Herewith the hypocrisy of the century. Here him "How many children does EN have in Cameroon, who might not to returning to school in September?"...dixit Babalawo Oloshi Opunu Agba-iya Esale

This crying more than the bereaved syndrome (by elements of uncertainty) is a phenomenon I am yet to decipher its contours. I will not go as far as repeating the same question posed to EN in reverse i.e "How many children does the writer himself have in Cameroon"...One, Two...Four...Zero or still in the Belle or the "productive" sperms are still negotiating their entry for onward transmission or ejaculation into where "Pikins are manufactured"? Wetin man no go read for WWW. Now take a keen look at the images here below:If you are not outraged or even scandalized, then you need to consult with  a shrink or self-medicate on Prozac..

These are the so-called edifices that are a constant or standard classroom called  in contractual documents  by its French appelation "Salle de Classe Moderne".. In the books within the office of "Budget...(I hope they even have one)"; the Contractors as well as those running the Ministries have all been handsomely PAID for a "Job Well done", Schools officially received, Signed Sealed and delivered okayed as "Satisfaisant".  So you know, the least BUDGET per classroom is CFA TEN Million francs. Go figure.

But with the advent of the slightest rainfall or small wind, everything comes down collapsing...while the thieving and conniving Ministers and Contractors are wearing expensive suits, driving the latest cars, and screwing the hottest mammies in Yaounde, Douala, Paris, London and even Washington DC...(with our monies in their hot suits). The next time you see those officials, just rush out there and grab what ever they are wearing. It is yours. Feel free to strip the bagah naked. Na we money we all. Teep thing dem all. Let me catch dem again. I go shu dem pepper. Teep School Nkap. A new Kondengui should be anticipated to lock up all these clowns including their surrogates.

At some point I even suggested that I was for Schools to Resume, but I kam check my head again for that plaba and changed my Vote. Never again shall Southern Cameroonian children be tortured like this. Jesus Christ! Are you still there? Do you see what they are doing to us? Common now. Are these not crimes against humanity? Think about it for a moment. People have been praying and fasting, but you are not listening. Are you sure you are not being distracted by a semol ting there in heaven? What are even doing where ever you are? You Jesus seem to be doing a constant "Double
". If these fellows are not ashamed of themselves, can their own children undergo such barbaric treatment? I join my fellow Southern Cameroonians in forcefully saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. First of all, we will identify any Contractor involved in this charade and we will "Take Care of Them".  This is outright crazy. As a matter of fact, I think we should all (if anyone reading is as scandalized as myself), say that the government  of Ngia Yang :Philomina (isn't that a woman's name?) should collectively resign Today Today. Nonsense. Until we hear directly from JESUS, that nonsense about PRAYA and FASTING should stop because ih no dey bring we Natty. Man no Die, Man no Rotten.

Mbang Nfor Mishe Fon
Matrufon of Alamatu (Insult Proof Water Go Lef Stone)
Southern Cameroonian in very Good Standing.

Image result for poorly constructed classrooms cameroon  
Image result for poorly constructed classrooms cameroon  
Image result for poorly constructed classrooms cameroon  Image result for poorly constructed classrooms cameroon
On Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 5:08:26 PM EDT, SAM ESALE [camnetwork] <> wrote:


"It is our right to demand justice and the release of all who have been incarcerated by HOLDING THE NEEDLE WHERE IT PINCHES." EN.

Bro, we agree that it is your right to demand justice, whatever that means to you. We also agree that under The British British Common Law system, "You are innocent until proven guilty." But we disagree in principle, on the matter of using school children as pawns, as in "Holding the Needle where it pinches." That isn't just immoral, it is a callous, self-defeating and stupid tactic in any effort tied to the idea of self-determination. Where does it "pinch" Paul Biya, when you use children as pawns? Where or how  does it "pinch" Paul Biya, when you burn down Schools and/or destroy public/private property in the Southwest Region of Cameroon or the Northwest for that matter. The 2017 GCE Results should show you the repercussions of your thoughtless strategy. How do you benefit from those results? How do those results affect Paul Biya?You're defeating yourselves even before the fight begins. No?

Btw. How many children does EN have in Cameroon, who might not to returning to school in September? How many wrote the GCE O'Level or A'Level in 2017. Do you see the hypocrisy?
Poor families are the ones that are being "pinched" by your tactics. Does that bother folks like EN?

