Re: Caution: SCNC Chair and Susungi

Your last two paras said it all. Otherwise, note should be taken in 1608 that pre- and post-plebiscite resolutions had to be honored--that include agreement by Foncha and Ahidjo in Buea pledging to honor the terms of the Two Alternatives, the Two Alternatives itself and of course UN 1608. So you are right that we demand help for restoration. There is no union if no agreement has been honoured.
Lastly, recall that it was because Foncha and Muna led the delegation to the UN in June 1995 to which Mola Njoh and others were party that we now have UN handing two maps to Cameroun as of May 20, 2010, etc. UN is very aware of our situation and if I am not wrong, we do not even know how far they have gone in resolving the impasse. We must however, continue to lament, bring out facts and make demands for redress as my next post does.....
Happy reading.
THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA  (UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons): The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form.  --Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

From: 'M A N' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, December 5, 2016 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: Caution: SCNC Chair and Susungi

Comrades I am sorry for mistakenly sending uncompleted and unedited posting.

Dear Acham

You wrote. "All these registrations cited by MAN do not represent the one key DOCUMENT that was supposed to be signed by LRC and the Southern Cameroons after implementation of UN RES 1608 XV and deposited with the UN Secretariat in accordance with UN ART 102."

One should not miss this clarification. The UN parliamentary proceeding in our case was that, the the formalities for the Federal United Republic was to take place before Resolution 1608XV kicks in. The union formalities was not to be after 1608XV as most people wants it to have been. No!

Paragraph 5 of 1608XV stated it very clearly that, the implementation of the agreed and declared policies should take place before 1st October 1961. The said constitutional conference took place on the 17 June 1961, that is, about two months before 1608XV was to kick in as international law granting independence and sovereignty to the trust territory of British Southern Cameroons.

Because the union formalities was to take place before the termination of the trusteeship of the British Southern Cameroons, the UN is considered to be part of the process, so the right to register Ex offico under article 102. So, if we are questioning the union processes it means we are saying the was no independence at all.

Our people had a perfect opportunity to have notified UN or to bark off before 1st October 1961, or after the conference to say that they were not happy with things. The UN would have say a word or so, but nobody cared because we want to be with our "brothers"

Take note that, the was a financial draft resolution (A/C.4/L685) of $46000 by the 5th Committee to cover the three constitutional and administrative experts that was mention in the draft A/4743 by the 4th Committee.

When these drafts were tabled before the UN General Assembly (parliament) to be voted in law, it was noted that, the UN had no powers or rights to imposed any constitutional form on an independent state like Cameroun. So, the paragraph 6 was removed, before voting on what we now have as 1608XV. Also note that there is no mention of "Federal United Republic" in the 1608XV. It is only found in 4th Committee draft A/4737. It was removed before 1608XV was voted in to law. The UN had good faith but it could not go against the charter. Whatever the case if the experts were to be allowed, their action on the federal constitution would have been completed before 1st October 1961. There was no requirement of treaty as we are thinking.

So, what I want us to note is that, we cannot be questioning the UN parliament for deciding that, the union formalities be included as part of the trusteeship terminating process. If we get this correct, it will help us stop asking for union treaty or join signed document because this action had to, or took place before 1608XV came in law on 1st October 1961. Most of us have been talking as if the union came after 1st October 1961, our independence. Which is not so.

Acham, all the UN registered treaties I have posted are being ratified as Federal Republic because there was  a union completed under the watch of the UN before Southern Cameroons became independent on 1st October 1961. That was our wishes to join "our brothers" in a federation.

We cannot separate the union process that came first 17 June 1961 from the termination of trusteeship that came later on 1st October 1961.

From the above, it clear that 1st October which is independence and sovereignty is greater than 17 June which is union. If you want to correct the errors of the union process, one will or is automatically undoing the independent granted to us. Is that what we want? Is it possible to get the UN parliament to go back? Why should we wast time on correcting the union process, is it because we want to remain in Cameroun? or what a hell do we want, after we have been given independence and sovereignty?

Do we think, it will be easier for the UN to support us against Cameroun over the restoration of our independence and sovereignty now under Cameroun, Or for the UN to first correct the union process, and then grant us new independence and sovereignty? Which makes sense?

In other words, which will be to our advantage, to tell the UN that, the independence and sovereignty you granted us, on 1st October 1961 is being occupied or subjugated by Cameroun after the union failed in 1984, or to tell the UN/Britain that they were wrong, that the union process that came before independence was not correct, and should be addressed? Which greater for us.

The United Nations cannot grant us another independence. It has been done. Those who keep saying we should demand independence from the UN are not serious. Despite all the errors, the UN gave us independence at the end. Which is the season Ambazonia principle looks at things from the point that, we had independence, and any error then, is not as important as independence.

We have more facts to support our case by saying, we already have independence, but will have serous trouble to seek a redress for errors we now know, because, there is no court to take parliament to answer questions. A parliament has never been taken to court.

