Obituary Announcement
The AKO-EGBES' families of Tetocknock, Besongabang and the EYONGEGBES' Families of Nserong, Besongabang at home and abroad announce the death of: Lieutenant Colonel, Apostle, Dr. Nelson Eyongegbe AKO-EGBE of Besongabang, deceased on the 6th of January 2017.
Lieutenant Colonel Nelson AKO-EGBE succumbed to sudden ill-heath and failed to recover from subsequent surgical intervention at the Douala Reference Hospital. His last days here on earth took him from the pulpit of his Church where he had been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ on New Year's Eve in Limbe (Cameroon) to his eternal resting place in the hands of God in heaven above.
Lieutenant Colonel, Dr, Apostle Nelson Akoegbe was born in 1957 to late Pa Napoleon Akompah AKO-EGBE of Besongabang (patrilineal) and Ma Agnes Tabetakang of EYONGEGBE family of Besongabang (Matrilineal). The deceased Nelson AKO-EGBE was wedded to Mrs Helen AYUK-AKOEGBE and together they brought forth and raised six children. He started school education with the Basel Mission Primary at Ntenesa in Besongabang and attended Kamerun Technical College (KTC) Nkwen - Bamenda from 1971 to 1974. Upon graduation with a Technical Certificate in Designs and Construction he proceeded for further studies in Civil and Structural Engineering at the famous Takoradi Polytechnic in Ghana before advancing to the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) – Nigeria where he qualified as a Civil and Structural Engineer.
He returned to Cameroon in the early eighties and took up employment with LaboGenie Cameroun, working as a civil and structural engineer. During this engagement he headed various heavy duty projects such as; roads, bridges and water ways projects in Muyuka, Ndop, Melong and several other places in the West Province of Cameroon. He would thereafter gain employment with the Ministry of Defence in the technical and design department as a civilian Civil and Structural Engineer. His exceptional skills, knowledge and ability in executing his job and assisting the Military in the construction of government roads, bridges and water distribution projects won him several honours and direct admission into the Military academy (EMIA) in 1987. Upon successful completion of advanced military training, he graduated in 1989 with the rank of a full Lieutenant of the Cameroon National Army. He endured an accomplishing career in the military in which he led in the design, construction and maintenance of key infrastructural projects across the country. His distinctive contribution in engineering and military savoir propelled him to rise to the prime rank of Lieutenant Colonel up to his demise.
Apart from military services, he was a devoted born again Christian who gave most of his time to the service of the Lord. He was called to the ministry right early but engaged in active evangelism from the very beginning of his career in the Military. Even as a military officer, he brought active Christianity in military barracks and changed the lives of his colleagues in the military. Beyond the military, he spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an Apostle of the Lord everywhere to the wider society. His deep believe in the word of God and studies therein inspired him to create his own ministry: 'Preach the Gospel International Ministries' (PGIM). Blessed with the grace of God, his ministry expanded rapidly with congregations in Douala, Tiko, Limbe, and Garoua. Apostle Ako-Egbe's Christian activities also extended to the USA where he preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and officiated in Christian marriages, baptism and other functions in Congregations across the USA. His enthusiastic, passionate and firebrand style of preaching was recognised with the award of honorary doctorate by a US religious organisation in Leadership and Management.
In the cultural dimension, Lt. Colonel Nelson AKO-EGBE was Sessekou of the Ekpe society in Besongabang, always playing a leadership role in Ekpe manifestations and other events. He was also very involved in conversations for a better Besongabang community at home and abroad. In particular, he was a key initiator of Besongabang reconciliation projects in 2010 which helped bring people together in the village. His ultimate goal in this reconciliation effort was always to achieve unity, love and development in Besongabang. Hence he put in all his energy, always travelling from afar to attend meetings and organise gatherings aimed at achieving lasting peace in Besongabang. His efforts in trying to encourage dialogue and reconciliation convinced the Besongabang community that he could be a leader for Besongabang people for the future. Accordingly, he was invited by elders and persuaded to take up the leadership of Abane and part of the Etchu families. After much reflection, he accepted this role and subsequently created Besongabang United Traditional Council. He remained the Council Chairman from 2010 till his demise in 2017. He is credited in his role as Chairman of the Council to have brought a sense of direction , vision and a stable leadership to a great section of Besongabang community during his time.
Our brother, son, father, relative and brothers in Christ, Nelson Akoegbe will be missed not just by his family of orientation and precreation but by a wider Christian, professional and social community.
Funeral Programme will be announced later.
On behalf of the AKOEGBES' Family at home and abroad
• Mulango Samuel AKO-EGBE (Brother) UK: 00447412828422
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