Any reasonable Cameroonian will agree with MsJoe's position and the supporting evidence from UN Millennium Goals for Emerging Economies. For all children around the globe, Education is a Right. It is NOT a Privilege. If EN can claim the right to "Hold the Needle where in Pinches," by using school children as pawns and threatening their families with violence, then what happens to their own God Given Rights or their Rights under the Law? Why do you think you are more important than these poor people, to place your Rights above theirs. Don't they have Rights too? UNICEF will NOT endorse the violation of Children's Universal Right to a decent Education any where around the world. And I don't think EN comprehends where Sister Evelyn is coming from.

Talking about "curriculum," what is EN referencing? How can EN demonstrate his understanding of Curriculum Development in any education environment? Can EN provide evidence to buttress his contention that East Cameroon has an Official Agenda to "frenchify" West Cameroon? Is Bilingualism a pathway to cultural assimilation in Cameroon?

There are thousands of Anglophones who are fluent in French and English, as well as there are Francophones who are fluent in both languages. We have met some of them in this Matango Haus. Sir Georges Owona will easily pass for an Anglophone and Bobe Boh Herbert is as Bilingual or even multi-lingual as they come, if you include his mother tongue and our national lingua-Franca or pidgin English. If English & French are the Official Languages of the country, then I would like EN to tell me why it is disadvantageous for a child born Ekondo Titi, to learn to write and speak French fluently. What is wrong with being bilingual or multiple or even a polyglot? Children from Cameroon who are fluent in English and French or are Bilingual, have a competitive advantage in the global job market, over children from other parts of Africa who speak or may be fluent in only one language. In this Brave New World, the more languages a child can speak, the better positioned he/she is in the employment market. Language fluency is a skill and the more the better, in today's market place. It is therefore ridiculous on the part of those who claim to be well educated, to use language as a deterrent to early childhood education or development in Cameroon. We don't see the sense or logic in that position. 

On the flip side of the coin, it is irresponsible on the part of any education system to employ a teacher Black or White, who holds a Degree in Economics, but cannot speak French, to be asked to teach Economics in CES de Monatele, where the students are Francophone. By the same token, hiring a Francophone teacher with a Degree in Mathematics to lecture Mathematics as a Subject in GHS Mundemba can be ridiculous if the teacher is not fluent in English language. Both scenarios are mistakes which can be corrected, without the creation of another Country. You don't talk about Secession and start blowing people and property up for something as simple at that. 

Nelson Mandela and the ANC did not waste their energy fighting for a separate country in South Africa. They did not clamor for the Separation of Blacks from Whites in South Africa. That would have been a losing proposition. They would not have gained any traction on the international scene, had they been spinning their wheels on Secession. The struggle would still be going on today. Mandela and his partners clamored to dismantle Apartheid in South Africa and they won, thanks to the support from the International Community. Rev. Dr. King and the wide range of supporters of the Civil Rights or "Freedom & Equality" Movement in North America, did not seek the separation of Blacks or Minorities from Whites. They did not ask for a separate State for Black People in America. They asked of Equal Rights under the Law and integration.

There are two extremes in the Cameroon case: Secession & Status Quo. Both of them are not good for the country. The only common denominator is Federalism. Federalism is the most viable option. It is sustainable, less destructive/disruptive and it is a win-win-proposition for the nation. We can build a New Cameroon on the basis of Federalism. In that case, we do not need to keep children away from school or use them as pawns to serve our political ambitions. That is evil.

If EN insists on this sterile tactic of frightening poor parents from sending their children to school or threatening them with violence if they fail to comply with his wasteful ghost town orders, then EN must pack his stuff and move his entire family to Cameroon where the struggle is taking place. He cannot expect Anglophones in Cameroon to listen to him, while his children are either in school or working abroad and EN himself is gainfully employed in USA. Loyalty requires sacrifice & Love For Country demands discipline. EN should join the Brave men and women or warriors on the ground and in trenches in Cameroon. Talk can be cheap. EN must be willing to pay the price or he is just trying to manipulate the gullible. Rev. Dr. King lost his life fighting for a great cause, and we are on standing on the shoulders of giants who paid the price for our Freedom.

Be well.

