RE: [camnetwork] Reflections on "Regionalism" as a panacea to the perceived "Anglophone" Problem

konde has little depth in analysis! part of the reason for this is that he is an opportunist. whether he likes or hates graffi people is of little consequence. he is not foolish to the point of not knowing the people he is trifling with. if foncha and Endeley were some brutes and had chased away his ancestors, he would be dealing in human skulls today in bassaland.

Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 04:51:20 -0700
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Reflections on "Regionalism" as a panacea to the perceived "Anglophone" Problem

Dr Tumasang,
I have just one sentence to dismiss your short fiction below: A Manyu person does not play beggar no matter his status.It is part of the culture.

Augustine Agbor

The outcome of my life is not more than three lines:
I was a raw material
I became mature and cooked
And I was burned into nothingness.

From: Tumasang Martin <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 5:51 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Reflections on "Regionalism" as a panacea to the perceived "Anglophone" Problem

Dear All,
just to support Jude Anoma's point that the definition should be that of the individual and not that of his region, I remember one Bayangi guy who was with us in Ife and was into this NW/SW thing very much. We all graduated and lost touch. I was in the UK many years later and this guy who had been in Cameroon for years after graduation surfaced.
He had no papers, no money and things were really down for him. He went to various Manyu meetings and contacted many Manyu well established and successful guys in the UK but no help was coming his way. His economic situation deteriorated to a lamentable state for he had no job and no source of income and his kinsmen were mocking at him without any concrete help.
One graffi/Bamendrous guy who has been in the UK much longer after leaving Nigeria and who knew the guy in question in Nigeria, come to him and said, old boy, things cannot continue like this. These are my documents. Take them and look for work. They will pay into my account and then I will collect and give you.
This guy took the documents went and got a job and put in so many hours and the payments were made into this Bamenda guys account and the guy will withdraw and give him and he tried to give something to the Bamenda guy but he refused that he is making his own money and the intention was not to rent the papers to him.
This Bayangi guy one day spoke and wept. That he was brainwashed all his life and he was championing this NW/SW hatred but now that he was in trouble, it was a graffi guy that came and saved him whilst his own people were busy mocking at him. That even without him asking the graffi guy offered the help and refused any payment.
He said he has learnt something in his life. That whilst he was seeing the graffi only as North Westerners, the graffi guy saw him as an individual not as a South Westerner and helped him. That for the rest of his life if he ever hears any South Westerner talk that rubbish about North Westerners again, he will physically fight the guy even if they are from the same mother.
In summary this NW/SW issue is a waste of time. The population differential is enough to make things appear skewed all the time. The people are equally hard working, talented and brilliant. The genotype is the same although population difference makes the phenotype look different.
I had a Bamendrous friend in London who had first class in Physics/mathematics and a PhD in physics and then did microsoft certified Engineering or something and became an SQL DBA (Data Base Administrator) and networking Engineer. This guy decided that he has had it and went him home although he has a British passport. He went to UB and was in physics department but started connecting things and doing things in computer department so much that there was friction between the departments. Each department fighting for him. There is a shortage of qualified manpower in UB. If Bakweri or other South West PhDs were roaming the streets or driving Dangote-like buses or taxis, then I can even understand the call that NW lecturers should go back to Uni bamenda but these highly skilled guys are needed in that same UB.

Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 03:08:07 -0700
Subject: [camnetwork] Reflections on "Regionalism" as a panacea to the perceived "Anglophone" Problem

My starting point here is the suggestion that UB should be administered by southwesterners and UBa administered by northwesterners. It has been stated that the raison d'être for this proposition is the need for efficient management. That set my mind running.............running and running again to I know not where. Then a thought crept up surreptitiously and bam.............I had it. Sounds like a perfect solution except for a few caveats which permeate the otherwise vaunted "small no be sick" cure for everything. I once had an uncle who often visited from Bachuo-Akagbe, 12 miles from Mamfe and who always posited that Guinness is a cure for EVERYTHING. If you had stomach problems, drink Guinness. Fever? Take a bottle of guinness. Malaria? Try a blackie. Even when I came down once with a serious malaise, he asked my mum if she had given me guinness...............mind you this was in the early 80s and I was a teen. I was cured miraculously without the guinness but thanks to Dr Njie Mafany. My point? We ought to start looking for a "Guinness" to cure the perennial problems in UB and in the South West because it appears af if extricating the "graffi" from the equation or blaming them for everything might be the Guinness we need as a people. 
Regionalism has been proposed by Prof Konde as a possible solution. Many of those who have countered have NOT, repeat have NOT offered their own solutions. They have instead attacked him on a personal basis simply because they perceive his solution to be incendiary. But the question remains.........Prof Konde has offered what he calls "Regionalism" as our Guinness and so rather than tear him down, anyone who counters should propose his/her own solution because we are all in search of Guinness. So we should try to keep the exchanges as civil as possible and avoid degenerating into ad hominem vituperations.
In my own way, I will try to show why I think his idea of Regionalism might sound plausible but is actually fraught with elements devoid of reality.

