Re: [Manyunet] The Herakles Farm Palaver" Bakweri "Oppressed Peoples".


You are again completely out here. Are you against a people trying to advance themselves in an oppressed environment or are you against their fight to secure their ancestral lands? These are two different areas and arguments. Please, do not mix the two parts.

I do not support Paul Biya. Appointing people to high positions has NOTHING to do with the disputed lands. For your information the BLCC is totally independent of the Cameroon politics of  greed in position-seeking. To believe that appointing people is will cool down hot tempers on the land issue is like living in cloud-cuckoo-land. The laws stands above all.

You wrote:

"Our tribe and tribesmen are always the best. I guess only Bakwerians are good enough to head State academic institutions in Fako, become Prime Ministers and own CDC lands developed at our expense."

This is an extrapolation at a most disproportionate and unfortunate scale. There is nowhere in my writings that remotely suggest this.  I think this can be classified as reverse tribalism:

1.     You are against their advancement

2.     You do not want them to own their own land.


What then do you want them to do? Sit down and watch? There are no people in the world who behave like that.


Now, you are again misinforming the public. Let this be clear:


1.     The first General Manager of the CDC was NOT a Bakweri


2.     Musonge had a track record as an outstanding engineer in PWD, Labogenie and Parc Nationale before entering the CDC.



3.     The present Acting GM was selected by INTERVIEW by the board of directors of the CDC. The Final candidates were NOT all from the Bakweri and the Board of Directors is NOT a Bakweri Board!


4.     Since the inauguration of Buea University, there have just been 4 Vice Chancellors. HALF of them were NOT Bakweri.



5.     Why are you surprised if a Bakweri heads a State institution in Buea.  Or a Manyu heads one in Mamfe? Are they not living there? It is like being surprised to learn that a majority of CEOs in London are actually Londoners. What do you expect? That they came from Yorkshire or vice versa?


6.     The question you have to ask is this: Are these people qualified or not? If the answer is yes then you have NO argument whatsoever. If they are not, then please point out why you think so, and please suggest alternative candidates who may be MORE qualified. This is meritocracy now.



7.     Again, the EX-ENEMY CDC lands are indigenous lands. This is the law. Nobody said other peoples cannot live there!

--- On Thu, 18/10/12, Dennis Tambe <> wrote:

From: Dennis Tambe <>
Subject: Re: [Manyunet] The Herakles Farm Palaver" Bakweri "Oppressed Peoples".
Cc: "camnetwork Camnetwork" <>
Date: Thursday, 18 October, 2012, 13:15

Mola Louis Mbua,

Cameroon becomes a meritocracy only when your tribesmen are appointed to high office. That is the predicament facing our fragmented country.  Paul Biya knows that he just needs to appoint someone to high office to neutralize his tribe and get them shouting his acclaim.

Tribalism is the bane of the Cameroonian, educated or not.  We must stop feigning an interest in democracy or the common good.  Our tribe and tribesmen are always the best.  I guess only Bakwerians are good enough to head State academic institutions in Fako, become Prime Ministers and own CDC lands developed at our expense.

Gubernatorial Aspirant
SW Province.  

Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:21:41 +0100
Subject: Re: [Manyunet] The Herakles Farm Palaver" Bakweri "Oppressed Peoples".


You are off topic. We are not discussing tribal achievements here. Musonge, Inoni and Dr. Endeley rose to their positions on their own merit and abilities and NOT because they are Bakweris or that Buea was the Capital. Was Foncha from Buea? We should be very careful not to mislead and MISINFORM the public due to our tribal biases.

Secondly, the Bakweris do NOT own the CDC. You try to give this impression which is utterly false. The CDC contributes to the development of all Cameroon and NOT only for the Bakweris. Furthermore, the CDC does NOT pay a single penny to the Bakweri community for the occupied lands. So, what is this you are writing?

The argument is NOT whether there are Bakweri big men and women or not. I think everybody can testify that they are more than capable of reaching this height by means of individual ability alone. The point here is that their land is occupied; and that they are subjected/forced – by the Biya regime-- to live on the fringes of their own lands without compensation.  This is against international law in any society irrespective of tribe, creed....If this is not oppression then what is it? Whether they are big people or not is entirely irrelevant. Becoming a big man does NOT mean you own land! Your big man mentality is clouding your vision and thinking here.

