[ACEsthetics] New Post/Thread Notification: Cosmetic Dentistry


Dr. Ray Voller has just posted in the Cosmetic Dentistry forum of ACE Dental World under the title of 28 then 14, then 12....

This thread is located at http://www.acedentalforum.com/forum/threads/1179-28-then-14-then-12

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Had a guy this past week, who we found a comfortable NM bite with TENS about three months ago. He's been wearing his orthotic FAITHFULLY and LOVES IT. When he was presented his treatment plan of a FMR, he agreed to it 100%, UNTIL he went home and told his wife. "$42,000 treatment plan" she barked,'' Huh uh.. you need less"..
SO I suggested just the maxilla only and perhaps a minimal thickness orthotic over 'adjusted' mandibular teeth.
STILL she wanted 'less.'
SO, she said, (while he looked on during 'their" 2nd consult)..
"he only needs the front six done! THEY'RE the ones that look bad!"
SO, I proceeded to explain to her that PERHAPS the front upper and lower 12 would be ok IF he RELIGIOUSLY work an orthotic to his new bite. AND warned them there is no guarantee on fracture since he'll be using the front six as his guidance with zero posterior support without the orthotic.
I've never done this type of restoration like this (with opening the VD).
I'm skeptical..what would YOU do? I can send the photos later but I'm at home.



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