[MTC Global] Making Innovations Happen !

28th June, 2017

Dear Professional Associates

I am sending an article published in Linkedin on what Innovations are all about.
This is among the 25 articles published by me in Linkedin,
Happy reading !


Prof Ramesh Vemuganti
M - 9849590511


When I attend a seminar or a talk on Innovations, I close the gaps & dovetail the various streams of thought processes into a proper channel & offer conclusions. It is because I observed several missing elements in the exchange of knowledge on Innovations & what is more astonishing, is the acceptance of the learnings & takeaways.

Many people talk of Innovations, Innovative thinking, Innovative strategy, Innovative culture, Innovative outlook & the likes. What do all these mean & how can they be converted into profits & rupees for a firm/ enterprise/ NGO/ institution/ Govt organisation. A good deal of clarity is needed today on what innovations are all about in organisations, universities & Management colleges.
How to ensure real innovations happen. What are the factors. Here we go.

Research is related to Science & Knowledge. It is fixed, has a theoretical framework & scientific body of knowledge. One cannot tamper with Newton"s laws or Archimedes principle or laws of Sound / Light/ Nuclear & others.
Development is application of Knowledge & closer to technology, design, product development, a skill in action. Sincere & concerted Research leads to Development.

In India, R & D is a word, which is mentioned casually in all talks, forums, seminars, articles, etc. Surprising. R & D are two huge subjects & massive oceans. One is either in Research or Development & cannot be in both, in a full fledged way.
Research is generally undertaken by Universities & private sector enterprises with huge funding. It is Knowledge for the sake of Knowledge & has no commercial connotations & leanings. Development is a technology - application of Knowledge, which results in an innovative product/ service. The outcome of Research is an input into Product development.
Innovation is a result of relentless efforts juxtaposed with the right methodology, authentic date & approach . All these stages of serious Research culminate into product development & a final product per se. Every research comes out with something new. Anything new into the worlds an Innovation , which adds value to the customer, offers comfort & at less cost.
An innovation is ready for the market. It is commercial & must have buyers & takers. So the entire R & D activity must be conducted with an ultimate objective of designing & developing innovative products & services.

Future of organisations is dependent on good quality research. I am delivering a 1 hr talk in Corporates, startups, MSME enterprises, small groups, Govt officials, communities . It is making all the difference . Lot of things will get cleared with a new outlook & an organisation inculcated a different approach to do Research or product development. It should culminate in Real innovations & success.
While teaching R & D Management to my regular students of MBA - Technology Management , who are working professionals, I explain & elucidate on above viewpoints & we have real meritorious discussions with several cases. In the process, Osmania University MBA Tech Mgt students are going to next level.
For a fruitful interaction or a talk or anything, please call/ whatsapp/ sms to Ramesh Vemuganti on 9849590511 at Hyderabad.


Professor Ramesh Vemuganti
M - 9849590511.


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