Rev. Otteh "Sam" Esale 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 23, 2017, at 10:50 AM, Esu Ndzem-Usu [camnetwork] <> wrote:


Hogwash again!
Listen to your diatribes." My focus is the resumption of schools. It is UN Development Goal 4, Agenda 2063 Goal 2. Here is the pertinent section on Cameroon's vision 2035."
The SC people say no to frenchified schools where the vision is to reduce students to levels worse than in apartheid SA. SCians will return to school on their terms with their own curricula. The political GCE of 2017 has no value, even if pretentiously used in LRC.
It is your right to support rape, abduction and incarceration of the innocent. It is our right to demand justice and the release of all who have been abducted and incarcerated by holding the needle where it pinches. It serves no purpose to pretend to love school when you end up arbitrarily imprisoning the jobless literates who open their mouths against a rogue regime.
You do not persuade anyone with vain assertions like "issue of the heinous duplicity of  your lot using children as political tools.   You don't burn schools with a justification that  people were  raped." How about the ANC burning defaulters alive? Did it stop the liberation of Mandela and SAans? Have SCians destroyed any one's life as the rogue regime does? Does the destruction of schools pain you more than the killing of human lives by the rogue regime?
EN hopes SCians have succeeded to dissuade His Eminence the Cardinal and the UN from looking at the realities on the ground,. Since you claim tourists do not go to Bamenda anymore, iIs there a place in the Cameroons where tourists go?
EN can go on and on but needles to waste useful time on people who have lost consciousness of the truth and justice, simply campaigning for continued assimilation of SCians or both.
But the time of reckoning is near!
"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel

On Tuesday, August 22, 2017 5:45 PM, " [camnetwork]" <> wrote:


Yours is a rigmarole. Sir, I can look myself in the mirror and I see conscience starring right back.  I provide data to substantiate my arguments. See the test scores below - how  Northwest schools are bearing the brunt.

Now, when choose a cause,  I own it, I wear it. So there is no need for a  mirror when I mirror and model the cause.  Children cannot give consent, and you are threatening them and their families with bodily injury.  No argument is worth closing schools and harming people who choose to go to school. 

You can dodge the issue of the heinous duplicity of  your lot using children as political tools.   You don't burn schools with a justification that  people were  raped. To  become an illiterate is the intervention for  sexual abuse or to prevent same? What has the " cutting  of the Internet" got to 2017/18 school year? Even if Mongolia is  imposed, sponsoring  the maiming and killing of people and destruction of property make you a murderer and a vandal.

 Do you all, in your more sober moments, listen to types of arguments you make? And you expect any authority to consider you all as an entity to be reckoned with? So where are the reasonable people in this liberation? You all have frightened them, too?

Well, you do not tell me to  advance  your  violent,  political aspirations by asking me why don't I address  this and that.  I will not.  You don't switch and bait with digression; it does not work with me. 

 My focus is the resumption of schools. It is UN Development Goal 4, Agenda 2063 Goal 2. Here is the pertinent section on Cameroon's vision 2035

I.3.1 Human capital formation

 As concerns education, there is need to (i) ensure universal access to education, apprenticeship and vocational training; (ii) enhance internal efficiency and improve regulation of the whole education system (primary, secondary and higher education); (iii) enhance the value and relevance of vocational training given the requirements of the job market. 

Look at the results below.

Centre N_O: 11031 Sacred Heart College Mankon 
Regis: 69,Sat for 2 or more subjects: 62, Passed: 14, % Passed: 22.58 *

Centre N_O: 11015 Cameroon Protestant College Bali *
Regis: 123,Sat for 2 or more subjects: 105, Passed: 10, % Passed: 9.52 *

Centre N_O: 11025 Our Lady of Lourdes Secondary School Mankon *
Regis: 91,Sat for 2 or more subjects: 91, Passed: 17, % Passed: 18.68 *

*Centre N_O: 11011 Bishop Rogan College Soppo *
Regis: 29,Sat for 2 or more subjects: 27, Passed: 17, % Passed: 62.96 *

*Centre N_O: 11035 Saint Josephs College Sasse *
Regis: 95,Sat for 2 or more subjects: 93, Passed: 55, % Passed: 59.14 *

*Centre N_O: 11037 Saker Baptist College Limbe *
Regis: 85,Sat for 2 or more subjects: 85, Passed: 64, % Passed: 75.29 *

Now you have another line. No good school will admit based on the GCE results. But you said the results were useless. The students are in accredited schools, including public universities.  

