[zimleague:58308] Digest for zimleague@googlegroups.com - 25 updates in 21 topics

"RT" < johnkay@johnkay.co.zw >: Apr 27 03:01PM +0200

Instantly activated Corporate Personalized emails $20 per year. free
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rt@zol.co.zw 0773811601
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:55PM +0200

Corporates or individuals, use our mobile app to run 'play & win' competions, promotions or adverts for your clients anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
Are you a company,corporate or individual who wants to use our mobile app to run 'play & win' competions, promotions or adverts for your clients ? Make them play a brand game featuring your logos, brand, services,company information or products e.t.c so they win vouchers, tshirts,caps, tvs,stoves,airtime,phones,household appliances, vouchers etc from you.It is an Android app game on google playstore which we link to your website so that you run a draw for those clients with high scores which appear real time on your website as they play it.
Apart from this you can use the app to make your clients fill forms, register with you submiting information,placing orders e.t.c
For demo & presentation,go search & install 'Zimleague promotions' game on google playstore on your android phone..
call anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
Twitter: 52 000 followers @zimleague
Facebook: 50 000 followers https://www.facebook.com/groups/zimleague
Zimleague Promotions (digital Advertising and mobile app development)
anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:58PM +0200

Corporates or individuals, use our mobile app to run 'play & win' competions, promotions or adverts for your clients anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
Are you a company,corporate or individual who wants to use our mobile app to run 'play & win' competions, promotions or adverts for your clients ? Make them play a brand game featuring your logos, brand, services,company information or products e.t.c so they win vouchers, tshirts,caps, tvs,stoves,airtime,phones,household appliances, vouchers etc from you.It is an Android app game on google playstore which we link to your website so that you run a draw for those clients with high scores which appear real time on your website as they play it.
Apart from this you can use the app to make your clients fill forms, register with you submiting information,placing orders e.t.c
For demo & presentation,go search & install 'Zimleague promotions' game on google playstore on your android phone..
call anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
Twitter: 52 000 followers @zimleague
Facebook: 50 000 followers https://www.facebook.com/groups/zimleague
Zimleague Promotions (digital Advertising and mobile app development)
anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:57PM +0200

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anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
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anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:57PM +0200

