Yes ALIM was created in 2013 to detonate the "MASS MOVEMENT" content of our emancipation quest! This was a "prescription" specifically requested by "peoples" who would love to be in the POSITION to help us recover our lost independence but can't not at this juncture because of the prevalence of confusion and our continuous reflection but of the Cameroonian position!
No one can NOT create a MASS MOVEMENT with the TYPE OF SUPPORT so far received from the emancipation quest AND IT IS NOT FOR LACK OF TRYING! Pan-Cameroonism still runs our political processes as you read this and some politicians think it doesn't matter! We have not even identified thus very vicious enemy yet as our number one enemy they must be vanquished by whatever means necessary. This is why NO ONE OUT THERE (the rest of the world) WHO HEARS ABOUT OUR CASE THINKS WE ARE SERIOUS PEOPLE!
You may want to blame our political culture that is STILL heavily titled on "personality-ethnic" politics than on "principled-based" IDEOLOGICAL politics. As soon as the unsuspecting MASSES read ANYTHING from some of their revered ETHNIC-STOKING politicians, they believe it as true: NO QUESTIONS ASK. Our people have continued to be FOOLED (since time immemorial) by these opportunistic politicians that have not invested any critical thinking on the problem and its solution to come out with a SINGLE REASON THEORY! Yes amongst the plethora of problems and its potential solution, it's time for a new "paradigm shift" that would simplify our emancipation quest to a SINGLE REASON. We have been victim of CONFUSIONISM forever - Infact since the creation of the functional state in the international personality called by this phrased: THE UNITED NATIONS TRUST TERRITORY OF THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS UNDER UNITED KINGDOM ADMINISTRATION!
We the mass movement that we all should help generate, we will RESET the emancipation quest under this new paradigm shift of the SINGLE REASON THEORY. It posits that the only reason we are a recolonized people today is because our leadership failed to DECLARE independence when the UN Trusteeship was terminated on the midnight of September 30-1960. The SINGLE REASON THEORY also states why! Because our politicians used the "identity and nationalism" of the offending CAMEROONIAN State rather than create one that would have immunized our POLITY from the debilitating forces of pan-Cameroonism, right from the start in 1947 we had no chance!!! We are today paying the price of this for this collective stupidity as a recolonized people lost inside "pan-Cameroonia" but now under no UN special status!
That the majority of our people have continued to place their HOPE on UNREALISTIC SOLUTIONS that requires "begging others who may not have our best interest for help"!!!! Such as the type of SOLUTIONS that require INPUT FROM THIRD PARTIES AND NOT FROM OURSELVES !! Such as all those LEGALESE-based strategies which even IF successful would require the "voluntary compliance from Cameroon" as NONE has any ENFORCEMENT ability. This could be reason our masses still don't yet get it that this our liberation would struggle require 100% effort from all of us before any external help can even be attracted! This is rendered worse as the "INERTIA and self-interest" factor which continues to motivate some of the POLITICIANS to pursue the legalese strategies regardless in the face of evidence of past decisions which whether favorable of unfavorable had ZERO impact on the emancipation quest! In other words we are expecting the REALITY of POWER POLITICS to be waived for us!
The functional MASS MOVEMENT model has already been identified in ALIM'a LIBERATION MANTRA. All it needs is that you and others who think we don't have to be out there begging help from "third parties" to adopt and execute the MANTRA wherever you are. The ALIM's MANTRA is a sustainable self-executable ideology that will greatly assist the emancipation quest RESET itself under the platform of the real power we know we have. The powers in our AMBAZONIAN NATIONALISM will flow in geometric proportion as the MASS MOVEMENT grows if you (the individual) do not punt this sacred responsibility to anyone but be resolved to contributing your yen "widows mute" accordingly:
(1) we will need financial resources to do anything: reason for the symbolic "ONE DOLLAR per day" for the sustenance of the emancipation quest!
(2) we will need "reliable people" to SHOW UP for the variable kinds of "public activities when required such as public demonstrations: reason for your " ONE HOUR per week" contribution to the emancipation quest.
(3) we know all people have the potential to change attitudes! And they will adopt change not because of the persuasive strength of FACTS but because the saw others they otherwise thought could not change: reason for emancipation quest request that you make every effort to "RECRUIT ONE NEW MEMBER" every month towards your lifetime total of three.