You all have done more damage to the psychic and future of your own youths in the Northwest Region than the government could ever do. You have defiled your culture. Tourists are told to avoid Northwest.

 Some youths are already armed robbers, offering themselves to commit atrocities while waiting for the promised support from the Diaspora. When these kids hit rock bottom and realize that they were misled while the Diaspora hecklers take care of their own lives, you will have the real deal on your hands when  bushfellas arrive in NW.


To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: Esu Ndzem-Usu [camnetwork] <>
To: camnetwork <>; ACCDF <>; cameroonforum <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 22, 2017 2:15 pm

EN does not need to go to the library to dismiss your hogwash and gibberish. Insinuate means suggests something malicious. It is not indirect. It depicts. It is direct. That is scholarly language unknown perhaps to you.
Secondly, one cannot discuss facts with people who turn a blind eye to reality. You know what EN is talking about. EN studied and worked in the Cameroons for many years and can provide you details of various curricula on both sides of the Mungo. Of what use will it be to someone who turns a blind eye to abduction, rape, internet cutoff, incarceration of people who want nothing but a correction of things gone wrong?
You claim African countries are moving away from Western Education but fail to condemn the imposition of French Education on Anglophones. Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you know what became of the City and Gilts exams West of the Mungo? Today, with a BAC technique, one cannot even change a lock on a door handle? Is that what obtained in Ombe of yester-years?. Do we want the GCE to go down the same drain?
It is only in your mind that people are being admitted abroad with the 2017 GCE results. Fact: No good school will admit any one on the basis of a political GCE paper.
EN need not belabor the importance of good education. Liberation movements in Southern Africa and around the globe realized that need and sent many of their children to places where Education was worth the salt while the fight continued on the ground. SC liberation is no different. Schools will resume on our terms, not LRC. None of you will deceive SCians. We know where you are coming from.
By the way, some of you have generals on the ground. Let's see how you get the schools to reopen.
"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel

On Tuesday, August 22, 2017 1:12 PM, " [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

[Attachment(s) from included below]

EN (Esu):

If you want to teach in "scholarly narratives," you should at least know what you are talking about. Insinuate implies, it is indirect;  it does not depict. Depiction makes something very obvious.  

Calling someone a novice  by processing information through your vituperative facility does not address the questions raised in the poster you are promoting  to threaten those who are equally entitled to their right to call for school resumption.   

That is my point. 

The liberation of Southern Cameroon/Ambazonia - Esu Ndzem-Usu, New Jersey, USA
 No automatic alt text available.

I support the reopening of schools.  I can defend my position every step of the way without the gymnastics  in  emotional gibberish. 

You claim the education is the English Regions is second class of sort. When I asked you to compare two curricula in the French and English Speaking Region, you come back with "frenchified." 

 You need to be steady in your argument. 

If the French system is above an  inferior  system in the English speaking system, and  you  claim the French system is now imposed, you are woefully unaware of your own your intellectual inconsistency.  Why would you be against something superior? 

If the English system is superior and nothing changed in the curricular, you have not explained how the same content standard became useless. 

You  could not  prove the disparity  in the content and performance standards in English and French speaking schools in a particular grade.

My position:  Student performances do not necessarily suffer because of less or more English  or French since there is considerable transfer of cognitive and academic skills across languages.  For example, students who are proficient in math or excel in sciences when learning in English, Chinese, Spanish or French do not have to relearn the concepts all over again when the instruction is in any other language or to apply the concepts at work. 

As I have written before and cited the research, generally, African schools are not preparing students for the demands of today's job market. That is why there may be scarcity of skilled labour in the same area with high unemployment. It is not a "Frenchifed" or "Englisified" issue.

The assessments have been made with the need to overhaul the educational content. The information is in Continental Education Strategy for Africa.  It was finalized in 2o16. It takes time to sensitize and  implement. There is emphasis on TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training). 

Within an Educational System, there may be many Educational Models.

For examples: Form 2 students in Tunisia and Cameroon will be learning with the same competitive world class curriculum. In the School System, there may be different Educational Models such as International Baccalaureate, Montessori, Arts Magnet, Dual Language  Immersion, etc. with specialized curricular. 