Again, the present GM of the CDC is there by dint of MERIT and not by some conjured up tribal magic.

What your hero President Biya is doing in those lands is criminally illegal. Quote me anywhere and I will defend it. His actions and those of his agents – Bakweri or not – violate international laws. Those lands are under international sanctions. His continuing tempering of those lands infringes on these sanctions and the human collective rights of these people. The Bakweris have a right to take him up on this matter.

Please, the expansion of the CDC to Mamfe etc is a good thing but has NOTHING to do with the EX-ENEMY lands of the CDC which is in question. Surely, the Manyu people would not be foolish enough to give away their lands for free for up to 150 years. Or would you accept such a term?

Finally, if people fight hard so that they bring roads and amenities to their constituencies, what is wrong with that? I encourage any MP/government Minister to fight in order to bring development to his/her people. That is what this is all about. It would be wrong to start pointing at the development of a constituency on the basis of tribalistic tendencies. Is it only the Bakweris who drive on these roads or go to these schools etc? Since when did a tribe in Southern Cameroons/West Cameroon ask people to leave or not to use a communal amenity? THERE ARE NATIONAL INTEREST AND LOCAL INTEREST.  Please, let's stop misleading and misinforming the public.

Indigenous peoples the world over have the right, by international law, to preserve where they live so that they can survive. To think otherwise is to support mass extinction of thousands of minority peoples of the world who are oppressed by corrupt governments.


--- On Thu, 18/10/12, Dennis Tambe <> wrote:

From: Dennis Tambe <>
Subject: Re: [Manyunet] The Herakles Farm Palaver" Bakweri "Oppressed Peoples".
Date: Thursday, 18 October, 2012, 10:07

"Oppressed indigenous groups"

Mola Louis Mbua
Oppressed people my foot.  Fako enjoys developed infrastructure (roads, schools, private housing stock, CDC etc) than any other region of Cameroon, thanks to our communal sacrifice and sweat.  Must I remind your Oliver Twist insatiable "oppressed tribe"  that you have occupied the Head of Government position thrice in recent memory, thanks to Buea being the seat of government?  These sinecures of power have inured greatly to the benefit of your "oppressed peoples". 

Bakweri Prime Ministers Mr. Mafany Musonge and Chief Inoni focused largely on the road infrastructure in Fako while in office.  They also tribalized State functions and School administrations in Fako to the exclusion of other competent Cameroonians.  How much more does Cameroon civil society have to sacrifice to to meet your seemingly insatiable aspirations as "oppressed peoples"?

This cry baby tribal attitude detracts from astuteness, hard work and civil society. Do not get me wrong.  I love my  Bakweri folk and I am keen to get them thinking about Cameroon's enabling  environment first.  The big picture is what will ensure the long term survival of us all, including your much beloved "oppressed peoples".

I do not have to point out that most CDC land handed back to the indigenous leaders of Bakweri "oppressed peoples" has been sold to private individuals.  Perhaps, these local leaders are operating more under private capitalists dictates than you armchair "oppressed peoples" agenda advocates who are basking offshore and are far removed from local realities.  Prime Minister Inoni who was economically comfortable with his sinecures of office tried to stem the sale of these lands to no avail.  I guess money talks and bullshit walks.  The same fate may befall "BLCC lands", which is why the State of Cameroon is asserting its title to these lands as Trustee for the continuing benefit of Fako and all Cameroonians. Fako has already benefited tremendously from the Trust property.  In light of these historical benefits, President Paul Biya asked CDC General Manager Njalla Quan to extend the benefits of the Trust property (CDC Lands) to Manyu, Meme and the North West by starting plantation farming in those areas.

President Obama acted against BP in his capacity as the enlightened leader of a strong central government.  Cameroon will never have such strong enlightened leadership, thanks to limited-thinking tribesmen and separatists (SCNC) in his country who do not have the common good at heart.