Read Slowly & Foward Please
Zimbabwe Financial Crisis:
Real Financial Solution Zimbabwe : Bitcoin is a digital currency,borderless,instant,secure,private,no banks,no charges phone to phone read below for more..
Inflation ,unstable currencies, taxes, bank closure,account garnishing or freezing,lack of transaction privacy,untimely transactions,high bank charges, restrictions ,transfer delays and liquidity crunch crisis etc
Real Solution is here Zimbabwe :
Bitcoin is a digital currency called Crypto currency.It is built using blockchain technology. it is the first of 400 more digital crypto currencies growing e.g litecoin.
It can handle micropayments upto 0.00000001btc
Plastic digital money which is a true legal tender.World remittances sent across the global divide free instantly to receiver.
It is backed by all World currencies and billions are already in circulation since year 2009
Exchange Rate:
It flactuates like any other currency on stock markets.
1BTC = $US700
It can be used across the whole world over the internet or mobile apps like whatsapp,email or ecocash
America, Africa, Europe ,Russia ,China South Africa etc use it .Huge corporate Microsoft, wordpress,amazon,Reddit ,Ibm,Google etc major corporates have adopted bitcoin.
No Banks:
There are zero charges or thirdparties or banks needed.
No bank charges or banks.You send your money peer to peer ,wallet to wallet ,phone to phone ,computer to computer instantly.
It is Decentralised meaning no middlemen. No Restrictions .No Limits on sending your hard earned money.Borderless.
Highly Secured transactions using end to end encryption making hacking impossible.Crypto system is very difficult to break which is the fabric behind the bitcoin creation.
Android, Windows, Linux ,IOS MAC wallets can be installed easily on your phone & PC
Buying Trading:
For more and how to get or buy bitcoins in Zimbabwe email us on zimleague@gmail.com
You go on our website and place an order and we will give you deposit details of your money and we then send you instantly your bitcoins .Our bitcoin rate will be on our website daily .
Get a wallet:
https://www.coinbase.com/ (Recommended Wallet )
https://blockchain.info (Recommended Wallet )
Search "Coinbase Wallet" on Google Playstore
Very easy little training is needed .we give you video audio text tutorials and refer you to one on one sessions.They train you on how to setup,use ,manage, buy or sell or invest bitcoins in Zimbabwe
Please share : Join Bitcoin Training, Selling & Buying Zimbabwe.Latest digital money.Borderless.Secure .No Bank Charges.Phone to Phone.Join Our Discussion group today by opening this link on your phone https://chat.whatsapp.com/DJ6wHbJXXew76503EXU9Qe
For the read:
Go learn & read www.bitcoin.org If you need help to learn.
Bitcoin is the 1st decentralised digital currency a digital coin sent via internet like as simple as email,
Transferred directly from person to person without going through a bank or clearing house.
Transfer feess are much micro lower
You can use them in every country: global currency
Your account cannot be frozen by third parties.
No prerequisites or abitrary limits
You can buy/ Sale it from currency exchanges for any traditional currency or from other people.
Are kept in a digital computer or mobile device or offline storage
You can purchase anything with bitcoin.
Are irreversible by design
Are fast. Funds received are available for spending within minutes.
The supply of bitcoins is regulated by software and the agreement of users of the system and cannot be manipulated by any government, bank, organization or individual. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system's money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) to "miners"who are volunteer computer owners who help secure the networkand are paid by the bitcoin network.
Bitcoin network is secured by individuals called miners
Miners are rewarded newly generated bitcoins for verifying transactions
After transactions are verified they are recorded in a transparent public ledger
*The software is opensource and anyone can review the code
Everyone has access to a global market...A great way for businesses to minimise transaction fees
it doesn't cost anything to start accepting them
Very easy to setup
There are no charge backs
Useful websites:
https://www.coinbase.com/ (Recommended Wallet )
https://blockchain.info/ (Recommended Wallet )
For more about buying bitcoins in Zimbabwe email us on zimleague@gmail.com
Please share : Join Bitcoin Training, Selling & Buying Zimbabwe.Latest digital money.Borderless.Secure .No Bank Charges.Phone to Phone.Join Our Discussion group today by opening this link on your phone https://chat.whatsapp.com/DJ6wHbJXXew76503EXU9Qe
Bitcoin Explainations After training
You create a wallet for your Money to stay in. Just like e.g ECOCASH WALLET
There are a lot of website you can create a wallet for bitcoins I highly recommend ... blockchain.info coinbase.com
So when you choose your wallet on your desired site. The site gives you an address that becomes your wallet identifier
This address works the same as ACCOUNT NUMBER ( you give it to your would be depositors)
Since bitcoin is a currency such as kwacha, rand , usd etc but in DIGITAL FORM it has its own rate with other currency today 1 bitcoin is selling at $US700
So assuming you have $20 in your wallet (either bank or ecocash),and now you want bitcoins how do you do it?
You go on our website and place an order and we will get you deposit details of your money and we will send real time your bitcoins .Our bitcoin rate will be on our website daily
YES and NO
It depends with the Prevailing Rate on the Market, if the Rate is High you gain, and if the rate is Low you you can still have your float
One thing that makes bitcoin so hot is that it allows us to make transactions and move money in ways that were not possible before bitcoin was invented. We've compiled a list of 10 areas where bitcoin shines:
#1: Online payments
With banks continuing to restrict the use of debit cards online, it continues to get more difficult to make an online payment with the money in your bank account. In many cases, it's no longer possible. Fortunately we have bitcoin and from buying an airline ticket to hiring a website developer, there are now millions of things you can buy using bitcoin online.
Our favourite website is Purse. It allows you to pay for things on Amazon using bitcoin while getting a 15% discount. Cool huh?
#2: Collecting online payments
If you decided to sell something online and you just have a Zimbabwean bank account, if you're not accepting bitcoin then it's very hard to collect those payments from people outside the country without jumping through hoops. Even the old fashioned wire transfer is no longer an option for most people because a number of banks are now telling their customers that they can't receive money from outside the country. bitcoin is a viable option.
#3: Getting a loan
Getting a bank account in Africa is already hard enough. In Zimbabwe some banks have stopped opening new accounts altogether. If you already have a bank account, good luck getting the bank to give you a loan if you don't work for Econet. Because of the difficulty in getting a bank loan, most people are going to be forced to accept unfair terms when they are desperate for personal financing - which is more often than not. Bitcoin and emerging peer-to-peer lending platforms offer anyone who has an internet connection and a bitcoin wallet an alternative that has, cough cough, no banks involved. How this works is, you say: "I need a loan of $X to buy a car and I will pay anyone who lends me money at an interest of Y% over Z months" and tens, hundreds or thousands of people send you small payments in bitcoin until you have enough money to buy your car. They will want you to pay them back though.
There are quite a few bitcoin-powered peer-to-peer lending platforms but our favourite one is BTCjam.
#4 Investing
There are many 'so called' bitcoin investment opportunities online and we take almost all of these with a grain of salt. Being noob investors ourselves we tend to shy away from giving investment advice excect to tell people to do their homework first and to not invest more than they can afford to lose if they have decided they are going to invest. Even in bitcoin itself. Although we're big believers in bitcoin, we see bitcoin as an experiment which may or may not fail and even though it has worked great so far and has been proved to be a great store of value in the last couple of years (especially when you compare it to the performance of other African currencies in the same period). Now that the disclaimers are out of the way, we didn't want to finish this email without talking about how excited we are about how easy it is now for us to invest in other people on peer-to-peer lending platforms. It's not without risks, of course, but the idea that you are holding an extra dollar, you can invest any amount of money, in anyone, in any part of the world is evidence in itself of how much the world is a better place than it was 10 years ago.
#5 Paying suppliers & collecting money from customers outside the country
It's now so difficult to send money outside the country that even the government has trouble sending money outside the country sometimes. If you are working for a company that is having trouble receiving or sending money across the border then you should get in touch with us to find out how you can do that using bitcoin. Moving money across the border is one of our strengths
#6 Day Trading
A question we often get asked by people who hear about bitcoin from us for the first time is: "How can I make money using bitcoin?" and a simple answer is day trading bitcoin which is buying bitcoin at a low price and selling bitcoin at a higher price. Day Trading bitcoin can be extremely profitable if you know what you are doing. But like a double-edged sword, it's also high-risk by nature so you can both win and lose large sums of money very quickly. Bitcoin is a very volatile commodity, subject to sharp swings up and down in price with very little warning. You can day trade bitcoin on BitcoinFundi today.
#7 Gambling
Bitcoin is often referred to as a trustless currency because, before bitcoin was invented, whenever humans needed to exchange digital money, they could only do that if (and only if) they both has a common trusted third party who kept a ledger of who owned how much. As an example, this trusted third party is Econet in the case of Ecocash transactions or CABS when I send you money via Textacash. bitcoin eliminated the need for trust by making it possible for peers to send money directly to other peers and making the middleman (read: trusted third party) irrelevant because every peer using bitcoin has a copy of this ledger. So trustless means that you no longer have to trust anyone first because you can verify any transaction yourself on this copy of the ledger that you have a copy of. Today, this bitcoin-like technology is being applied to many industries that are still dependent on having trusted middleman because by being transparent and more efficient, the bitcoin model is superior. One industry which has an interesting application for bitcoin-like technology is gambling. Think about it: before bitcoin, if you visited an online casino website and placed a bet, there was no way to check if the house was cheating on your and changing what would have been a winning bet into a losing one. bitcoin has inspired a new generation of gambling websites that accept bitcoin and allow you to cryptographicallyprove that there was no way they could have manipulated the results of the wager. Something we call in the industry: probably fair gambling.
Our favourite provably fair gambling site is SatoshiDICE.
#8 Notarisation
If you're a creative person, whether you create music, fashion designs or you invent electronic gadgets; At one point in the future, you may or may not find yourself in a situation where you need to prove that you are indeed the one who created what you claim to have created.
As long as you put whatever it is that you create in a digital format, bitcoin allows you to prove that you owned it at a specific date and time. How it works is:
Every digital file has something called a hash, which is unique to every digital file that has ever existed.
You can embed a hash into any bitcoin transaction
Every bitcoin transaction is recorded on a transparent public ledger that everyone can see. This ledger cannot be modified or deleted.
Creative people can use bitcoin to notarise their creative works. There are few services that allow you do to this and our favourite one is Proof of Existence.
#9 Getting paid for creating content
-generated content creates billions of dollars worth of value for the shareholders of social media companies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. I die a little bit inside when I think about this idea while watching one of the Commic Pastor's videos because the people who make these platforms so valuable (that is the content creators and consumers) are hardly compensated for the value they create and they have to look for other ways to make money outside the platforms.
With the advent of bitcoin (and bitcoin-like technologies) we're starting to see some unique social media business models there were never before possible. The ones we like the most are social media platforms where:
Content creators get rewarded with bitcoin for creating content but by consumers who leave a tip if they like the content.
Content consumers get rewarded for consuming content. This could be reading or listening to content. When you think about it, it's not just the owners of the social media platform or the content creators that are creating value in this ecosystem. Without consumers to consume the content, that content would have no value - it's the consumers that make content valuable.
And our favourite - platforms where you are only allowed to consume content if you hold bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency (an idea called token-controlled-accees). Let's face it: if you're a bitcoin non-believer you likely won't create value or be wanted in certain online discussion forums so the idea behind these platforms is that to log in and learn
We refer you to trainers on how to use manage buy or sell or invest bitcoins in Zimbabwe
Please share : Join Bitcoin Training, Selling & Buying Zimbabwe.Latest digital money.Borderless.Secure .No Bank Charges.Phone to Phone.Join Our Discussion group today by opening this link on your phone https://chat.whatsapp.com/DJ6wHbJXXew76503EXU9Qe
"Anold Manhizwa" < johnkay@johnkay.co.zw >: Apr 27 02:56PM +0200

