[ACEsthetics] New Post/Thread Notification: General Dentistry


Dr. Ray Voller has just posted in the General Dentistry forum of ACE Dental World under the title of Dentsply Update.

This thread is located at http://www.acedentalforum.com/forum/threads/1178-Dentsply-Update

Here is the message that has just been posted:
A very interesting topic about composites was brought up during the Fellowship meeting last week. I wanted to post about it but I forgot until right now!
ANYhow, it's interesting that the physical properties of composite that we all think are what 'sells it' for us (makes us buy it) aren't always the determining factor!
It's more of 'what looks sexy' versus the least wearing, or tensile or compressive strength, or esthetics, or all the other factors that make composites good!
Price is a major determining factor in MOST dental practices too! }
The audience was polled during the meeting as to their favorite and thank GOD that Filtek Supreme reigns as the number one favorite, not only with the attending dentists, but also with the dentists that Dentsply polled in their studies. Regardless, if you think about it, how they market their composites, determines the sales more than how good it is. And many dentists don't realize that 'esthetics' grades are given the composite system with the most shades! NOT what blends in best! (Filtek has the most shades with I think 36). Marginal integrity? Not that critical. Fl release? Not that critical.
They had MANY of the well-known composites and hardly any of the ones with the greatest physical properties were 'in the running.'
I am very surprised that what 'GORDO' recommends, or Mike Miller talks about, just aren't what sells composites. Just thought you'd like to know!



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