Re: Some views on Mola's mail of 04 July 2016 to Dear SouthernCameroonians (Ambazonians)

Comrade MAN,
This is much ado about nothing. Let us champion a new world order. Let us come up with concrete things to do in order to restore our state. We are not begging anybody. We are simply asking the annexationist to leave us peacefully because we did not join them by force and we will not stay with them by force. We do not want an inch of their territory either. We do not want any more bloodshed in Ambazonia. They have waged enough wars against our people and killed enough people from Ambazonia to warrant the Gods to be angry with them. Right now as we speak, bands of our patriots are languishing in various jails across la republique because they said no to impunity and their grievous crimes against our people. Of late, Kondengui prison in Yaounde received civilian prisoners transported from Wum to be trialed in a military tribunal in a foreign land and quite often in a language they do not understand.

Attached is the picture of one of our compatriots, Che Clovis who was bartered in Bamenda prison by one of the warders in-charge claiming that he is a terrorist in the Numvi et al vs la republique du cameroun Case. Maxwell is going blind in Buea prison for no crime committed except that he speaks SCNC language. We do not know why this is allowed to go on and on while we spend hours talking to ourselves here instead of addressing the crimes against our collective interests. We are suffering a genocide. We have been economically dismembered and disabled, and politically emaciated.

Common comrades, Lets for once Stop talking and start addressing these egregious crimes against too trusting a people in Ambazonia.

While thanking the older generation for resisting the temptation of giving up and accepting the status quo a la camerounese, I will like to appeal to the younger generation to stand up and act like other young people do everywhere when faced with similar circumstances. Where is our humanity? When impunity becomes the rule rebellion becomes the best option to re-establish order and peace. I do not expect the younger generation to follow in the steps of the old and have the audacity to blame them. With robust energy, I expect to hear the youths telling us that they have planned a peaceful march to the proconsuls to ask them to peacefully exit the land and allow us to develop it to the best of our ability. I expect the young people to tell us what they have to offer the new nation in terms of planting a renaissance at all levels. I expect the young people to act now to make the old people smile on their way to the grave. I do not expect them to get into verbal hot exchanges and plunge us into a blame game that leads us no where.

La republique du cameroun needs to be told that there is a limit to the endurance of evil and organized state terrorism. As a member of Amnesty International, I have a duty to keep them abreast with our story and all friends who speak on behalf of the vulnerable will hear the documented evidence and judge whether who is a brute and who is a gentleman in this dangerous state of affairs. Do not stand on the way of truth lest it breaks your trunk and renders you a scar on the conscience of the world. La republique needs to be told they are a threat to meaningful peace in the African sub region. Our sons and daughters everywhere need to engage actions against this monster eating up the state of Ambazonia and destroying its people and its rich cultural heritage. Anybody who is worth the salt and fails in this task is to be blamed in the time of reckoning. Please, use your networks and let us unanimously shame la republique to stop harassing our people and killing some for sport. Thank you for your kind attention.
Njousi Abang

On 7 July 2016 at 06:48, 'Chief Charles A.Taku' via ambasbay <> wrote:
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So therefore Mr M.A.N when you make an effort to begin  studying the case from the perspective of the Republic of Cameroun then and only then will you find that Mola's analysis took into consideration a comprehensive view of the entire case as opposed to this selective one sided overview.  When and if you undertake this exercise, you will find no reason to belabor this matter further.   For me, after an anxious consideration of the case from the perspective of all the parties, I do not see any reason to disturb the sound analysis made by Mola Njoh Litumbe.  The reason advanced by Ahidjo for organizing a referendum in 1972 and the actions of the Republic of Cameroun prior to and thereafter, and this includes their consistent opposition to the resolutions of the UN and the motivational rationale for the resolutions  you have selectively drawn our attention to,  clearly establish that there was a need for a union treaty to complete the exercise of external self determination of the Southern Cameroons mandated by the UN Charter.  This goal was not attained. The forms of the union suggested in speeches and resolutions you have drawn our attention to were never accepted, let alone formalized by LRC. This is the reason why prior to October 1, 1961, it amended its Constitution (1960) to annex Southern Cameroon. In effect, the amended provision of the constitution of LRC clearly states so. This is the act that must agitate sound reasoning about the nature of the relations between LRC and the Southern Cameroons and nothing else. This annexation did not form a valid legal basis for seeking a modification or adjustment of the territorial boundaries of LRC to include the territory of the SC. So therefore in 1972, Ahidjo sought a referendum whose purport you need to carefully read and analyse to enable you make an informed opinion about the case at bar. Before further action could be taken to internationalise the out come of the referendum, Paul Biya vitiated it and clarified the international identity of his country as unchanged from its territorial identity on January 1960.  The Committee of experts set up by LRC has comprehensively settled this matter from the perspective of LRC. Nothing you are saying changes their conclusion and nothing you are saying creates a union which they have concluded did not legally exist until 1972. That is the reason why they celebrate May 20 as the "fete de l'unite".  That is the celebration of the union which according to them occurred between LRC and SC on May 20, 1972. That putative union was vitiated by Paul Biya because it was a fraud ab initio. The celebration of the said fraudulent union on 20th May after it was vitiated and nullified by Paul Biya again highlight the desperation of LRC in struggling to find a solution to the criminal annexation of the SC which some among us seem to be recognizing in arguing that a union of two states was formalized through annexation and that it was only ended in 1984. No. 1984 only vitiated the  fraud committed in 1972 and clarified the internationally recognized identity of LRC on the critical date of January 1960. It also brought the focus on the state of annexation and colonial status of the SC since its annexation in September 1960 by LRC with the complicity of Great Britain. The shameful handing over of the the instruments of sovereignty over the territory of the SC at the Tiko Airport to Ahidjo as opposed to the leaders of the SC by Great Britain was a violation of  international law which some of us are endorsing.  This is most unfortunate.
My advice to them is that a one sided study of this case without considering the case of the opposing party will only bring us into ridicule and inhibit our ability to face the struggle with our adversary's case in mind.
 Chief Charles A. Taku
On Thu, 7/7/16, 'M A N' via ambasbay <> wrote:

