Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: LET SCHOOLS RESUME IN SEPTEMBER.

Quot from Tabong Kima: "one can only be at peace with God when he is at war with the powers of evil".
Kima quoting Ghandhi, "a filthy educational system will unman us and render us helpless and Godless"

-----Original Message-----
From: tikum Azonga <>
To: cameroon_politics <>
Cc: ambasbay <>; bateygreig20 <>; manyuvoice <>; camnetwork <>; bakebe1 <>; christmasebini <>; mbatu4 <>; hfossung <>; nnyamngaisc <>; mfyembe <>; herbertboh <>; ayukm <>; fobimal <>; mincam <>; nsusungi <>; drakwanga <>; saintarrey <>; cameroon_politics <>; sincerelawyer <>
Sent: Sat, Aug 19, 2017 8:53 am
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: LET SCHOOLS RESUME IN SEPTEMBER.


How can you talk of restoration when you`re afraid of the sound of
gun shots and the sight of gushing blood and the last moaning of
dying people lying helpless in front of you?

Then how will you get your restoration? Shall someone hand it to you
on a platter of gold? In which world?

On 15/07/2017, [cameroon_politics]
<> wrote:
> The Irish held theirchildren from going to school for two years. This is
> documented by PadraicPearse the famous Irish Revolutionary who wrote about
> this with greateloquence. Pearse wrote: "The educational system the English
> haveinstituted in Ireland is a Murder Machine; the schools are soulless and
> insteadof teaching they destroy; they cannot make men but they can break
> them. We willkeep the children home instead sending them to the murder
> machine calledschools". Two things should stand out to you after reading
> these: 1) that when people are faced with the evilsof colonialism, they must
> protect their children from it and, 2) thatholding back children from a
> filthy educational system was notinvented by the Southern Cameroons freedom
> fighters.It dates back more than athousand years.
> NB: This is a quote
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 'Taku A. A. Moses' via ambasbay <>
> To: Greig Batey <>; ManyuVoice ManyuVoice
> <>; CAMNETWORK List <>;
> Tabong Kima <>; Christmasebini Ebini
> <>; Cameroon Politics
> <>; Dr. Christopher Atang
> <>; Henry Fossung <>; Bri Soucam
> <>; Martin Yembe <>; HerbertBoh
> <>; Mathias Ayuk <>; Dr. Fobi Mathias
> <>; MINCAM Cameroon Community <>; Dr.
> Susungi Nfor <>; drakwanga <>; Jesusman
> Ayuk <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup
> <>
> Sent: Thu, Jul 13, 2017 2:50 pm
> Subject: Fw: [camnetwork] Re: [MECA-MN] Fw: [Cameroon Vision] LET SCHOOLS
> RESUME IN SEPTEMBER. Nchem Rudolf...
> Greg Batey and others.
> I have read a proposal for our kids to return to school in September and to
> receive an education. This is an advice from one who is on the side of the
> Annexationists-LRD. They that have graduated from the Universities and are
> now farmers, Okada riders, Petite market traders etc, are of what use to our
> or their families-I ask? The man Rudolf should be watched very carefully as
> he is an agent of LRD.
> It is never too late to go to school as you can find in developed nations as
> America, UK. Canada, Nigeria and so on. It's better to start a matter and
> end it well. Let every child stay home than going to school when the
> atmosphere in the nation has no Peace to enable all other things to move
> well and smoothly. God is doing the Restoration of our nation and every one
> is expected to persevere till the Victory is achieved. No school and no
> courts will cause the international community to stand up for our plight.
> Every Righteous sacrifice has a Godly Reward from my God who answers Prayers
> of the Servants. Any one who is speaking to the contrarily is a Blackleg and
> his name will be forwarded to Heaven for the Provisions of "WOE" in the Word
> of God to be made manifested upon him and his family-Isa.5:20-25. This is
> what shall befall all the Blacklegs as Musonge; Chief Tabetando; Ngole
> Ngole, Ngute, Philemon Yang, Achidi Achu and co in the future. Begin to
> watch them and families.
> If Rudolf is advocating the return to school in Sept.; who will be
> responsible for the running of the schools-I ask? Stay put and wait for the
> Restoration of our nation at the timing of the Lord which is very soon. Is
> going to school a place preparing some one to go to Heaven as the coming of
> the Lord is not being notified?. Let all our kids be shown the way to Church
> for them to be well prepared to resume school with the Fear of the Lord in
> very near future.
> The Jews were in the Wilderness for 40 years, have they not over taken other
> nations in sciences? Wait and be well restored to an Education that has a
