Understanding Peace towards conflict resolution between Cameroon regime and Southern Cameroonians

Why the Peace initiative?
Ephesians 4:2-3 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
"Living as {becomes you] with complete lowliness of mind (humility) and meekness (unselfishness, gentleness, mildness), with patience, bearing with one another and making allowances because you love one another.Be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of [and produced by] the Spirit in the binding power of peace."
Peacemakers are trained to deal with political conflicts both legally and diplomatically in order to find peaceful resolutions to them in a manner that will appease both parties. So, I wanted to breakdown in simple terms what I mean by peace. I know some people are confused about this because they have no advanced knowledge of the subject. I have never liked to talk about my educational qualifications in public because I never wanted to come across otherwise. Nevertheless, I am bound to make this clear for the sake of this peace initiative I will like you to support and be part of it.
1. Masters of Arts in Religion and Theology 2003 with concentration in Global
Justice and Ethics of War and Peace
2. Masters of Arts in Public Policy and International Affairs in  2016 in the Department of Government  with
concentration in Diplomacy, Geopolitics, International business, Leadership and
Management and Conflict Communication, Management and  Resolution. 
So, I operate with expert knowledge and understanding of the issues. You can see for yourselves why it is absurd for a medical doctor or an Accountant or Farmer to insult me when I am thinking strategically and acting strategically. Peace is a big philosophical, political and religious concept. There is political, diplomatic and religious peace. The three categories can be intertwined to achieve a specific objective in a conflict laden situation. If someone announces a peace initiative, you have to ask questions to understand. You don t just start blasting and angry when you do not know the type of peace he or she is referring to.
Political peace is obtained through the declaration of war. That is why you have the theory of just and unjust wars. Religious peace is the peace of Jesus Christ for Christian adorned with forgiveness and reconciliation through grace and love of God. Diplomatic peace is an alternative to war carried out in order to prevent war and seek nonviolent ways to resolve conflicts.  As always Political Peace still relies on Religious and Diplomatic Peace in resolving the conflict in the form of war. When things are just normal religious peace and diplomatic peace are bedfellows. However, when we choose diplomatic peace over political peace, we still have to tap into religious peace to complement diplomatic peace. This is the ideal situation when people have the goodwill to dialogue and pursue with rigor, the principles and process of conflict analysis and resolution.  So which of these peace(s) will you like us to embark on to resolve the conflict between the Cameroon regime and the people of Southern Cameroons?  I will appreciate your candid responses. You can text me at 201 878 5829 or email or call me. I will launch an online conference call later but I wanted to get you started  to reflect and think outside of the box of wild emotions . Is time for  us to start reasoning together?  

Please share because you need to know. Knowledge is power and lack of knowledge is powerlessness.
Thank you sincerely for your  thoughtfulness
Jonathan Awasom
The Peacemaker


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