 Subject: Some views on Mola's mail of 04 July 2016 to Dear Southern Cameroonians (Ambazonians)
 To: "" <>
 Cc: "yahoogroups" <>
 Date: Thursday, July 7, 2016, 7:51 AM

 views on Mola's mail of 01July 2016 to Dear Southern
 Cameroonians (Ambazonians)

 Mola, you


 I have read the very elegant speech by the Hon. S.T. Muna on
 Tuesday 17th
 October, 1961 at the General Assembly of the United Nations.
 (I suspect it was
 drafted by Prof.Bernard Nsokika Fonlon).

 2) It is not what any particular
 delegate states on
 the floor of the General Assembly that matters. 


 In the end, it is the recorded Resolution adopted by the
 majority of members of
 the General Assembly that becomes the decision of the
 Assembly. (Mola)"


 your above views that has been numbered into three points
 are not satisfactory,
 and are therefore
 confusing. We the younger generation had long being
 relying on the older
 generation, thinking they are right. If it was true, they
 very elders that
 negotiated this very mess could have got us out before they
 passed on. They did
 not tell us the truth. The younger generation have never had
 a statement of
 account as to what was achieved when our two prominent late
 leaders and those
 still with us, went to the UN to plead our case. We trusted
 them and give them
 all the support they needed. All the structure they left are
 in fractions or
 completely death. The young are now looking left and right
 for answers as if we
 did not have firsthand account of what was done. We are left
 to find our way
 out without clear directives from the main player. It is
 high time one really
 consider carefully what views are being pushed forward.
 Certain views can make
 frustrated or a lost generation to sin by swearing at our


 small information from the UN document will so show that
 what a delegate states
 on the floor of the UN General Assembly is always very
 important to the legal
 workings of the UN.


 Why in
 search for answers as to why is it that, all trust
 territories mentioned on the UN Trusteeship website that
 got independence, were all admitted under UN Article 4 into
 UN member states,
 ONLY the trust territory of British Southern Cameroons that
 had independence on
 the 1st October 1961 and British Northern Cameroons that had
 independence on
 the 1st
 June 1961 were nowhere to found. Even very smaller nations
 than us have their entry records at the UN club. On
 searching, something was noticed in UN official records
 within Southern
 Cameroons (Ambazonia) archives that linked to this Muna
 speech that you seem to
 have stated above that it has no legal effect within the


 the point focus was, if all trust territories that had
 independence where
 admitted as new member states, what became of Southern
 Cameroons that is
 clearly mentioned as being independent. All other
 independent state had, had
 Article 4 applied to them, what became of our case. Please
 note that, focus will
 only be on what affects Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) that
 had independence on
 October 1961. Anyone that will want to spend his or her to
 include Northern Cameroons is his cup of tea.


 Here we
 go –the extract below are UN legal interpretation of UN
 activities in relation
 to UN Article 4 i.e Admission of New Member States in to the


 In parts,
 read paragraph 07 and 08 below starting with the heading


 "C. Action taken by the Security Council and by
 the General Assembly concerning the application for
 admission of new Members


 07. During 1960, the Security Council
 recommended to the General Assembly the admission of the
 following States: Cameroun (Cameroon)7 on 26 January; Togo on 31
 May; Federation of
 Mali8 on 28 June; Madagascar  (Malagasy
 Republic)9 on 29 June; Somalia on 5 July; Congo
 (Leopoldville) on 7 July;10
 Dahomey, Niger, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, Chad, Congo
 (Brazzaville), Gabon, and
 Central African Republic on 23 August; Cyprus on 24 August;
 Senegal and Mali on
 28 September; and Nigeria on 7 October. On 3/4 December, the
 application of Mauritania failed to obtain a recommendation
 for admission …".


 08. At its
 fifteenth session the General Assembly, on 20 September 1960,
 admitted: Cameroun
 (Cameroon), Togo, Madagascar
 (Malagasy Republic), Somalia, Congo (Leopoldville), Dahomey,
 Niger, Upper
 Volta, Ivory Coast, Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon,
 Central African Republic,
 and Cyprus to membership in the United Nations. The General
 Assembly also
 resolved to admit to membership Senegal and Mali on 28
 September, and Nigeria
 on 7 October of that year …" (International
 Law Commission 1962)


  From paragraph 07
 above the focus should be on "During
 1960, the Security Council recommended to the General
 Assembly the admission of
 the following States: Cameroun (Cameroon)7 on


 The first question, is the Cameroun highlighted in red have
 any meaning at all?

 The second question, is the (Cameroon) highlighted in
 blue have any meaning at all?

