Re: Heaven or Hell: Your Choice.

For God Created us in His own image (Gen.1-27). To me this is the BEST thing God did for all of us. He showed us His unending Love through Creation, and Crowned it with giving His ONLY Beloved Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to give us Salvation.
If Man has decided to live in Darkness, but not in the Light of God because of their selfish ambitions and egoism for the love of earthly things, that is their decision. Earthly things are good. Do not quote me wrong! It is what you do with it that matters! Are you giving back grumbling or counting? Are you an Ananias and Sapphira in the Bible? Acts 5:1-10.
Nothing on earth belongs to us. We are all caretakers! All belongs to Him (Haggai 2:8; Psalm 50:10).

In short, we deceive ourselves when the "truth" is no more in us (1John1 :8).

Some have chosen to continue walking in Darkness, and have refused to receive God's Light into their souls(1John1:6).

The sins of the flesh is a "taking many souls into Hell." Man is adoring" money, cults, slandering, lies and sex," than turning their lives to God. For that reason, many are finding themselves into Hell. When you commit sins knowingly, it is a sacrilege!

THIS PAGE: The Unforgivable Sin? —God's principles of forgiveness

Forgiveness a new start

Some folk believe in an "unforgivable" or "unpardonable" sin. Consequently, they may worry that they have committed this sin, and that God refuses to forgive them. Where do people get the idea that there is an "unforgivable" sin?

The Unforgivable sin

1 Scriptures Used to Support the Idea of an Unforgivable Sin

  • " eternal sin... will never be forgiven." (Mrk 3:27-30)
  • "...impossible to renew them to repentance." (Heb 6:4-8)
  • "...there remains no more sacrifice for sins." (Heb 10:26-31)
  • "...a sin unto death." (1Jn 5:16-17)
  • "...conscience seared with a hot iron." (1Tim 4:1-2)

2 Difference Between Unforgivable and Unforgiven

In no Bible passage can we find the terms "unforgivable sin" or "unpardonable sin". There is a vast difference between a sin that is "unforgivable" (as some say) and a sin that is "unforgiven" (as the scriptures say).

When one speaks of an "unforgivable" or "unpardonable" sin one is not speaking as the scriptures speak.

Illustrations( Using Psychology and Christianity).

The Unloved Orphan Boy: Suppose you saw a documentary about the sad life of a forlorn little boy, an orphan from birth in a war-torn, disease-ridden village. The commentator describes the poor little chap as "unloved." Would you think he meant that the boy is unlovable? There's a lot of difference between "unloved" and "unlovable", isn't there? Even if the commentator said, the boy "will never be loved", you'd still not think the boy was unlovable, would you?. Death might claim the little boy before a merciful person can rescue him. He was loveable, yet was never loved.

The Unused Hammer: Suppose I had just purchased a new hammer at the ironmongers. I could say my new hammer is unused. But I certainly would not mean it was unusable, would I? There's a lot of difference, isn't there, between "unused" and "unusable". It is even possible for the hammer to never be used, yet still be usable.

The Unforgiven Sin Jesus spoke of sin that is "unforgiven" and "never forgiven". He did not say it was "unforgivable". Just as we do not assume that an unloved boy is unlovable, or an unused tool is unusable, so we should not say that an unforgiven sin is unforgivable. When Jesus calls a sin unforgiven, even when he says it will never be forgiven, let us not put words into his mouth and call the sin unforgivable.

3 Conditions Preventing Forgiveness:

If a sin is unforgiven, there are conditions preventing its forgiveness. No sin is unpardonable when the barrier to forgiveness is removed. God never puts up a barrier to forgiveness, but (we)sinners often do.

Each of the passages mentioned at the beginning of this article show that the problem is not in God's heart, or in the nature of the sin itself, but lies with the sinner's own heart and will.

Not Binding the Strong Man (Mark 3:27-30) To understand the meaning of verses 28 and 29, we need to think about the parable of the strong man in verse 27. To plunder strong man's house you first have to bind the strong man. Jesus had plundered the house of Satan when he cast out demons. He did this not by unleashing Satan's power as he was accused of doing, but rather by binding Satan and rendering him powerless. Jesus also plunders the house of Satan when he forgives sins. But he can do this only if he first binds Satan. If something should prevent Christ from binding Satan, then he cannot plunder Satan's house, he cannot forgive sin. What we have to discover, is what prevents Christ from binding the strong man?