$40-180 Website development.Free domain registration & website hosting for 1 year.No monthly fees. Call RT rt@zol.co.zw +263773811601
(Home.Services.products.Slides.Gallery.Banners.Contacts pages.premium corporate template) Full package features are:- * .com .org .net .zw etc domain registration * 1 year email hosting and unlimited number of emails. * 1 year Website Hosting * Search engine optimization * Website Development * No monthly fees. * Once Off payment * Free training on how to update you website
We are experts in E-commerce(online shopping carts), Corporate websites, Classifieds websites, Marketing portals,Social Networks and many more.
Call RT
"Anold Manhizwa" < johnkay@johnkay.co.zw >: Apr 27 02:56PM +0200

$40-180 Website development.Free domain registration & website hosting for 1 year.No monthly fees. Call RT rt@zol.co.zw +263773811601
(Home.Services.products.Slides.Gallery.Banners.Contacts pages.premium corporate template) Full package features are:- * .com .org .net .zw etc domain registration * 1 year email hosting and unlimited number of emails. * 1 year Website Hosting * Search engine optimization * Website Development * No monthly fees. * Once Off payment * Free training on how to update you website
We are experts in E-commerce(online shopping carts), Corporate websites, Classifieds websites, Marketing portals,Social Networks and many more.
Call RT
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:56PM +0200

$50 Old Licenses & We Have Latest Version,Accredited Quickbooks Accounting & POS 2002-16 Original,sealed,Vat active Zimbabwe tax compliant anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
Quickbooks Accounting Enterprise 2013-16.Original.Sealed Boxed.Vat active for Zimbabwe tax compliance *Accounting.payroll.Inventory. Once off Original license.No subscriptions.
*unlimited multi-user.Create diversity of companies using same license.Training.support
*Free delivery & installation in Harare.
*Quickbooks Enterprise 2013-16 with multiuser license
*Quickbooks Premier 2013-16 with multiuser license
*Quick books Pro 2013-16
*Quickbooks Point of Sale multi user
Quickbooks Zimbabwe Reseller
anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 12:36PM +0200

Chillispot internet control routers for sale. Resale your internet with special routers! Activate billing time or access codes on your WiFi i anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
Hotels. Lodges. Parks.Flats.Cluster Homes.Coffee shops.Schools.Churches. homes etc
Resale your internet! Chillispot internet control routers for sale in Harare.More than basic routers! Activate billing time or access codes on your WiFi .anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
We sell chilli spot active routers for your hotspots.Do you have a coffee shop ? Do you have a restaurant ? Do you have a park ? Do your tenants need WiFi in your cluster home or flat ? Do you want to control workspace WiFi billing you employee internet access ?
On our chilli spot routers :
You can generate time codes
You can generate membership codes
You can remotely control your hotspot or WiFi.
Long range wifi antennas to increase outdoor signal coverage.
Much functionality comes with our routers. Hook up today and enjoy a bargain
anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:56PM +0200

Chillispot internet control routers for sale. Resale your internet with special routers! Activate billing time or access codes on your WiFi i anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
Hotels. Lodges. Parks.Flats.Cluster Homes.Coffee shops.Schools.Churches. homes etc
Resale your internet! Chillispot internet control routers for sale in Harare.More than basic routers! Activate billing time or access codes on your WiFi .anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
We sell chilli spot active routers for your hotspots.Do you have a coffee shop ? Do you have a restaurant ? Do you have a park ? Do your tenants need WiFi in your cluster home or flat ? Do you want to control workspace WiFi billing you employee internet access ?
On our chilli spot routers :
You can generate time codes
You can generate membership codes
You can remotely control your hotspot or WiFi.
Long range wifi antennas to increase outdoor signal coverage.
Much functionality comes with our routers. Hook up today and enjoy a bargain
anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:54PM +0200