 The third question is, why
 the footnote 7 attached to these

 The fourth question is, which
 county was the Security Council deliberating on the 26


 from paragraph 08 above the line that
 reads "At its
 fifteenth session the General Assembly, on 20 September 1960,
 admitted: Cameroun
 (Cameroon) …"


 The fifth question is, which
 country was admitted on the 20 September


 The full text of the Footnote 7 from
 paragraph 07 above is:


 = = =  7 In
 accordance with G A resolution 1608 (XV) endorsing the results of the
 separate plebiscites
 conducted in the northern and southern
 parts of the Cameroons under United Kingdom
 administration, the trusteeship status of Southern
 Cameroons was terminated
 on 1st
  October 1961 upon
 its joining the Republic of Cameroun, henceforth called
 the Federal Republic of Cameroon comprising East
 Cameroon, i.e., formerly the Territory of the Republic of
 Cameroun, and West Cameroon, i.e., formerly the Territory
 of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom
 administration. Sec General Assembly
 (XVI/1), Plenary 1038th mtg., paras. 15to 20. See also this Supplement under Article 76.
 = = =


 The first concern is how on earth
 is Resolution 1608(XV) that was the final step to decolonise
 the trust
 territory of British Cameroon that took place far ahead on
 the 21 April 1961 find
 its way into something that took place far back in the 1960?
 – Cameroun that
 had independence in 1960. 


 second concern is which country was actually admitted on the
 20 September 1960
 as a UN member states from these Cameroun
 (Cameroon)? Do we think that the Cameroun (Cameroon)
 used there is just
 French and English spelling of the same noun, as some will
 want us to believe? Is
 this not something that is affecting us as to who we are?
 This is one of the
 reasons that, as far back as in the 60s, people like late
 Ewusi were talking of
 Ambazonia to be our identity at independence to
 differentiate us from the
 French Cameroun. Did our elders and leaders listened the
 then? No! One will say
 same old story not so? Yes, wouldn't be going away any
 time soon.


 The third
 concern from the footnote 7 is why is it stated
 that "Sec G A (XVI/1), Plenary 1038th mtg.,
 15—20? What is it talking about?
 Fellow Ambazonians let everybody read it here below and take
 note of paragraph 15 to 20 as recommended in
 the footnote 7


 Please do
 the reccommodated paragraph 15 to 20 and Article 76 from the
 two links below .


 G A (XVI/1),Plenary 1038th mtg., paras.


 also this Supplement under Article 76


 reading it, will it be an over statement for one to conclude
 that what Mola
 said, delegates speaking on the General Assembly floor are
 not legally important
 is not correct? Dear Southern Ambazonians, we are quoting
 the legal stand point
 of the United Nations. We are analysing UN own legal
 documents. Every activity
 that any organ of the United Nations takes is always legally
 interpret or
 analysis by real legal experts to give such actions or
 activities the full international
 legal compliances that it has to have as a source of
 international law making
 body. So for someone to sit in his own world and keep
 talking without going
 deeper to find out as why certain things outside their own
 domain go the way
 there are is just worrying.


 We should
 also take note that during the plenary meeting of the
 General Assembly on
 resolution 1608 (XV) it was already on records, or known
 that the termination
 of the Trusteeship Agreement for the British Cameroons was
 independence as per
 UN Article 76b according the wishes of the people –most
 especially the Southern Cameroons wishes as per
 the plebiscites' results was to join with Cameroun in a
 Federal UNION. How did
 that choice or option to know the wishes of our people
 became to be that of
 joining Cameroun or Nigeria is a different explanations for
 another day --I
 should admit that our people or leaders then, are to be
 blamed, accept it or
 not. It has been done.    

 The fact that
 Hon ST Muna delivered a brilliant speech on 17th
 Oct. 1961 is very
 nice, but the UN General Assembly Resolution 1608 records
 the official
 consensus of the Members on the question of the date of
 independence of Southern
 Cameroons, which was violently opposed by LRC.


 Mola what
 do you mean by a brilliant speech on the 17th
 October 1961 is very
 nice? Nice to you because you enjoy the legal
 imprecation that resulted
 from it? From paragraph 15 to 20 you have read, how did that
 makes things nice
 for us? If Cameroun violently opposed the independence of
 Southern Cameroons,
 is the speech you qualify as brilliant and very nice showing
 any sign of
 standing up or resisting the fact that Cameroun did
 seriously opposed out rightly
 our own independence? What really makes it brilliant and
 very nice?


 this not have been, the right time for Muna to point out to
 the whole world,
 that Cameroun violently opposed our independent, so we will
 not continue with the
 union since he was talking as a delegate of an independent
 state after 1st
 October 1961?  Is this strategic thinking
 deficiency we are now suffering from, the very problem from
 the beginning. We
 are now trying to fight back after condoning the mess for so
 long, why could
 the fight not have started that day when Muna made the
 speech as the leader of
 the delegation of independent state of Southern Cameroons?
 Do you know that
 Muna speech took place two weeks after our independence date
 of 1st
 October 1961? Do you know that, that was the first and last
 appearance of independent
 Southern Cameroons state as per 1608XV when Muna appeared at
 the United Nations
 to say we have formed a perfect Federal Republic of
 Cameroon? From the legal
 connections and implications resulting from Muna speech, a
 rightful thinking
 Ambazonian nationalist will strongly curse those words
 "… ST Muna delivered a
 brilliant speech on the 17th
 October 1961 is very nice".


 Was that
 not the point everybody at the UN and world heard and
 accepted that the Federal
 constitution was is place as demanded in 1608XV? Think this
 way, knowing fully
 well that Cameroun opposed our independence, and knowing
 fully well that by
 operation of the UN Article 76b (Independence) as stated in
 the greater part of
 1608XV, came into effect on the 1st
 October 1961, could he not have
 used that moment for the first time as the leader of
 delegation of an independent
 Southern Cameroons to say no, to the union and nothing would
 have happened? Did
 he even knew what was at play, or he was thinking of his
 post in the federal cabinet?.
 Only when we as a people will come to know and support
 purely true Nationalist
 personalities to lead and talk for us we are not out of the


 Is it not
 now clear that, that speech was the legal bases for the
 frequent legal
 international records that said there was a Federal Union?
 British Government, and ILO.