1) Professor Konde has stated that his aim is efficiency. So why don't we transcend academia and move to every facet of life. The regional delegates of education, sports, culture, agriculture, mines, travaux publics, the Governor, SDO, commissioners of police etc should all come from their regions of origin. No need to talk only about UB or UBa because those other areas also need to be efficient. Is this workable?

2) Professor Konde makes a common assumption about who comes from what region. Today, those lines have been so blurred that names alone do NOT necessarily depict region of origin. I have cousins COMPLETELY born and bred in Bamenda who do NOT speak a single word of Bayang. In fact they do NOT even know the road to Mamfe.
On the other hand, I also know of "graffi" people born and bred in the South West who have never been to Bamenda etc. I wont even venture into those disparagingly called "11th provincialists" Where do they belong?
Why would Prof Konde assert the Bassa of Tiko, Limbe, Missellelle etc as being de "souche" of the South West but conveniently refuse the same "genealogical grandfathering" to North west kids born and bred just like the bassa in the same Tiko, Limbe and Missellelle? A bassa kid who has never been to Nyong et Kelle Division or the Sanaga Maritime Division is just the same like his playmate called Ngwa who has never been to the North West province. To extrapolate on this further would be futile but suffice it to say the francophones have something called "parallélisme de forme" and this clearly shows why there is the same starting point and the same ending point for everyone. No cherry-picking is allowed. It ends where it all started. Same strokes!!!!!! 

3) In spite of Prof Konde's positions which are sometimes nauseous, he has shown himself that he often transcends these boundaries and has helped people of all shades and color irrespective of their regions of origins. Therefore, I am not sure if sometimes all what he wants is to kick-start a debate or if he actually believes in some of the things he says. For example, to say there is no democracy in the North west is simply baffling because it is a blanket statement. But it is his opinion.
Therefore, we ought to look further than regions of origins as a starting point for solving our problems. Otherwise, if Prof Konde really "hated" the graffi as is perceived, why did he help the graffi if he stood to gain nothing? He must have seen something in the people he decided to help. That proves my point that the starting point is the "individual" and NOT the "origins"

Regionalism might sound like our Guinness but methinks the issue is deeper than that and should instead begin with a frank discussion on who we really are. There are no clear cut delineations as to who is from what region.
This would be our topic of discussion today as we watch the Confederations Cup in Akwa tonight. Just imagine the members of our group....Sama who is balong but lived all his life in Bamenda, Willie who is Beti but born and bred in Muyuka, Agbor who still lives in Wum and has strong feelings against the South West, Francis originally from Wum but born and bred in Victoria and actually calls himself Sawa Boy. As for me a hybrid of the two regions where would I belong?
If you doubt what this leads to, throw your minds back to Andela John Balinga as governor of the North west or Alexander Ngomba Motanga from Mokundange but whispered to be from the Metta clan or people like Nomo Ongolo etc. These things always come up but serve as arrows for personal bows. When you have a hammer in your hand everything you see becomes a nail.
Finally, as far as solutions go, let us make Prof Victor Julius Ngoh the new VC of UB and then hear the South westerners cry out that "vraiment, il n'est pas de souche car il est Beti"
Just thinking...................
Anoma Akotoh (probably a 12th provincialist) 
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength. (Corrie Ten Boom)
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. (Plato)
He who angers you, controls you! (Elizabeth Kenny)

From: val <>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 10:01 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: Regionalism is the Answer! Not Justice[SAF]

  Konde is not worth you using your noble contribution to the health of Cameroonians as an argument against him. He knows but refuses to acknowledge them. Stories like this below have been on this forum many times. Read;,29127,@,us-based-cameroonians-to-assist-hospitals-in-south-west.html

Is Tita a Barfaw, Bakossi or Bayangi name?
Cameroonians have to be vigilant and resist this evil, hate filled messages from Konde and his sick lot - people who cannot show one endeavour they have been engaged in to make life better for their fellow Cameroonians. One would have expected that some of these names would be held in high esteem in Cameroon's academic circles for their numerous contributions to the advancement of knowledge, but no!
Let me tell you one thing, if all NW should vacate the SW, people like Konde and Jude Okafor will jump to the next group; their agenda is to propagate and dominate their tribal influence in the SW. We saw that first hand with 'Bassa antiquity in Lime' which angered many Bakweris. An attempt to propagate this sick ideology must be stopped!