Enlightened Gubernatorial Aspirant
South West Region.

Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 08:48:05 +0100
Subject: Re: The Herakles Farm Palaver


Your attacks on oppressed indigenous groups in Cameroon are uncalled for; and far excessively disproportionate. The BLCC and the Orokos are fighting within the framework of national and international law. If you wish that these laws are changed so that minorities can be pushed to extinction that is another matter. I understand some people prefer material wealth to the well-being and survival of the people.  However, not every person is the same or share that view.

 When Obama sanctioned BP to pay up to £20 billion for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that destroyed fish, rare birds, people's livelihoods, I didn't see  protagonists of "enlightenment" attack him as a "lazy African" trying to extract or disrupt the work of the "enlightened" BP. However, if it is the turn of Africans trying to protect their own environment, rights and livelihood as well as their own nation, they say they are "tribalists" or benighted.

There are international and national environmental laws that all multinationals and governments must follow in order to operate. This is part of corporate responsibility.  Companies can't just decide what to do in this instance. Any company or government that does not want to work within these international laws must be opposed. Whether this is done by people of the nation, ethnic groups, pressure groups families or individuals is immaterial as long as they are within the laws and their human rights. This has nothing to do with tribalism as you opine.


--- On Thu, 18/10/12, Dennis Tambe <> wrote:

From: Dennis Tambe <>
To:, "Justice Mbuh" <>,,
Date: Thursday, 18 October, 2012, 7:57

"Those closest to the situation, the people of Cameroon, believe it will help provide food and jobs and enable them to maintain their environment. Consider a comment noted by Chief Norbert Mbille of Batanga in Ndian: "The fear of these environmental NGOs is that without forest they will have no project to execute in our country, and that will mean an end to their mission here. We have given our blessing to the palm oil project because we want development that will eradicate poverty in our community."

Mr Edimo,

What else is new from myopic African tribesmen who fervently believe that our common resources should be reserved for their tribes? Why are you being a coward by picking a fight with a "tribal enemy" in the Western Province rather than one closest to you,
Chief Norbert Mbile of Batanga?

Many lazy black Africans would rather be beggars than use their brains and natural resources to eek an existence.  Are you not aware that Cameroonians from other tribes have bought much of your "Iroko land" for plantation farming?  Keep dreaming about your pristine Iroko land while astute Cameroonians and Heracles get on with the task of economically empowering it and feeding "your people".  Thanks to limited-thinking people like you, black Africa has for long defied the good intentions of the enlightened and benevolent. Cameroonians of good will are increasingly fighting against your selfish tribal agendas for the common good.

The perspective of Heracles in developing these plantations is very laudable to those who spend time thinking about the generalized debilitating poverty that has reduced the average Cameroonian into a panhandler who must remain subservient to bad governance in the country to survive. 

Can we build a cohesive civil society to fight bad governance in Cameroon when tribal-minded Cameroonians seek to covet our collective economic assets and heritage into reservation "tribal assets" like the Orokos and Bakweri (BLCC) are doing?  Are we any different from our so-called tormentors in Yaounde with our divisive tribal mindsets and agendas? 

Can tribalists be members of any civil society?

Enlightened Gubernatorial Aspirant
South West Region.

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 20:31:07 -0700
Subject: [cameroon_politics] The Herakles Farm Palaver


Please click on the link below and get a glimpse of the Herakles Farms new Public Relation offensive.
 As you read through, please tell me why Dr. Constantine Chienku, is trying to love the Orokos more than the Oroko people? If plantation is real development, Dr. Chienku should ask HF to move the project to the West Region where he hails from because Ndian division has more plantations  than any other division in the triangle called Cameroon; more crude oil has been rigged from Ndian division for almost five decades more that any division, yet it is the most under developed division in the triangle called Cameroon with not even a kilometer of paved road .
The West Region enjoys the best paved roads in Cameroon today, not because they have many plantations operated there.
  It is certain that if Dr. Constantine Chienku was asked where a hospital complex can be built in Cameroon, he will earmark somewhere in the West region and will never think of Ndian division. Please allow the Orokos to fight for their right for once.

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