Fwd: Re: AW: Have You Reserved Your Spot On The Freedom Bus Ride to New York

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From: Bright Arrey <brightarrey@hotmail.com>
To: Agbor Enow Augustine <enowo07@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: AW: Have You Reserved Your Spot On The Freedom Bus Ride to New
Thread-Topic: AW: Have You Reserved Your Spot On The Freedom Bus Ride to New
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Mr Augustine Agbor,
You seem to know too much and want to lecture everyone on this forum. I hav=
e read a lot of your writings on this matter and can't stay back. Who do yo=
u refer to as the 90% of Cameroonians attending schools at the moment? You =
are certainly referring to children in the French speaking Cameroon. Have t=
hey or their parents complained of anything. They feel satisfied and that i=
s why they are attending schools. Probably because they know that the job m=
arket is opened to them after graduating. What is the future of the Englis=
h speaking Cameroonians after graduation, Mr Lecturer. You sound too much o=
f yourself.
Further for someone to boast that our talents are abroad and are being used=
and appreciated abroad is bizarre and shameful for someone like you who so=
unds educated. We need the talents home for our own development not used ab=
road. They cannot go back home because there is no future for them. Is that=
what you are encouraging. Sad if you are.
What do you make of our children being taught in the French language by Fre=
nch Cameroonians in courses or lessons to be taught in English. Who correc=
ts their examinations in their classes? The French Cameroonian who cannot s=
peak the English language. What do you make of the fact that over 60% of t=
he students in the University of Buea, "Eccle Normale " Bambili like many o=
r all the higher education institutions in Southern Cameroons are French ar=
e are being taught by French Cameroonians in French. Speak to a student in =
one of the technical schools in Southern Cameroons and share his experience=
What do you think of Southern Cameroons courts and the Legal Department hav=
ing mainly French Judges and State Counsels. Hope with the education you mi=
ght have you can distinguish the Common Law and the Civil Law system.
What do you think of all the Military Officers, police etc heads of all the=
territory of Southern Cameroonians and even SDOs, DOs, in every part of So=
uthern Cameroons are French Cameroonians who can't communicate with the peo=
ple they administer. Lots to mention here when you look at all the sectors =
of the administration of Southern Cameroons. Does the Southern Cameroonians=
have the basic human rights of peaceful protests?
There are lots of issues to deal with when you talk of marginalisation of t=
he Southern Cameroonians. All the Southern Cameroons cooperations and compa=
nies have been closed down and you sound fine in your comfort zone. I know =
of many English speaking Cameroonians with Degrees in their pockets in Kumb=
a riding "okada ". What a waste of money and talent. One came to me one day=
after building up courage and said " grand, ei bad. Since morning I nova c=
hop even groundnut. I no get even 5Frs. I beg help me". I thought he was jo=
king. Even if he was I would have still given him. When I gave him just 2,0=
00Frs I had on me, this gentleman went on his knees to thank me. Is that wh=
at you are encouraging.
I note that it is people like you who are misleading other Cameroonians and=
perhaps the government that English speaking Cameroonians are secessionist=
. Far from =FEhat. Every English speaking Cameroonian is proud of being a C=
ameroonian but they need change and a better future. You sound like an env=
oy of the government, rather than sing the "dimabola" the we have heard ove=
r and over and it is soar now, go advice the authorities who sent you to op=
en their minds and listen to the Southern Cameroonians in a free and fair d=
ialogue. (Sorry too busy to read over. May be some mistakes).

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: 'Agbor Enow Augustine' via MANYUNET <manyunet@aufoundation.org>
Date: 27/02/2017 03:42 (GMT+00:00)
To: Morgan & Jean Enowmbitang <mjenow@sbcglobal.net>, enowo07@yahoo.com, ta=
bokog@yahoo.com, 'Taboko George' via MANYUNET <manyunet@aufoundation.org>, =
christmasebini <christmasebini@aol.com>, manyuvoic@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: AW: Have You Reserved Your Spot On The Freedom Bus Ride to New=

Bro Morgan

It is deplorable when students graduate from universities without job oppor=
tunities. We must note that the 21st century global labor market is very mo=
bile, and these students are no longer bound to work in Cameroon. The last =
time a read a U.S State department report that assessed Cameroonians living=
in the USA as one of the highly educated community in the country. This di=
d not happen by chance, but because of the value we place in education, and=
specifically, because of the education we had back home. I want the young =
ones back home to go to school and develop the skill sets needed in today's=
global job environment. Moreover, more than 90% of Cameroonian students ar=
e attending classes, so the end point will be that the less than 10% who ar=
e not attending are being held back. The reality is that students will go b=
ack to school sooner or later.

