Re: [camnetwork] Re: Jonathan Awasom vindicated by a Local Bamendrous Newspaper

Simple Question: Who is a prophet?
Do all the research you can and answer me in as many pages as you can.

On 1/3/13, Jean-Bosco Tagne <> wrote:
> And you are quallified to be a "prophet of anything whatsoever"...
> See who is talking!!!
> ________________________________
> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
> To:
> Cc: "" <>;
> "" <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2013 5:34 AM
> Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Jonathan Awasom vindicated by a Local Bamendrous
> Newspaper
> The church as the BODY OF CHRIST is per force founded-grounded on the
> WORD OF GOD. And the WORD of GOD (both the written and the spoken word
> of God)..changeth not.
> When man, for self-serving and self-seeking motives, engages in a
> so-called REFORM of a RELIGION ORGANISATION..the issue is no longer
> Christian..but politics and a Luciferian attempt at overthrowing the
> institution.
> Then again, the so-called REFORMER must know what he/she is talking
> about: Not spreading blackmail+falsehood+gossip around and about in
> the name of reform.
> Whereas spreading blackmail+falsehood+gossip around is vintage Jonathan
> Awasom.
> And, this from a position of having very dirty hands.
> We are not talking Christian adjustments based on the revelational
> knowledge from the Word of God and thence the WILL of the Lord God.
> We are talking about carnal+vile+crass+self-seeking+serving+futile
> blackmail from ONLY Jonathan Awasom who is not qualified to pastor
> anything whatsoever.
> Because the pastoral calling is not about REFORMATION..but about
> shepherding the flock.
> On 1/3/13, Mishe Fon <> wrote:
>> A local tabloid in Bamenda vindicates our very own Jonathan Awasom. I
>> would
>> advice him to frame this newspaper article for posterity. Although the
>> article was written last year, it is still good to know that there are
>> some
>> people who believe in the "strange" politics and religiosity of massa
>> Awasom. The ex-reverend gentleman may have been right all along about the
>> rampant corruption and nepotism at the PCC. Pa Awas, this is your New
>> Year
>> gift from me ya grang frere...Mishe Fon NB: This is in no way
>> an
>> endorsement of your very bad fashion.
>> Manawa Newspaper:
>> That PCC Decision
>> Sanctioning Pastor Wara & Two Other 'Recalcitrant' Pastors
>> Change is the only thing that is permanent. When Rev.
>> Festus Ambe Asana became Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
>> PCC,
>> he announced that change had come to the PCC. He was not blowing hot air.
>> Within
>> months of his leadership the axe fell on a good number of PCC methuselahs
>> who
>> initially considered themselves untouchable. A good number of them had
>> become
>> brazenly corrupt. The decision was highly acclaimed. Even before the
>> Moderator
>> took this commendable step, a majority of PCC vote holders were already
>> shifting
>> uneasily on their seats. The crusade against corruption in the church was
>> already underway championed by Ntumfor Nico Halle.
>> On Sunday, June 3, Rev Festus
>> Asana took another very dramatic decision. He authenticated albeit
>> tacitly,
>> sanctions on three 'recalcitrant' pastors. The three are Rev. Solomon
>> Wara
>> and
>> Rev Tokabo Divine. Rev Adose Osage, one of the sanctioned pastors will
>> have
>> to
>> reimburse a sum of 10 million FCFA to the PCC. MANAWA has no quarrel with
>> the
>> PCC Moderator who made the pronouncements on the heels of the graduation
>> ceremony of 24 student pastors from the Presbyterian Seminary in Kumba.
>> During the occasion, Rev. Dr.
>> Muyoh Joshua, Dean of Studies at the Theological seminary urged the
>> graduating
>> pastors to abide by their calling. In his sermon, the Right
>> Reverend Festus Ambe Asana harped on his philosophy of change. He
>> described
>> the
>> sanctioned pastors as 'bad seeds' and urged the graduating pastors not to
>> emulate their examples.
>> Is Pastor Wara Really a Bad Seed?
>> Rev. Solomon Wara is a
>> household name not only in Bamenda where he resides, but far and wide.
