Comrade JA, I have already signed.
Our Petition to apply for membership of the UN, pursuant to Art. 4(2) of the UN Charter, would carry formidable weight if it is grounded on the signed attestation by a representative number of indigenous Southern Cameroonians (Ambazonians). 

Please ensure that the Signature Referendum is massively and Urgently signed and that your name is among the signatories.

The result of this Referendum would confer legitimacy to our Petition that by virtue of the granting  of Independence to Southern Cameroons by  UN General Assembly Res. 1608(XV) of 21 Apr 1961, our Independence was illegally suppressed by La Rebublique du Cameroun, but that we have reconstituted our Government which was sacked by LRC and have secured the mandate of the People of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) who  graduated to Independence effective 1 Oct 1961, to speak on their behalf in seeking admission to membership of the United Nations Organization.
It would help matters if our Application is supported by a UN member state in good standing.

Let all the Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) nationalist group leaders come together to arrive at a common position, and I look forward to hearing from each of them in early course.  My telephone contacts are:
         (237) 695 451 839 or 673 519 712.  I am also accessible on WhatsApp and on Skype.

I am aware, of course, that in any struggle, there has to be a Plan B in the event of Plan A  failing.  But let us give peace a chance first, especially as the UN through which we seek redress, was created in 1945 principally to resolve world problems by peaceful means. I honestly believe that God is listening to our prayers and I have marvelled by the spontaneous manner in which the People have suddenly grasped the real cause of our predicament with LRC.  It is a question of our separate identity and culture as an independent state, so ordained by the UN,  which LRC is brutally colonizing, annexing and assimilating.. 

The current strikes by Lawyers, Teachers, etc. should be encouraged and sustained, so as to draw world attention to the predicament of the People of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia). This involves sacrifice from all Southern Cameroonians, as we now look forward to the legislators from the South West Region to join those of the North West in calling on  LRC for dialogue with the People of Southern Cameroons.  There is precedent when Dr Endeley and the majority (not all) legislators from Southern Cameroons walked out of the then Eastern Nigeria Legislative Assembly, which action ultimately resulted in the creation of the Southern Cameroons House of Assembly.  Shoud LRC decide to dialogue with Southern Cameroonians, this should follow the famous statement  by their President  Ahmadou Ahidjo at the 49th meeting of the UN 4th Committee in 1959 when he stated:

'We had no reason to doubt the sincerity of this statement.  There was no issue involving a struggle by warring factions fighting for conquest over the other party.  We were brothers who had been separated, coming freely together.  In my opinion, that is what we still are....."
[Culled from HRH Senator Nfon Mukete's Book, MY ODYSSEY - THE STORY OF CAMEROON REUNIFICATION, at p.418]

It was understood by the 2 Cameroon parties that their coming together was to create a bi-cultural, bi-lingual Federation of 2 states, equal in status.  This is confirmed by the so-called Federal Constitution which was prepared, debated, passed and promulgated into law on 1 Sept 1961 by only one of the parties, La Republique du Cameroun.  It was never debated, passed or promulgated by the British Commissioner for Cameroons who was to promulgate laws passed by the Southern Cameroons Legislative Assemblies.  The expatriate Commissioner held that office until  midnight of 30 Sept 1961.  That notwithstanding, the so-called "Federal" Constitution of LRC acknowledged Southern Cameroons as one of the two states of the "Federation" with its own Prime Minister, while the state of La Republique du Cameroun became the state of East Cameroun, also with its own Prime Minister.

With the British Administering Authority having wrongly surrendered the instruments of Power over S. Cameroons to President Ahidjo on 30th Sept 1961 at Tiko airport, instead of to the functional S. Cameroon Govt as stipulated by UN General Assembly Res. 1514(XV) s.5,  next day, when S. Cameroons was to graduate to Independence, the Instrument of Power over the territory had already been handed to President Ahidjo the day previous!  The territory and People of Southern Cameroons were tricked to serve under the  Constitution of a foreign country, and in that capacity have never exercised their right of independence granted them by the UN General Assembly Res. 1608(XV) of 21 Apr 1961. 

S. Cameroons thus became a colonized territory of La Republique du Cameroun instead. There was no federation formed between the two Cameroon parties nor is there any written Agreement to support the illusion that we ever joined. Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) must seize this prevailing opportunity to redeem its suppressed independence first.  As a neighbouring country with La Republique du Cameroun, both parties should strive to live separately  at peace with each other, but not as domestic cleaners inside the master's mansion.!

Oma nanu!


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