Zimbabwe Buy, Sell, Invest, Trade or Get Bitcoin Training Today! Join Zimbabwe's fastest growing Bitcoin Community
(Zimleague Sponsored Advert)
(Please Forward & Share To Friends)
Digital Currencies (Bitcoin) Fintech (Financial Technologies) Explained
Part 1
Zimbabwe Buy, Sell, Invest, Trade or Get Bitcoin Training Today! Join Zimbabwe's fastest growing Bitcoin Community
Email: info@zimleague.com
Call /Whatsapp: +263773811601
Buy Bitcoins Today:
We are taking orders ! Bitcoins are stocks & digital assets that can be traded on stock markets, 1BTC = USD$1023.They are global & borderless, high value, instant arrival, zero transactional fees, secure, fast, global, no banks, no asset freezing, no transaction delays, no 3rd parties, person to person, phone to phone, computer to computer, zero inflation, no central authority.
To Buy your bitcoins in Zimbabwe, just place an order & we deposit into your wallet.
Feel free to start buying & selling goods using bitcoins or buy bitcoins at: www.zimleague.co.zw
Instant to 24hrs is the maximum time to process your order !
Investment Accounts & Lifetime Policies:
We have Bitcoin Investment Accounts which are long term (Minimum is a year) and they earn payouts of interest into your wallet daily !
You can withdraw the payouts & use it while your capital keeps generating more monry into your account. (This is possible because we invest your money into hightech digital investments through e.g Bitcoin mining, and bitcoin shares.
The first payouts are made up of (50% your capital repayment and 50% your interests ) according to the contract..when all been paid, you continue earning more to your account every year.
Can i instantly use my payouts?
Yes very possible u can buy using btc minimum is $30 investment pack...your payouts come to your btc wallet as 50% capital return and 50% investment pay out.... If per day you are paid 20cents it means 10cents is capital investment payback and 10cents investment payout...these payouts are withdrawable instantly if you want.this continues until a year lapses and you claim the balance of your capital or renew your contract pack..
Your contract cancellation means account closure.no more renewal which means the current contract is allowed to lapse its 1 year life; the account will pay you back what is owed of the remaining capital ..if nothing is owed and capital has been repayed then all the future payouts cede to be paid into your account with us.
Bitcoin Mining is a process our company invests into by working security protocols & recording bitcoin network transactions afterwhich we get paid by the network and we distribute payouts to you.We have servers doing that. Through processing power (Harsh Power)of these servers & we get rewarded for that by the bitcoin network.
Your payouts begin coming Instantly after 48hrs to your bitcoin wallet! These are yearly contracts..you will simply renew at $0 & continue earning.You can cancel at any time after 1 year and we pay you back your capital money or simply renew and continue earning for a lifetime .
Buy an investment pack at www.solidrocktrust.org
Or email info@zimleague.com
Call or app +263773811601
If you are a business organisation or individual start accepting bitcoins as a form of payment & we will direct our user network to start buying from you today..laptops, cars, groceries, clothes, gadgets etc.To be legible simply register your business at our website www.solidrocktrust.org and we will list you in our online directory and shopping cart or even opening an online shop for you that accepts USD & BTC for free !! Amazon, Beforward, Microsoft, IBM are global corporates using digital crypto currencies to date.
Bitcoin School:
"I want to know more about Bitcoins". Get a lifetime training & a comprehensive one on one starter kit On Bitcoins.We train you on what are bitcoins, how to use, save, acess, invest, trade, send, receive, earn, create wallet, buy & sell them. Begin your journey of lifetime success ,owning digital assets & investments, the future of money is here.
Starter Guide :
Call us on 0773811601
Email info@zimleague.com
We are discussing bitcoins on our twitter harshtag #zimbabwebitcoins.Simply Login into your twitter account, comment by including that harshtag in your tweet .Let us build a bitcoin community to protect our investments.
(Bitcoin Sponsored advert)
Read Slowly & Foward Please
Join Whastapp Groups:
Please note: New users beware of pyramid schemes and ponzi schemes coming as investment schemes trying to rob you of your bitcoins.Bitcoins are not ponzi schemes they are just money.In our groups do not post such schemes else you get blacklisted
(www.ethereum.org Start learning about digital smart contracts using blockchain.The world and technology that created ether and bitcoin.)
Zimbabwe Financial Crisis:
inflation ,unstable currencies, taxes, bank closure,account garnishing or freezing,lack of transaction privacy,untimely transactions,high bank charges, restrictions ,transfer delays and liquidity crunch crisis etc
Real Solution is here Zimbabwe :
Bitcoin is a digital currency called Crypto currency.It is built using blockchain technology. it is the first of 400 more digital crypto currencies growing e.g litecoin.
It can handle micropayments up to 0.00000001btc.A Digital money which is traded stock.You can do World remittances globally and free instantly to any destination
It is backed by all World currencies and billions are already in circulation since year 2009
Exchange Rate:
It flactuates like any other currency on stock markets.
1BTC = $US1190
It can be used across the whole world over the internet or mobile apps like whatsapp,email or ecocash
America, Africa, Europe ,Russia ,China South Africa etc use it .Huge corporate Microsoft, wordpress,amazon,Reddit ,Ibm,Google,Amazon etc major corporates have adopted bitcoin.
No Banks:
There are zero charges or thirdparties or banks needed.
No bank charges or banks.You send your money peer to peer ,wallet to wallet ,phone to phone ,computer to computer instantly.
It is Decentralised meaning no middlemen. No Restrictions .No Limits on sending your hard earned money.Borderless.
Highly Secured transactions using end to end encryption making hacking impossible.Crypto system is very difficult to break which is the fabric behind the bitcoin creation.
Android, Windows, Linux ,IOS MAC wallets can be installed easily on your phone & PC
Buying Trading:
For more and how to get or buy bitcoins in Zimbabwe email us on
Call /App +263773811601
You go on our website and place an order and we will give you deposit details of your money and we then send you instantly your bitcoins .Our bitcoin rate will be on our website daily .
Get a wallet:
Go on your mobile phone.Open google playstore.Search for "coinbase wallet" or "blockchain wallet" .Download it and install .Done then you are good to go.Next you need learn how to send and receive the bitcoins .
https://www.coinbase.com/ (Recommended Wallet )
https://blockchain.info (Recommended Wallet )
Learning Website :
Very easy little training is needed .we give you video audio text tutorials and give one on one sessions.We train you on how to setup,use ,manage, buy or sell or invest bitcoins in Zimbabwe
Bitcoin Training, Sell ,Buy invest in Zimbabwe:digital money,borderless,secure,No Bank Whatsapp group link.
For the read:
Go learn & read www.bitcoin.org If you need help to learn.
Bitcoin is the 1st decentralised digital currency a digital coin sent via internet like as simple as email,
