RE: Condolences on the Death of a Great Person - Justice Aloysius Nelson Mbu

May the soul of our great friend and advocate ANT Mbu rest in perfect peace with the Lord. He was a great Cameroonian. May peace and harmony reign amongst his kids in his absence.Dominic Awahmukalah Ph.D.

Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 20:34:29 +0000
Subject: Condolences on the Death of a Great Person - Justice Aloysius Nelson Mbu

My dear Edmund and Mbu Family:

I would like to seize this opportunity to express sincere condolences to you, for the untimely passing away of your Dad and my very good friend, Justice Aloysius Nelson Mbu.  I vividly recall that in the 1980's when I was Senior Lecturer at Pan African Institute for Development in Buea, I moderated several academic sessions taught by Justice Mbu in his capacity as Guest Lecturer of that Institution. He was the Judge in-charge of Buea High Court at that time.

On the political arena, Justice Aloysius Mbu was very instrumental in the formation and smooth functioning of the Cameroon Anglophone Movement (CAM) that metamorphosed into the SCNC after the Mount Mary Maternity All Anglophone Conference (AAC-1) in April 1992, and AAC-2 in Bamenda in 1993.  He strongly endorsed the justified emancipation of the Southern Cameroons and was the Chief Legal Adviser for the cause.  Additionally, he was the legal adviser of the Southern Cameroons Delegation that presented a petition to the United Nations under the leadership of Dr. J. N. Foncha and Hon. S. T. Muna in 1995. 

Justice Mbu contributed enormously to the Southern Cameroons emancipation struggle in a number of ways: prolific writer and disseminator of information about the political evolution of the Southern Cameroons, active participation in meetings and conferences about the Southern Cameroons, addressed meetings and conferences on Southern Cameroons issues, etc.  He was a steadfast proponent of the emancipation of the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia and also positively contributed to projecting her image to the entire world.

Finally, Justice Aloysius Nelson Mbu was an excellent father/husband/brother/friend, who lived an active Christian life, worked hard to enhance equity in the judicial system in Cameroon, fought a very good fight for the emancipation of his deprived home land, the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia. 

I hereby call on all Southern Cameroonians in Cameroon to turn up in their numbers and give this hero, Justice Aloysius Nelson Mbu, a befitting funeral.

Christopher Atang, Ph.D.,                          
5507 Pipingwood Drive                        
Houston, Texas 77084                                                                                               
"People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said - but they will remember how you made them feel."            
- Anonymous

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