The Bible tells how people marveled at the immense authority Jesus
addressed issues with. The son of God would declare, for instance: "It
was said that…, but now I tell you that…" Were Jesus alive today, I
would supplicate Him to grant me leave to borrow from His residual
authority and proclaim that "it was said that the pen is mightier than
the sword; but now I tell you that the law is mightier than the pen".
And the law truly is the mightiest! On it is peace contingent;
orderliness and interactions of rights. Every nation, every person
that wants progress must be amenable to it.

You are at liberty to hold otherwise. But veracity stares you in the
face: ignore the Ten Commandments and the gate of hell shall swallow
you. Temporal recompense is not any less telling. Some felony does
cost you your life: life that no person ever can give. One
misdemeanour or another drives a wedge between you and your loved
ones. And a simple deviance depletes your pocket at the dead end of
trivialities! A lawyer would confound you with jaw-breaking legal
jargons like "de minimis non curat lex" to edify the apparent

The law therefore is all-pervading. What beats the imagination then is
why the authorities of Cameroun are so completely impervious to
legality. And verily they are, from top to bottom; from all the four
cardinal points. Even the Constitution do they take for a simple
discretionary guide. The courts are peripheral to powerful
extra-judicial, informal courts. Justice is the barrel of the gun…or
at the best bartered!

Camroun is the wonder land where, (unlike the rest of the world where
"the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom), "the fear of the
gendarme is the beginning of wisdom"! A realm where battered masks
conceal the visage of gentle conformity! Therefore does no-one get
baffled that the press should keep informing the world, with no-one
condescending to deny it, that ELECAM officials are asserting that
voters' registration will begin in September, 2012.

Those edicts never can be the product of ignorance. The chair of
ELECAM, Dr Fonkam Azu'u Samuel, holds a terminal degree in law. The
law in the circumstance is often said to be written across his
breasts. No presumption that is at all! Nor is that said for jest.
Except to the extent that Dr Fonkam may be not more than a figurehead
would one necessarily expect him to teach that, by the laws in force
in Cameroun, registration commences on January1 and ends on August 31
each year. Exceptionally would registration stop within that period
were the electorate called to the polls!

It goes without saying that any registration by ELECAM between
September1 and December 31 this 2012 or any other year shall be total
illegality. As rumours in Cameroun are rarely bare of veracity, let it
be registered in capital letters that NO LAW in contemporary Cameroun
does permit ELECAM to do registration between September 1 and December
31 ever? Nor any exception! Failure on the part of ELECAM's chair to
avert another violation of the law would only enhance our persistent
contention that the electoral body lacks both independence and

Tell me not you are waiting for the blind to get behind our leaders.
If na so, you go wait long tam, my broda! Tory sweet soteeeh tiefman
laugh for banda!

The National Strategic Team,
People's Action Party, PAP
National Working Secretariat,
Buea, South West Region,

SLOGAN: A New People A New Cameroon

*Tel:* (00237) 78 35 80 29 / 94 99 87 43

*E-mail: presidentayah@gmail.com
*Official Website: www.paprc2011.com OR www.ayahpaul.net

*Facebook Page: *www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001912645245

"I profoundly believe all Cameroonians will some day speak the same
language, sing the same songs, dance to the same rhythm, dine and wine at
the same table. When the rich shall cater for the poor and the strong shall
help the weak, the law shall be supreme, justice and peace shall forever
reign, if we are honest and believe we can get there. God bless
Cameroon."Hon. Paul AYAH Abine, Cameroon 2011 Presidential aspirant


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