 It is not biblical that, on an
 account of two witnesses, evidence should be
 accept. So, in our struggle, we have the United Kingdom
 saying the was a Federal
 Union paragraph 21, the United Nations records says there
 was a federal Union,
 the International Law Commission says there was a Federal
 Union. The International
 Court of Justice says there was a federal Union. The
 international Labour
 Organisation records say the same.  Are
 these not enough witnesses for us to accept or find out
 carefully how they came
 to such a conclusion as to find our way out? Or is it
 because by accepting such
 principles it will validate the stand of person we do not


 All these
 stand points, to best of my knowledge, I will confess that
 came to being, just
 because of this Muna's speech that finalised the paragraph
 5 of Resolution
 1608XV of 21 April 1961.


 That Resolution, by a
 majority of members, fixed 1 Oct 1961 as the date of
 independence of
 Southern Cameroons. The Resolution also strongly advised the
 holding of a
 tripartite conference between the British Administering
 Authority, the
 Govt of Southern Cameroons and the Govt of La Republique du
 Cameroun, to draw up a Union
 Agreement, reflecting the
 understandings and undertakings of the parties, it being
 understood that
 Southern Cameroons was first to be independent before
 joining La Republique du
 Cameroun in a Federation of 2 states equal in status.  It
 was not
 necessary to reproduce the provisions of the UN Charter Art
 102, as
 constitutional provisions are deemed to apply to all the
 dealings of member
 states of the UN.(Mola)


 Are you
 quoting from a draft or the official Resolution 1808 XV? One
 can see that
 something is not adding up in the phrase "to draw up a Union Agreement".
 Both the
 draft or final/official resolution 1608XV did not talked of
 drawing up a Union
 Agreement, but it state in paragraph 5. Invites
 the Administering Authority, the Government of the Southern
 Cameroons and the
 Republic of Cameroun to initiate
 urgent discussions with a view to finalizing, before 1 October 1961,
 the arrangements by which the agreed and
 declared policies of the parties concerned will be implemented.
 Plebiscite Pact has clearly pointed out the direction, which
 inferably has to
 end with a Federal Constitution and not a different


 Do you know that, UN
 by this time already had in their
 records those agreed and declared policies? What were those
 agreed and declared
 policies talking or insinuating to? Federal Union. Are
 federal union finalized or
 concluded in different instrument other than a Federal
 Constitution? In our
 case, given the fact that the Plebiscite Pact has already
 pointed out clearly direction
 thing. Let's constitutional lawyers talk help out. Are we
 not wasting time and
 energy talking of not union in compliance to UN Art. 102 and
 203? Or are we
 just running away because it will validating an old view
 that had been around for
 long time just because of a personality?


 Quotes during the
 General Assembly plenary meeting on
 1608 XV on the 21 April 1960.


 163. Sir
 Andrew COHEN (United Kingdom  … Negotiations have
 still to take place between the Government of the Southern
 Cameroons and the
 Government of the Republic of Cameroun. A constitution has to
 be drawn up and finalized. The communique
 issued by
 President Ahidjo and Mr. Foncha said that the constitution
 would be federal and that federation
 would not be automatic but
 gradual. [[[
 is it logical to say that since the federation was to be
 gradual, yes we
 started federation in October 1961 but by 1984 it became
 clear that it cannot
 work so Cameroun left and do not want to let go too. Me not


 170. Sir
 Andrew COHEN (United Kingdom  Exactly the same
 thing applies in the case of the
 Republic of Cameroun, and here I would like, if I may, to
 refer to paragraphs
 79-82—though I will not do so at length—of the report of
 the United Nations Plebiscite
 Commissioner'. When we asked
 the Government of the Republic of Cameroun what the
 arrangement would be in the
 case of the Southern Cameroons it the people chose the
 Republic, they sent to
 us a note verbale which is found in paragraph 79 of the
 report and which, in
 view of its importance, I must read out: "The Ministry
 of Foreign Affairs
 presents its compliments to the British Embassy to Cameroun
 at Yaounde and,
 with reference to its note verbale No. F.M. 68
 (1041/60) dated 16 December 1960, has the honour to
 state that,
 following the conversations which have just taken place at
 Douala between the
 President of the Republic of Cameroun and Mr. Foncha, the
 Premier of the
 Southern Cameroons, it has been decided that, in connection
 with the plebiscite
 organized in the Southern Cameroons on the question of
 whether that country
 should join the Federation of Nigeria or the Republic of
 Cameroun, the
 Government of the Republic of Cameroun has announced that it
 adheres to the
 spirit of the attached joint communiques, which indicate its
 desire for unification with the
 Cameroons under
 British administration on the basis of a Federation.
 "The Government of the Republic of Cameroun requests
 the British Embassy
 to consider the attached communiques as an expression of the
 official views of
 the Republic and further requests that they be published for
 the purposes
 prescribed by Trusteeship Council resolution 2013 (XXVI),
 referred to in its
 note verbale quoted above."


 171. Sir
 Andrew COHEN (United Kingdom  I do not need to go
 into details on the communique,
 but it contains the following phrase—and I quote from page
 8 of annex XIV of
 the appendix to Dr. Abdoh's


 "3. ..
 that they wish to create a Federal State whose
 institutions could
 be broadly outlined as follows:


 Federal United Cameroun Republic will be a democratic
 State'." This is the
 origin of the references in paragraph 5 of the draft


