Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Re: Re: MAKING SMART DECISIONS – "We have to give government time to respond to our demands "(Augustine Enow Agbor Aug 18, 2017 6: 12 PM)

"True revolutionaries lead from the front, my friend. Many are tempted to conclude that you are just like the many impostors, charlatans in the classic sense of the word, who ultimately make rackets out of causes that others risked or gave their lives for, believing them to be movements." (Tchouteu Janvier)

 I can see how you are now regurgitating the same old and worn out tactics that you applied when you "successfully" led from the front your "tongtu" revolution of the fifties!!! I beg to fan place sleep!!!

From: "Tchouteu Janvier [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Re: Re: MAKING SMART DECISIONS – "We have to give government time to respond to our demands "(Augustine Enow Agbor Aug 18, 2017 6: 12 PM)

Massa Manu T, 

So with all the diatribe coming from you even against those who make the system their number one enemy (the Cameroonian ruling political class and the puppet masters), you did not make a fuss about "La Republique" while you were home (if you had done so, it would have been a reflection of your "supposed" vehemence against "La Republique" that has/had been expressed from abroad over the past months), only to return to the DIASPORA and start running your mouth again.

True revolutionaries lead from the front, my friend. Many are tempted to conclude that you are just like the many impostors, charlatans in the classic sense of the word, who ultimately make rackets out of causes that others risked or gave their lives for, believing them to be movements.

The union-nationalists gave you guys a free-hand to bring your cause to a logical conclusion. Alas, it is obvious you guys never thought things through, you guys never had a plan, you guys merely usurped the agitation for change that had been whipped up to an advanced stage in the lands West of the River Mungo, an agitation that was supposed to stir a nation-wide or groundswell of popular resentment, protest and ultimately resistance against the anachronistic  French-imposed system rejected by the overwhelming majority of Cameroonians  of all linguistic entities, regions, ethnic groups of religion. You guys were even provided with subtle and at times overt guidelines on making this an all-embracing endeavor, but apparently, you were incapable of rising up to the challenge---you were not revolutionary, or were incapable of becoming revolutionary.

Classic revolutionaries do not engage in senseless disorder that only serves to strengthen the enemies of the people---the anachronistic system (which is why some people think your group and the system make each other relevant, thereby giving more life to the moribund system and to yourself against the majority desire of Cameroonians to found the New Cameroon that is a reflection of their century-old civic-nationalism otherwise called union-nationalism).

Do not take this as a condemnation, my brother. Anybody who was genuinely engaged in rejecting the system without harming his fellow citizens should not be condemned. But you should be judged, my friend, especially if you condemned those who did not subscribe to your narrow cause. And if the narrow reaches a point where it impedes the welfare of the people it was supposed to advance, it only makes sense for you to be open-minded enough to acknowledge your shortcomings and embrace those who never condemned you, those who acknowledged the fundamental aspects of your diagnostics of the Cameroon malady.

The system can be dismantled before the end of this decade, the "New Cameroon" that our forefathers fought and died for, the "New Cameroon" that our forefathers voted for in the 1961 plebiscite can finally be realized. But for that to happen, advocates for change would need to close their divided ranks. Advocates for change can realize that "New Cameroon" with different shades of ideas that fall within the all-embracing Cameroon Idea that fired the imaginations of our forefathers and helped them navigate the horrors of colonialism. The "New Cameroon" should be capable of accommodating differing opinions in so far as they contribute in making the country freer, more prosperous, more just, more accepting, more united and more humane.

All the best

Janvier Tchouteu

On Monday, August 21, 2017 12:16 PM, "SAF [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:

Mr. "Tankwa"

I have seen liberation movements without boots on the ground that gave been successful.  Gambia went into a union with Senegal and disengaged without blood shed.  Why are you calling for blood shed in Cameroon?


On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 3:26 PM, 'Enock Tankwa' via ambasbay
<> wrote:
Many of U secessionist who have come to be known as Internet Generals are so good at confusing this discussion with jargons and getting nowhere..  Has Mr. Agbor argued against Anglophone marginalization?.. He has questioned  your strategy of Secession  and  how it will NOT work.. It has not worked, it is not working  and  the handwriting is on the wall that it will not work.. Has anyone seen or heard any Liberation struggle loaded with Generals all based on the Internet?.. Only if and when U get foot soldiers on the ground to liberate the homeland, only then can U be taken seriously at home and the International community.. To do this requires Organization, money and some courageous boots on the grounds.. Can U make such sacrifice?.If U are not willing to do that be ready to bare a  fate  like that of the Dalai Lama and his fine people of Tibet who who been trying for almost a century to liberate themselves from their Chinese master to no avail.. By the same token  if we're not ready to make the hard sacrifices of spilling blood, then start seeking Southern Cameroon  self determination within a united Cameroon as  Mr. Agbor prescribed..