Augustine Enow Agbor

The outcome of my life is not more than three lines: I was a raw material I=
became mature and cooked And I was burned into nothingness. Rumi

On Sunday, February 26, 2017 9:26 PM, Morgan & Jean Enowmbitang <mjenow@sbc=
global.net> wrote:

Seriously. With the internet on, kids were not safe from police brutality, =
rape, etc. Innocent kids were being abducted from their dorms by armed pol=
ice to the streets. Where=92s the outrage for those kids killed. You=92re =
more concern for them to go to school, without internet, only to graduate a=
nd move back to their villages, waste away because of no jobs and connectio=
ns to the powerful?

You are doing Biya's bidding not the kids.

Morgan Enowmbitang

On Sunday, February 26, 2017 6:48 AM, 'Agbor Enow Augustine' via MANYUNET <=
manyunet@aufoundation.org> wrote:

Turning to a simple fallacy of attacking the messenger, rather than the mes=
sage shows the lack of basic critical thinking skills. Jonathan Awasom is =
right. Using Anglophone kids as hostages for your ill-conceived stillbirth =
secessionist and irredentist claim does not make you more sane than Jonatha=

My opinion is informed by the fact that schools are 100% in 8 regions of Ca=
meroon. Furthermore, in places like Kumba, Limbe, Buea, and Tiko, all Fra=
ncophone schools are opened and students and pupils attend freely.

Finally, every other state institutions are open for business, so in effec=
t, there is no ghost town. Moreover, the beleaguered secessionist movement=
s are a disgrace and are divided as the white blood cells flowing through t=
heir veins. Biya is just waiting for time to solve the problem, and time wi=

Property owners are basking on the annual rents that parents paid for the y=
ear,but those who depend on the student body in every Anglophone towns can =
not afford a longer school boycott. They will soon turn against the secessi=
onists and irredentists. Strategically, Biya is the biggest benefactor of =
the school boycott. The large student bodies in Bamenda and Buea could be =
a great catalyst in times of mass demonstration.

Augustine Enow Agbor

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android<https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.sr=

On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 3:09 AM, 'Taboko George' via MANYUNET
<manyunet@aufoundation.org> wrote:

Goodmorning Fellow Southern Cameroonians and Happy Sunday to you all

I just happened to read a write up posted and it felt on my Spam from one J=
onnathan Awason relating to calling off the strike so that our kids should =
go back to school, etc. etc while others are sacrificing thrir lives for a =
better future for the English-speaking Cameroon.
One Mr.Besong has cited instances of almost hundreds of thousands graduat=
es from various universities out in Cameroon without jobs and those unemplo=
yed looking for means to fall Bush as the regime can only mark the scripts =
of The Beti, Ewondo- Bulus at times with double names as successful candida=
tes admitted into ENAM, IRIC,and all other professional schools in La Repub=
lique du Cameroun.
My question here is, is that Jonnathan Awason in his normal senses or is h=
e suffering from Epilepsy?W
He should live to think as many times as he can to reflect before attemptin=
g to ever suggest an opinion of public interest or debate.
It is high time we identify black-legs amongst ourselves.
When will some of our brothers, sisters and parents who have failed woefull=
y in executing proper decissions that could be of good use in generations t=
o come ?
Nobody is perfect and nobody knows everything, but when a majority is out c=
rying or trying to make their voices heard for wrong doing, if you do not h=
ave a consolitory word, you better stay quiet.
We, the Southern Cameroonians know how the regime of La Republique du Camer=
oun has been maltreating us even inside our bedrooms. I think, the next ste=
p they will take is to come and tell us the ways and manners we make sex wi=
th our wives at night.
Poor us, the English-speaking Cameroonian society.T

Thank you.
George Taboko
Europa Chemie Industrie(Bayer)
Krefeld-Uerdingen, Germany.
Gesendet von Yahoo Mail auf Android<https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/=

Am Fr., 24. Feb. 2017 um 2:24 U2r schrieb 'christmasebini' via MANYUNET

Dear Friend you are set for the Freedom Bus Ride to New York for March 3rd =
UN DEMONSTRATION. Please mark sure you are at the boarding place, Langley P=
ark Macdonald at 6 am prompt. You will also be entitled to some snacks. Con=
gratulations and bon voyage to all those who have registered through Morisc=
.org or deposited their $60 at the scnc foundation bank of America account.=
Hurry the spaces are going fast. Secure your space today. Now.

