gets nudged for the
most part ONLY in parts of the world where there is WAR.  And even then, the WAR has to be
very serious, meaning at least thousands of people have to be dieing every day before the UN reacts.
The UN is essentially at the behest of the core founding members of the Security Council.
Anything else is a joke according to UN standards of intervening.  The UN acts only in war zones.

I hear there is a force of argument that is supposed to bring the UN into where the arguments
are taking place.  It is at least 20 years now that I had indicated those "arguing by force" that 
they can keep dreaming about their UN, because they will never come.
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "Herbert Boh [camnetwork]" <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: [FREE AMBAZONIANS] Re: Rép: Re: [cameroon_politics] Pour ceux qui en doutent encore

Dear FEN,

A few points are worth further clarifications:

1. The 20 May 1972 so-called referendum (during which the YES-OUI ballot was used) was neither organized nor supervised by the United Nations. You are certainly confusing that 1972 ballot with the 11 February 1961 U.N.-organized and supervised referendum.

2. There was and never has been any shortage of denunciation of the 20 May 1972 ballot as a pure fraud. That is what someone like Honorable Augustine Ngom Jua did for the rest of his life. He probably paid with his life for doing so. The trouble then, as now, was and is the fact that we have never had a shortage of traitors. Hon. S. T. Muna & Co. stood to gain from the fraud of 1972 as others benefit from today's ongoing colonization. Ahidjo made sure to kill the voice of dissent by forming the one party in 1966 and President Biya has done as much by buying everyone to his "chop broke pottism" - the only real political party in Cameroon today.

3. After the 1961 plebiscite, the United Nations reprimanded Ahmadou Ahidjo because the latter had declared days of national mourning. Ahidjo justified national mourning by explaining that losing Northern Cameroons to Nigeria was a set-back on Cameroon's mission to return to a reunited Cameroon, meaning Kamerun. The U.N. rightly understood that Ahidjo was articulating an expansionist policy and called him to order. However, the United Nations went to sleep at the wheel after that, no doubt thanks to France singing the right lullaby. The United Nations should have called Yaounde to order again in 1972 when Yaounde set up a referendum, returning to the same term of "Reunfication". Instead, the U.N., which has been an accomplice in this light not only in Southern Cameroons but also in South Sudan, looked the other way. The U.N. knows what you want reported to them. They just don't care enough yet because we have not organized or campaigned enough not to be ignored anymore.

4. Leaders of Southern Cameroons are, therefore, right in my opinion today not to count too much on the U.N. You have read what Dr. Simon Munzu thinks about the stole the U.N. might play. By its silence, the United Nations has betrayed us - time and again - and we cannot count on them, unless we shame them to a point where they can no longer deal with the embarrassment. 

5. As a result of the argument in 4 above, my belief is that the fight for the restoration of the independence of Southern Cameroons must be waged not only against the new colonialists (La Republique du Cameroun) but also against the United Nations, which is Yaounde's chief accomplice; acting since 1961 in ways that have totally failed our people. An African court (based in Banjul) has done better than the United Nations in campaigning for the decolonization of Southern Cameroons.

Hope you now understand better why I hold the views I hinted at in my last email.

Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 1, 2016, at 8:11 PM, Divine Rhyme [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

Hello Herbert,
 I want to believe in everything but what is more important is providing proof for those who can effect change. If this  one ballot OUI - YES was what actually happened there must be a way for the leadership of the SCNC to put a file together and launch a complaint to the UN General Secretariat. I don't think this action would require the intervention of another friendly member state of the UN. It is just a matter of the UN seeing this proof and declaring that the referendum was a fraud.  The UN endorsed the results of the plebiscite and just like in any election in any country it can make a declaration against the manner in which an election was conducted. Complaining does not mean doing anything about it. That can be left to us  to do anything we want. Infact it is our right to complain to the UN, and the only thing for them to do is to agree that the referendum was fraudulently conducted thereby rendering the results invalid.  Agreeing to that would not mean stopping the reunification from taking place. We had and still have the right to even determine to effect any agreement with East Cameroon in any way we choose to - even  only with a gentleman agreement.  If this is really true where now is the obstacle to move forward, Herbert? At least invalidating the results of the referendum reverts the status quo to that of the Federal Republic of Cameroon. That is not a bad point of departure. But I think trying to undo the UN General Assembly endorsement of the plebiscite results at this point is, to put it bluntly, impossible. Except there is something we we are not being told about this. The leadership must also find out why and how this kind of fraudulent exercise could have been allowed by the international community - and then take a decision. This approach can be supported by the claim we often hear that there was no document even signed for the reunification to be official. So where is the obstacle now? Has the UN refused to declare that the referendum was a fraud? Making that declaration  would not be an endorsement for us to opt for separation anyway. They have been making declarations after several  elections held all over the world. It is just supposed to be a statement of fact. We will be able to take it from there.  And it does not matter whether our  former West Cameroon leaders accepted such a manner of conducting the referendum or not. So long as the UN declares, based on the facts that it was a fraudulent election, they have done their job. So if the SCNC leadership cannot oblige the UN even to make this declaration, then there is something they are afraid to tell us.

