Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] The Southern Cameroon

Dear Mr Jonathan Awasom

Thanks for those inspired words. Real proof that our victory is at hand

I doff my hat

All the blessings from my Kugwe ancestors

Stay strong and think bigger again

Agien Nyangkwe

On 12/4/16, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
> Dear Rev Jonathan Awasom,
> I duff my hat, sir.
> I will demand of the Kru of Ndaka to attach a rare quill into your hat when
> I see you.
> I heretofore stop calling you MAD MONK.
> Shows that a people can rise to the challenge with the chips are down.
> Welcome to the front seat, my brother.
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 1:31 PM, Jonathan Awasom
> [cameroons_sdf_party] <
>> wrote:
>> My fellow citizens of Southern Cameroon,
>> The Land of our ancestors under siege by strangers. Courage!
>> We shall overcome and be freed from bondage. Fear Not!
>> God is not lying low ! Let the pharaohs harden their hearts.
>> The time will come when the walls of injustice and oppression will fall
>> down.
>> Why the Southern Cameroon International Think Thank(SCITT) will be
>> indispensable
>> I greet you all! I appreciate your insights, foresights and
>> recommendations from all and sundry. However, I also will like to chip in
>> my own contribution with the hope that we find common grounds in order to
>> work together under the same platform as a united people with one voice
>> and
>> one action plan. Right now there are too many divisions and contradictory
>> actions.
>> It is not enough to send a petition to UNO.I signed it and passed it on.
>> It is commendable but the way it is done is not going to yield results.
>> So,
>> while encouraging and supporting one another I wanted to make my own able
>> propositions toward a robust plan of action. This is only my personal
>> opinion but it is laced with acquired training, knowledge and experience.
>> It is abundantly clear that over the years many scholars, activists and
>> advocates have made the case for our freedom and Independence. I have
>> spoken to many people and learned with my deepest condolence about
>> individuals who have died fighting for Southern Cameroon statehood. Some
>> died on exile and as we speak many Southern Cameroonians are languishing
>> in
>> jail following the 2008 murder and arbitrary arrest of protesters. I am
>> sure it will continue. We risk being extinct as it seems if we are not
>> FOCUSED. We are distracted by the likes of Nji Paul Atanga etc. Please,
>> let
>> us think of the risk involved and the many lives being sacrificed every
>> now
>> and then.
>> There are paradigm shifts and dynamics but the problem is not shifting at
>> all. I have read all the correspondences and particularly the memorandum
>> of
>> SCNC Chairman, Dr. Nfor Nfor Ngalla. It is a fine document in its own
>> right. It has some technical issues that require correction. It is
>> obvious
>> some people are sitting on fence or acting neutral in this struggle
>> because
>> some people expect La republique to hand over the Presidency to an
>> Anglophone in order to calm the Southern Cameroon people.
>> This is the kind of mentality that keeps us perpetually enslaved because
>> we still don't realize that once we become independent we will elect a
>> President and Vice President and Speaker of the House under a three arms
>> of
>> government that will lead to self-government. So, why are we some people
>> always acting desperate? I have also added my voice to this struggle like
>> many others. Last week I argued that rather than malign those who are
>> still
>> attached to the regime, we should ask them to come back home! I am glad
>> to
>> know veteran warrior Dr. Nfor Nfor share the same sentiments.
>> There is no doubt that Southern Cameroonians are not united and an
>> appearance of unity is misleading to the extent, which if anyone believes
>> in an international conspiracy, then he or she should think about the
>> conspiracy orchestrated by la republique to ensnare you. If we cannot
>> handle the conspiracy of the CPDM regime, then how can we handle the one
>> at
>> the level of the international community if that is the case of Dr. Nfor
>> Nfor? It is obvious to me that many different people have approached the
>> problems of Cameroon from different angles! No matter how one looks at
>> Cameroon, one will arrive at the same conclusion and the best word to use
>> is ANGER. However, we must be careful how we proceed in terms of
>> strategy.
>> I will object to the language used by Dr. Nfor about "International
>> Conspiracy". This is not a diplomatic language and is ambiguous when you
>> intend to rely on the international Community to help resolve the issue.
