La Republique du Cameroun Faced with the British Southern Cameroons Resistance to End Annexation

LRC Law No 84-1 of 4 February 1984 Annexed British Southern Cameroons.

Fellow Brothers and Sisters of the British Southern Cameroons,
Distinguished Compatriots,
Ladies and Gentlemen.

The History taught in the Eight French Oriented Regions in Cameroon
does not have same Syllabus thus there is every reason to understand
the French Cameroonians know very little about the Foumban Conference,
Plebiscite, Referendum Etc in what ushered the British Southern
Cameroons from Nigeria to Join La Republic du Cameroun then east
Cameroon. After the myth, Mr. Paul Biya who took over from Mr. Ahidjo
did not asked for any opinion from the Bristish Southern Cameroons
Administration if it was a good deal to Move from United Republic of
Cameroon to a Republic of Cameroon. When did the Real Problem between
the United Entities Started? "If we Fail to Plan, We Plan to Fail".
From the First Day the Common Law Lawyers of the English Speaking
Regions of Cameroon stood up to defend the extinction of the Common
Law System in our Cultural Origin,
Following the Teachers Trade Unions that stood their Grounds that the
English Educational System be Respected and Maintained in the Two
English Regions of Cameroon,
Considering the University Of Buea Administrative Provoked Strike Of
Alleged Corruption that the Government Used brutal means to silence
the Sincere Demands of the Students;
Considering the Brutal Approach used by the Government of La
Republique du Cameroun to Suppress the non violent Strike actions
exercised by the People of West or Southern Cameroons undergoing Slave
Treatment in a Frustrated Union with La Republique du Cameroun,
Conscious of the Plan of the Government of La Republique du Cameroun
to direct, organize and manage what they pretend to call Dialogue with
Leaders and Representatives for disguised destabilization and
Extinction of the British Cameroon Identity,
Mindful of the Right Claims presented by the Former British Cameroons
to La Republique du Cameroun in respect to International Law and
Treaties guiding States and Colonies at the level of the United
Nations, United Nations Agencies, African Union and other ractified
international institutions in response to the Present Anglophones
Crises in Cameroon,
I hereby declare my participation to defend the voice of the voiceless
at whatever capacity it will affect the People of Ndian Division,
South West Region of Cameroon knowingfully well how it has been
resourcefully molested by the Government of La Republique du Cameroun
in the Last 55 Years.
I also submit a vote of Representation of Civil Society, Opinion
Leaders, Policy Makers and Peoples Elects of Ndian Division to be Part
of the Committees, Consortiums ETC in whatever seems decision making
to arrive at Lasting Solutions for the Current Crises.
I also urge Leaders of the current Strike Teachers Trade Unions (CATTU
in Particular), Common Law Lawyers, OCADA, Transporters Unions and
Students and other Organizations to be Aware of the government of La
Republique du Cameroun scamming attitude of Corruption to buy the
conscience of CATTU Leaders and Frustrate Common Law Lawyers
Solidarity Drive by causing fraction in its divide and rule strategy.
Furthermore, we should educate, sensitize, Warn our Chiefs and Fons
from partaking in meetings organized by the government to pay them
huge amounts of Money to shy away from their responsibilities. Inform
them that instead to stake our communities it will be better for their
individual souls to be at Stake. The Committees and Consortiums
working for lasting solutions should implicate all communities in the
Two Regions each one in its Region at Sub-divisional Levels so that
decisions can be handled to overcome the authorities of La Republique
du Cameroun at that basic level.
Finally a Leader is Needed at this Point of Time to get the Ball
rolling instead of many Leaders that the government is using as an
opportunity to play over their Sectoral Representation. We should be
the people to summon meetings, draw agendas and organize side events
and invite the authorities of La Republique du Cameroun to come and
Correct their Errors on our Table.
Let our Elects, Chiefs, Fons, Leaders be WARNED from Taking Money from
the Government to frustrate the Solution Plan we are working for, The
Future has a Judge… Watch OUT !

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