>> His
>> ministry recently received an award from Cameroon Post International, a
>> renowned
>> English language newspaper as the best in healing and deliverance. The
>> testimonies of people he has delivered and healed are there as proof.
>> There
>> must
>> be something good in something whom almost everyone speaks good of, just
>> as
>> there must be something evil about anyone whom everybody condemns.
>> Pastor Wara is different from
>> other healing and delivering evangelists in that he never discourages
>> those
>> seeking healing from taking their drugs. Many others tell those who come
>> for
>> healing and deliverance that they don't need to spend any money in
>> hospital,
>> indirectly saying the money with which the patient should have gone to
>> hospital
>> should be given to their churches. That is outright feymania. Deliverance
>> is
>> necessary for people who have spiritual problems; the doctor attends to
>> physical
>> problems. Preachers, who give the impression that doctors are useless,
>> greatly
>> misdirect those coming for deliverance.
>> Polyclinics, renowned for the
>> handling of HIV cases, told Chronicle that a sero-positive patient who
>> had
>> been
>> put on anti-retroviral drugs, came to him after a deliverance session
>> saying
>> he
>> should test her; that she had been miraculously cured of AIDS. Of course,
>> he
>> did
>> the test and she still proved sero-positive. This is not to say that
>> people
>> cannot be cured miraculously. This depends on the degree of the patient's
>> faith
>> and Pastor Wara never fails to point this out. Many patients with
>> doubtful
>> faith
>> have died because they stopped taking their drugs with the misconception
>> that
>> they had been cured simply because they have attended deliverance
>> services
>> and/or crusades. To say that Pastor Wara is a realistic and sincere
>> evangelist
>> is to call things by their true names.
>> The PCC Failing to Learn From the Bible and
>> History
>> History has been defined simply
>> as the story of the past events of man. History scholars commend studies
>> on
>> man's past so that he can cope with the present and plan for a better
>> future
>> avoid the errors of the past. History is repetitive, sometimes refusing
>> to
>> make
>> sense, says W.B. Yeats. PCC authorities forget that the Protestant church
>> came
>> into existence thanks to Martin Luther who wrote 95 points against the
>> Catholic
>> Church for the sale of indulgences. He pasted them on the wall of the
>> Catholic
>> Church in Wattenberg, Germany. That was the beginning of the Reformation.
>> But
>> what many people don't know is that Martin Luther died still a Catholic.
>> But
>> the
>> seed of discord he had sown grew. Today we have not only the Protestant
>> and
>> Baptist churches, but myriads of worship houses and ministries. W.H.
>> Auden,
>> an English poet,
>> was not far from the point when he wrote that most of the confusion in
>> the
>> world
>> today stems from Martin Luther's rebellion against the established
>> church.
>> The PCC should therefore learn
>> from the fact that Martin Luther died a catholic, a lesson that we should
>> learn
>> to tolerate dissenting views within the same community or organization if
>> we
>> want a healthy society. The PCC should recall what happened in the case
>> of
>> pastors with dissenting voices like the late Michael Bame Bame and Rev.
>> Jonathan
>> Awasom. Rev Bame Bame started the Revivalist Movement in the Presbyterian
>> Church
>> because of such vices like corruption, immorality and even occultism
>> which
>> had
>> taken root in the church. He was condemned outright and sanctioned.
>> Today,
>> the
>> PCC is implementing most of the reforms he proposed.
>> Rev. Jonathan Awasom, like
>> Pastor Wara was PCC Pastor in Bambili. The church tried to victimize him
>> when he
>> came up with his own reformatory ideas. He was expelled and derobed.
>> Today,
>> he is based
>> somewhere in the U.S. His victimization hastened his departure. Today, he
>> is
>> away from the
>> scene but his ideas live on.
>> The PCC hierarchy appears not
>> to have also learnt from the very Bible it uses for evangelization, when
>> the
>> disciples were preaching and some authorities tried to victimize them.