From: "Herbert Boh [camnetwork]" <>
To:; Cameroon Politics <>; yahoogroups <>
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 12:06 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [FREE AMBAZONIANS] Re: Rép: Re: [cameroon_politics] Pour ceux qui en doutent encore

Dear FEN,

God forbid that you be called stupid. 

The reality of dictatorship is that it does hard-to-believe things to the citizens it abuses.

No one is stupid for not believing that Ahmadou Ahidjo won 99.99 percent of the ballots he organized.

Do you think that it mattered how Southern Cameroonians voted? Really? Ahidjo was not stupid. He knew what he was doing. He was using the overwhelming Francophone majority population and vote in order to subvert the will and sovereign right of the minority Anglophones which had been expressed in the 1961 referendum.

Whatever Ahidjo wanted he obtained. And, Ahidjo wanted the federation killed and buried. He got it even before any votes were cast. The vote was just the pretext - Ahidjo was staging a show for the world to watch and for those who play along to claim that Ahidjo was some democrat.

If you don't believe the YES-OUI ballot, do you believe in fictitious polling stations? Do you believe our brother, Aaron Nyamkwe, when he explained on this forum that the CPDM rigging machine had his late spouse listed as having voted in elections held in Douala years after she had returned to her Creator?

The one party state, which Ahidjo imposed on everyone in 1966, was a prelude to the one ballot (YES-OUI) which he used on 20 May 1972 in order to impose the unitary state and one-man rule on everyone on all Cameroonians.

Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 1, 2016, at 10:51 AM, Divine Rhyme [FREE_Ambazonians] <> wrote:

Hello All
Call me stupid if you want to, but there comes a time when one is deceived knowingly but out of trust he lets go his/her guard. That does not make him/her stupid. So it does not sound right to me that this was the only ballot paper used during the 1972 referendum
For those who really claim they have first hand knowledge about the 1972 referendum, let them make this thing very public with indisputable proofs that this is how it happened.
So is it really true that the ballot papers used for the referendum was one single sheet of paper on which it was written OUI and Yes only? I don't know if I am the only one here in such ignorance. Yes, I have seen the ballot paper but actually believed that this copy was the only one the writer could find and that indeed there millions of  others on which it was written NON and NO.
But let me make it clear that  I hope this writer is not publishing some disinformation in here.Any such disinformation damages the credibility of the leadership and the struggle at large.  Is it really possible that there was no one in English speaking Cameroon who understood these words and could draw the attention to the regime that such deceit cannot be accepted by the international community? Even if Anglophone Cameroonians truly voted YES by 100% of them, it still does not make the results acceptable because a valid argument could still be launched by even one single individual that if an alternative was provided many people would have voted according to the choices available and the results might not have been the same.
So please would anybody prove that this single ballot paper was all that was provided by the authorities for the referendum?  Indeed I doubt it very much. I hate when people exploit the ignorance of others and start peddling false stories in otherwise very sensitive matters. One specific example is Gorji Dinka's claim that there were riots in Cameroon called the Dinka riots when he was arrested.  This is what he wrote:
  Written by Fongum Gorji-Dinka   
Biya only realized that he has dissolved the illegal 1 October 1961 merger of Cameroun and Ambazonia when the New Social Order and Defuse The Time Bomb called for the withdrawal of Cameroun from Ambazonia in compliance with the law/84/01 he enacted on 2 January 1984. He arrested and jailed Fon Dinka for calling for implementation of the law.
Biya then asked Hon ST Muna if Dinka reflected the Anglophone thinking. Pa Muna swore that Anglophones know Dinka to be given to such out bursts of insanity so no one takes Dinka serious at all.
Ben Muna got North West MPs & Elites in Yaounde to sign and send a document to Biya dissociating themselves from Dinka. Barrister Fred Eko on his part decided to outdo Ben Muna by getting South West MPs & Elites march the Streets shouting with placards reading Down With Dinka, Biya Is Our Leader, Death To Dinka
In his speech opening the June 1985 Parliament Hon ST Muna accused the Fon of high treason punishable with death by a firing squad.
Then the GCE/Dinka Riots erupted in October 1985 closing all schools in Ambazonia. The riot descended on Yaounde where the University Students hijacked it and went hunting the anti-Fon Dinka gang. Many denied their own signatures while others escaped into hidings. The rioters sent ST Muna a letter warning: if you don't back Fon Dinka any one bearing the name Muna will go to the other side of the grave. Pa Muna saw death; so instead of the speech edited by Biya, Muna decided to read his own speech which Cameroun Parliament adopted on 11 November 1985 for a conference of Cameroun and Ambazonia to peacefully implement restoration law 84/01 restoring the two countries as mutually sovereign again and independent of each other as they were before 1961.
The Dinka Rioters accepted death and fear changed sides. It left them and became the companion of those the tyrant uses to manipulate the masses. Dinka Rioters are Ambazonia's heroes. They will be duly honoured by an independent Ambazonia sooner than later.
God bless them & God bless Ambazonia.