--- In, SAF <suhade@...> wrote:
> "I have not observed Ben Fokum soliciting money for a clinic in Mamfe; neither has Suh Ade Fobedzong done same for Limbe."  Drr. Konde
> Konde,
> There you go again.  Do I have to tell you everything I do in Cameroon?  For your information, I am a member of the Patcha Foundation.  What did that Foundation just do in Fako and Kumba.  The Foundation is being powered by Graffi people and the first port of call was Limbe.  Let me tell you this.  I am a proud member of the Foundation.  Cameroonians will never subscribe to this racist mentality that you have.
> ________________________________
> From: Emmanuel Konde <ekonde07@...>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Regionalism is the Answer! Not Justice for UB requires a Change in the University Administration
> Tata-Sango Esale,
> An idea cannot be judged by extracting one sentence from five or six sentences in which the idea is developed.  You can't just do that because it is distortion of the worst kind.  Besides, the Guru is not engaged in a popularity contest with any person or persons.  The Guru is not running for political office.  He has made his proposal.  A simple proposal that has the potential of resolving the recurrent UB Crisis. Your response, as well as those of others, speaks to the power of the Guru's proposal that has elicited contrarian but flimsy rebuttals and not one consequential counter-proposal.
> The Guru is engaged in debate and not war.  His ideas are "insane" to some, like Messrs Esale, Boh, Ayim, Minard, Ofege & Co. because they have never been challenged to think outside of the box.  Hence, rather than engage the Guru in meaning discussion, some of these resort to invective and wishing the Guru death.  After all is said and done, one man, and only one man, remains standing. 
> "The problem of power is how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public." Robert F. Kennedy
> ________________________________
> From: SAM ESALE <autoauthority.esale@...>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 2:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Regionalism is the Answer! Not Justice for UB requires a Change in the University Administration
> Hi All,
> This is what Dr. Emmanuel Konde wrote yesterday;
> "For now leadership of U-Buea should be in the hands of south Westerners; and leadership of U-Bamenda in the hands of North Westerners." Dr. Emmanuel Konde (06/13/13).
> The above sentence stands alone in Dr. Konde's write up. There is no distortion. And if kunde regrets making such a narcissistic statement, then this is the right time to withdraw it. There is no use attacking the person who highlighted his exact words for public consumption. Only a fool would fight against a messenger. Cameroonians can be forgiving but they are not stupid.
> So far, 100% of the respondents disagree with Dr. Konde's rhetoric above. And if we extend the focus group to include 1000 respondents here, about 99.9% will disagree with Dr. Emmanuel Konde's aforementioned statement. That's what makes it sound so out of place, insane, evil or narcissistic. As a matter of fact, that sort of statements sounds like it emanated from the belly of an evil minded folk like Adolf Hitler and you can correct me if I'm wrong.
> About Kunde's allusion to Dikome Balue and her development, I seldom comment on "if and then" conjectures. So, I will not chase Dr. Konde down that rabbit hole. I have no time to dwell on hypotheticals. It's one of those tactics from a desperado, to distract the readership from the core issues of tribalism, nepotism and favoritism or genocide, as perpetrated by Dr. Konde and his cohorts in CamFOUND.
> However, suffice it to indicate for the record that the Sub-Divisional Officer of the Dikome Balue Sub-Division is not a native of Dikome Balue, but the Paramount Chief is.  Also, in Ndian Division, the Divisional Officer is not a native of Mundemba. Mr. A.T. Mofor and Pah Nduku who were both my Principals in PSS Besongabang, were not natives of Manyu. They were both from Mezam Division. When I was in Grammar School, the Principal of Lycee Bilingue de Molyko-Buea, was not a native of Soppo, he was white. So, why should UB be different?
> I do not know this man Dr. Konde in person, but judging from what I read from him, my suspicion is that the Doctor is not very balanced mentally. This man is a pathologic liar, full with gross exaggerations, divisive rhetoric, tribal and primitive in nature, rude, inconsiderate, insensitive, abrasive, callous, bitter, lacks grace, uninformed about world affairs and half educated. That is the material or substance out of which narcissists like Adolf Hitler were made. There is no doubt in my mind that Kunde needs help and urgently. 