Transferred directly from person to person without going through a bank or clearing house.
Transfer feess are much micro lower
You can use them in every country: global currency
Your account cannot be frozen by third parties.
No prerequisites or abitrary limits
You can buy/ Sale it from currency exchanges for any traditional currency or from other people.
Are kept in a digital computer or mobile device or offline storage
You can purchase anything with bitcoin.
Are irreversible by design
Are fast. Funds received are available for spending within minutes.
The supply of bitcoins is regulated by software and the agreement of users of the system and cannot be manipulated by any government, bank, organization or individual. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system's money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) to "miners"who are volunteer computer owners who help secure the network and are paid by the bitcoin network.
Bitcoin network is secured by individuals called miners
Miners are rewarded newly generated bitcoins for verifying transactions
After transactions are verified they are recorded in a transparent public ledger
*The software is opensource and anyone can review the code
Everyone has access to a global market...A great way for businesses to minimise transaction fees
it doesn't cost anything to start accepting them
Very easy to setup
There are no charge backs
Bitcoin is a crypto-currency, unlike traditional currency bitcoin is not printed on a paper or a metal coin. Its in the form of bits that can stored on a computer. These cryptocurrencies are highly encrypted with SHA-256 hashing algorithm. There is no central governance or central bank controlled by the government to interfere the transaction. We dont have to give our personal details for a transaction rather we use only the unique bitcoin address. Its a peer to peer transaction mechanism so that you cannot complain or blame an organisation if you lose your coins. Every transactions are done anonymously tracking a user in this network is a waste of time. You can also use bitcoins to buy things online many online shopping sites accept bitcoins.
Bitcoin is also known as the internet gold because of its limited availability. There are 21 million (20999999.9769 exact value) bitcoins available in the world. Each bitcoins are encrypted as blocks, each block consist of 25 coins. To get a bitcoin you have to mine it. Mining is a process of cracking hashes which is highly encrypted that it will take years if you mine alone. So mining is done as group of miners or a pool. The cracking job is divided among miners and paid on the basis of no of hash they cracked. Hash cracking can be done with the help of a GPU or a specially designed piece pf hardware called ASIC. A GPU will consume more energy and have to dedicate the pc for mining i.e you cannot play game while GPU is cracking the hash the full resource get used up. You need high end GPU for this process. The more the bitcoin is mined the tougher the hash is. Bitcoin mining difficulty increases day by day.
Useful websites:
https://www.coinbase.com/ (Recommended Wallet )
https://blockchain.info/ (Recommended Wallet )
For more about buying bitcoins in Zimbabwe email us on info@zimleague.com
Bitcoin Training, Sell ,Buy invest in Zimbabwe:digital money,borderless,secure,No Bank Whatsapp group link
Bitcoin Explainations After training
You create a wallet for your Money to stay in. Just like e.g ECOCASH WALLET
There are a lot of website you can create a wallet for bitcoins I highly recommend ... blockchain.info & coinbase.com
So when you choose your wallet on your desired site. The site gives you an address that becomes your wallet identifier
This address works the same as ACCOUNT NUMBER ( you give it to your would be depositors)
Since bitcoin is a currency such as kwacha, rand , usd etc but in DIGITAL FORM it has its own rate with other currency today 1 bitcoin is selling at $US975
So assuming you have $20 in your wallet (either bank or ecocash),and now you want bitcoins how do you do it?
You go on our website www.zimleague.co.zw & place an order & we will get you deposit details of your money &.we will send real time your bitcoins .Our bitcoin rate will be on our website daily .
YES and NO
It depends with the Prevailing Rate on the Market, if the Rate is High you gain, and if the rate is Low you you can still have your float
One thing that makes bitcoin so hot is that it allows us to make transactions and move money in ways that were not possible before bitcoin was invented. We've compiled a list of 10 areas where bitcoin shines:
#1: Online payments
With banks continuing to restrict the use of debit cards online, it continues to get more difficult to make an online payment with the money in your bank account. In many cases, it's no longer possible. Fortunately we have bitcoin and from buying an airline ticket to hiring a website developer, there are now millions of things you can buy using bitcoin online.
Our favourite website is Purse. It allows you to pay for things on Amazon using bitcoin while getting a 15% discount. Cool huh?
#2: Collecting online payments
If you decided to sell something online and you just have a Zimbabwean bank account, if you're not accepting bitcoin then it's very hard to collect those payments from people outside the country without jumping through hoops. Even the old fashioned wire transfer is no longer an option for most people because a number of banks are now telling their customers that they can't receive money from outside the country. bitcoin is a viable option.
#3: Getting a loan
Getting a bank account in Africa is already hard enough. In Zimbabwe some banks have stopped opening new accounts altogether. If you already have a bank account, good luck getting the bank to give you a loan if you don't work for Econet. Because of the difficulty in getting a bank loan, most people are going to be forced to accept unfair terms when they are desperate for personal financing - which is more often than not. Bitcoin and emerging peer-to-peer lending platforms offer anyone who has an internet connection and a bitcoin wallet an alternative that has, cough cough, no banks involved. How this works is, you say: "I need a loan of $X to buy a car and I will pay anyone who lends me money at an interest of Y% over Z months" and tens, hundreds or thousands of people send you small payments in bitcoin until you have enough money to buy your car. They will want you to pay them back though.
There are quite a few bitcoin-powered peer-to-peer lending platforms but our favourite one is BTCjam.
#4 Investing
There are many 'so called' bitcoin investment opportunities online and we take almost all of these with a grain of salt. Being noob investors ourselves we tend to shy away from giving investment advice excect to tell people to do their homework first and to not invest more than they can afford to lose if they have decided they are going to invest. Even in bitcoin itself. Although we're big believers in bitcoin, we see bitcoin as an experiment which may or may not fail and even though it has worked great so far and has been proved to be a great store of value in the last couple of years (especially when you compare it to the performance of other African currencies in the same period). Now that the disclaimers are out of the way, we didn't want to finish this email without
"RT" < johnkay@johnkay.co.zw >: Apr 27 02:55PM +0200