Ofcourse, these are the bare minimum requirements which if taken seriously by you and others would be certain to detonate the much needed MASS MOVEMENT component of the emancipation quest.
So HOPEFULLY, please the next mail from you or anyone other there should be about an "announcement" of the creation of an ALIM BRANCH where you reside! This is the kind of ACTION that will deliver real result because it will be one that comes with the ELEMENT OF POWER.
Edwin Ngang
Community Organizer
Sent from my iPhone
--As far as I know is that ALIM was created about two years ago and it should have taken over this opportunity to come out of its training ground to start the liberation for the British Southern Cameroon (AMBASONIA) so that many youths can join them to conduct the total liberation of our country, British Southern Cameroon, AMBASONIA!
From: 'Edwin' via ambasbay <>
To: FREE AMBAZONIANS <>; SCNC North America <>; Cameroonians Pan-Cameroonians <>; Ambazonian emancipationists <>; SCYLeaguers <>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 12:59 AM
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--What are people still waiting for??Join the Revolution !MAKE AMBAZONIA HAPPENWhere ever you are (conducive to your local situation tolerance of democratic expressions) join ALIM or form your own branch of AMBAZONIA LIBERATION MOVEMENT and become part of the RESET CAMPAIGN to revive and restart the emancipation quest to be laser FOCUSED on independence!The ALIM MANTRA is the engine to propel a sustainable self executable RESET ideology to enable the aggrieved and recolonized people of AMBAZONIA to INVOKE their rights of self determination!^*^*Let us not CONTINUE TO fool ourselves that the WORLD knows about our plight!^*^The world knows nothing about our current RECOLONIZED status and would not know anything as long as we keep calling ourselves by a name the colonizer love called "Southern Cameroonians" and our Country "Southern Cameroons"! They are all variants of the root name CAMEROON which is how the world knows us!!!Let us RESET the emancipation quest and MAKE OUR LIBERATION SIMPLE by adopting the pre-independence identity and nationalism of the very unique and differentiating name of AMBAZONIA so that the WORLD can begin to know of our plight! This is how we will bring back POWER into the struggle -- the "real power" we know we can have because it in us THE PEOPLE, and not the "imaginary power" we hope to have in or dreams.Complaining over and over again about mistreatment we know we should expect as the third class citizens of CAMEROON we are is all we do! It is now so very predictable as its exhausted its 72 hours life cycle in the Internet!Meanwhile there is already a viable FUNCTIONAL solution in place.Join the current drive to RESET our stalled liberation struggle when we will convene a CONFERENCE specifically to invoke our rights of self determination and by that DEFINE the real Cameroon state! A country which since 1961 has illegally and forcibly recolonized another country we will like to DIFFERENTITE as far as we can from any misinformation Cameroon is know to former by calling it AMBAZONIA.Become part of the SOLUTION!Edwin NgangCommunity Organizer ALIM -NAALIM -AMBAZONIA Liberation Movement North America
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:From: Thomas <>
Date: July 28, 2016 at 3:46:39 PM EDT
To: "" <>
Reply-To: people take charge of their own development, Cameroon as a whole is going nowhere. people cannot pay taxes in bamenda for it to wind up in yaounde to sustain a moribund regime. it is utter nonsense!
From: <> on behalf of Rexon Nting <>
Sent: July 28, 2016 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: WHO IS INCHARGE OF BAMENDA?????--We are all responsible for the mess going on in Cameroon. There is no road to Bamenda and the city is in such a sorry state and we still have folks who support the CPDM amongst us from the NW and we call them our relatives/friends. No way. I dont smile with wicked people who think only about themselves.
From: 'Mishe Fon' via ambasbay <>
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 6:36 PM
To: CAMNETWORK; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup;; Community News
Subject: WHO IS INCHARGE OF BAMENDA?????--Who is incharge of Bamenda Metropolis? Is it the elected Mayor, The appointed Government Delegate, The ENAM Sous Prefet, the ENAM Prefet or the appointed Governor massa Yeye de l'Afrique?Here below is a street in Small Mankon leading to Longla in a completely deplorable state of neglect and abandon. Where are all the Mankon and Abakwa sons and daughters to come to the rescue of their city. This is Bamendrouslly very unbecoming of our city. Even Tchad does not look like this.
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