The  same system may have different  class formats, school ethos,  etc.  The teaching methodologies  may vary.  Why are you hung up in  colonial entrapment with your Frenchy or Englishy? You people are embarrassing yourselves as "Colonial Day Break Wonders"  in a different century and era.

Of course, the language proficiency of the teacher is certainly a concern that can be addressed.   

Sir, but the  truth is that your lot  does not want any solution because school closing is merely a means/tool to your political ends.  Accordingly,  discussions on solutions to educational concerns are  irritants to your nerves. 

Sincerely, what you all fear most is a civilized space where rational exchanges occur. You are not interested in open-ended discussions and your lot lacks the temperament to withstand challenges without  unravelling into some quartier demagoguery.

In fact, your lot is allergic to basic civilization at this juncture. Even a "Hello" sets you all on edges because your modus operandi is to preempt normalcy. You want to be feared. You want to paralyze communities. Your style of liberators  are congenially cunning, trying to be clever by half.  

You  wrote that  the GCE is useless by citing Cameroon Tribune. However, students who passed the Cameroon A Levels in 2017 are being admitted in universities in Cameroon, as well as in the US, Canada and  countries in Europe.

Even if your wish is true, is it your commission to promote the harming and killing of students and their parents because  they want learn with a useless curriculum and take useless exams? Are you paying their fees?

In the US,  if a minor in your custody and not attending school, the  law will step in. There are failing school  systems  such as Prince George's County and Baltimore City in Maryland, USA where some of the ring leaders live or have their children in the schools. Some of your  New Jersey schools have poor record and dilapidated structures. The citations are pertinent to the fact that school improvements are constant  - even in the wealthy democracies.  

If institutions are in the business of education and close for more than a  year, they cannot maintain their license.  This liberation is not springing from self-less conviction when unleashing terror to disrupt the education of children is a political tool. 

Meanwhile, the persons promoting the mindlessness are not contemplating  keeping children in their families at home, even once a week, in solidarity of where their mouth or keyboard  is. Even in alumni groups, the ring leaders are even the first to ask for donations for education.  The  cunningness is what is called "monkey sense."  Who is more corrupt? What manner of roguery is higher than that?  

Calling me a novice because I hold a contrary view is  an exhibition of  that virulent strain of barbarism that has become the face of your " liberation."  You all are incapable of a 15 minutes exchange and call it a day without  succumbing  to  your primitive instincts. 

When you are asked questions or challenged to a fact, your native impulses take over and you start attacking people personally. What civilized  person would want to live under the assured reign of terror in the Ambazonia or Southern Cameroon country? 

 Here is another trademark with your lot: narcissism sociopath. Everyone who voices a dissenting opinion must be wrong, a supporter of government, unrighteous or worse. That is exactly how the KKK thinks and vows Jesus is on their side.

Even foreign reporters have noticed the strange claim to virtue.   When a reporter asked a question about explosives found  in Mbengwi with members of the Diaspora in the mix and the foreign passports used to enter the country,   the person retorted: are you supporting  Cameroon government?  He accused the reporter rather than dispute the issue he was disinclined to admit. 

It escapes  the conscientiousness  of your lot that when foreign governments are drawn to investigations because  people holding their passports are engaged in activities in what is  supposed to be a foreign country,  which their laws prohibit and against their own national interests, you become collateral liabilities to communities in the  host nation.  In "scholarly narratives," critical thinking is basic in the field; not just quoting quotes and describing events. 

If this liberation had a promise, the emotional and physical violence has turned off more people, including international authorities.

 Why would even novices go down the rabbit hole with true to form barbarians?  What brand of scholarship promotes the torturing and killing of children and parents who want to exercise their own rights to education?

I asked you, in other words, why do you support the victimization of poor North West parents and children in your own region? Look at the data. They are the greatest victims of your liberation. Would you explain to parents that the reason you do not care that their children are drifting into delinquency is because education is frenchified?

Emphatically No, I am not worried about adults' actions and consequences when they are capable of making choices.  You egged them on, you cheered the burning of schools, and you now asking other people to worry about why your political mischief is not yielding result?  You cannot be serious.

I am concerned about babies who cannot give consent while their formative years are threatened by your lot.

Have a better day.