Christmas Ebini

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3DWindows-1=
<meta content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8">
<div>Mr Augustine Agbor,</div>
<div>You seem to know too much and want to lecture everyone on this forum. =
I have read a lot of your writings on this matter and can't stay back. Who =
do you refer to as the 90% of Cameroonians attending schools at the moment?=
You are certainly referring to
children in the French speaking Cameroon. Have they or their parents compl=
ained of anything. They feel satisfied and that is why they are attending s=
chools. Probably because they know that the job market is opened to them af=
ter graduating. &nbsp;What is the future
of the English speaking Cameroonians after graduation, Mr Lecturer. You so=
und too much of yourself.&nbsp;</div>
<div>Further for someone to boast that our talents are abroad and are being=
used and appreciated abroad is bizarre and shameful for someone like you w=
ho sounds educated. We need the talents home for our own development not us=
ed abroad. They cannot go back home
because there is no future for them. Is that what you are encouraging. Sad=
if you are.&nbsp;</div>
<div>What do you make of our children being taught in the French language b=
y French Cameroonians in courses or lessons to be taught in English. &nbsp;=
Who corrects their examinations in their classes? The French Cameroonian wh=
o cannot speak the English language.
&nbsp;What do you make of the fact that over 60% of the students in the Un=
iversity of Buea, &quot;Eccle Normale &quot; Bambili like many or all the h=
igher education institutions in Southern Cameroons are French are are being=
taught by French Cameroonians in French. Speak
to a student in one of the technical schools in Southern Cameroons and sha=
re his experience.&nbsp;</div>
<div>What do you think of Southern Cameroons courts and the Legal Departmen=
t having mainly French Judges and State Counsels. Hope with the education y=
ou might have you can distinguish the Common Law and the Civil Law system.&=
<div>What do you think of all the Military Officers, police etc heads of al=
l the territory of Southern Cameroonians and even SDOs, DOs, in every part =
of Southern Cameroons are French Cameroonians who can't communicate with th=
e people they administer. Lots to
mention here when you look at all the sectors of the administration of Sou=
thern Cameroons. Does the Southern Cameroonians have the basic human rights=
of peaceful protests?</div>
<div>There are lots of issues to deal with when you talk of marginalisation=
of the Southern Cameroonians. All the Southern Cameroons cooperations and =
companies have been closed down and you sound fine in your comfort zone. I =
know of many English speaking Cameroonians
with Degrees in their pockets in Kumba riding &quot;okada &quot;. What a w=
aste of money and talent. One came to me one day after building up courage =
and said &quot; grand, ei bad. Since morning I nova chop even groundnut. I =
no get even 5Frs. I beg help me&quot;. I thought he
was joking. Even if he was I would have still given him. When I gave him j=
ust 2,000Frs I had on me, this gentleman went on his knees to thank me. Is =
that what you are encouraging.&nbsp;</div>
<div>I note that it is people like you who are misleading other Cameroonian=
s and perhaps the government that English speaking Cameroonians are secessi=
onist. Far from =FEhat. Every English speaking Cameroonian is proud of bein=
g a Cameroonian but they need change
and a better future. &nbsp;You sound like an envoy of the government, rath=
er than sing the &quot;dimabola&quot; the we have heard over and over and i=
t is soar now, go advice the authorities who sent you to open their minds a=
nd listen to the Southern Cameroonians in a free
and fair dialogue. (Sorry too busy to read over. May be some mistakes).</d=
<div id=3D"composer_signature">
<div dir=3D"auto" style=3D"font-size:85%; color:#575757">Sent from my Samsu=
ng Galaxy smartphone.</div>
<div>-------- Original message --------</div>
<div>From: 'Agbor Enow Augustine' via MANYUNET &lt;manyunet@aufoundation.or=
g&gt; </div>
<div>Date: 27/02/2017 03:42 (GMT&#43;00:00) </div>
<div>To: Morgan &amp; Jean Enowmbitang &lt;mjenow@sbcglobal.net&gt;, enowo0=
7@yahoo.com, tabokog@yahoo.com, 'Taboko George' via MANYUNET &lt;manyunet@a=
ufoundation.org&gt;, christmasebini &lt;christmasebini@aol.com&gt;, manyuvo=
<div>Subject: Re: AW: Have You Reserved Your Spot On The Freedom Bus Ride t=
o New York
<div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue,=
Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; font-size:14px">
<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1488166125655_23492"><span>Bro Morgan</span></div>
<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1488166125655_23492"><span><br>
<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1488166125655_23492" dir=3D"ltr"><span id=3D"yui_3_=
16_0_1_1488166125655_23603">It is deplorable when students graduate from un=
iversities without job opportunities. We must note that the 21st century gl=
obal labor market is very mobile, and
these students are no longer bound to work in Cameroon. The last time a re=
ad a U.S State department report that assessed Cameroonians living in the U=
SA as one of the highly educated community in the country. This did not hap=
pen by chance, but because of the
value we place in education, and specifically, because of the education we=
had back home. I want the young ones back home to go to school and develop=
the skill sets needed in today's global job environment. Moreover, more th=
