RE: [ACEsthetics] Waveone system

You leave the tissue and dead crap in the canal. Ever smell one of these putrid things when you open them up and the tooth is sensitive to hot. You know there is live tissue somewhere. Guy W. Moorman, Jr., D.D.S. The SwampDouglas, GA 31533912-384-7400 This email message and any attached files are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. This communication...


RE: [ACEsthetics] Waveone system

If you do not instrument, you cannot adequately fill unless you are doing paste only. You need proper shape of some taper. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer…Bill is…but unless you are doing paste only they you need shaping and sizing to fill the canals. Heck, you can do Sargenti and it works like a charm…as long as you don’t blow it out the apex. Sargenti would probably be one of our better...


RE: [ACEsthetics] VENTING!!

I have interest in you financing program and I have not led my partners there. They would collect the money at the door if I had not told them that was poor taste. At least wait until they get to the op. I'm still financing some patients but they finance no one and I agree totally they are leaving money on the table and a ton of it…30% of gross. I do my best to make all my treatment affordable....


RE: [ACEsthetics] Trigger points

Why don't you have wireless and what do the trigger points fire off?Guy W. Moorman, Jr., D.D.S.The SwampDouglas, GA 31533912-384-7400This email message and any attached files are confidential and are intendedsolely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. This communication maycontain material protected by patient rights, work product, or otherprivileges. If you are not an intended recepient,...


RE: [ACEsthetics] Here's my klong for yesterday.

The PAC 10 was only there because of the Southern girls who had moved to the West to go to college to try to be a movie star. Guy W. Moorman, Jr., D.D.S. The SwampDouglas, GA 31533912-384-7400 This email message and any attached files are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. This communication may contain material protected by patient rights, work product,...

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