The Francophone Minister of Secondary Education Monsieur Bibehe Ngalle and The Registrar of the Cameroon GCE Board Dr Humphrey Monono, are daggers at neck, over the release of the compiled O'Level results and scores obtained in this year's terminal examination aka political GCE exams.
There is reliable and unarguable information that the GCE O'Level recorded its lowest low scores since the creation of the examination board. Only 13%. of those who wrote the exams were successful.
With this hall of shame on the government of LRC, the minister of secondary education confiscated the results and stopped it, from going on the air waves of CRTV as it is.
The francophone minister is ordering the GCE board to uplift the " D " to pass grades to improve on the overall scores percentage, in-fact Minister Bibehe Ngalle is ordering for a re moderation of the GCE O-level results.
Earlier, Dr Monono disclosed how agents from Yaounde were sent to come and impose on how the exams should be run he, vehemently opposed and sent them away.
Details of Political GCE A'Level Results:

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