Mr. Evangelist-Apostle,
You stated:
"Every sin that man does, he does that against himself but a King /President that permit or passes laws contrary to Scriptural (Devine) Laws is antichrist and shall pay the price as declared in the Scriptures. A leader of a nation that follows the ways of the devil shall be destroyed with his stronghold , the devil."
I will not touch the issue of Israel, which according to you, must be protected, while the very Israel was central in the genocide at Nyos and the HIV spread in South Africa ( I have CIA Tapes from Mae Brussels to that effect!--and these were cited in Inside Contemporary Cameroun Politics, (Authorhouse, 2005) on Lake Nyos Disaster). Again, the Israel I protect and would continue to protect is different; its spiritual and not in any way the current state of Israel!
Let me focus on the excerpt above:
You, like most anti-Obama clerics and pagans alike seem to have a very skewed way of passing judgment on some world leaders, whom you think are either serving or are doing a disservice to your best interest.
Please, kindly tell me why you target Obama as and for an Anti-Christ but the like of the vampires that ruin Africa (almost all African Head of States) do not fit that profile?
Obama has created over 16 million jobs in under 8 years while your African leaders impose despondency on their masses, forcing them, especially the youth to flee Africa via Lampedusa, Italy--and you say nothing? You see only Obama to run your mouths about?
I would sincerely hope that if God permitted Obama to come to power over Hilary Clinton, then it was for a purpose, which in all fulfills God's purpose of creating Obama.
I for one would not think Obama went through all the stress of restoring the Global Economy with a lump-sum 16 trillion dollars, and in the case of the USA, all 4 trillion dollars spend was recovered between 2008-2011--and here we are, with such strangulating ignorance--calling him anti-Christ?
You are a cleric and I think you would understand now why Satan calls Jesus Christ the pitiful one?--for failing to have supporters who speak and defend sense, defend what works for the good of mankind and the Glory of God. Sir, Rev., with all due respect, Obama has done that in uncountable ways. So save your criticisms and channel them to the right quarters--your own African leaders who seem to be brain-dead, or something!
Either your notion of anti-Christ is perverted, and so you are missing the point and misrepresenting the future, or I am the one who is sick.
Either way, pardon me, for I have an anti-Christ, indeed many of them here in Cameroon to contend with.
Leave Obama alone!
Justice M. Mbuh (Ph.D.)
THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA (UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons): The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form. --Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9
From: "'Apostle Dr Ako-Egbe (Lt. Col., Engr., Nfor, Sesekou, Tanyi) With God All Is Possible' via ambasbay" <>
To: Greig Batey <>; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 1:56 PM
My dear antichrist agents,
Politics or no politics, our Lord Jesus Christ remains LORD and the Holy Spirit remains our comforter, teacher and Leader in our day to day life.
Very good for you that have given Obama and his antichrist government the support to legalize homosexuality (Romans 1: 18 - 32) in America with attempts of inviting Africans to do same during his last visit to Africa. God forbid sure destruction from Africans.
Every sin that man does, he does that against himself but a King /President that permit or passes laws contrary to Scriptural (Devine) Laws is antichrist and shall pay the price as declared in the Scriptures. A leader of a nation that follows the ways of the devil shall be destroyed with his stronghold , the devil.
Our individual selfishness and greed has made us to be behaving as people living in serious agony and so needs the urgent help from any thing, the serpent or Satan (devil) in normal human dressing. Watch out ....
Obama whether he remains in power or not, he is antichrist and anti Israel. Let us all keep our pictures and propaganda to ourselves and files. But another person may say, if we do just that how would others throw light on such issues for many to be aware?
God bless you.
Apostle Dr Ako-Egbe (Lt. Col., Engr., Nfor, Sesekou, Tanyi)
Faithfully, With God All Things Are Possible!!!
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From: 'Greig Batey' via ManyuVoice <>
Date: 08/29/2016 9:55 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: ManyuVoice ManyuVoice <>, Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>,,,,

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