 Take note
 here that, from the preceding paragraph the word Federal
 United Cameroun
 Republic is mention in the plebiscite pact, as well as in
 the Federal Constitution
 and the name of the country (until 1984) that Muna was
 quoting and not in the
 official vision of 1608XV. Why did it not appear in the
 final resolution?
 Because it was not legal to state it in, directly by UN.
 Also we should ask ourselves,
 if there were two sovereign states uniting, why was the
 Cameroon not in the plural form say Camerouns or Cameroons?
 We always allow
 others, or want others people to do our own things for us.
 We are just a people
 who do not care about meaning of words, not so? We did not
 care when, and the
 means used when the word federal was removed from the said
 constitution Muna
 was quoting. We did not care when the word united and the
 two yellow stars on
 the flag was removed because we are very learned people in
 the world. All we
 care and want to prove is that there should be a union
 treaty different from a
 Federal constitution to comply with 102 and


 172. Sir
 Andrew COHEN (United Kingdom  It was
 these documents which were published for the information of
 the people of the
 Southern 'Cameroons and it was on them that they voted,
 and therefore it does
 not seem unreasonable to us that they should be referred to.
 On the other hand,
 if I may make a suggestion as representing the Administering
 Authority, it
 seems to me --and this particular point was raised by the
 representatives of
 Argentina and Guinea, and by others --that it would help the
 situation, and, I
 hope, it help the Government of the Republic of Cameroun, if
 this proposal of
 the representative of Guinea were adopted, and as far as I
 am concerned, we see
 no objection to the deletion of the words "for a
 union of the Southern Cameroons with the Republic of
 Cameroun into a Federal
 United Cameroun Republic", and I would be quite
 prepared to vote
 separately on the deletion of those words. I believe that
 such deletion would
 help a number of delegations.


 Why was the
 phrase "for a union of the Southern
 Cameroons with
 the Republic of Cameroun into a Federal United Cameroun
 Republic" deleted from the draft? It was
 strongly argued by delegations of member's states that,
 the UN cannot dictate
 to any sovereign state specifically what form of union a
 state can have with
 other states. That was why paragraph 6 of the draft 1608XV
 was removed and
 never appeared in the final 1608XV, but it was already known
 that as per the
 agreed and declared policies it was to be Federal United


 In the history of
 United Nations has there been
 Federal forms of union between member's states prior to
 the union between
 independent Southern Cameroons and Republic of Cameroun? If
 yes, where there any
 special union treaty different from a Federal constitution
 between the parties,
 and then simple
 notification where then sent to
 the UN either by note, cable, fax
 or speech to SAY that, such and such sovereign member states
 are in a Federal
 Union, without reference to UN Article 102 or 103? Yes, let
 read UN example


 Formation of the
 United Arab Republic, 1958


 17. The following note, dated
 24 February 1958, was sent to the Secretary- General by the
 Foreign Minister of
 the United Arab Republic18


 plebiscite held in Egypt and Syria on 21 February 1958
 having made clear the will of the Egyptian and Syrian
 people to unite their
 two countries in a single State, the Minister for Foreign
 Affairs of the United
 Arab Republic has the honour to notify the Secretary-General
 of the United
 Nations of the establishment of the United Arab Republic,
 having Cairo as its
 capital, and the election, in the same plebiscite, of
 President Gamal Abdel
 Nasser as President of the new Republic." (UN ILC) No
 different treaty was
 made to comply with UN Article 102 or 103. [[[Which is
 similar to what Muna


 Even within the
 Fourth Committee draft resolution 1608XV, it was
 mentioned that UN
 constitutional experts were to be involved with the
 implementation of union
 that was to be form. But during the plenary meeting, member
 states objected it on
 legal grounds that, it was against the UN charter for the
 United Nations to
 send or appoint outsiders as experts to draw a constitution
 of a sovereign
 state – that, it is the right of nationals of a sovereign
 state to determine
 what form of constitution they want. The Cameroun delegates
 at meeting made it very
 clear that, if the UN inserted such a clause into the final
 resolution 1608XV,
 the government of Cameroun will not allowed entry to such
 experts into
 Cameroun. By implication Britain was in one way or the other
 not welcome by
 Cameroun. This somehow explain why we read most of the time
 that Foncha, the
 Prime Minister was the one having meeting with Ahidjo
 without Britain take
 central stage. Instead of Foncha who knew this because he
 was present during
 the plenary meeting, to fall back for help from his own people, decided to make his deal with
 Ahidjo for his
 political post of vice president. Foncha actually abandon
 the real terms of the
 Plebiscite Pact (the corner Stone of the union) that would
 have resulted into a
 strong Federal Constitution if the nationalist or learned
 Ambazonians were
 brought in. But he betrayed Ambazonian by secretly settling
 in for the revised
 internal constitution of the Cameroun. What is so painful is
 that he did not
 disclosed the said French revised constitution in his
 keeping to our people
 before Foumban talks. It is like, Foncha thought that rather
 than sellout
 alone, ones guess is that, Muna was just there looking for
 his own possibility
 to make his own gain as he too was promised a post in the
 fake Federal cabinet.
 So, we see Muna go to make the speech at the UN General
 Assembly that nailed us
 as we are seeing. Let the doubting Thomas' read. It was
 after this speech that
 the name Federal Republic Cameroun or Cameroon or Cameroons
 or Camerouns
 entered the international legal arena like the ICJ in 1963
 Northern Cameroons
 case, ILO, ILC. And the UN.
 British government and the world.

 of the Revelations from British

 In one such
 stunning revelation, the Deputy Commissioner for the
 Cameroons, Mr. Malcolm Milne, filed the following
 despatch to the
 Colonial Office in London On July 1, 1961, after the ALL
 Party Conference that
 held in Bamenda from 26-30 June 1961 to prepare for the
 Foumban Conference.

 "… We believe, on
 very good information, that Foncha
 has already done a private deal with Ahidjo, the idea being
 that the present
 Government of the Republic will become the government of the
 Federation on 1st
 October, and that the sovereignty will be transferred to it
 and defence and
 national security will become federal matters.