Enjoy 2600 English Channels On You TV on IPTV HD .Works In Any Country .Do you Have Fibre or ADSL in your Home ? ~ +263773811601 rt@zol.co.zw
Enjoy 2600 English Channels On You TV on IPTV HD.We offer hundreds of Action, Sports, Drama, Music & entertainment channels on livestream.Do you Have Fibre or ADSL in your Home ? This is the ideal package for streaming TV.You can Surf Videos on Demand, browser your internet on your TV as well & view Youtube as well ! Place Your Order Today & Have A Feel Of Live Internet IPTv .
"RT" < johnkay@johnkay.co.zw >: Apr 27 02:53PM +0200

Join Zimleague whatsapp Business Groups
Zimleague Groups
***We are glad to announce that 2017, Zimleague Club Chamber opens for its members on (Visit:www.solidrocktrust.org & join) (whatsapp, facebook,twitter ) At the chambers we meet physically to do business b2b / p2p,macro,micro funding,crowd funding aid ,crypto currencies,bitcoin trading ,btc mining,online trading ,business investments,training&advisory,networking, socialising & doing SDG based community development charity.We have a Club member website & mobile app ,with private forums,business dialogue,SME project development, investments: loans,insurance, grants, MLM,
Venture Capital, Livestream tv & radio,podcasts,knowledge portal, member database only accessible to members, etc.Free Membership benefits, we have expert panelists from amongst us to help in business modelling, members will have access to market research we have compiled for the past years, business strategy plus many more stakeholders.
Twitter @zimleague 66 000 followers
Facebook 80 000 affilites.
Zimleague Groups
(Read Rules Before Joining Any group Else You Get Blacklisted From ALL Zimleague Groups ) Happy Holidays !
Join Zimleague CLASSIFIED Groups:
(Please Share & Forward)
Jokes, Gossip News1
Zimleague Diaspora General Chat
Only join with non Zim numbers e.g +27 for Zimbabweans in other countries else we suspend you from all Zimleague groups
Jokes ,Gossip News 2
DATING Relationships 1
Just post your profiles On group.No chatting on Timeline or group.All chats inbox other.
DATING Relationships 2
Just post profiles.No chatting on Timeline
Sports News,Movies,Games,Tv,
Christians 1:
Zimleague Counselling
Ask (Family ,Legal, Social ,Work, Life,Marital Issues Counselling)
Strictly Business Groups:
Zimleague Construction
building ,roofing ,supplies ,services etc
Sales Hire Repair
Sales Hire Repair
Sales Hire Repair
Cars 4
Sales Hire Repair
Parties.Shows.birthdays.gigs etc
Parties.Shows.birthdays.gigs etc
Buy, sell,mine, trade,get trained on Bitcoins call ,app, +263773811601
Buy, sell,mine, trade,get trained on Bitcoins call ,app, +263773811601
Finance Bitcoins & Forex 3
Buy, sell,mine, trade,get trained on Bitcoins call ,app, +263773811601
Scholarships.Places.Study Help
Scholarships.Places.Study Help
Post group links.Advise etc.
OTHER SME Businesses1:
Other SME Businesses 2:
Welcome to ZIMLEAGUE lets do business.
Zimleague is more than whatsapp groups.We are a marketing and business corporate with ethics and standards.we never bow down to unproffessional ethics .we have been in business for many years & delivered.we do branding ,corporate marketing for small & huge corporates ,we rather close the whatsapp groups to remain with five clients with reputation & standards than high school kids.our image and your image we do mind, hence our rules so that we trade & do business in a free environment without disturbances.we protect our causes & your interests through proper business conduct.any elements that operate in unregulated enviroment of insults ,vulgar,intimidation ,violation of others rights or porn etc you are relieved of your membership duties.We revise all posts from the past and that can get you blacklisted from all groups a week or month later.please keep clean posts
Terms and Conditions
Note: These are strictly business groups so:
We added more Social Groups since people want to socialise a lot in business groups.No Business Adverts here unless it is relevent to the group causes(No Violence & Adult Content/ Porn/ Explicit Content We have kids aboard:
Suspensions are to protect other group members interests.
1.No politically affiliated messages only business
2.No jokes are to be posted in none jokes groups
3.No offensive messages are to be posted
4.No insulting is to be posted
5.No spam messages are to be post across all groups
6. Only admin can post sponsored adverts across groups and social media platforms or website.
7.No posting of group join links in our groups .Post links in Admin group only for admins
8.No pyramid hoax schemes and ponzi schemes allowed
9.)Any fraudulent or illegal activities notify authorities and please do due diligence before paying online to strangers.Zimleague is not accountable if you lose payments to unverified entities.
10) No selling of controlled substances without authorisations e.g guns or drugs.
If one doesn't abide by these rules s/he is to be removed with immediate effect...
We employed admins for that
***Zimleague pays on commission admins to keep our groups clean and tidy.**
When group is full inbox admin.
Twitter 60 000:
Facebook 40 000:
Email adverts:
Inbox admin to report abuse and complaints or suggestions.
Email: admin@zimleague.com
Download our "Zimleague Promotions" application on googleplaystore to post free adverts to www.zimleague.com .
Run " play and win "draws for your clients using the same app.Make them win prizes e.g clothes appliances vouchers cash etc..Check with admin for details on how to affiliate and run your promos using our application.
***Dating Group:
Just post your profile e.g age ,country ,city,interests, hobbies,education,job and picture if available.Shut up on the Time Line ,the rest of chats do in your inboxes: On profile as well :name ,age, occupation, sex, hobbies, proffession, likes, hates, city, nationality,status, language etc...we need maturity here.
chit chats do in your inboxes pleeeeeeeese.
We dont build proper relationships on a rowdy timeline ...we give room to leave if rules are hard to follow .zimleague is bigger than this group...we protect interests of serious group members ..
Thanks for profiles....just repost that same or edited profile any time ...anyone can hit you in your inbox...you can make it as long as you want...the type of person you want as well and type of relationship you need.etc
"RT" < johnkay@johnkay.co.zw >: Apr 27 02:54PM +0200