I don't remember any such thing like Dinka /GCE riots in Cameroon in 1985. I was very involved in the GCE strike in 1983(?)  and knew first hand everything that was going on there. I left Cameroon in December 27th 1985 and had never heard a thing about Dinka riots. Let me be clear here I support the Ambazonian struggle but in my opinion it is too important to be tainted with some exxagerations that tend to make the facts false. I used to go around with a publication he made titled The New Social Order. I would show it to anybody who cared but I don't remember anything like Dinka riots.
So what I am saying here is that I don't  want to think that this ballot paper question is  another kind of Dinka riots that never was. If this is quite true why is it so difficult to bring this to the knowledge of the international community to prove how fraudulent the 1972 referendum excercise was? Or has  the international community refused to admit it as a case of massive fraud enough to invalidate the results of the referendum? Which is which? Are we fighting a lost cause here? What  greater evidence could there be again to determine that this was a gigantic fraud? Was the Ahidjo regime too unable to see that this was an unacceptable situation that would not stand later? That does not seem possible. The regime was  very methodical, meticulous and precise in doing things. This does not sit right for any average person to think they could have  overlooked this error. No way. Not the Ahidjo regime. Wherever this sample ballot paper came from and whoever brought it out must be able to prove that there was no other before and after the referendum. Even though I see that it was written in french and English there should still be proof that there was no other. I don't see how the UN would accept such a blatant, massive, broad daylight fraud like this. How come the SCNC and Ambazonia are not using this as their trump card? Even the OUA would not have accepted this.

From: "Ofege Ntemfac [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: cameroon_politics <>; CAMNETWORK list <>; ambasbay <>; FREE AMBAZONIANS <>; SDF <>; shesausa <>; Cameroon Review <>; Southern Cameroon <>; "" <>; africanworldforum <>; "" <>; mbonbani <>; cacowedaForum <>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: Rép: Re: [cameroon_politics] Pour ceux qui en doutent encore

1972 Referendum Ballot Paper
Wuna bi nda real faambuh dem!
Chacun a son Bamenda.
Nous avons nos Bamendas
<Oui and Yes.jpg>


2016-04-25 3:58 GMT-07:00 Ofege Ntemfac <>:
Mr Boh,
A Mr Kamga sent me a document some days ago and this still cut came forth.
What name does one call himself when he is taken to the cleaners by a mouton?
To think that the so-called Federal Constitution was itself an emanation of a document written by a French gendarme!!!!