If we go to the UN now, to ask independence for the Southern Cameroons, the UN will simply say that Southern Cameroons had independence on 1st October 1961. But if we say to the UN that, we need her help to Restore the independence that was given us on the 1st October 1961, which Cameroun has now occupied since 1984, it will be easier. The UN and the world knew that there was a union worked out before our independence, because they were part of it. With errors or not.

We have been going around, instead asking for independence from UN and Britain as if there are the ones occupying us. These bodies says we have independence on 1st October 1961. We should asked them to help us  to Restore our independence and sovereignty that is now under Cameroun because there is no sign of union again. Those errors that happened  during the union process then, are far less important than our independence that was given.

Our concern is how we state our case is very important.


From: "Julius Acham [Ambazonianationalgroup]" <>
To: AmbazoniaNationalGroup <>; ambasbay <>
Sent: Monday, 5 December 2016, 8:13
Subject: Re: Caution: SCNC Chair and Susungi

Great points Alex. All these registrations cited by MAN do not represent the one key DOCUMENT that was supposed to be signed by LRC and the Southern Cameroons after implementation of UN RES 1608 XV and deposited with the UN Secretariat in accordance with UN ART 102 .
A plethora of depositions by the coloniser in my view does not suffice. Southern Cameroons government was never dissolved nor her constitution order in council suspended. Therefore, our immediate task, as Mola stated earlier is to reconstitute an Interim Government to step forward and provide leadership to lead Ambazonia (Former British Southern Cameroons) to total independence and sovereignty. Referendum results will be strong evidence, therefore let us massively participate, and also sign the Petition to US Congress. Let us not spend too much time writing over and over.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Sun PLUGd [Ambazonianationalgroup] <> wrote:
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Well said bro.
Fear for several reasons
Truth‎ like Fire burn the Liar
From: Muchuo Alexander [Ambazonianationalgroup]
Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2016 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: Caution: SCNC Chair and Susungi

 The UN knows what happened that we are where we are.Our greatest problem in my estimation has been FEAR.We all know what is needed but we are so  Fear stricken , that we have turned this to the blame game.In an emergency , friends are known and some of the friends may not even understand your language or your name.
 If a law is broken, even an individual or a group of individuals can try to correct the mistake.This matter of you had no right to do this or do that, is simply playing to the gallery and giving the impression that something is being done and that i am better than you.Who gave who the right to do anything about this struggle.I think we are all armed with the conviction of our history and we are all trying to correct things which in our estimation were not well done.Who ever consults us before names are changed.Limbe is a typical recent historical fact and all over the world Limbe is known.
 Except the sell outs all are important.Who gave the rights to the west cameroon free thinkers, Ambazonia , CAM, AAC 1, 2  etc,SCNC 1, 2 etc SOCALIM , The Lawyers,The Teachers, ETC.I thought that this came as a desire to solve this problem urgently and i am happy with all , except the sell outs.I hope the story of South Sudan will not be our lot
.I sincerely pray for all to see a need of being together and facing challenges as they are.Because Governing is actually accommodating people with different ideas.Just see what MOLA Njoh Litumbe is trying to do single handedly and at his age-- what a challenge to all.The UN and the AU etc have received documentation about this issue that can fill a whole library.
 Delays are only caused by our fears and not this or that name.I do not expect anybody to be given a right under the circumstances that we operate.
 Try your best where ever you are and if you are honest about your people, the Almighty will guide your efforts.Thanks.Alex

From: "M A N [Ambazonianationalgroup]" <Ambazonianationalgroup@>
To: "Ambazonianationalgroup@" <Ambazonianationalgroup@>; Ambas Bay <>; Edwin Ngang <>; Tanyi Ojongmbo <>; Bri Soucam <>
Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2016 3:09 AM
Subject: Re: Caution: SCNC Chair and Susungi

Dear Justice

Your are right. the mess started way back 1st October 1961. Just have a look below ending February 1963. It's terrible. Those guys saw it then as you have said.

Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations
Registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat during October 1961
No. 118 Trusteeship Agreement for the Territory of the Camerouns under British
Administration. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13th  
December 1946.
Termination with respect to the Southern Camerouns
No 118 Accord de tutelle pour le Territoire du Cameroun sous administration britannique.
Approuvé par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies le 13 décembre 1946.
Expiration en ce qui concerne le Cameroun méridional
Registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat during November 1962
No. 587 -Convention (No. 4) of 3 September 1962
Declaration by the Federal Republic of Cameroon confirming that it continues to be bound in respect of the Federated State of Eastern Cameroun by the obligations of the above-mentioned Convention, by which the Republic of Cameroun recognised to be bound at the time of admission into the International Labour Organisation on 7 June 1960.
Déclaration de la République fédérale du Cameroun confirmant qu'elle demeure liée, en ce qui concerne l'Etat fédéré du Cameroun oriental, par les obligations résultant de ia Convention susmentionnée, par laquelle la République du Cameroun s'est reconnue liée au moment de son admission à l'Organisation internationale du Travail le 7 Juin 1960.
The same declaration goes for these other conventions below for the month of November 1962
No. 588 -Convention (No. 5); - No. 589 -Convention (No, 6); - No. 594 -Convention (No. 11); - No. 596 -Convention (No. 13) ;- No. 597 -Convention (No. 14) -No. 609 -Convention (No. 26) - No. 612 -Convention (No. 29) - No. 615 -Convention (No. 33) - No. 881 -Convention (No. 87) - No. 1871 -Convention (No. 95)  
Registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat during February 1963

