Comrade Amabo,
I did not get your questions Comrade. I am willing to answer them if I can. We have some time now to talk. There is so much to talk about now especially for the course of the free people of Ambazonia. Thank you for your journalistic flare. We are proud of you. Keep the flags high.

On 2 September 2016 at 06:56, 'Edwin' via ambasbay <> wrote:
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LET US SEEK POWER ON OUR TERMS- LEGALISMS as a means to and end, can only TO BE USED TO JUSTIFY OUR ACTIONS AND NOT, can not be THE END ITSELF! (ORIGINALLY POSTED July 8-3016: 9:01am by Edwin Ngang

This is a REPOSTING! Because while our Comrades back at home have bravely continued to suffer the colonizer's relentless oppression and assault on our peoples' rights of self-determination as AMBAZONIANS, here in the Diaspora where these distinctive SOVEREIGN DIFFERENTIATION rights should have had its ultimate display of purposeful articulation, activists instead like to promote but their GROUP/ENTITIES rights, and by that denying the good people of the world the opportunity to best understand our problem clearly as it should always have been:  A veritable case of RECOLINIZATION, when a country call CAMEROON, since 1960 has illegally and forcibly occupied another  country called AMBAZONIA!

~<< Begin reposting >>~

FACT: Since 2001 we ( the victim of Cameroon recolonization, the so called Southern Cameroonians) in the most populated region as virtual EXILEES in the diaspora, <<the Washington DC Metropolis>> have  never again been able to hold a real HUGE as in well attended PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION, exclusively to highlight our plight as a recolonized people inside Cameroon. The only things happening are one of those TINY DEMONSTRATIONS filled by opportunistic photo-taking asylum seekers, more than half of which are francophones and pan CAMEROONIAN!!  This is a pitiable state of affairs that even in a free country as the USA, we can seem to know what's in our best self interest!!!!!!!! 

The reason for this continuous political apathy is still hard to imagine! But it may not be a far fetch speculation to suspect that by our emancipation quest overly concerned with LEGALISM, some people seriously have come to BELIEVE it can be the way to go-- our very one realistic pathway to regaining our independence needs just that next legal victory!!

Some folks seriously have been totally sold to the idea that someday, somehow, either the UN, or the AU, or the EU, or the ICJ, or the ICCPR or whatever third party intervenors we have been PETITIONING, will pass judgements that will COMPEL Cameroon to vacate AMBAZONIA!


LEGALISMS sole purpose should have been well DEFINED and pre-circumscribed as ONLY  to SHOW CAUSE: TO PROVIDE JUSTIFICATION, to PROVIDE REASONS  for whatever courses of action we would be required by the real circumstances in the ground to TAKE BACK our independence!

Legalism has its usefulness which can go ONLY SO Far! 

So please let those people  who really want to see independence happen to a people called by several names appended to the name CAMEROON,  none of which serves their best interest, rally around the PRE INDEPENDENCE identity of Ambazonia as our very VISIBLY PUBLIC statement that we are not CAMEROONIANS of whatever cardinality, and want Cameroon out of their country! 

The already WELL ESTABLISHED and very solid legal arguments; which ever MODEL you choose to articulate (after all, as AMBAZONIANS you believe that independence is already achieved and Cameroon just need to be out), can be used to make the case to whoever is the audience! 

If we RESET THE EMANCIPATION QUEST at the pre independence junction where we are united as the one VERY distinctive AMBAZONIAN people, we would be taping on one of the known ELEMENTS of POWER for any sovereign people. THE POWERS IN OUR ACCOMPANYING AMBAZONIAN NATIONALISM WHICH WILL FLOW FROM THIS PRE INDEPENDENCE IDENTITY OF AMBAZONIA IS A SOURCE OF VERITABLE POWER! And this matters as its what "we have been advised" to do before any "third party intervenors" (individuals, entities and sovereignties) can begin to support our cause the way it needs to be supported! THE ACT OF RECOGNITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF AMBAZONIA!

There is ALREADY a call for us to hold a CONFERENCE wherein our emancipation quest will PUBLICLY execute what has  NEVER been done before! 

At this "single purpose" conference we should do nothing but the following:
(1) invoke our rights of SELF DETERMINATION AS,

By this simple act of very visibly as well as resolutely expressing our rights of self-determination, the world will know we have finally arrived! Reconfirming the dictum that no stature of limitation exist for the restitution of Justice, we in 2016  would be telling the world that we  are no more the naive, confused, unconvinced and disorganized people who in 1959 did not realize that "termination of Trusteeship" tantamount to independence for that Trusteeship! We know today by the facts and by our experience inside pan-Cameroonia that we are not Cameroonians, never have been Cameroonians and can never be Cameroinians because we are by our very state of origin, a very different people from Cameroonians! 