 In return for
 bringing the Southern Cameroons on these
 terms Foncha has been promised the
 Vice-Presidency of
 the Federal Republic and Muna has been promised a post in
 the Federal Cabinet.
 At one time we
 thought there might have been a
 show-down at the Bamenda All-Party Conference with every
 one's cards on the
 table, but all that has happened is that Foncha has trotted
 out his
 pre-plebiscite constitutional proposals and invited comments
 on them.


 The CPNC and OKP-and
 indeed the Chiefs also – have
 demanded an account of what went on during the Tripartite
 Conference between
 representatives of La Republique du Cameroun, the Southern
 Cameroons, and the
 United Kingdom that held in the House of Assembly in Buea
 from 15–17 May, 1961,
 but Foncha, strongly pressed by Muna, has kept


 It seems that the
 other ministers although very
 unhappy are nevertheless tagging along. Notably Foncha has
 told them that if
 the worse comes to the worst and Ahidjo's terms have to be
 accepted they can
 still hope to remain in office in the Southern


 It seems that Foncha
 will now trot off to Bamun armed
 with the views of all parties in the Southern Cameroons (and
 all are unanimous
 in opposing any suggestion of the transfer of sovereignty to
 a body other than
 a body representing the future federation: they also are
 unanimous in demanding
 that defence must be a regional


 He will presumably
 once again test Ahidjo's attitude.
 If the latter is firm, Foncha will, I think, give into him
 and take refuge in
 the secret deals arrangement. I am sure that the wretched
 little man is moved
 very largely by considerations of what is best for himself;
 the interests of
 the Southern Cameroons will come a poor second. However, he
 will need more than
 his usual luck and agility to avoid a moment of truth should
 he return from
 Bamun having accepted Ahidjo's terms". = = = 


 agrees that the alleged so-called LRC Law 24/61 of 1st Sept
 1961 violated Art.
 102 of the UN Charter and, in the absence of a written
 Agreement between the
 parties, was unconstitutional and illegal. Any conclusions
 founded on the violation
 of a constitutional provision suffer from the cancerous base
 of an illegality,
 which cannot be repaired, because the base is


 so-called Joining Law No. 24/61 unilaterally passed by the
 Parliament of La
 Republique du Cameroun and promulgated by its President on 1
 Sept 1961 could
 have no legal application to the territory of Southern
 Cameroons which was
 still a UN trust territory until midnight of 30 Sept 1961.
 LRC Law No. 24/61
 creating a "Federation" with Southern Cameroons,
 without there being
 a union agreement with that territory, collapses under the
 weight of UN Charter
 Art. 103.(Mola)

 Mola can you always go a little bit deeper to back your
 point? Take note that
 UN on the 21st
  April 1961during
 the plenary meeting that concluded 1608XV had demanded in it
 that "…. urgent
 discussions with a view to finalizing, before 1 October 1961,
 the arrangements by which the agreed and declared policies
 of the parties
 concerned will be implemented". The big problem here
 is that our Prime Minister did not tell our people what was
 going on or what he
 was doing. He did not involve the people who would have
 bargain for us. Our
 leadership accept what Ahidjo brought without fight back. No
 body questioned it
 at the time or even till …… What do you think would have
 happened if our people
 knew and raise an alarm?  The talking now
 is as if these happened without out complete participation
 of our own leaders.
 Which is not honesty at all.


 Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) live with now is an illegal
 co-habitation with
 LRC. There has been no legitimate union that complies with
 international law
 per the UN Charter Art 102.. UN General Assembly Res. 1608
 of 21 Apr 1961 fixed
 the date of 1st Oct 1961 as the date of the Independence of
 Southern Cameroons.
 The independence of Southern Cameroons has been suppressed
 by La Republique du
 Cameroun by ,annexing the territory and converting it into
 two regions within
 its own country.(Mola)

 Yes, the Resolution 1608XV fixed 1st
 October 1960 as Independence
 Day for Southern Cameroons. Do you also agree that that same
 resolution also
 stated that agreed and declared policies of the
 be finalized before 1st
 October 1961? Who was doing things
 for us then? Was it only Cameroun? No! After what was
 jointly done with the
 full knowledge and participating of our Prime Minister was
 taken in parts to UN
 General Assembly that a Federation union has been finished.
 Just read what Muna
 said in paragraph 18 and 19


 "18 -Finally, we successfully produced a draft
 Constitution, which, having been adopted by the two
 legislatures of East and
 West Cameroon, now binds the two States together as a
 Federation, which came
 into being as the Federal Republic of Cameroon on 1 October
 1961. We are
 proud to report that this Constitution, drawn up by us,
 is typical and
 adaptable to our peculiar and existing


 19. I should now like to
 read out parts of
 several articles of the Constitution in order to impress
 upon representatives
 that the unification we have achieved is not a faked or
 an imaginary one, but a reality."


 With these and other
 more in our archives, Mola you wants to say that 102 and 103
 is the wining
 card? One fact is clear, there is no direct court to hear
 this annexation that
 we have helped bring on us by keeping silence for too long.
 It is also worth
 noting that the UN also has her detail facts as to what
 happened. They must
 have a reason to have in their record sometimes back that
 there was a
 Federation union between Southern Cameroons and Cameroun. If
 we know why the UN
 records says so, then it will help us. If we know how we got
 in to the mess
 into first place, what was our own part in the in the game
 and to admit our
 mistakes or failures then we will be able to access the
 problem well. To say,
 that party did this and that, without acknowledging our
 failures is very
 dangerous way of doing. That part might be waiting for us to
 us say we did this
 and that as well. We have learn more from what the UN have
 in archives, so that
 we can have a winning strategy. I do not think anyone is
 ready for any failed
 or unaccounted mission like that of the 9 man delegation to
 UN in 1993.

