"Je doute que tu n'aies pas profite de 4 ou 5 actes de naissance qu'on (les anglophones) fabrique a Bamenda et kumba pour ignorer cette réputation bien camerounaise".. dixit "Chief" Milla Assoute  in an exchange with Ntemfac Ofege.

Chief Milla Assoute is quite an interesting character. A very intelligent guy who occupied various top jobs in the Cameroon administration for a very long time. He was a very influential member of the Central Committee of the ruling RDPC until he started showing signs of interest at the Job of his boss (the President of his Party). Like any autocratic regime, he was "Fired" from his various lucrative apparatchik responsibilities and left (dans la galere) in political limbo with even no office to go to. 
In one of his numerous interviews that he gives from his base in Paris, he claims that because he created his own Political Party, the MDMC (Movement des Modernistes Camerounais) which was later rebaptized RDMC (Rassemblement Democratic des Modernistes Camerounais) in 2004, his former colleagues of the RDPC sent an assasination squad to his Mbankolo residence that almost killed him had he not been tipped off  by insider friends at the Presidency and he ran for his dear life, landing in Paris where he has been since then.

It was that same year in 2004 that he officially filed papers to challenge the CPDM incumbent at the Presidential elections but his candidacy was rejected with no official explanation (still according to him). His Party added another dimention to its militancy by creating a parallel structure of governance called CNLC (Conseil National de Resistance et de la Liberation du Cameroun)...in other words, the Armed wing of his RDMC (What a strange resemblance with his former party the RDPC...anyways.He also claims that he is a Chief in his village, Santchou.

To his credit, his "Voluntary" Exile has not been without benefits: In his own words, he says he is happy to have gone back to school and obtained a "Doctorat" and now has the title of Professeur Honoraire des Universites, a confirmed Researcher in Geopolitical Strategies @ l'Universite de la Sorbonne (excuse-me) Ephe Paris Pantheon. (Some man na Ngrung beep?) As to what he does for a living since becoming a Political Refugee in Paris, he says: "I am a very busy guy. I have an International "Home-based" Banking (Online?) and Consultancy business with such reputable International organizations like Montepio Bank in Portugal, Trust Bank in Pakistan and LTB in Lethonia. Rich Guy? Yes I am (he boasts).

Asked recently why he held secret meetings with certain high ranking Government officials (Jean Kuete and Rene Sadi amongst others); he claims the meetings were not secret. He just happened to be at the Meridien Hotel in down town Paris (where you can meet and schmooze with Who is Who in the Political World) to meet with some of his other French high ranking Government officials) and by happenstance, they "by mistake"...Just jammed or ran into each other BUT "Remember that Jean Kuete is my brother from the same department in West Province and the other dignitaries were my former colleagues in Government..."So make man no salut ihm mblalla again 4 seka boritique. Wuna chuz peepoo", he laments.

Which brings me back to my initial preoccupation. Why would a so-called seasoned Politician with a very interesting academic disposition with ahigh powered "kURRIKU-LOOM(chantier?) STUDIORUM" say the kind of things about a population of the counytry he wants to one day be President of; that even those of us (Confirmed Nkwen Motor Park njakri non-schooled types) would think twice before vociferating. How would an expert Sorbonne Professor of Geopolitical Strategies, an International Research Fellow, an International no-nonsense Banker NOT UNDERSTAND THE BASIC HISTORY of his country of birth? I am simply trying to understand soas t o give the guy benefit of doubt.
Over to you Chief Professor President Dr. Milla Assoute
Mishe Fon


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