Unwillingness to repent (Heb 6:4-8) There's one thing we know for certain about the conditions that prevent forgiveness of sin. There is an unwillingness to repent, and a determination to go on sinning. No contrite person, who approaches God in penitence and humility, is ever refused forgiveness. But the person of stubborn will, who refuses to yield to God and ask forgiveness that person's sin is not forgiven. Some people are so bent on evil that it is impossible to persuade them to repent. For them Satan cannot be bound and his house cannot be plundered of their sins. What prevents forgiveness is the sinner's determination to be a soil that brings forth thorns and briars instead of useful herbs. Sin is unforgiven because the sinner won't repent. If you know that committing fornication or adultery, slandering, or telling lies is wrong, and you keep doing it without remorse; do you think that sin will be forgiving? Are you living in Darkness or in the Light of God?

God is Light! There is no friendship with Darkness and Light.

1John 1:5 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all.

Going on sinning willfully (Heb 10:26-31) The condition we have been talking about is clarified in the words, "If we go on sinning willfully..." Whether or not a sin is forgiven depends upon a decision we make, namely whether to continue in it or turn away from it. Everything else is in place. Christ has made forgiveness possible. However, people who know the truth and willfully go against it, are trampling underfoot the blood that was shed for them —instead of appealing to that blood or seeking its cleansing power. That's why sin remains unforgiven.

God never refuses forgiveness to those who wish to wash their robes white in the blood of the Lamb (Rev 7:14).

Sinning unto death (1John 5:16-17) When John speaks of "a sin unto death" he refers to what he wrote at the beginning of his letter that "if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1Jn 1:7-9). A sin unto death is a sin which one refuses to acknowledge, confess, and seek forgiveness for. God never refuses forgiveness to those who try to walk in the light, who bring their sins to him in penitent confession.

The cauterized conscience (1Tim 4:1-2)St. Paul speaks of a "conscience seared with a hot iron." The conscience like that is beyond feeling. Its nerve endings have been killed and it is numb.(Do not laugh)!  The sinner who tosses and turns through the night troubled by his sin, is not like that. He or she is not the sort of person whose sin is never forgiven. Rest assured that such a person, whatever their sin, may obey God and be forgiven.

The Lord revealed to me in a dream on Pentecost eve 2010: Heaven and Hell; and the great tribulations the world is going to go through! At first I had no idea of this dream. This is the first time, I am writing it publicly!

Since then, I have had others.

Children of the Most High God: Change! Turn your lives to God. Forgive all those who have injured you. Pray for them, and leave the rest to God!

My next writing will be on 2013!

God Bless and Protect you all.

Elizabeth Morfaw N.

--- On Sat, 1/26/13, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:

From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
Subject: Heaven or Hell: Your Choice
To: "ambasbay" <>, "camasej group all members" <>, "FREE AMBAZONIANS" <>, "cameroon_politics" <>, "CAMNETWORK list" <>, "" <>, "Cameroon Review" <>, "SDF" <>, "creativiews" <>, "cacowedaForum" <>, "Camerpress Ap" <>, "sdf-forum" <>, "shesausa" <>
Cc: "" <>, "SCNC-NA (2009)" <>, "NIgerianWorldForum" <>, "nigeria360" <>, "Mwananchi" <>, "Mwanyagetinge" <>, "mbonbani" <>, "wimbum" <>
Date: Saturday, January 26, 2013, 5:05 AM