> Righteous and a Permanent Internationally recognized Educational foundation.
> We have gone a step ahead with the selection of a P.M as in the days of S.A
> with a government in exile. I advise that we should be patient and pray hard
> for the Victory to be manifested sooner than expected. God has already given
> me His timing and I should therefore solicit for your natural and or willful
> Patience-Amen.
> Yours Freedom Fighter-(not with human weapons of MK 47 but with Spiritual
> Missiles that can get to any where and destroy.)
> Rev. (Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses Sr. (alias Daniel or D.M. Tutu to his nation in
> captivity in Babylon-LRD)
> Nyama Moliki posted in Cameroon Vision . Nyama Moliki July 6 at
> 11:48pm LET SCHOOLS RESUME IN SEPTEMBER. Nchem Rudolf often speaks with
> the voice of reason. In September let schools resume and let lawyers return
> to court. The anglophone Cameroonian is facing neocolonialism and attempted
> assimilation from francophones. Despite a few gains made the situation
> remains largely unchanged . However we cannot continue to sacrifice the
> education of our children for another school year. The struggle must
> continue but let children who are in school have a chance to also become
> intellectuals like many of you in this forum. We can demonstrate, we can
> match, we can vote against parties opposed to the anglophone cause, we can
> press for federalism. In my opinion the formation of a separate independent
> Southern Cameroons state shall be accompanied by civil war and bloodshed.
> Africans don't recognize the self determination of peoples. If they did,
> millions would not have died in Biafra, Eritrea and Southern Sudan. Let us
> think of other means of continuing thus battle. Like Comment
> Facebook
> Nyama Moliki posted in Cameroon Vision.
> Nyama Moliki
> July 6 at 11:48pm
> LET SCHOOLS RESUME IN SEPTEMBER. Nchem Rudolf often speaks with the voice of
> reason. In September let schools resume and let lawyers return to court. The
> anglophone Cameroonian is facing neocolonialism and attempted assimilation
> from francophones. Despite a few gains made the situation remains largely
> unchanged . However we cannot continue to sacrifice the education of our
> children for another school year. The struggle must continue but let
> children who are in school have a chance to also become intellectuals like
> many of you in this forum. We can demonstrate, we can match, we can vote
> against parties opposed to the anglophone cause, we can press for
> federalism. In my opinion the formation of a separate independent Southern
> Cameroons state shall be accompanied by civil war and bloodshed. Africans
> don't recognize the self determination of peoples. If they did, millions
> would not have died in Biafra, Eritrea and Southern Sudan. Let us think of
> other means of continuing thus battle.
> Like
> Comment
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> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: 'Jesusman' via MANYUNET <>
> To: "" <>;
> "" <>; Ambasbay
> CamerGoogleGroup <>; Cameroon Politics
> <>; MINCAM Cameroon Community
> <>; peter kima <>;
> "" <>;
> "" <>;
> "" <>;
> "" <>; Bakebe Bakebe
> <>; Bkbdevelopment Bakebe Development Association
> <>
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 7:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: [MECA-MN] Fw: [Cameroon Vision] LET SCHOOLS
> RESUME IN SEPTEMBER. Nchem Rudolf...
> Mr. Kima,
> You have spoken for the silent reading majority. I know people who graduated
> 7 years ago, and they have never found any work. If you want someone to be
> great, you must give them the tools to make them great. The current
> situation and past conditions have ligated Southern Cameroonians to pure
> paupers. The Cameroon government must show uberrima fides in giving Southern
> Cameroonians equality.
> Until then, let us be vigilant.
> St. Arrey on Ntenako.
> "Do unto others what you want done unto you."
> "Let justice, the love for mercy and humility be the cornerstones of your
> relationships, and no one will be treated badly." Hamilton Ayuk.
> On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 17:20, Tabong Kima [camnetwork]
> <> wrote:
> For some time now, I have decided to stay off these internet arguments about
> Southern Cameroons because I have since April, concentrated my energies in
> making things actually happen on behalf of the struggle. In addition to
> that, some of these internet key-board warriors or naysayers are simply
> inconsequential and do not deserve my time. I do however read everything on