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anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com 0773811601
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:53PM +0200

Kingdom Chamber Of Commerce (KCCN) & Zimleague Marketing
High Office rentals ??? Business Centre Hot desking Opens 31st March Join today: Fast unlimited Internet whole month.Carpet.Receptionist.Kitchen.Toilets.Near Econet First Street For payments call +263773811601 Email: rt@zol.co.zw
These are business workstations rented on a monthly, daily or weekly basis.
We have 20 hotdesk workspaces vacant as of the above date.
Mon- Fri : 7:30am-6pm (Time extensions are by request to work after hours)
Sat: 7:30am -12pm ((Time extensions are by request )
Hot desk Charge
$50 per month:
Payment Contact Details:
Call Anold on +263773811601 rt@zol.co.zw
Current setup:
Free Internet Connection..
Open plan workspace which is noise free and private. Neatly partitioned private workstation cubicles .
All visitor access is via the reception desk who in turn contact you to meet your visitor at the reception outside the workspace.
You can bring your own devices .Power points are available. (Laptops, tablets , smart phone for use ).
Printing & Scanning Facilities.
Paper punchers and staplers.
Your signage for the reception, front banner and boardroom is allowed as well but we will give you the dimensions and how they are set.
Male & Female toilet facilities.
Kitchen for light snacks
Resources To be expected in the longrun:
Computer terminals installed with Business Information systems ( Accounting Quickbooks, Designing photoshop,corel,Autodesk, Elearning , Libraries,
Board room fitted with projector and white board for presentatioons and ideal for meetings.
Dedicated Virtual Work line with call forwarding to your cellphone.
Water Dispensers
Microwave, toaster, and fridge & Water heater
Secretarial Services during tenure.
Filing cabinets & lockable cabinets for files your things during your space occupation period
Business Centre Hot desks Opening 31st March .These are business workstations rented on a monthly, daily or weekly basis. Join today: Fast internet Wifi .Blue Neat Carpet.Reception,Kitchen, Toilets, Elevators,3rd Flr.Near Econet First Street +263773811601 rt@zol.co.zw
"Anold Manhizwa" <anoldmanhizwa@gmail.com>: Apr 27 02:53PM +0200

Kingdom Chamber Of Commerce (KCCN) & Zimleague Marketing
High Office rentals ??? Business Centre Hot desking Opens 31st March Join today: Fast unlimited Internet whole month.Carpet.Receptionist.Kitchen.Toilets.Near Econet First Street For payments call +263773811601 Email: rt@zol.co.zw
These are business workstations rented on a monthly, daily or weekly basis.
We have 20 hotdesk workspaces vacant as of the above date.
Mon- Fri : 7:30am-6pm (Time extensions are by request to work after hours)
Sat: 7:30am -12pm ((Time extensions are by request )
Hot desk Charge
$50 per month:
Payment Contact Details:
Call Anold on +263773811601 rt@zol.co.zw
Current setup:
Free Internet Connection..
Open plan workspace which is noise free and private. Neatly partitioned private workstation cubicles .
All visitor access is via the reception desk who in turn contact you to meet your visitor at the reception outside the workspace.
You can bring your own devices .Power points are available. (Laptops, tablets , smart phone for use ).
Printing & Scanning Facilities.
Paper punchers and staplers.
Your signage for the reception, front banner and boardroom is allowed as well but we will give you the dimensions and how they are set.
Male & Female toilet facilities.
Kitchen for light snacks
Resources To be expected in the longrun:
Computer terminals installed with Business Information systems ( Accounting Quickbooks, Designing photoshop,corel,Autodesk, Elearning , Libraries,
Board room fitted with projector and white board for presentatioons and ideal for meetings.
Dedicated Virtual Work line with call forwarding to your cellphone.
Water Dispensers
Microwave, toaster, and fridge & Water heater
Secretarial Services during tenure.
Filing cabinets & lockable cabinets for files your things during your space occupation period
Business Centre Hot desks Opening 31st March .These are business workstations rented on a monthly, daily or weekly basis. Join today: Fast internet Wifi .Blue Neat Carpet.Reception,Kitchen, Toilets, Elevators,3rd Flr.Near Econet First Street +263773811601 rt@zol.co.zw
"First 3" <gweru@teecherz.co.zw>: Apr 27 02:45PM +0200