an 90% of Cameroonian students are
attending classes, so the end point will be that the less than 10% who are=
not attending are being held back. The reality is that students will go ba=
ck to school sooner or later.&nbsp;</span></div>
<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1488166125655_23492" dir=3D"ltr"><span><br>
<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1488166125655_23492" dir=3D"ltr"><span id=3D"yui_3_=
16_0_1_1488166125655_24159">Augustine Enow Agbor</span></div>
<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1488166125655_23745">&nbsp;</div>
<div class=3D"signature" id=3D"yui_3_16_0_1_1488166125655_23494">The outcom=
e of my life is not more than three lines: I was a raw material I became ma=
ture and cooked And I was burned into nothingness. Rumi</div>
<div class=3D"qtdSeparateBR"><br>
<div class=3D"yahoo_quoted" style=3D"display:block">
<div style=3D"font-family:HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Luci=
da Grande,sans-serif; font-size:14px">
<div style=3D"font-family:HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Luci=
da Grande,sans-serif; font-size:16px">
<div dir=3D"ltr"><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial">On Sunday, February 26, 20=
17 9:26 PM, Morgan &amp; Jean Enowmbitang &lt;mjenow@sbcglobal.net&gt; wrot=
<div class=3D"y_msg_container">
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253">
<div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue,=
Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; font-size:16px">
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_142615"><br clear=3D"non=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143886" style=3D"backgro=
und:white; margin:0px 0px 11px; line-height:normal">
<span id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143887" style=3D"margin=
:0px; color:black">Agbor,</span></div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143888"><span id=3D"yiv9=
330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143893" style=3D"margin:0px; color:blac=
k">Seriously. With the internet on, kids were not safe from police brutalit=
y, rape, etc.&nbsp; Innocent kids were being
abducted from their dorms by armed police to the streets.&nbsp; Where=92s =
the outrage for those kids killed. You=92re more concern for them to go to =
school, without internet, only to graduate and move back to their villages,=
waste away because of no jobs and connections
to the powerful?&nbsp; </span></div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143894"><br clear=3D"non=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143895" style=3D"backgro=
und:white; margin:0px 0px 11px; line-height:normal">
<span id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143899" style=3D"margin=
:0px; color:black">You are doing Biya's bidding not the kids.</span></div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143900"><span id=3D"yiv9=
330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143902" style=3D"margin:0px; color:blac=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143903"><span id=3D"yiv9=
330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143905" style=3D"margin:0px; color:blac=
k; line-height:107%">Morgan Enowmbitang</span></div>
<div dir=3D"ltr" id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143906"><br =
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yui_3_16_0_1_1487895917898_143585"><br clear=3D"non=
<div class=3D"yiv9330358253qtdSeparateBR"><br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
<div class=3D"yiv9330358253yqt3789420244" id=3D"yiv9330358253yqt25904">
<div class=3D"yiv9330358253yahoo_quoted" style=3D"display:block">
<div style=3D"font-family:HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Luci=
da Grande,sans-serif; font-size:16px">
<div style=3D"font-family:HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Luci=
da Grande,sans-serif; font-size:16px">
<div dir=3D"ltr"><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2">On Sunday, February 26, 20=
17 6:48 AM, 'Agbor Enow Augustine' via MANYUNET &lt;manyunet@aufoundation.o=
rg&gt; wrote:<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
<div class=3D"yiv9330358253y_msg_container">
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253">George&nbsp;
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488111621524">Turning t=
o a simple fallacy of attacking the messenger, rather than the message show=
s the lack of basic critical thinking skills. &nbsp;Jonathan Awasom is righ=
t. Using Anglophone kids as hostages for
your ill-conceived stillbirth secessionist and irredentist claim does not =
make you more sane than Jonathan.&nbsp;</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488111926384"><br clear=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488111933337">My opinio=
n is informed by the fact that schools are 100% in 8 regions of Cameroon. F=
urthermore, &nbsp;in places like Kumba, &nbsp;Limbe, Buea, and Tiko, all Fr=
ancophone schools are opened and students and
pupils attend freely.&nbsp;</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488112206710"><br clear=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488112232816">Finally, =
every other state institutions are open for business, &nbsp;so in effect, t=
here is no ghost town. Moreover, &nbsp;the beleaguered secessionist movemen=
ts are a disgrace and are divided as the white
blood cells flowing through their veins. Biya is just waiting for time to =
solve the problem, and time will. &nbsp;</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488112587683"><br clear=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488112590615">Property =
