Re: [MTC Global] Cross Road

I often wonder if Managements are not aware of what they do or the consequences.They do and do what they do with impunity because there is no punishment .

They are here for the money and the quick variety at that.
But time and again the market proves its power-how many seats have been returned and how many just lie waste.
So t his is where the beginning is:if so what can the faculty do.I cant understand this bit of Management being responsible for a faculty's doctoral study etc. Reading up,doing a better class are all personal choices.And therein lies the clue-quality gets paid irrespective of.We look at the corporate and wonder why they get paid-only because they come in with skills in place.Then you command a premium.
So any step forward would include all of these indigestible factors

On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Ramesh Vemuganti <> wrote:
There is no argument to the facts put forth by Prof Bhola Nath.
MTC G can also conduct surveys to prove it further & highlight the issues.
What is important is the owners of Management institutions & Education
founders need to understand this in all its entrirety. There is a
clear gap that exists betweek Faculty & Owners of institutions.
Faculty are not vociferous also in stating the facts & calling spade a
I feel, MTC must call for a meeting of all owners of Management
institution for a Panel discussion. It must be an exclusive affair &
even if 5% change, it is a huge leap for the Mgt education movement.
Faculty anyhow are for it & will always dupport.

Ramesh Vemuganti

On 9/28/12, <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Greetinsgs !
> As my interaction goes with many faculty colleagues :
> 1. Many managements are not interested about faculty publication/research
> as it is linked with individual development and if one leaves , such
> resources also go out.
> There is no retention policy and it is asssumed that the faculty is going to
> leave shortly. This short-sightedness paralyse many good initiatives.
> 2. Management always look for contribution towards institutional development
> like -- how many subjects one handling, admin work,  inspection, admission
> et. al.
> To effectively engage one hour class, minimum 3 hours preparation /research
> is required. One of my colleagues told me in IISc , Professor are given 6
> Hrs time for preparation  before going for the class.
> Individal  excellence collectively enable institutional excellence.
> Management,infrastructure and sound college processes can not ensure
> excellence and it provides just a framework.
> To my opinion, both are complementary to each other.
> Regards.....Bholanath
> Sent from my Nokia phone

Mentor—MTC Global Student Chapter

Ouliya Global Foundation (NGO)

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"Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose."Dr. Wayne Dyer


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