Re: Breaking News---At Conference call meeting , North Americans call for Unity among all Southern Cameroonians at home & abroad --Decisions reached---

I am shocked but happy to read this.  God does surely exist.  Can someone say Amen?

Nkumkwifo SAF

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From:"'Jonathan Awasom' via ambasbay" <>
Date:Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 10:42 AM
Subject:Breaking News---At Conference call meeting , North Americans call for Unity among all Southern Cameroonians at home & abroad --Decisions reached---

The decision of the Confederation of British Southern Cameroons North American (CBSCNA) Conference Call on December 26, 2016
"Diplomacy does more than contain conflicts between countries; it also contributes to a burgeoning international society by spreading values and building consensus over global issues and the policies to deal with them. The peace that might come from diplomacy …. is positive peace: an overarching value that encompasses democracy, human rights, economic and social development, environmental improvements, and a general sense of justice shared by humankind…Diplomacy, at its best ,especially at the forum of the UN, reflects a towering ambition to do good deeds for the world"  Conway H. Hendersen
The focused groups at the forefront of the Southern Cameroons struggle are birds of the same feather flying together towards the same destination. We believe in our common destiny enshrined into our unique cultural heritage as British Southern Cameroons. In this light, the Confederation of British Southern Cameroons of North America (CBSCNA) held a conference call on December 26, 2016 to establish a robust plan for the unification of all Southern Cameroonians at home and abroad starting with North America. The meeting was attended by 49 callers and two anonymous participants totally 51 people who called in from Washington DC metro area, Nashville Tennessee, Massachusetts, California, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Twin Cities MN, Georgia Atlanta, Texas, South Carolina, Pennsylvania. We appreciate their enthusiasm and participation in this unprecedented meeting. After deliberating, we recognized the tenacious self-determination will of the Southern Cameroonians in pursuit of a long term solution to the illegal occupation of our sovereign state by the government of La Republique as a separate country from the people of Southern Cameroons. Consequently, the following talking points were noted.
Talking Points of CBSCNA
·         Mindful of the fact that the African Union Commission on Human and People's Rights sitting in Banjul (Gambia) in Communication 266/03 of 2009, recommended that the Government of Cameroun engages the People of British Southern Cameroons in constructive dialogue and that has been ignored ever since,
·         Taking into consideration the fact that different Southern Cameroons groups especially AAC1 and the SCNC have over the years sent in memos proposing reasonable constitutional reforms but were all ignored,
·         Noting that an organ of the UNO in Africa (African Union) failed to get La Republique to dialogue with Southern Cameroons then "we are demonstrating on January 2, 2016 never to demonstrate again. We have crossed the Rubicon. We have to take back our Independence"
·         Conscious of the fact that any future discussions with La Republique, France ,  UK or any other interested parties must be under the Chairmanship of the UN because  the African Union(AU ) is a regional power that has no powers to grant independence to any territory,
·         Considering the fact that only the UNO is entrusted with the powers to enforce international laws that ascribe self –determination to a people like Southern Cameroons under the Charter of the UNO chapter 11, 2 reflected by UNO resolution 1608(5), we all arrived at the following decisions.
The Decisions of CBSCNA
1.      That the escalating conflict between La Republique and Southern Cameroons is precarious and troubling due to the illegal and  forceful militarization, arbitrary arrests, torture, rape, murder and illegal detentions of the armless and peace loving people of Southern Cameroons including threats to  assassinate Southern Cameroonians
2.      That the Buea Declaration in form, shape and nature was a great stride towards  the universal call  for a united front of Southern Cameroons under an organized leadership to  be the standard bearer of  the struggle. This was reinforced by members who unanimously agreed that we should strive to bring the lawyers and teachers on board the leaders who established the "Declaration" against which background all parties will work together towards unanimity. Members believe that we should all come together as one body with one strong message under one leadership that embodies the dreams and aspirations of Southern Cameroons to be independent from the illegal occupation  
3.      That a coordinating committee of gentlemen and ladies have been empowered to meet with other groups in North America to unite and respond to the Buea Declaration as well as set up a Leadership Council for the Confederation of British Southern Cameroons of North America (CBSNA) This process of uniting all Southern Cameroonians in North America will inspire unity at home, which is critical for the realization of our objectives. To this end, 10 people were tasked to coordinate the meeting with the folks in DC Metro area towards bringing the leaders from the various "factions" together so we have a coordinated and strong leadership for a unified action.
4.      To recommend that under the Southern Cameroons Leadership at home and abroad a   Communication body  with a spokesperson 1&11  for the Southern Cameroons struggle be chosen to  be the sole communication authority of Southern Cameroons to ensure proper coordination and coherency in messaging and direction of  activism
5.      That  the Association of Southern Cameroonians of North America must establish a Southern Cameroons Relief Fund here in the USA with one of the banks to serve as a sole medium of fund-raising and funding towards bringing relief to victims in Southern Cameroons from North America under a finance committee with appropriate measures of transparency and accountability.

6.That we propose an-all Southern Cameroons North American Congress be held during the summer of 2017 to launch the official kick –up of the role (fund-raising and diplomacy) of North America as part of the international coalition helping in the struggle for independence. The CBSCNA leadership Council will create standing committees to continue with networking and collaboration among themselves. We shall all meet in May or June 2017. The congress should culminate in a big peaceful march. The venue will be decided by the leadership council based on strategic considerations.

7.That sensitive issues that involves an international diplomatic strategy to solve the Southern Cameroons struggle must be handled behind closed doors within the circle of the Foreign Policy Committee in collaboration with the leadership Council at home and abroad.
To this effect a task force Committee was established and charged with the responsibility to advocate for unity among Southern Cameroons beginning with North America. In the end, members prayed fervently and asked for God's wisdom and guidance to help us draw all Southern Cameroonians together as one body with many parts to succeed in our objectives because  "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." Mark 3:24-26(KJV)
Done on this day of December 27th, 2016 by Jonathan Awasom at (201)8785829, Asonganyi Venerd at (423)735-8354, Reuel Nwiyoh at (973) 413- 5358 and Mbeseha at (814)852-8001

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