Bunch of Sans Galong Internet Generals..

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 21, 2017, at 12:55 AM, Mishe Fon [camnetwork] <> wrote:

Again Massa Agbor the Inline imageIrredentistInline imageOutcome Mapper:
It doesn't matter whether you live five minutes or 24 hours down the street from anyone. Just answer the damn questions as they are posed. You chercha, You trouva. Herewith one more time, the very simple assignment I gave you two days ago. Please we want straight forward answers not psycho-babbling-analysis about "Let's Give Ngop'na more time". More time to do what? Reinvent the wheel? Is Prostrate Cancer (i.e cancer of the Njang Mbin) not a normal phenomenon after 60 years of existence? Is it then abnormal for these guys who average between 70 and 90 years to start having bouts of "Alzheimers"?. Ya own 4 inside na wetin? I am asking you the kweshion, and not talkatives like Issa Tchiroma or Ngolle Ngolle who have no qualms pushing linguistics to the doldrums and advocating Cameroonese explanations on semiotics and metaphor by constantly declaring without the slightest shame that Ngia Paul Biya (their mentor) is a Political Magician who will conjure new found political theories pour endormir les Mboutoukous Camerounais. Are you of the same school with these strange Biya surrogates? Now hansa the kweshion.

Tell your readers the percentage of Southern Cameroonians who find themselves or have "bribed their way" into the following Institutions of Higher Learning:

-  Institut Siantou a Nkolndongo Yaounde
-  Institut Dissamba a Odza, Yaounde
-  Institut Agronomique de Nkolbisson, Yaounde
-  Institut Universite Catholique, Nkolndongo Yaounde
-  Institut Mattamfen a la Briquetterie, Yaounde
-  Ecole des Assurances et de Reassurances de Yaounde
-  Centre Pasteur (Formation Scientifique) Messa Yaounde
-  Groupe Universitaire ISEM-IBCG Messa Yaounde
-  Les variables de l'Universite de Yaounde (I, II et Soa)'
-  Academie Francophone de Management (AFFRAM), Y'de
-  Les Professeurs Reunis, Deido Douala
-  ISMA Akwa Douala
-  ESGI - ISTA Ndokoti Douala
-  SuperieureG'ECO (Douala)
-  IUT, ESSEC, ISTDI...all in Douala
-  CRTV training Institute in Zamengoue
- siege social a Douala
-  Institut Fotso Victor de Banjoun
-  IUT de Dchang
-  IUT de Ngaoundere
-  Institutut Superieur de Gestion et d'Economie Appliquee de Bafoussam
-  Universite des Montagnes a Banjoun

Another simple example: 

To prove your strange assertion that Cameroon is ONE and INDIVISIBLE; tell your readers the percentage of qualified well trained Southern Cameroonians who are gainfully employed in the following Parastatal Companies (I am pretty certain and confident that you will be shocked at the statistics if you are honest with yourself): 

CamShip, Chantier Naval, SNI, SNH, CAMAIR-CO, SODEPA, SODERIM, SODECOTON, SONARA, CRTV, D'la Stock Exchange, ONCPB, CAMSUCO, Labogenie, MatGenie, BICEC, SAFACAM, TRACTAFRIC, SGBC, Cargo D'la, GETMA, ALUBASSA, HERVECAM, SOSSUCAM, DELMONTE, CDC, SOCAPALM, ALUCAM, MOBIL Oil, Group PHP, Group CFAO, Group TOTAL, Group ELF, CIMENCAM, Chemin de Fer, BEAC, SOFITEL, FECAFOOT, FECA(whatever), ONAPHARM, LABOREX, MTN, ORANGE, AES SONEL, SCDP, SNEC, SABC Brasseries du Cameroun, Guichet Unique, Port Autonome, AES Siroco,  SAWA NOVOTEL, MANSA NOVOTEL, SOPECAM, MATGENIE, SOTUC ....Massa Agbor the Outcome Mapper...These are the few companies that come into my head at present. Anyone can add more. All I want is HARD FACTS and factual Statistics.
Mishe Fon

On Sunday, August 20, 2017, 6:04:07 PM EDT, Agbor Enow Augustine [camnetwork] <> wrote:

Dear Manu,

You live less than 20 minutes from my house here in the Atlanta area, so any notion that I am in Cameroon colluding of the government of junta Biya is false. You returned from Cameroon recently and nobody arrested you, nor question you about your support for Ambazonia. Due to our narrow tribalistic tendencies, we are quick to classify Cameroonians as Francophone or Anglophone based on their names. There are many Cameroonians with Francophone heritage who are actually Anglophones. The fact that a name sounds Bamileke or Beti does that make the citizen a Francophone. For example my childhood friend Dr. Ateba Collins was born in Bafia Muyuka; he does not speak Ewondo nor French, but his father moved to the South west in the 1940s. If he was a magistrate in the South west, you might mistake him for a Francophone, because of his last name. 