>> Even if we know that it does exist, we should never use such a language
>> because it will scare people from becoming willing participants. This
>> phrase alone is enough to sabotage any endeavor no matter how noble. You
>> see I have been listening and also talking at my own corner.
>> I have studied the plight of Southern Cameroon also known as West
>> Cameroon
>> and Anglophone problem. Lately, I have read circulars from certain
>> quarters
>> within the struggle arguing that Francophones claim to be Anglophones,
>> too
>> due to the fact that many of them are sponsoring their kids in the so
>> called Anglo-Saxon Educational system. That means it weakens the argument
>> that we have an Anglophone as a unique problem. In this light they
>> resolved
>> vehemently that the name Southern Cameroon be adopted henceforth to
>> define
>> the struggle.
>> Now what is not clear to many people is the notion about West Cameroon?
>> Where does this fit into the struggle? The next issue to clarify is the
>> notion of Ambazonia ! These are some of the issues to clarify because in
>> a
>> struggle like this you do not want to narrow it down to yourselves and
>> amongst yourselves as if you own the struggle inside .Many of us are not
>> responsible for these problems and have only being trying hard to
>> understand and be part of the solution. You must remember that we are a
>> minority already and any further divisions amongst ourselves will only
>> help
>> the oppressor in Yaounde. If a minority is reduced into minority, then
>> how
>> can we succeed?
>> If you approach this struggle from the momentous and spontaneous action
>> of
>> the Common Lawyers, who revamped the struggle, then as it stands, we owe
>> it
>> to the people to lead them. It seems to me that many people have spent
>> way
>> too long into endless legal arguments and debates which serve as a
>> weakness
>> as opposed to a strength. In the true sense of a noble cause, lack of a
>> solution –oriented mind set is a recipe for failure. Nobody within the
>> cycle of the La republique cares about our plight. In fact if they are
>> agents and participants in our problems, then why should anyone think
>> that
>> they should dialogue with us without a 3rd participant? So, logically if
>> you accuse the International Community of a conspiracy, then how can you
>> turn to them again to listen and partner with us? We must be diplomatic
>> because we also need a diplomatic solution to this problem.
>> In my own humble view, I objected from the onset to any meeting with the
>> CPDM regime whether represented by PM or any Minister/Governors etc. This
>> came under the heels of Nico Halle's publicity on the eve of their
>> meeting
>> with the Minister of Justice in Yaoundé. Apparently he and his delegation
>> attended the meeting and failed. Then the Lawyers and teachers have also
>> met with the PM and nothing good came out of these meetings.
>> The truth is, even as some people seem well spoken, some of us have not
>> seen any mark difference in the way most people perceive this problem.
>> While it is important to educate ourselves, I am also concern about lack
>> thereof of self-discipline and loyalty to the struggle. The tendency of
>> many of us rushing to meet with Yaoundé is a big problem. No independence
>> and in fact given the complexity of this matter, can be solved in a
>> single
>> year. So, perhaps it is important for us to realize that we still have a
>> long way to go . I have my own thoughts, ideas and in spite of the
>> concerns, I am still very optimistic. Yet we must proceed speedily to
>> unite
>> all the factions within the struggle. The best way to unite all these
>> factions is to establish a Southern Cameroon International Think Tank.
>> Earlier on I proposed Cameroon Anglophone Think Tank (CATT).
>> Lastly, I just want to say that an independence of a people is never won
>> in the court of law . It is not a force of argument based on the law
>> because whatever law existed at the time and now is responsible for our
>> plight. I have to be honest with many of you who are too legalistic that
>> there are many dimensions to every struggle. You cannot make it
>> absolutely
>> a legal matter because clearly, the argument for legality is not
>> embraced.
>> So, why do you keep relying on the International courts who created the
>> problem at some point to begin with ? While I admire the legal component
>> of
>> all these , please, it is about time that we begin to consider the over
>> all
>> big picture and be open to appreciate other ideas, perception and
>> approach
>> to bring about the results we are seeking collectively.