After Ahidjo was vested with full powers, the Assembly went into recess and the Prime Minister set up an extra-parliamentary Constitutional Committee; a committee with no real power. Key opposition figures like Daniel Kemajou and Soppo Priso refused to be associated with it.54 In truth the supreme law for Cameroon was drafted in one night by two French advisers, Jacques Rousseau and Paul Audat55 and was later proofread by a French political science expert, Professor Maurice Duverger, who, for a fee, agreed to be part of this legal farce.56 It is reported that because the initial provisions were too liberal, Colonel Jacques Richard, the French Commander of the Gendarmerie in Cameroon, persuaded Duverger to include certain repressive sections in the draft constitution to counter the ongoing rebellion.57 As described sarcastically by Gaillard, in the absence of a secretary "an eminent professor fashioned the draft constitution for Cameroon according to the dictate of a policeman".58

2016-04-21 13:20 GMT+01:00 Herbert Boh [cameroon_politics] <>:
Grand Frere, Sipa!

Tu bois quoi glacé? 

Que c'est bien dit et bien ecrit ! Merci ooooooh!

Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 21, 2016, at 5:32 AM, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

Ouey, ouey!!

ça c'est du Sipa cru que je connais et je m'y abreuvais il y a quelques années

Merci senior. J'espère que nos jeunots te liront attentivement et se mettent au travail. Sinon, on est foutu pour 50 ans encore

Bon vent mon cher

Agien Nyangkwe

2016-04-20 23:49 GMT+01:00 Jean Batiste Sipa [cameroon_politics] <>:
Mon cher Alex
Tu étais presque dans la vérité. Mais, tu t'es trompé sur la cause. Le
problème de ceux qui ont signé ces coventions, sans pour autant les
avoir rédigées, peut-être même sans avoir essayé de les lire, n'était
pas leur niveau d'instruction... et l'Histoire de notre pays en donne
des indications incontournables.
Le vrai problème c'était le formatage intellectuelle qui programmait
la culture du Noir pour que celui-ci intègre que tout le mal que le
Blanc peut faire au Noir, c'est pour le bien du Noir. l'objectif
c'était que le Noir considère que le Blanc est ce bienfaiteur à qui il
doit une reconnaissance éternelle, et ne peut pour rien au monde gêner
les intérêts du Blanc. Moyennent quoi, ainsi qu'on nous l'enseignait à
l'école, "la France est notre mère; c'est elle qui nous nourrit
(jusqu'aujourd'hui d'ailleurs), avec ses pommes de terre et ses
macaroni". Je pourrai demander pourquoi vous qui êtes aujourd'hui
bardés d'agrégations d'économie ne pas fabriquer vos propres
macaronis à partir du macabo ou du manioc... Non seulement vous ne
pouvez pas trahir votre mission historique, mais vous signez même les
APE pour prévenir les velléités que des indigènes pourraient avoir,
de substituer les pâtes de macabos ou d'igname aux macaronis de "la
France notre mère".
Dans l'exemple que tu donnes, les "certifiés" q'on a envoyés en france
ne partaient pas chercher le savoir libérant pour venir transmettre.
On leur donnait la légitimité sociale pour perpétuer la culture du
Blanc, et dupliquer autant de défenseurs d'intérêts des Blancs que
Je peux te garantir qu'à cet égard, non seulement la situation en 2016
n'a pas changé, mais a empiré. Cite moi autour de toi combien il y a
des professeurs qui peuvent produire une page de quoi que ce soit,
sans se sentir obligés de citer les vrais auteurs dont ils se sont
contenté de reproduire la pensée. En revanche, si un étudiant se sert
des matériaux qu'il a glanés dans leurs cours, pour se faire une
pensée autonome comme le suggère le mot latin "educere" (éduquer en
français), ils lui colleront zéro à tous ses travaux (pour défaut de
citation de source).
Lorsque je dis: "je penses, donc je suis", il faut que je cite
Descartes pour qu'on admette que je sais quelque chose que n'importe
qui peut pourtant savoir et dire, à condition d'y avoir réfléchit. Or
quand Descartes l'avait dit, il n'a cité personne. Mon "je penses donc
je suis", à moi, n'est acceptable dans l'espace du savoir que si je
suis la reproduction de Descartes; que si je dis ce qu'il a dit. C'est
ce que j'appelle fornatage.
Le Ministre camerounais des finances qui a signé et rendu public à
Dakar, en 1994 la dévaluation du Franc CFA avait plus que le niveau du
BEPC. Mais il était là-bas pour défendre les intérêts de la France au
nom du gouvetrnement camerounais, parce qu'il n'avait pas cette
équation personnelle qui caractérise les hommes libres, pour agir
autrement. Il était seulement formaté à l'esprit que quand la France a
parlé, on doit accepter.
Le formatage pro-occidental en général, pro-français en particulier,
est le principe directeur du système éducatif que nous continuons a
subir, de la colonisation à nos jours, et qui nous donne le réflexe
que, non seulement ce qui est endogène ne vaut rien, mais des
pacotilles qui nous viennent d'ailleurs, la pacotille européenne ou
française est forcément meilleure que la chinoise.
De mon point de vue, et sans que j'ai besoin de citer qui que ce soit
pour le dire, le formatage dans la forme que j'évoque ici, est un
génocide intellectuel, dans la mesure où il tue l'homme que
l'éducation a pour but de développer intrinsèquement comme maître de
lui-même, et le transforme en une créature programmer contre lui-même.
Alex, je connais ton dégré de compréhension des choses, et je ne n'ai
pas besoin de trop argumenter pour t'expliquer que s'il ne s'agissait
pas de formatage comme stratégie pour tenir en servitude, nos chefs
d'Etat auraient déjà demandé, a minima, que le compte des opérations
soit fermé, et que les Banques centrales africaines prennent leur
autonomie dans une zone franc qui n'est plus qu'africaine, quitte à ce
que les stabilité et convertibilité (fictives d'ailleurs) dont on
parle, soient garanties par la Banque européenne.