 These facts
 are being put out not to demonized anyone, but to let us
 know what really
 happened –specially the part that we  or
 our leaders played, before we get to where we are, and not
 just to blame someone
 out there as if we were not part of it. As we make
 accusations we should be
 aware they two have us on records. And should anyone think
 that these facts are
 being out to demonize others as to support a particular view
 point, then such a
 person should rethink.



 It is our fervent
 stand that democracy should not be played over matters of
 Sovereignty at all –but
 democracy highly
 acceptable over internal politics and all other internal
 matters. Once Sovereignty
 is attacked all must stand up above all
 political spectrum to defend Sovereignty. Without
 sovereignty, no politics and
 no democracy.  It is also our passionate
 stand that real Nationalist
 be allowed or supported to lead matters of Sovereignty and not politicians. Politicians are highly welcome to
 do or practiced
 democracy over all other national or internal matters





   From: Njoh Litumbe
  Sent: Monday, 4 July
 2016, 20:12
  Subject: Re: BREAKING:
 THE UN IN 1961

 Dear Southern Cameroonians (Ambazonians)

 I have read the very elegant
 speech by the Hon. S.T. Muna on Tuesday
 October, 1961 at the General Assembly of the United Nations.
 suspect it was drafted by Prof.Bernard
 Nsokika Fonlon).

 It is not
 what any particular delegate states on the floor of the
 General Assembly that matters.  In the end, it
 is the recorded
 Resolution adopted by the
 majority of members of the General Assembly
 that becomes the decision of the Assembly.

 The fact that the Hon ST Muna
 delivered a brilliant speech on 17th
 1961 is very nice, but the UN General Assembly Resolution
 records the official consensus of the
 Members on the question of the
 date of
 independence of Southern Cameroons, which was violently
 opposed by LRC.  That Resolution, by a
 majority of members,  fixed 1
 Oct 1961 as
 the date of independence of Southern Cameroons.  The
 Resolution also strongly advised the holding of
 a tripartite
 conference between the
 British  Administering Authority, the Govt of
 Southern Cameroons and the Govt of La
 Republique du Cameroun, to draw
 up a Union
 Agreement, reflecting the understandings and undertakings
 of the parties, it being understood that
 Southern Cameroons was first
 to be
 independent before joining La Republique du Cameroun in a
 Federation of 2 states equal in status.  It
 was not necessary to
 reproduce the
 provisions of the UN Charter Art 102, as constitutional
 provisions are deemed to apply to all the
 dealings of member states of
 the UN.

 Independence by Joining has
 been defined by UN General Assembly Res.
 1541(XV) passed on 15 Dec. 1960, which
 stipulated that Independence by
 could only be either by way of association or by
 The logical inference is that
 the  the methodology for joining having
 been established by a UN General Assembly Res.
 of 15th Dec. 1960,
 which had not been
 amended, it applied equally to the joining
 conversations of April 1961, unless otherwise

 Everybody agrees
 that the alleged so-called LRC Law 24/61 of 1st Sept
 1961 violated Art. 102 of the UN Charter and,
 in the absence of a
 written Agreement
 between the parties, was unconstitutional and
 illegal. Any conclusions founded on the
 violation of a constitutional
 suffer from the cancerous base of an illegality, which
 cannot be repaired, because the base is

 The so-called
 Joining Law No. 24/61 unilaterally passed by the
 Parliament of La Republique du Cameroun and
 promulgated by its
 President on 1 Sept 1961
 could have no legal application to the
 territory of Southern Cameroons which was still
 a UN trust territory
 until midnight of 30
 Sept 1961.  LRC Law No. 24/61 creating a
 "Federation" with Southern Cameroons,
 without there being a union
 agreement with
 that territory, collapses under the weight of UN
 Charter Art. 103.

 What Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) live with
 now is an illegal
 co-habitation with LRC.
 There has been no legitimate union that
 complies with international
 law per the UN
 Charter Art 102..
 UN General Assembly Res.
 1608 of 21 Apr 1961 fixed the date of 1st Oct
 1961 as the date of the     Independence of
 Southern Cameroons.
 The independence of
 Southern Cameroons has been suppressed by La
 Republique du Cameroun by Annexing the
 territory and converting it
 into two regions
 within its own country.


 a majority of Southern Cameroonians can tender proof to the
 UN that
 their independence has been
 suppressed, and their territory illegally
 annexed, their plea to exercise their
 fundamental and unquestionable
 human right
 of self-determination will be granted.

 That is the way forward, for the last straw has
 been the
 nationalization of the prime Jewel
 of Southern Cameroons, the CDC,
 which is
 sitting on Bakweri prime land on lease to the CDC,
 reference to the indigenous Bakweri
 landowners and  without

 Hello Southern Cameroonians
 (Ambazonians), seeking a solution in small
 camps has yielded no result.  We must, as a
 PEOPLE,  unite, and seek
 support to assert our unquestionable fundamental human
 right of self-determination.  The time is