Question N°3. From Bara Lainso.
When I die today, what happens? Do I wait "somewhere" until the last day, or I get judgement immediately and my eventual sanction... Heaven or Hell?. People, LET US MAKE THIS A DISCUSSION RATHER THAN A LECTURE. Who can attempt an answer?
(4 photos)
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  • Ntemfac Ofege The proposition is quite simple really. It is a matter of CHOICE: Your PERSONAL CHOICE to either accept the Lordship of Jesus by BELIEVE and CONFESSION and FAITH and have ETERNAL LIFE or refuse to BELIEVE the Lordship of Jesus and condemn yourself to the absence of ETERNAL LIFE. Contrary to the belief and thinking of many, the Lord Jesus did not come to start the HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC PRESBYTERIAN PENTECOSTAL BAPTIST APOSTOLIC WINNERS FULL GOSPEL ONLY TRUE CHURCH OF GOD. He came for a SPECIFIC REASON: To GIVE US ETERNAL LIFE: See how simple it is, in the man's own words. Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. WHAT LIFE WAS HE TALKING ABOUT SINCE HE WAS ADDRESSING LIVING BEINGS. IT IS CALLED ZOE OR ETERNAL LIFE - The Godkind of Life. Christ-Successful Life-Ministries.
  • Ewang Metuge · 13 mutual friends
  • Ntemfac Ofege Those who accept the SACRIFICE of the Lord Jesus have ETERNAL LIFE. Matter de Jesus. Their SPIRITS WILL LIVE FOREVER. THE WILL NEVER SEE DECAY or REMAIN IN THE GRAVE..exactly as the LORD JESUS never saw DECAY..but the will be with him from the very first second of their deaths. Why, Joh 5:26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; himself;
    1Jo 5:12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. BEFORE WE CONTINUE DO YOU DESIRE ETERNAL LIFE? do you want the son of god and eternal life? THEN READ ROMANS 10'8-13 ALOUD AND OUT LOUD. THEN DO THIS. 4 STEPS to God.
    4 Steps To God: seeking God, the Four Spiritual Laws is an invaluable tool for all
  • Ntemfac Ofege AS Simple as SALVATION IS and as simple as obtaining ETERNAL LIFE IS..there are very few so-called churches that spend time teaching their followers this essential GOOD NEWS. Andylise Churches. Rather they spend time on pointless messages that do not save SOULS
    The choice is can decide whether you want to have eternal life or not. If you want eternal life, READ ROMANS 10'8-13 ALOUD AND OUTLOUD WITH ALL YOUR HEART THEN click here and PRAY THIS PRAYER ALOUD
    4 STEPS to God
    God says it, I believe it that settles it.
    4 Steps To God: seeking God, the Four Spiritual Laws is an invaluable tool for all
  • Ntemfac Ofege Now what happened to all who died BEFORE CHRIST, what happens to those who die as BELIEVERS and what happens to all who die as UNBELIEVERS?
  • Ntemfac Ofege 1. Those who died BEFORE CHRIST. Until the Lord Jesus died and resurrected, none could ascend into HEAVEN or the very presence of God. Yet, the likes of David+Solomon+Elisha, etc. had died. Where were they? Remember that the Lord Jesus told the BELIEVING thief on the CROSS. Today, you will be with me in Paradise. Luke 16:19-25 gives us very clear answers. The STORY (Bible scholars think this is more a story than a parable) of Lazarus and the Rich Man. Read it for yourself. I will be back in a while to EXPOUND on this amazing story. Lazare Kolyang. Lazare Tomdio. Lazarus Obamwonyi. Lisa Lazarus. Lazare Tchiat. Lazar Amoh.
  • Beryl Bongkwati Navti What does it matter? It's not my death, rather, my resurrection, that matters. Luckily, by the Grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus, I am assured of a life after death. Luckily, I do not have to worry (Phillipians 4:6). So, Catholic or not, it doesn't matter. Hebrews says ''it has been appointed on to man to die once, and after that, the resurrection''. Death is certain and necessary for resurrection in Christ. How God chooses to keep the dead until resurrection day is up to Him for writing have been bought and paid for with the blood of Jesus. So the answer to your question: I don't care! If I die having been saved, I am assured to be with Him in Paradise. In the mean time, I know that only God alone knows who is worshiping Him. ''NO ONE can tell God what to do.'!(Job 36:23)....
  • Mark Bareta I believe all those who died before and after Christ are languishing in Limbo somewhere untill the Lord comes again when the Final Judgement shall be made before we could enter the kingdom of God,as at now I believe those in Heaven or Hell are the Angels and Devils.We STILL AWAIT FOR THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST
