Re: [MTC Global] Making Innovations Happen !

Dear All,
Here is the recent example to prove Michael J. Gelb's definition — 'Innovation is the creation and delivery of new customer value in the marketplace.'
  • Neem Coated Urea: Indian government's mandatory coating policy brings down sale of fertilisers, despite record farm production; 
  • GNFC's project has won nine awards, including Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social Responsibility 2016, the SKOCH Blue Economy Platinum Sustainability Award 2016, and Global CSR Excellence Award;
  • Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Managing Director of GNFC, too, was awarded the 'SKOCH Blue Economy Person of the Year Award' for conceiving, designing and managing the Neem project.
Subsidized urea was otherwise siphoned away to chemical industry by unscrupulous people; with neem coating it can not be. 
Warm regards,

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 5:12 PM, Prabhakar Waghodekar <> wrote:

Thanks Professor Rameshj, excellent analysis.

My take about R& D and innovation is:
  1. The meaning of Research is simple: Searching again and again.
  2. Searching what?
  3. Searching again again through  a single or a combination of more than one Natural laws so as to develop products or services giving comfort  and ease to man in his activities.  Innovation means discovering such a new entity. Innovation calls for continuous improvement (of course thru R & D) but there is no as such any bench mark defining perfection.


Dr. P H Waghodekar, PhD (Egg), IIT,KGP, IE&M, 1985,
Advisor (HR), IBS & PME (PG)
Marathwada Institute of Technology,
NH 211, Beed by pass road,
Aurangabad: 431010 (Maharashtra) INDIA.
(O) 02402375113 (M) 7276661925
Chairman, Advisory Board, MTC Global, Bangalore.

Engineering & Management Education: An Engine of Prosperity.
Classroom teaching must match with Boardroom needs!

From: Ramesh Vemuganti
Sent: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 09:48:59
To: Ramesh Vemuganti
Subject: [MTC Global] Making Innovations Happen !

28th June, 2017

Dear Professional Associates

I am sending an article published in Linkedin on what Innovations are all about.
This is among the 25 articles published by me in Linkedin,
Happy reading !


Prof Ramesh Vemuganti
M - 9849590511


When I attend a seminar or a talk on Innovations, I close the gaps & dovetail the various streams of thought processes into a proper channel & offer conclusions. It is because I observed several missing elements in the exchange of knowledge on Innovations & what is more astonishing, is the acceptance of the learnings & takeaways.

Many people talk of Innovations, Innovative thinking, Innovative strategy, Innovative culture, Innovative outlook & the likes. What do all these mean & how can they be converted into profits & rupees for a firm/ enterprise/ NGO/ institution/ Govt organisation. A good deal of clarity is needed today on what innovations are all about in organisations, universities & Management colleges.
How to ensure real innovations happen. What are the factors. Here we go.

Research is related to Science & Knowledge. It is fixed, has a theoretical framework & scientific body of knowledge. One cannot tamper with Newton"s laws or Archimedes principle or laws of Sound / Light/ Nuclear & others.
Development is application of Knowledge & closer to technology, design, product development, a skill in action. Sincere & concerted Research leads to Development.

In India, R & D is a word, which is mentioned casually in all talks, forums, seminars, articles, etc. Surprising. R & D are two huge subjects & massive oceans. One is either in Research or Development & cannot be in both, in a full fledged way.
Research is generally undertaken by Universities & private sector enterprises with huge funding. It is Knowledge for the sake of Knowledge & has no commercial connotations & leanings. Development is a technology - application of Knowledge, which results in an innovative product/ service. The outcome of Research is an input into Product development.
Innovation is a result of relentless efforts juxtaposed with the right methodology, authentic date & approach . All these stages of serious Research culminate into product development & a final product per se. Every research comes out with something new. Anything new into the worlds an Innovation , which adds value to the customer, offers comfort & at less cost.
An innovation is ready for the market. It is commercial & must have buyers & takers. So the entire R & D activity must be conducted with an ultimate objective of designing & developing innovative products & services.

Future of organisations is dependent on good quality research. I am delivering a 1 hr talk in Corporates, startups, MSME enterprises, small groups, Govt officials, communities . It is making all the difference . Lot of things will get cleared with a new outlook & an organisation inculcated a different approach to do Research or product development. It should culminate in Real innovations & success.
While teaching R & D Management to my regular students of MBA - Technology Management , who are working professionals, I explain & elucidate on above viewpoints & we have real meritorious discussions with several cases. In the process, Osmania University MBA Tech Mgt students are going to next level.
For a fruitful interaction or a talk or anything, please call/ whatsapp/ sms to Ramesh Vemuganti on 9849590511 at Hyderabad.


Professor Ramesh Vemuganti
M - 9849590511.

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