To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: Esu Ndzem-Usu [camnetwork] <>
To: camnetwork <>; ACCDF <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 21, 2017 9:06 pm
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: : Re: MAKING SMART DECISIONS – "We have to give government time to respond to our demands "(Augustine Enow Agbor Aug 18, 2017 6: 12 PM)

You may be a novice to scholarly narratives but words like insinuate depict what underlies a faulty assertion. If Education in Africa is moving away from colonial education, SCians should not be moving into french education. Pointless to talk of any county specific data in SC given that the political GCE just released is of no use to anyone. Even Cameroon Tribune announced its overall emptiness and valueless.
That politicians are feeding fat on the misery of the populace is not new to anyone used to liberation. The time of reckoning will be soon.
Again, what some call false hope can only be the wishes of supporters of a rogue system.
SC shall be free and soon!
"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel

On Monday, August 21, 2017 8:47 PM, " [camnetwork]" <> wrote:


Words like insinuating denotes the emotionalism that I am thinking claimants may rise above. Frenchified or Englisgfied, the issue is the content - what is taught.

By your answers, you have no substantiation on curriculum difference.

By the way,  you are aware that the educational system in Africa is moving away from colonial perspectives? 

Ok, what about data showing that students in North-west schools are more affected by the " liberation" while their priests and politicians are living large? Any suggestion to close the locale and solidarity  gap?

Any remedial intervention before the young people now roaming the streets unleash their anger on those who gave them false hope?  


To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: Esu Ndzem-Usu [camnetwork] <>
To: camnetwork <>; ACCDF <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 21, 2017 8:14 pm
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: : Re: MAKING SMART DECISIONS – "We have to give government time to respond to our demands "(Augustine Enow Agbor Aug 18, 2017 6: 12 PM)

Strange that you ask about a " curriculum in any subject used in any school in North West or South West and one in any comparable school in any other region?" You may be insinuating that teachers were foolish to start this fight if they did not find something wrong.
Please note that EN studied in the Cameroons and worked in the Cameroons for many years. So you are talking to one who knows what is wrong with the Cameroons and especially its current education system that is being frenchified. However, it serves no purpose to delve into that.
Also, it is pathetic that you are worried about children watching Nigerian movies and not concerned about lawyers, teachers and many who are being abducted and incarcerated for asking for a new system.
Can any one truly elevate the discuss with bias viewpoints that are so clear for all to see? Ask for the release of the teachers and lawyers and we can then begin to discuss.
"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel

On Monday, August 21, 2017 7:41 PM, " [camnetwork]" <> wrote:


Please can you post a curriculum in any subject used in any school in North West or South West and one in any comparable school in any other region? Any grade will do. Then we can start having a rational discussion on: the written, the taught, and the assessed curriculum and how the content and performance standards are remarkably different on what students are expected to know and be able to do at the grade/class level.

Don't you think  the discussion can be elevated to one of substantiation - notches above emotional caterwauling ?

While on this, data tells the story that students studying in Northwest are most affected.  On  A Levels, Saker Baptist had a 75% plus pass rate while Our Lady of Lourdes had an 80% plus failed rate (91 wrote the exams, only 17 passed) . Prior to this, if Lourdes had 99%, something must have gone wrong- the student must have been ill.

Bishop Rogan had a 60% plus pass rate, Sasse managed to cross over with  50% plus, while an academic giant like Sacred Heart tumbled to the 20s.

The delinquency rate is soaring with prostitution and banditry. 6 years olds are watching Nigerian movies all day with witchcraft story lines and can narrate how to put poison in someone's soup instead of learning nursery rhymes. 11 years olds are engaged in truancies in the neighborhoods, distraught parents having high blood pressures. The school was burnt. Hysterical parents are crying that they are being threatened with bodily harm  if they send their children to school - as the poster below indicates.

I am not sure how breeding degeneracy among youths help this cause while mimbo houses (adults getting drunk) and churches (collecting tithes with pastors/priests living large ) are not affected by ghost towns and school closing. Teachers have been reduced to begging salt and pepper while Anglophone MPs are getting perks above their salaries. No Diaspora group canceled its annual convention in solidarity with this liberation; they seek  donations for projects in the same Cameroon. 

If this journey to Canaan was real, why inflict bodily injury to frighten people into compliance?  

Are you all sure there is method in the madness? 


To Lead You Must be a Servant

 No automatic alt text available.
"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel


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