If a someone born a Francophone, speaks English, and is hired in a fair process, I do not have any issue with that, because we are all Cameroonians. Do you know how many Anglophones live, work, and make a living in Douala? We have to fix the parochial system and put in place a system of merit.

Augustine Enow Agbor
The outcome of my life is not more than three lines: I was a raw material I became mature and cooked And I was burned into nothingness. Rumi

On Sunday, August 20, 2017 4:24 PM, "'Mannu T.' [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

"Bro Kim's...Your concerns are legitimate,  We have to give  government time to respond to our demands... you should understand better how governments respond to such demands. (Augustine Enow Agbor  Aug 18, 2017 6: 12 PM)
Let's take a look:
Southwest Region.-
148 Magistrates in the Southwest- 58 francophone magistrates in the Southwest, making 39.2 %-
89 magistrates in legal department in the Southwest region. 54 of them are francophones. Making 60.7% of francophones.-
50 magistrates working in Buea (Bench & Legal Department) - 20 francophone Magistrates in Buea making 40 % of francophones.-
28 magistrates in the legal departments Buea, 20 of them are francophones. Making 71.4% of francophones.-
30 new bailiffs were appointed in January 2014 and 28 of them are francophones, making 93.2% of francophones.
There are 128 magistrates in the Northwest - 67 francophone magistrates in the Northwest. 52.3 %-
There are 97 Magistrates of the Legal Departments, 64 of them are francophones, making 65.9% of francophones.-
Thereare 45 Magistrates working in the Bamenda - 22of them are francophone, making 48.9%of francophones.-
27 magistrates in the Legal departments Bamenda, 21 of them are francophones. Making77.8 % of francophones.-
21 new bailiffs were appointed in January 2014 and all of them are francophones. Making 100% francophones.
Comparing major Regional head quarters: situation of Anglophones in Douala and Yaounde Courts compared with situation of Francophones in Bamenda and Buea.-
Thereare 119 Magistrates in the Courts of Douala.
Two (2) of them are Anglophones making1.7% of magistrates.-
There are 107 Magistrates in the Courts of Yaounde.
Two (2) of them are Anglophones making 1.9 %.- As a reminder, 49% of Magistrates in Bamenda and 40% of magistrates in Buea the Anglophone regional headquarters are francophones.
Here they come again! The opportunists, collaborators and dirty double-crossers are once again at it. They will not hesitate to go to any length and breadth to propagate their treacherous and insidious propaganda for LRC.  Yeah Right!!! "We have to give government time to respond to our demands"… How much time must we give the government?  How much time has already been given the government since independence?  How long has the government had to correct the disproportionate appointments above? Where have these LRC propagandists been all these years? 

They sings praises and pass motion of support for LRC, but they can't travel across their regions during the raining seasons. Some have to go through Nigeria in order to reach their villages... but you know what? "We have to give  government time to respond to our demands".... despite government's highly obvious and conspicuous lack of interest in the development of our enclaves..hell No!! "We [still] have to give  government time to respond to our demands"..because treacherous opportunists are hoping for crumbs that may fall their way from LRC!!! Oh Yes people!!.."We [must] give  government time to respond to our demands" No kidding..when do they run out of time?
As usual, there are always "blacklegs" in every movement and the SC movement is no exception! 

From: "Agbor Enow Augustine [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2017 8:17 PM

Big Bro Morgan,

I believe the actions of the secessionist groups is delaying the release of justice Ayah, Balla, Fontem and Co. It is my singular belief that their detention is part of the government's effort to prevent secessionist revolution in the home soil. My suggestion to every Manyu persons nominated or appointed to lead any group that stand for secession is to put out a public statement and deny such nomination if you do not share the values of such groups. TI have made it clear that I believe in free speech and that Balla and Fontem should be released. 

Augustine Enow Agbor

The outcome of my life is not more than three lines: I was a raw material I became mature and cooked And I was burned into nothingness. Rumi

On Saturday, August 19, 2017 4:52 PM, Morgan Enowmbitang <> wrote:


This is your Sr. Brother Morgan from Mbinjong. I enjoy reading your arguments but had actually learned a lot from this young man - Ayah Ayah Abine. The essence of education is being able to learn from others and adjust your position. Enjoy

"Ok Bro, just a summary. Told the renown paper that the release of ALL Anglophon detainees is the ONLY way out for the gov't to calm the rising tensions and pave way for genuine dialogue. That the ammunition discovered IN Mbengwi is possibly a drama and that if ever this crisis explosed to incontrôlable dimensions, It Will BE owing to gov't irresponsibility 100%. That its ONLY IN Cameroon that negociators are arreated, the mouth pièce of a crowd. That fédéralists are arrested and detained Then the same gov't senda people abroad to go chat with séparatists; ridiculous. Etc"

Morgan Enowmbitang 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 18, 2017, at 6:12 PM, 'enow007' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Bro Kim's,
Your concerns are legitimate,  but putting yourself out of the country by creating your own artificial country called Ambazonia is not a strategy to fix such problems. 