No. 594 -Convention (No. 11) of 29 January 1963
Ratification by the Federal Republic of Cameroon in respect of the Federated State of Western Cameroon
Ratification de la République fédérale du Cameroun en ce qui concerne l'Etat fédéré du Cameroun occidental.
No. 602 -Convention (No. 19) of 29 January 1963
Ratification by the Federal Republic of Cameroon in respect of the Federated State of Eastern Cameroon
Ratification de la République fédérale du Cameroun en ce qui concerne l'Etat fédéré du Cameroun oriental.
No. 609 -Convention (No. 26) of 29 January 1963
Ratification by the Federal Republic of Cameroon in respect of the Federated State of Western Cameroon
Ratification de la République fédérale du Cameroun en ce qui concerne l'Etat fédéré du Cameroun occidental.
No. 612 -Convention (No/ 29) of 29 January 1963
Ratification by the Federal Republic of Cameroon in respect of the Federated State of Eastern Cameroon
Ratification de la République fédérale du Cameroun en ce qui concerne l'Etat fédéré du Cameroun oriental.
No. 881 -Convention (No. 87) of 29 January 1963
Ratification by the Federal Republic of Cameroon
Ratification de la République fédérale du Cameroun.
No. 1341 -Convention (No. 98) of 29 January 1963
Ratification by the Federal Republic of Cameroon In respect of the Federated State of Eastern Cameroon
Ratification de la République fédérale du Cameroun en ce qui concerne l'Etat fédéré du Cameroun oriental.
No. 1370 -Convention (No. 94) of 29 January 1963
Ratification by the Federal Republic of Cameroon in respect of the Federated State of Eastern Cameroon
Ratification de la République fédérale du Cameroun en ce qui concerne l'Etat fédéré du Cameroun oriental.
These are just few international agreements from 1st October 1961 to February 1963 dealing with the personality Federal Republic.
When it came to United Republic that lasted till 1984 one will not believe the misuse of the noun Cameroun/Cameroon.
From 1985 till date, it is just the same as it was when Cameroun had her independence from 1st January 1960 to September 1961 when we had not joined with Cameroun. We have copies of all these registrations, and the full text of all the treaties or agreement in our archive.

We the people of Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) have more than enough international proof to show the world that Cameroun is not an honesty state.
Our concern now is that, we should not make any mistake in stating our case wrongly now to those who are to help us, kick Cameroun out of our country. One can have a good case, but once he or she state the case poorly or wrongly, there are high chances of losing the case. We should be very careful how we present our case to the world.

From: "JusticeMbuh [Ambazonianationalgroup]" <Ambazonianationalgroup@>
To: Ambas Bay <>; AmbazoniaNationalGroup <ambazonianationalgroup@>; Edwin Ngang <>; Tanyi Ojongmbo <>; Amos Mudoh <>; Bri Soucam <>
Sent: Sunday, 4 December 2016, 11:20
Subject: Caution: SCNC Chair and Susungi

The UN has consistently made this mistake of use of names Cameroun, Cameroon, Cameroons. This continued even under the Greentree Agreement and even with the ICJ Ruling in 2002. This is ample reason the Ambazonia Restoration Council (ARC) holden in Prof. Bernard N. Fonlon's house way back in 1984 saw the need to rename Southern Cameroons as Ambazonia. This is reason why we have long agreed, since 2001 that we should be using Southern Cameroons interchangeably with Ambazonia with one or the other in parenthesis so as to make clear what territory we are talking about.
This is why I call on Nfor Nfor and Susungi to dissociate themselves from making postings that are divisive, fanning factional fights, which I think should be a thing of the past. Specifically, Nfor's latest release on the Position of the SCNC, and Susungi's on the Referendum would have been stronger with Ambazonia in parenthesis.
If we cautioned Edwin Ngang about his promoting ALIP and urged him and Ambazonia to improve home-front presence, I think we should equally caution SCNC Chairman Nfor Nfor and Susungi.
This misunderstanding of our territory and even our demands is promoted by how badly we've sold ourselves to the idea of seeking disparate independence from French Cameroon, indeed Cameroun.
Let us be mindful that we are not fighting to carry this new country in old bottles out of Africa or that because it bears different names, it belongs to different people--no, it is our country and we better be clear about this, save frogs some more misrepresentations and more hurt!
Be mindful that many francophones do not and have never understood Cameroun, let alone Cameroons history. Our quest for independence should be clear so as to re-educate them about truths surrounding our no union relationship.
Thanks for Understanding.
THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA  (UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons): The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form.  --Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9


Posted by: Julius Acham <>
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