  • Ntemfac Ofege Mark, but the folks who invented the doctrine of Limbo ie the Vatican, now says Limbo does not exist. Mark Bareta. Limbo, by the way, and as per the Roman catholic Church, was only for children who died before they reached the age of reason and Baptism. Whereas the Bible says the Faith of the parents makes the children HOLY. 1Co 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
  • Ntemfac Ofege Let us continue from yesterday, shall we? The word Purgatory does not exist in the Bible. The King James Version of the Bible, the first original translation from the Aramaic and Greek texts in which the Bible was originally written uses one word and one word ONLY to denote a PLACE For the dead: HELL. Hell is a translation from Sheol ie the Hebrew for GRAVE. Later translations of the Bible as influenced by organised religious groups use the word Hades instead of Hell or the GRAVE. Hades is drawn from Green and Roman Mythology. It is a place where the dead went to be tormented. The Bible also uses Abraham's bosom and Paradise as Places for the DEAD. let us proceed, step by step and answer the essential questions what happens to 1. Those who died before Jesus the Christ resurrected 2. BELIEVERS who die and 3 Unbelievers who die.
  • Ntemfac Ofege Man is a SPIRIT. He lives in a BODY and he has a SOUL. The Body is dust. When all men die the body returns to dust. Ge 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. YOU CAN LOSE YOUR SOUL MEANING THAT THE SOUL WILL BE HANGING SUSPENDED BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH BUT WITHOUT GOD. The SPIRIT is of God. If your SPIRIT is BORN AGAIN or REGENERATED or Has RECEIVE JESUS..the SPIRIT YOU or the ESSENTIAL YOU..will never see DECAY. One second after you are with Jesus. Joh 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
    Joh 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
    Joh 17:24 ¶ Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. THIS IS THE BLESSED ASSURANCE GIVEN UNTO ALL WHO HAVE BELIEVED IN THE LORD JESUS AND WHO HAVE CONFESSED HIS LORDSHIP. To GET ETERNAL LIFE AND ASSURE YOUR SALVATION, do this. Read Romans 10"8-13 ALOUD and OUTLOUD. Make this little prayer.
    4 STEPS to God
    4 Steps To God: seeking God, the Four Spiritual Laws is an invaluable tool for all
  • Ntemfac Ofege There are more scriptures to show BELIEVERS that as the lord Jesus did not see decay so too will they not see DECAY, not even for one second. Phil 1:22-23. 22 But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. 23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better. 2 Co. 5:8. 8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Luke 23:43. 43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
  • Ntemfac Ofege A thousand years is like a day unto the Lord and a day is like a thousand years. Resurrection for the Believer is immediate and that to His REWARD. Not Judgement. 2 Co 5:10. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. WE MUST GIVE AN ACCOUNT so as to obtain FAVOUR for our WORKS. these are not works to BUY SALVATION or to PAY FOR SINS but the WORKS that we did or did not do despite the EMPOWERMENT of the HOLY SPIRIT which was poured unto and into us when we BELIEVED! Rewards are earned and most believers FAIL on this SCORE. the Bible admonish us to GO YE FORTH and PREACH THE GOOD NEWS, baptise, heal the sick, scatter the devil and prove our worth as children of God. We grieve the Holy Spirit by REFUSING. How then do you expect to be somebody in the Lord's kingdom?
  • Ntemfac Ofege Soul Winning is VITAL: 2 Tim 5-8. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. 6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought a good f...See More
  • Prayerpoint Powerpoint The Place of the Righteous DEAD BEFORE the death of Christ was in Sheol or the grave. KJV translates Sheol or the grave as HELL. There are two parts in Sheol. There is Abraham's bosom for the righteous and then HELL for the unrighteous. Luke 16:19-21 gives us a vivid descriptions of the two sections.
  • Prayerpoint Powerpoint The place of the Unrighteous until the last Judgement is Hell. Other translations call it Hades
  • Prayerpoint Powerpoint Here is a description of HELL for the Unrighteous: Luke 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.


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