Re: [MTC Global] Cross Road

dear all, 

Things differ . the mushroom growth of management schools and irregularities in governing and accredition bodies are equally responsible. they allow these upcoming institutions to make such policies for faculty members..... no quality, more quantity including lots of admin and liasioning work. if the regulatory bodies don't accept low standards and cancel the affiliations, until quality measures taken, it might be fruitful. 
it's very difficult to motivate young faculty members to go for research and publication as that's not the priority of management. 
Dr. Esha Sharma

On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 6:36 AM, Raj Mohinder Pal Verma <> wrote:
Dear All,
With my experience I am of the strong opinion that in majority of the cases the Director / Head of the Management Institution is more responsible for all happenings in Management Institutes than Management. He / She  is the link between the faculty and management. He should play vital role in establishing the Vision, Mission and Values of the Management. He is to convince the management that Institutional excellence comes from faculty excellence.He is to lead the path of academic excellence, writing Papers,Books, contribution to Knowledge Assets. He is to set the pace for Consultancy and societal contributions.
Going back to history of management development, the management institutes are extension of Commerce Department preparing students for B.Com and M.Com. They are not up to the mark of Management Institutes. They have narrow thinking.
Rolling stone gathers no mass.Incompetency lead to lack of loyalty and passion. As many Management Institutes are mushrooming so they themselves are continuously looking for a change.
In Corporate World they don't have any impact.
I regret harsh comments but some body have to show the mirror for long term benefits to management education.
Raj Verma

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 10:42 PM, <> wrote:
Dear All,
Greetinsgs !
As my interaction goes with many faculty colleagues :

1. Many managements are not interested about faculty publication/research  as it is linked with individual development and if one leaves , such resources also go out.

There is no retention policy and it is asssumed that the faculty is going to leave shortly. This short-sightedness paralyse many good initiatives.

2. Management always look for contribution towards institutional development like -- how many subjects one handling, admin work,  inspection, admission et. al.

To effectively engage one hour class, minimum 3 hours preparation /research is required. One of my colleagues told me in IISc , Professor are given 6 Hrs time for preparation  before going for the class.

Individal  excellence collectively enable institutional excellence. Management,infrastructure and sound college processes can not ensure excellence and it provides just a framework.

To my opinion, both are complementary to each other.


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