Zimleague Sponsored Advert
Zimbabwe Introducing a new and exciting online TV network www.onlivenetwork.tv that offers an interactive viewing experience to a global audience.*
Our vision as www.onlivenetwork.tv is to provide our viewers with the best quality programming. The majority of our content will be live while some content will be pre-recorded. We are also creating a platform on which local talent will be exposed to the rest of the world. The corporate world is also invited to advertise and interact with a global audience. Although our Network is online based, it will be available on television sets through our IPTV boxes.
We are therefore inviting:
Viewers - As we prepare to launch, we are kindly inviting you to visit our website *www.onlivenetwork.tv*to get a preview of our programme guide and all the events that we will be streaming live.
Advertisers - We are currently running a promotion for advertisers flighting adverts for free and we invite all advertisers such as corporates, Churches, schools, promoters among others to email our marketing team on
Email: marketing@onlivenetwork.tv for more information.
Content - We are inviting those with creative ideas for programing to also email our marketing team on
Email: marketing@onlivenetwork.tv for more information
Artists/Entertainers - Here is your opportunity to be exposed to international audience. If you have your videos that you would like to showcase to the rest of the world ?? , please email us on Email: marketing@onlivenetwork.tv
For any further information please contact us on:
Mobile: +263 77 338 5665
Mobile: +263 77 381 1601
Email: info@onlivenetwork.tv
In order to achieve our vision, we believe that our staff should be:
Highly skilled
Open minded
We are therefore inviting suitably qualified professionals and trainees seeking attachment to apply for the following positions by emailing resumes to
Email info@onlivenetwork.tv
1. Marketing Director
2. Marketing Executives
3. Graphic Designers
4. Finance Director
5. Accountants
6. Book Keepers / Accounting clerks
7. Lawyers
8. Administrator
9. General Hands
10. Security Guards
11. Sound Engineers
12. Camera Operators
13. IT Technicians
14. Drivers
15. Lighting Technicians
For further information please get in touch on:
Mobile +263 77 338 5665
Mobile +263 77 381 1601
Twitter : https://twitter.com/onlivenetwork
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Onlivenetworktv-1261211957298831/
Email: info@onlivenetwork.tv
Join Our Group
"Bridge Chari" <foreverliving@zol.co.zw>: Apr 27 07:24AM

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"stuart" <stuart@uzcrc.co.zw>: Apr 27 09:23AM +0200

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David H. Barlow
4. A New Outline of Social Psychology by Martin Gold, Elizabeth Ann
Malcolm Douvan
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6. Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World, 9th Edition
7. Abnormal Psychology, 11th edition by Ann Kring
8. Albrow_ Martin (1999) - Sociology. The Basics (Routledge)
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Peeters, Jan de Jonge and Toon W. Tari
10. an introduction to cultural anthropology-Robert H. Lowie
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F Cascio, Herman Aguinis
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68. Psychology (4th Edition) by G. Neil Martin
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71. Psychology Concepts and Applications
72. Psychology for Nurses and Health Professionals, Second Edition
73. Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences (4th Edition) by
Bruce L. Berg
74. Quantitative_Methods_in_Social_Science_Research
75. Radcliffe-Brown, A R - African Systems of Kinship and Marriage
76. Radcliffe-Brown, A R - Andaman Islanders A Study In Social
77. Realist Social Theory The Morphogenetic Approach by Margaret Archer
78. Reason and Revolution Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory by Herbert
79. Research in Psychology - Methods and Design
80. Research methods a practical guide for the social sciences
81. Research Methods for Everyday Life Blending Qualitative and
Quantitative Approaches
82. Research Methods for Graduate Business and Social Science Students
83. Research Methods for Social Work by Allen Rubin, Earl R. Babbie
84. Social and Cultural Anthropology The Key Concepts
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87. Social Policy for Social Work
89. Social Psychology (3rd Edition) by David E Rohall
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94. Social Psychology By Elliot Aronson 7th Edition
95. Social Psychology Handbook of Basic Principles
96. Social Structure and Rural Development in the Third World
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For all these and more ebooks, inbox message on Facebook,
call/sms/whatsapp/whatsapp call on 0772739893 or email:
<mailto:scstuart58@gmail.com> scstuart58@gmail.com. Payments can be done
thru Ecocash or Mobile Bank Transfers
roy gatsi <roygatsi@gmail.com>: Apr 27 09:05AM +0200

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CAR.co.zw Online <online@car.co.zw>: Apr 27 02:00AM -0500

Selling your vehicle/car has never been easy. Join a community of car dealers and buyers. Advertise your vehicle on this network where people who visit the website are either looking for or selling vehicles. A perfect place to advertise your vehicle(s) for FREE.
Simply follow these few simple steps to start posting your vehicle(s)
Register on the website ( http://www.car.co.zw/selling.html ) - registration is free.
logon to the site with your username and password
once you are logged in, you will see a menu on the left side with the heading SELLER MENU
Click on the Post New Vehicle Link
Add the vehicle details on the page that follows (you can upload your pictures of vehicle to make it stand-out)
Click on the Save & List button (you are done)
For help please visit the the help page on the website - http://www.car.co.zw/help.html
If you are looking for a car also visit www.car.co.zw and browse though the vehicles in the database and when you find a car you are interested in; you can contact the seller to negotiate price, request for a test drive or any other information, details are provided on the vehicle details page of each car.
If you still can't find the car you are looking for on the cars already available, click on the following link http://www.car.co.zw/request-vehicle.html and enter your details and those of the vehicle you are looking for and the CAR Team will help you by sending the details to all the registered car dealers on the website.
For further information please send an email to info@car.co.zw
"Olga Rosen" <olgaro@farmandcity.co.zw>: Apr 27 08:43AM +0200

Little Lambs operates on the principle that infants and toddlers grow in
learning environments with Christian values, that provide experiences aimed
at fostering their development in five major areas, and dedicated to
promoting an environment filled with nature, love, learning development and
exploration. AGES: 3 MONTHS TO 5 YEARS

Our daily activities include:

Outdoor play singing and dancing gym
weekly learning themes also based on the bible

Art and crafts free play
keyboard lessons memory verses

Story time circle time
swimming devotion




Please contact Mr. Rosen on phone numbers 747673/0712734791
No-reply iNews <noreply@inews.co.zw>: Apr 27 01:30AM -0500

Have you heard about iNews ?
iNews Zimbabwe is proud to launch a unique news portal which gathers all Zimbabwean NEWS HEADLINES. The portal is built with the latest technology and comes with an exquisite mobile friendly interface.
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izzy payroll <izzypayroll@gmail.com>: Apr 27 08:20AM +0200

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