>> Other
>> more sensible persons thought otherwise. "If these men are of God, they
>> will
>> succeed. If they are not they will come to naught"; was the advice from
>> the
>> sensible ones. If all what Pastor Wara and other deliverance pastors are
>> doing
>> are not of the Lord, everything would come to naught. But the PCC
>> hierarchy
>> has
>> decided to take a position in a matter which is God's prerogative.
>> The Necessity to Respect Vows
>> The above analysis is by no
>> means an encouragement for insubordination. People should respect the
>> vows
>> they
>> take at graduation. Going against them is breaking a covenant. If God
>> protects
>> the people of Israel to this day it is because He entered into a covenant
>> with
>> Abraham, the ancestor of the Israelites. The failure to respect vows is
>> the
>> cause of the regrettable situation in the Catholic Church today. Priests
>> who
>> took vows of chastity and celebrity are today not only openly involved in
>> immorality with women many of them married, some priests even get
>> married.
>> We
>> have also the more deplorable cases of child sexual molestation; male
>> children
>> to be more specific.
>> But the vows whose breakings
>> are even more serious are those related to respect for hierarchy and the
>> tenets
>> of church teachings. Failure to keep them, especially those related to
>> preaching
>> can be disastrous. The case of Father Etienne Nkumba of Bonjongo Paris in
>> Fako
>> is a good example. It was Bishop Pius Awa who ordained him. Father
>> Etienne
>> eventually became a healing priest, ignoring his hierarchy. Of course,
>> Bishop
>> Awa suspended him. Today all his preachings and healing have come to
>> naught.
>> Every individual has the right
>> to choose the path of his salvation. If you find the doctrine of the
>> religious
>> establishment you were ordained to serve no longer palatable, officially
>> resign
>> and start your own denomination. That is far better than creating a
>> controversy
>> and waiting to be sanctioned. Pastor Wara attained a level of popularity
>> which
>> only Rev. Bame Bame reached. He certainly received warnings and
>> admonition
>> from
>> his hierarchy. But for some unexplained reason, he continued what he was
>> doing.
>> Many of his supporters see the sanction taken against him as an act of
>> persecution. Some of them who spoke to MANAWA say they are more committed
>> not to
>> his preaching and healing than ever. But for how long? There is school of
>> thought that a Pastor dismissed from his church is like a flower pulled
>> off
>> the
>> river bank after heavy rain when the volume of the water rises. The weed
>> thus
>> floats without any destination and can only germinate and produce seeds
>> again if
>> it is fortunate to be deposited on another bank if not, it keeps floating
>> until
>> it gets rotten.
>> Rev Wara may become like that
>> flower, but for now he has to adjust to the new situation where he finds
>> himself. MANAWA takes the position that the established church should be
>> more
>> tolerant to diverse views and adapt to changes. Whether we accept or not,
>> many
>> changes have been introduced to evangelism by the Pentecostals or 'Born
>> Agains'
>> the charismatic movement in the catholic church is a manifestation of its
>> adaptation to modern preaching and evangelization.
>> The PCC has to learn to live
>> with the fact that its Christians and clergy are much under the influence
>> of
>> democratic tenets. Rev Festus Asana's perception of change should not
>> rule
>> out
>> attitudinal changes within its clergy. The solution is not the
>> sledgehammer
>> but
>> dialogue. Dogma is still necessary in some aspects of preaching, it must
>> be
>> understood that if the Catholic Church could not suppress Martin Luther
>> over
>> 400
>> years ago, it is unlikely that the PCC can silence completely some
>> members
>> of
>> the clergy who consider healing and deliverance as an alternative means
>> of
>> spreading the Good News. Jesus Christ predicted that many false christs
>> would
>> emerge. The Bible prophesizes that before the end of time, some
>> counterfeit
>> prophets would emerge preaching, casting out demons and working miracles
>> in
>> his
>> name. At the same time Christ called on his not to judge in order that we
>> too
>> should not be judged. Sanctioning Pastor Wara and his colleagues is
>> passing
>> judgment on them which is Biblically unacceptable. The PCC should
>> reconsider
>> its
>> decision on Pastor Wara and engage dialogue rather than the sledgehammer
>> when
>> dealing with future cases of dissent in the church
> --
> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
> a thing makes it happen.
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The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.


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