Dear All,

We are learning that the PM of Republique du Cameroun was in the Northwest to talk to Teachers and Lawyers, and that he received them in groups.
1. There is a great danger in the Teachers and Lawyers accepting to talk to the regime in divided ranks. IT IS OUR VERY EXISTENCE AS A PEOPLE THAT IS AT STAKE! The regime's strategy is to divide the opinion and among Southern Cameroonians, get some to accept its proposals and thereby dislocate the movement. It will pretend to address our demands, but only pretending, because the colonial agenda is uppermost in its mind! We are facing a terrible danger that if the regime defeats us through tricks this time, it would be extremely difficult for our momentum to build again.
2. WE APPEAL TO OUR LAWYERS AND TEACHERS TO ACCEPT THE IDEA OF NAMING A TEAM TO TALK TO THE COLONIAL REGIME. AS WE HAVE SAID BEFORE, WE SHOULD NOT NEGOTIATE WITHOUT INTERNATIONAL WITNESSES, WHETHER FROM THE AFRICAN UNION OR ELSEWHERE! This team, for the sake of our existence and future, should include people like Mola Njoh and other Southern Cameroons political leaders on the ground. Once we name such a team, we entrust it with our list of issues on which it must not yield.  All groups invited to any talks should refer the colonial regime to that team we have named, period. Therefore this strategy should be worked out with all groups that the regime is like to invite to any talks, especially leaders of the strike movement.

3. As we have said before, as long as decision-making is in the hands of the Yaounde regime concerning those issues we have put on the table, we are just wasting our time. They have learnt to fool us over and over again with platitudes; they undermine us all the time; have a very low opinion of us and believe that we are just children who can always be coaxed to yield! So this time again, they will try to fool us with all kinds of promises, being nice and so on. All of that will end in nothing. Always look back in our history and see all their promises, from Ahidjo's promise in the UN never to use their population to occupy our territory; the apparent absolute terms in the so-called Federal Constitution, to today. Nothing has changed. It has been a game of deceiving their ever-trusting Anglophools. So let us not believe anything they say.

4. Tactically, I would suggest that we delay all face-to-face negotiations and begin only by communicating our positions in written form to the colonial regime. Why so? Because in situations of negotiations, many people lose their positions merely out of pressure. They even forget the promises they made to themselves and their people before entering the negotiations room. Then, add to this, the danger of intoxicating the participants through wines and foodstuffs! I do not trust the colonial regime at all at all. So if we are asked to meet anybody, we say, we prefer that the positions be communicated in writing. This tactic gives us time to think more clearly about where we are going and have more inputs. Written communications also ensure that no one can distort our position, and makes us even clearer to the enemy.

5. We are therefore trusting in you, who have started this strike, to remember that we are fighting for our survival as a people, not to be flattered by the colonial regime. Remember our past, our suffering, the deceits of the enemy in Yaounde. Remember, and act bigger than yourselves and your situation.


On Friday, November 25, 2016 3:27 PM, Atemkeng Denis <> wrote:

Dear All,

1. No decision granted by the colonial regime will have any meaning. Why? Because they control all decision-making and will quickly reverse their decisions the next day. It is part of their agenda to extinguish our existence!!! What will you do, even if they grant all your demands now and then reverse them tomorrow? What happened to the previous fights: GCE Board and so on. THEREFORE WE MUST NOT BE FOOLED!!!!!!!      WE MUST UNDERSTAND ONCE AND FOR ALL THAT THEY ARE DETERMINED TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR COLONIAL AGENDA.

2. We need to enter into serious discussions with the lawyers to explain all this to them, if they are not yet seeing it. I know they started the strike, but for them to get what they want, they must see that the only solution is complete independence; in other words, all present and future decision-making on the issues on the table must be taken out of the hands of the colonisers. They need to see this as an opportunity to bring onboard all the groups clamouring for freedom. The only way for lawyers to get what they want and be sure it will last is through independence. You may talk of federation, but what are the grounds for it? You waste your time to ask a foreign country that has occupied your territory with the determined intention to absorb it into its own to grant you federation. Remember: go back and read the so-called firm guarantees that were put into the so-called federal constitution written by them and imposed on us in the 1960s. What happened? They quickly again reversed everything in it. So we must understand this once and for all. We must constantly learn from our history!!!! So in all negotiations the condition must be to withdraw decision-making concerning all our demands from the hands of the colonisers once and for all.

3. The purpose of negotiating with the lawyers is to get them to agree on the proposed team for all negotiations. Our strength lies only in such negotiations. But beware that we cannot negotiate with Republique without international witnesses!!!! And then we must agree on the final solution, not bringing in people who will be talking with forked tongues. many people are not yet clear at all about the facts of this case!!! They continue to speak of "re-unification", how we "joined", "Foumban accords", and all such fictions of the imagaination. Can you show a single proof for all of this? In the proposed list, I would like to see two additional lawyers. We must negotiate until they accept this proposal. But who are we entrusting this negotiation to on the ground? We cannot just write to the open air like this and think someone will act on it. We must address this proposal to the lawyers through their president or some particular person.

4. I hear the PM of Republique is going to Bamenda to meet the teachers and lawyers. We must halt all negotiations quickly and get this message to all lawyers. They will only deceive us again!!! I also hear that religious people are being drafted to join the negotiations. They are the worst hypocrites. Their Christianity does not know the injustices done to the Southern Cameroons. They cling to the sentimental and heinous idea of one Cameroon, based entirely on force, violence and colonisation. So I strongly repudiate any idea of associating religious people on our side. They will never say the truth, and will never defend the truth, sad as we may think! Their god is the god of injustices. How many of them have ever come out and spoken out against the illegal occupation of the Southern Cameroons? How many? Instead the join the occupiers to suppress our determination to be free. So keep them out by all possible means.

On Tuesday, November 22, 2016 11:44 PM, Atemkeng Denis <> wrote:

Dear Barristers,

My greetings and encouragements for your strike.
I am sending you here this article which lays bare the hoax called in Republique du Cameroun, bilingualism.
Since I understand one of the reasons for your strike is bilingualism, I have thought it wise to repost this article for the good of the public so that those who read it may have a deeper inside into the whole matter.
Please read and pass it on to your colleagues so that our resolve may be strengthened.



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