By us adopting a RESET AGENDA, we should have the new mindset to be able to promote the SOVEREIGN STATE OVER THE GROUP and hold this CONFERENCE to VISIBLY and UNMISTAKABLY invoke our rights of self-determination under our  now universally  accepted pre-independence identity of AMBAZONIA!

Why can't some folks see this act as a practicable way to fight for our independence on our terms? Why do they not recognize this "real power" generating model as our own very realistic way to assume responsibility on our destiny?  

Why instead do these same folks continue to promote "group rights" and LEGALISM, which, even if successful, can only GO SO FAR as it relies on third parties intervention and on voluntary compliance! Both of which we should always assume would have conflicting interests or be susceptible to the preemptive POWER of Cameroon!

It must be repeated that no matter how many legal victories we secure against Cameroon, these victories alone are not going to change our current POWER DEFICIT vis a vis Cameroon! They won't change our current "inability" to elicit compliance from Cameroon as powerless as we are today. The reason is as simple as that there is no precedence in cases of self determination where THIRD PARTY INTERVENTION VIA THE COURT SYSTEM was automatically triggered by virtue of the merits of the case WITHOUT THE VICTIM seriously rallying the elements of power around its cause!

ANALOGIES DO NOT APPLY  HERE AND PLEASE LET US SIMPLY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF OUR DESTINY: -- East Timor, Kosovo, Eritrea, South Sudan-- all in the very own unique way assembled "REAL POWER" under their terms to bear on their case! This besides the justness of their cause.

We won't be granted an exemption to the rules governing nature, which incidentally, also governs our current international disposition: POWER AND THE THREAT OF POWER AND ITS ACCOMPANYING SELF INTERESTS is what makes SOVEREIGN states to comply and not some mere legal victory from some court of law.

Let's shove aside our personal ego - the last huddle holding back THE RESET AGENDA to organize this united approach -- and invoke our rights of self determination as the people of Ambazonia! 

**At this juncture POWER will begin to flow into the emancipation quest!
*^With POWER we will have the ability to elicit compliance from a recalcitrant Cameroon because we will be able to do that ON OUR VERY OWN TERMS!

Edwin Ngang
Ambazonia Liberation Movement - North America
~<< End reposting >>~

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 2, 2016, at 6:15 AM, 'solomon atanga' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Comrade Abang, thanks for sharing. I sent you an email few says ago with some questions and i have not heard from you.

If you don't respond to the email, be adviced that Ambazonia would not gain independence ofrfreedom that  we have been fighting for ahahahahhaaahahha. just a joke. Who no want make air enter he skin? 

Please revert. I would be grateful.

Solomon Amabo A.

Journalist, Media Consultant,

Johannesburg , RSA

Tel : +27 (0) 786270155

Skype : solomon.atanga

On Friday, 2 September 2016, 12:56, Njousi Abang <> wrote:

We wish to draw the attention of all patriotic citizens of Ambazonia to the fact that legal and public pressure brought us victory hence it is the same tool that will send the colonialist packing. We stand to use use these olive branches to shame the occupier. May all citizens of good will NOTE that brutes don't easily give in hence we need to stand up firmly for what we believe and do what is necessary for us to attain a free homeland for all Ambazonians. The time is now. Arise and shine.

On 27 August 2016 at 02:15, AMBAZONIA GOVERNING COUNCIL <> wrote:
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This is to inform the wider public that the Court Hearing of Thursday, 25, August, 2016 has been adjourned to Tuesday, 30th, August, 2016. There was the massive presence of over 50 Ambazonian Lawyers and more than 500 Ambazonians who stormed the Court premises despite heavy military presence of La Republique's armed forces.
The AGC by this wants to extend appreciations to all the lawyers and theAmbazonians who without fear made their presence felt. Special thanks goes to the leadership of the AGC for making it possible to assemble the lawyers and to ensure their movements and for mobilising our people.
It is important for all Ambazonians to know that it is time for us not to relent but to give our unflinching support towards the freedom of our land.
For your financial support please follow this link: 2h5xryk
GOD bless Ambazonia.
Roland Tewure Fominyam
National Spokesperson for the Federation of Ambazonia.
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