owners are basking on the annual rents that parents paid for the year,but t=
hose who depend on the student body in every Anglophone towns can not affor=
d a longer school boycott. They will
soon turn against the secessionists and irredentists. Strategically, &nbsp=
;Biya is the biggest benefactor of the school boycott. &nbsp;The large stud=
ent bodies in Bamenda and Buea could be a great catalyst in times of mass d=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488113050443"><br clear=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488113052356">Augustine=
Enow Agbor&nbsp;<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253ymail_android_signature"><a rel=3D"nofollow" shape=
=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/=
">Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android</a></div>
<br clear=3D"none">
<blockquote style=3D"margin:0 0 20px 0">
<div>On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 3:09 AM, 'Taboko George' via MANYUNET</div>
<div>&lt;manyunet@aufoundation.org&gt; wrote:</div>
<div style=3D"padding:10px 0 0 20px; margin:10px 0 0 0; border-left:1px sol=
id #6D00F6">
<br clear=3D"none">
Goodmorning Fellow Southern Cameroonians and Happy Sunday to you all
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488094452761"><br clear=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488094457238">I just ha=
ppened to read a write up posted and it felt on my Spam from one Jonnathan =
Awason relating to calling off the strike so that our kids should go back t=
o school, etc. etc while others are
sacrificing thrir lives for a better future for the English-speaking Camer=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488094713162">&nbsp; On=
e Mr.Besong has cited instances of almost hundreds of thousands graduates f=
rom various universities out in Cameroon without jobs and those unemployed =
looking for means to fall Bush as the regime
can only mark the scripts of The Beti, Ewondo- Bulus at times with double =
names as successful candidates admitted into ENAM, IRIC,and all other profe=
ssional schools in La Republique du Cameroun.</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488095185768">&nbsp;My =
question here is, is that Jonnathan Awason in his normal senses or is he su=
ffering from Epilepsy?W</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488095429657">He should=
live to think as many times as he can to reflect before attempting to ever=
suggest an opinion of public interest or debate.</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488095542229">It is hig=
h time we identify black-legs amongst ourselves.</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488095618865">When will=
some of our brothers, sisters and parents who have failed woefully in exec=
uting proper decissions that could be of good use in generations to come ?<=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488095917509">Nobody is=
perfect and nobody knows everything, but when a majority is out crying or =
trying to make their voices heard for wrong doing, if you do not have a con=
solitory word, you better stay quiet.</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488096119366">We, the S=
outhern Cameroonians know how the regime of La Republique du Cameroun has b=
een maltreating us even inside our bedrooms. I think, the next step they wi=
ll take is to come and tell us the
ways and manners we make sex with our wives at night.</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488096322607">Poor us, =
the English-speaking Cameroonian society.T</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488096445187"><br clear=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488096448997">Thank you=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488096460258">George Ta=
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488096475474">Europa Ch=
emie Industrie(Bayer)</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488096514134">Krefeld-U=
erdingen, Germany.</div>
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488095367352">
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253yMail_cursorElementTracker_1488094394369">
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253ymail_android_signature"><a rel=3D"nofollow" shape=
=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/=
">Gesendet von Yahoo Mail auf Android</a></div>
<br clear=3D"none">
<blockquote style=3D"margin:0 0 20px 0">
<div>Am Fr., 24. Feb. 2017 um 2:24 U2r schrieb 'christmasebini' via MANYUNE=
<div class=3D"yiv9330358253yQTDBase yiv9330358253yqt9956861036" id=3D"yiv93=
<div style=3D"padding:10px 0 0 20px; margin:10px 0 0 0; border-left:1px sol=
id #6D00F6">
<div><br clear=3D"none">
<div>Dear Friend you are set for the Freedom Bus Ride to New York for March=
3rd UN DEMONSTRATION. Please mark sure you are at the boarding place, Lang=
ley Park Macdonald at 6 am prompt. You will also be entitled to some snacks=
. Congratulations and bon voyage
to all those who have registered through Morisc.org or deposited their $60=
at the scnc foundation bank of America account.&nbsp; Hurry the spaces are=
going fast. Secure your space today. Now.</div>
<div><br clear=3D"none">
<div>Christmas Ebini&nbsp;</div>
<div><br clear=3D"none">
<div><br clear=3D"none">
<div id=3D"yiv9330358253composer_signature">
<div style=3D"font-size:85%; color:#575757">Sent from my Verizon, Samsung G=
alaxy smartphone</div>
<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


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