[MTC Global] Difficult Times!!

Dr. Manmohan Singh said that despite the international slowdown, India’s growth was 7% in 2011-12 which was “One of the highest in the world”--- is that not a highly defensive statement!  A common MAN can give a be-fitting answer to this statement—the value of our currency is declining , currencies of country’ like Canada, Singapore, Dubai are on the rise, the price of the essential commodities are on the rise. Corruption, black money, fiscal deficit, trust deficit, poor governance have further plagued the Nation.


In such a situation, How to continue the growth story of India? We definitely need to have a good discussion on the subject and come out with some pointed precise measures to revive the economy.




Bholanath Dutta

Founder, President & Convener: MTC Global

Web Link: www.mtcglobal.org Email: bnath.dutta@gmail.com/president@mtcglobal.org

Cell: + 91 96323 18178



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