>> To begin with what happened to the law when in 2010 dictator Paul Biya
>> intentionally changed the Constitution to abolish the two terms of 7
>> years
>> limit to the Presidency? Part 11 Chapter 1 Article 5 (1) and (2) states
>> that " He shall ensure respect for the Constitution." Yet people of the
>> law
>> profession did not challenge this in any court of law. The Cameroon
>> opposition leaders who were also Presidential candidates collected 30
>> million frs CFA from Paul Biya claiming it was state money to participate
>> in lies. Many of us here did oppose what happened in 2010 and 2011 but
>> the
>> MPS as the legislative branch of government were silent over this.
>> The dictator is definitely scared right now because he has already been
>> preparing to run again in 2018. I am sure he has some money to spend
>> again
>> . This new period stretching from 2017 to 2018 is very timely. He has a
>> lot
>> of money to spare(corrupt) the opposition and MPs AND CO. Who is going to
>> sell their conscience again? We must frame this debate from the fact that
>> we cannot be part of a system of one man rule who has the absolute power
>> to
>> change the Constitution at will. The people of Southern Cameroon believe
>> in
>> the rule of law and good governance.
>> Having said this, SCITT serving as the power house and moral clarity of
>> the struggle will establish a consistent message, an organization,
>> leadership, vision and action plan to involve a grand fund –raising from
>> a
>> strategic point of view. It will embody leaders or representatives of all
>> the different factions, professionals, scholars, leaders, opinion
>> leaders,
>> religious leaders and activists to come together and brainstorm against
>> which backdrop we will then agree on a plan of action. Every protest
>> counts. Every life count. Every effort past and present is appreciated.
>> However, we must not think that the solution will come from without if we
>> are not united and properly organized, and wisely led.
>> We have a good case but we lack organization, leadership, a message,
>> vision and plan of action. Instead of overbelabouring the points, which I
>> believe most people know already, we should lead. We must remember that
>> our
>> people are hungry for leadership. They want to follow and we should not
>> wait . We should not be imagining things. If the someone asks you, Ok,
>> what
>> do you want from the UNO , what will you say? How do you want it? When ?
>> Who ? Why? I have things to say but I am looking forward to the SCITT
>> where
>> one can act with integrity and consistency.
>> When the Lawyers strike erupted like a volcano everyone identified with
>> them. Yet, the CPDM regime has succeeded to manipulate many people to
>> accept the narrative that this is a lawyer's problem. So, too is the
>> teacher's problem. Unfortunately, many people initially bought into that
>> narrative until later when they realized that it was dangerous to go
>> alone.
>> I am afraid that we seem to allow ourselves to be told what steps we
>> ought
>> to take to solve our problems. The problem could because we are still to
>> own this struggle. We must correct the idea that " The UNO should come
>> and
>> solve the problem" .
>> We must also correct the notion that " Yaounde should dialogue or solve
>> our problems". None of these will ever happen. We must take our problem
>> to
>> the UNO. We are to wait for UNO to come. In order to take our problem, we
>> must have a strategy and plan of action. We must know that UNO has
>> representatives inside Cameroon. I am referring to The Cameroon
>> ambassador
>> to UNO, the various members of the International Community like US
>> embassy,
>> British embassy, French and German embassy who have veto powers at the
>> Security Council except Cameroon.
>> We have to think and act strategically. There is a lot to say but for the
>> sake of strategy, we must wait for the appropriate forum where we can be
>> very direct about what we all know is required for this to be successful.
>> If anyone is expecting a solution from Yaounde, well, then they are lost.
>> If anyone accepts appointments from Yaounde effective immediately often
>> designed to sabotage then greed is still a moral problem. We must learn
>> to
>> reject any appointments no matter how prestigious they may come because
>> that is a dead trap to us and of course those appointments have not
>> solved
>> our problems since 1961.
>> Thank you all for your and courage
>> Jonathan Awasom
>> 201-878-5829 <(201)%20878-5829>
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Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27

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