 Oma nanu



 On 7/4/16, 'M A N' via ambasbay <>
 > Dear Acham
 There are more in stock for us. When one goes through
 records of; -United
 > Nations (UN) i.e
 Fourth Committee, Sixth Committee, General Assembly)
 > -International Law Commission
 (ILC)-International Court of Justice; one will
 > notice that these highest international
 law making bodies had talked of a
 Federation Republic of the Cameroons here and there in their
 records but we
 > are the very people who
 are refusing to find out why? All we have been doing
 > is looking at personality politics and not
 standing in principles.
 > We are at a
 stage that every one is talking about action but less than
 > of us really know how we got into
 the problem in the first place. If we
 truly know how we entered the problem then it will be easy
 to find a way
 > out. If we know, it will
 help us know who exactly is to be targeted are why.
 > I here confess to our people that 99.5% do
 not really know how we got to
 > where we
 find ourselves. The 0.5% that know are never taken seriously
 > being heard because we do or like
 personality politics and not politics
 based on principles first before personality.
 > From the volumes of records on the Trust
 Territory of British Cameroons, if
 > we
 know what part the our leaders (Foncha, Muna and Endeley)
 did during the
 > decolonization process
 of our country we will know how to focus are fight.
 > Some will say Endeley's predict about
 joining with Cameroun was to be bad
 > and
 it has come to pass --yet we failed to find out how Endeley
 > alternative of joining but
 Nigeria would have been good. Some will say Muna
 > said our independence is on the ground, it
 is only for us to bend down and
 > pick.
 He did not tell us that he told the whole world through the
 > Assembly on the 17 October 1961
 (just 16 days after 1 October 1961) that a
 > perfect Federation Republic was in place.
 Some will say that Foncha cried
 > during
 AAC I conference in Buea but he did not tell us that he had
 a secret
 > deal with Ahidjo not to
 strictly implement the Plebiscite Pact references in
 > 1608XV paragraph (5) in return of his
 political post of vice president in
 > the
 fake Federal Republic Cameroon. The British knew this and
 > silence.
 > These our leaders did not tell us that,
 they did not demand for complete
 independence for the Southern Cameroons --their parties
 being the first and
 > second majority
 parties in Southern Cameroons at the time. The voices of
 > real nationalist like Kale, Manga and
 Traditional rulers party (Fons) at the
 Manfe Conference that were in the minority but were for
 total independence
 > for southern
 Cameroons on its own were never stated at the UN when the
 > question of our future was to be
 considered. It is on records Foncha and
 Endeley got the Southern Cameroons parliament to give them
 powers to speak
 > for people Southern
 Cameroons. It is records that only their contrary
 > parties ideas were tabled at the UN for
 consideration. The complete
 > independent
 voice was never mention at the UN when the political leaders
 > the Southern Cameroons went to the
 UN after Manfe conference.
 > One
 important fact we must always is the Trusteeship Agreement
 and UN
 > Article 76b made mentioned very
 clearly that the termination of the
 Trusteeship will be according to the  wishes of the people.
 All through the
 > process, the wishes of
 our people that was handed to Foncha and Endeley was
 > above the United Nations and United
 Kingdom. So, what ever our wishes was to
 > be the UN and Britain was to go by it. Our
 leaders did not have voice as to
 > what
 our future would be for consideration. Their differences as
 what we
 > want became so messy that
 foreign countries were worried. It was are leaders
 > that were so desperate to go with Nigeria
 or Cameroun. Even at a time,
 > Cameroun
 made it clear to the UN that it will never allow any
 > experts to enter her
 country to implement paragraph 5 of 1608 XV because the
 > UN has no legal right to dictate to a
 sovereign nation. Cameroun voted
 against 1608XV, yet our people were till bend to join
 Cameroun as if we were
 > cursed. It was
 the wishes of people that British and the UN followed.
 > UN records it is legally clear
 that after vote of Resolution 1608XV (64
 > infavor, 23 against and 10 abstention) the
 UN main objective of Article 76b
 INDEPENDENCE was achieved for the British Cameroons in
 accordance to to the
 > wishes of the
 people. It is clearly seen from UN records that the
 > implementation of paragraph 5 of 1608XV
 (Terms of the Plebiscite Pact which
 > was
 Federation) was considered to be internal affairs of two
 > independent states. Take note
 that the question of Northern Cameroons is not
 > touch here, because they too have their
 own way. The records are very clear.
 > After United Republic
 of Cameroon law 84/01 was passed, these our indirectly
 > ganged up with Cameroun (Paul Biyia)
 against the Ambazonian Restoration
 Council under Gorji Dinka's leadership when Dr. Fonlong
 handed to over.
 > Instead of looking at
 principles that a person stands for first, we are are
 > looking but for personality. Our people
 have been and are still the very
 > ones
 that are keeping us under occupation because, they and their
 > are the ones benefiting from
 it. Are we sure the transfer of the CDC
 headquarter to Yaounde is without the knowledge of our
 > I wish we
 all take some time to read these two international legal
 > interpretation on how the British
 Cameroons termination of the trusteeship
 > is viewed within international law. We do
 not needs to seek for treaty of
 > union
 but just to tell the UN that the Federation Republic of
 Cameroon end
 > in 1984 period.
 > 1 -ILC Legal Analysis
 on UN Article 76b -Future of the Cameroons under
 > British Administration
 > 2 -ILC Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on
 Termination of the Trusteeship
 Agreement of British Cameroons
 > 3 -Muna
 at the UN General Assembly meeting 17 days after 1 October
 > Taking action based on perfect
 understanding of legality is the best way.
 > The two must go together -- but then are
 we there yet?
 > MANAmbazonianDownUnder
 >       From: Julius
 Acham <>
 >  To: ambasbay <>
 >  Sent: Monday, 4 July 2016, 12:31
 THE UN IN 1961
 Muna's Speech at the UN GA Acknowledging Unification
 & Independence of The
 > Cameroons
 > Could this mean there
 was a Union? Could this be the reason LRC, UK and UN
 > are silent about our cases?. Could this be
 the reason the UN said our case
 > is
 closed and the UK said we rounded up the UNION?This makes
 > suggestion of Foumban II
 useless.This release by HRH Gorji Dinka  must be
 > taken seriously. Suggests that  we focus
 on 1984 and Law of creation and
 dissolution of States, to win hands down.
 > ​JA​
 > --
 > more:
 > --
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