> all the fora that I am subscribed to. This is because I understand that
> keepingabreast with the general thinking of our people is essential in the
> battle to win hearts and minds. That is the reason why from time to time,I
> do respond when I think some harmful but enticing idea is gaining ground and
> and requires a firm rebuttal. The level and quantity of simple mindedness
> that passes for sophistication in e-groups and social media is baffling
> especially when it comes to the struggle going on in our home land.
> Those who espouse the idea that schools should resume in September because
> not resuming school at that time will deprive the kids from becoming
> engineers, lawyers, nurses and so forth have in my opinion, not spent any
> time to contemplate the most grotesque and horrible inventions of La
> Republique du Cameroun (LRC) to perpetuate their colonial machinations.
> They have also failed to see that not going to school is the best trump-card
> we are holding at this point; evidenced by the fact that LRC is more worried
> about it than any other aspect of civil disobedience going on in SC. Worse,
> these back-to-school proponents are so myopic that they fail to see that the
> debasement of the educational system of Southern Cameroons is the most
> effective way to kill and emasculate our society. The moral equivalence of
> castrating all men in any given society is to give them a filthy educational
> system so the kids who are staying home are safe as they avoid subjecting
> themselves to mental and colonial slavery. If the children resume schooling,
> what kind of schools would they go back to? To the simulacrum of an
> educational system where kids are taught in French or pidgin English by
> french peaking teachers? What kind of education do you think a boy in Bakebe
> will get when his teacher is teaching him in a language he does not
> understand while on the other hand, his teacher does not understandhim? The
> aim of an educational system is to foster, not to retard. More so, education
> must inspire and foster the growth of personality not to emasculate and
> enslave. When a peoples' educational system is debased deliberately by a
> foreign agent, that is evil. I must repeat the words of one wise man who
> said: "one can only be at peace with God when he is at war with the powers
> of evil". I will conclude with Ghandhi who said "a filthy educational system
> will unman us and render us helpless and Godless". Those who do not see that
> we are resisting an insidious attempt by LRC to empty our people of
> manliness and mental slavery are neither clear-sighted nor contemplative.
> Tabong Kima
> From: 'peter kima' via ManyuVoice <>
> Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2017 7:10:56 PM
> To:; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup; Cameroon Politics;
> ManyuVoice ManyuVoice; CAMNETWORK List; MINCAM Cameroon Community
> Subject: Re: [MECA-MN] Fw: [Cameroon Vision] LET SCHOOLS RESUME IN
> SEPTEMBER. Nchem Rudolf...
> Nchem Rudolf is perfectly correct. We can not deny our children the
> possibilities of
> becoming engineers, doctors, lawyers because we need federalism be it 10
> state
> or 2 states.
> How are we going to compensate these children who will end up roaming the
> street
> because they have nothing to offer professionally or the academia.
> We should think and give these children a chance to develop their God given
> talents.
> Thanks
> Prince Peter Ashu Kima.
> On Friday, July 7, 2017 2:40 AM, "Greig Batey
> [MECA-MN]" <> wrote:
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: Greig Batey <>
> To: Reply to Comment
> <>
> Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 1:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [Cameroon Vision] LET SCHOOLS RESUME IN SEPTEMBER. Nchem
> Rudolf...
> Let us think of other means of continuing thus battle.... .wrote Nchem
> Rudolf.
> Let's also hear from you the other means we can use to continue the
> struggle.
> 1)We go to the streets to demonstrate...... You get killed by their army
> 2)We vote they rig the vote in their favour
> 3) Federation, they say NO
> 4) Dialogue Biya says NO
> Mr Nchem Rudolf you can carry you and family, cross the Mungo River and
> enslave you and your family to " THEM ".
> We aboriginals S C are out.
> From: Nyama Moliki <>
> To: Cameroon Vision <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2017 11:48 PM
> Subject: [Cameroon Vision] LET SCHOOLS RESUME IN SEPTEMBER. Nchem Rudolf...
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "ambasbay" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
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