Le 18/04/2016, Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
[cameroon_politics]<> a écrit :

> L'eau sort du mur!!!!
> On 4/17/16, djimeli2002 [cameroon_politics]
> <> wrote:
>> "nouk bassomb [cameroon_politics]"
>> <> a écrit :
>>>Patriote Ma Langue Yecke écrit, …la convention dite de l' Union monétaire
>>> de l'Afrique Centrale. Quand a-t-elle été ratifiée par le Cameroun ? Par
>>> qui? Comment? Peut-elle concourir à notre progrès ?
>>>Peuple, personne ne lit ces documents. Et puisque personne ne lit ces
>>> documents, personne ne les analyse. Et puisque personne ne les analyse,
>>> personne ne comprend vraiment comment, et pourquoi, nous sommes arrivés
>>> là
>>> où nous sommes. Et lorsqu'on en parle, on ne sait pas exactement de quoi
>>> on parle.
>>>Peuple, je vous invite à la lecture, l'analyse, de ces documents: la
>>> Constitution, la Convention de l'Union monétaire, etc – surtout à vous
>>> qui, sur ce forum, discutez du CFA et l'exigence d'une monnaie à nous
>>> mener vers le développement. Vous comprendrez mieux la situation.
>>>J'ai lu la Constitution du pays natal: j'ai été choqué de découvrir?
>>> constater? que le niveau d'études des auteurs de ce document ne
>>> dépassait
>>> pas le brevet d'études élémentaires. Je pense même être très généreux
>>> lorsque je place leur éducation à ce niveau-là.
>>>Lorsque l'Université de Yaoundé est créée en 1963, le pays natal n'a
>>> point
>>> de professeurs d'université. Que fait-on? On prend quelques élèves de
>>> lycée et collège, on les envoie en France, les aide à rédiger un texte
>>> dans la discipline de leur choix. Après six (6) mois, on les ramène au
>>> pays natal. Les uns sont maintenant des professeurs agrégés de lettres,
>>> d'autres sont professeurs agrégés d'économie, de droit constitutionnel,
>>> etc… Nombre d'entre eux sont toujours actifs. Nous pensons qu'il est
>>> compétent, l'homme à qui l'on a confié telle ou telle tâche parce qu'il
>>> est professeur agrégé de ceci ou de cela, alors qu'en réalité il a le
>>> niveau du brevet d'études élémentaires. On s'étonne qu'après son
>>> passage,
>>> la situation est pire que lorsqu'il est venu.
>>>Patriote Ma Langue Yecke, ce n'est pas le texte le problème mais le
>>> caractère insignificant de ceux qui écrivent ces textes-là.
>>>Ha naanɔ.
> --
> Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
> P.O.Box 5213
> Douala-Cameroon
> Tel. 237 673 42 71 27

jean Baptiste Sipa
237 99 46 06 11
Coordonnateur Article 55

Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

<Oui and Yes.jpg>


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