We have to give give government time to respond to our demands. As a highly educated person,  you should understand better how governments respond to such demands. Go through the attachment and assess for yourself if the actions taken by government so far is not a move on the right direction. We are all critics if the government, but we should be constructive in our criticism. 

Thanks for your concerns.

Augustine Enow Agbor 

Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android Device

-------- Original message --------
Date: 8/18/17 5:34 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: 'Agbor Enow Augustine' via ambasbay <>, CAMCOGA GROUP <>

Mr. Agbor Enow:
I don't know you personally.
It does not bother you that of all the Foreign Bureaus, you might only have 2 or 3 S.C. as Ambassadors? You mean there are no qualified S.C. who can be sent to represent the Country as Ambassadors? Just to let you know if you keep blind eyes and ears to Marginalization, you become a Slave forever.

--Concerned Citizen

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device

------ Original message------
From: 'Agbor Enow Augustine' via ambasbay
Date: Fri, Aug 18, 2017 5:10 PM
Cc: Yahoogroups;MECA USA DISCUSSION;Cameroon Politics;CAM;Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup;Manyu Egroup;MANYUNET@AUFOUNDATION.COM;

Everyone who have engagedin a serious negotiation understands that a good solution to a well posedproblem is nearly always more satisfying than an excellent solution
to a poorly conceivedproblem. Whereas the Anglophone lawyers and teachers defined some excellentproblems facing the Anglophone communities, and separated the people(Anglophones vs. Francophones) from t he problems, they failed to stop the manyfailed secessionist and irredentist movements from hijacking their good cause.
After the secessionists stolethe cause of Cameroon lawyers and teachers, any further negotiation was made untenable,because the secessionists frame each issue as a single, rather than a joint searchfor objective criteria. Moreover, by invoking and declaring the creation of anelusive ambozonia state, the secessionists failed to reason and be open toreason on which standards to choose when negotiating with their government. Inaddition, the government of the Republic of Cameroon, like any other astutenegotiating body, will never yield to pressure, but only to principles.
My simple research pointsto the fact that the government of junta Paul Biya has been engaging theteachers and lawyers, and actually resolving most of the issues they raised.While all these issues might not be solved in a single day, or be solved to thecomplete desires of the lawyers and teachers, the inroads made so far is anindication that the government is listening to the chagrins of the Anglophones.Below are some of the actions taken by the regim e of junta Biya to fix theAnglophone problem:
Actions already taken and being undertaken by theGovernment to resolve the concerns raised by the Anglophone Lawyers.-
1)      Preparationsare underway for the holding of the National Forum on the judiciary.
2)     TheOHADA Treaty and other OHADA instruments have been published in English.
3)     TheHead of State has ordered a census of judicial and legal officers of Englishexpression with a view to increase the number of English –speaking judicial andlegal officers at this highest court. < /o:p>
4)     ACommon Law Section has been included at the Supreme Court.
& nbsp;
5)     ACom mon Law Section is to be created at the National School of Administrationand Magistracy.
6)    Thesetting up of a working group to specify, on the one hand, the contents ofcurricula in universities, legal courses for the judicial careers and, on theother hand, the content of curricula for the training of student magistratesand registrars.
7)     Theeminent recruitment of a huge number of Anglophones teachers at the Magistracyand Registry Division of ENAM.
8)    Thespecial recruitment of English-speaking Pupil judicial and Legal Officers andCourt Registrars over a period of four years based on quotas has been ordered.
9)    Theprogramming of the teaching of Public Law in the Universities of Buea andBamenda.
10) The recruitment of interpreters specialized incourts, pending the results of the special recruitment of Anglophonemagistrates and registrars.
11)  The continuation, on a transitional basis, of theexercise of duties of lawyers and notaries, cumulatively in the North West and SouthWest Regions.
12) Somejudicial and legal officers have been transferred on the Head of State'sinstructions on linguistic bases.
13) Thesetting-up of a Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences at the University ofBuea.
14) Thesetting-up of a department of English law in the Uni versities of Douala,Maroua, Ngaoundere and Dschang, similar to that of the University of Yaounde IISoa and programming the teaching of Public law in the universities of Buea andBamenda.
15)  Thesetting-up of an Institute of judicial studies to train advocates notariespublic and bailiffs.
Augustine Enow Agbor

The outcome of my life is not more than three lines: I was a raw material I became mature and cooked And I was burned into nothingness. Rumi
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