>  I do not understand why Cameroonians have tolerated Dr. Konde irrational and erratic behavior for so long. Oh! Wait a minute, I remember why, this is a virtual community and Cameroonians are very forgiving. But we are not stupid.
> Have a great weekend.
> Kind regards,
> Sam Esale
> Atl,ga-USA
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 5:49 AM, <ekonde07@...> wrote:
> >Tata-Sango Esale et al.,Extract a sentence from my posting and distort it all you want.... Yours and Val Ngwa's commentaries are very cheap propaganda shots that only fools can accept. Yes, regionalism should be applied at UB as in leadership of rural and urban councils, representation in the National Assembly and Senate, and in all other national institutions.A word like "narcissistic"and mention of Dr. Ernest Molua and a nonexistent CamFound are infantile ploys designed to confuse the reading public. The justice system will determine the veracity of what happened and some of those responsible for inciting the students to violence may be summoned to answer for their deeds.I must reiterate that for now U-Buea should be led by Southwesterners and U-Bamenda by Northwesterners until such time that nationalism replaces the ethnic-cum-religional affiliations that currently determine how many anglophones act. This thrust will not make Southwesterners and
>  Northwesterners any less Cameroonian. Esale, apart from contributing 25USD at wakes, can you tell which important investment or development projects you are involved in with your countrymen of the North West Region? As for me, I can speak and write with authority on these matters or criticize Northwesterners whenever I observe a blatant grab for power by their SYNES and UBSU-dominated unions because I work with Northwesterners, help them, and have placed my job on the line in their defense whenever I saw injustice being done to them. Yes, actions, even if not always made public, speak louder than words. So, all your loud noises simply fade into insignificance.... The Guru's sway comes from his deeds. At this juncture, Democratic-Regionalism is the best rout toward perfect democracy in the Fatherland. If Esale cannot work to develop Dikome Balue, and must surrender that task to Val Ngwa, then Sammie Esale is a damned fool. I have not observed Ben Fokum
>  soliciting money for a clinic in Mamfe; neither has Suh Ade Fobedzong done same for Limbe.Take your pretensions elsewhere. The Guru is too sophisticated for your fake declarations. Regionalism is the answer. Northwesterners should develop U-Bamenda and Southwesterners U-Buea. Regional competition will in the final analysis fuel the drive toward national development.
> >Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
> >
> >________________________________
> >
> >From: SAM ESALE <autoauthority.esale@...>
> >Sender:
> >Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 23:37:41 -0700
> >To: <>
> >ReplyTo:
> >Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Regionalism! Not Justice for UB requires a Change in the University Administration
> >
> > 
> >Hi All,
> >
> >Here is what Dr. Emmanuel Konde wrote;
> >"For now leadership of U-Buea should be in the hands of South Westerners; and leadership of U-Bamenda should be in the hands of North Westerners." Dr. Konde (06/13/13). 
> >
> >
> >The aforementioned statement from Dr. Konde conforms squarely with the CamFOUND founding principles or agenda. Genocide or just plain old ethnic/regional fragmentation and corruption?
> > 
> >What other evidence does the world need, regarding Dr. Konde and Dr. Molua's motives at UB and in the South West Region of Cameroon. Ethnic or Regional cleansing is clearly CamFOUND's modus operandi, and UB is a laboratory or incubator and recruitment center for this narcissistic  idea. Both Konde and Molua are the architects of the current NW/SW divide at UB, based on CamFOUND ideas.
> > 
> >Now, you can see for yourselves the roles played by Dr. Molua and Dr. Konde, (both founding members of CamFOUND), in the UB/UBSU/SYNES saga.
> >
> >I'll let you be the judges.
> > 
> >We desire a United and Peaceful Republic of Cameroon, where every Cameroonian is a stakeholder and people can live and work or pursue happiness anywhere in the country, without fear of tribalism, nepotism and favoritism. A place where the playing field is level and there is equal opportunity for all regardless or skin color, race, tribal origin, regional or national origin or religious background. A place where everyone is judged not by where they come from or their family names but strictly by the content of their character. That is the Cameroon we desire for ourselves, our children, grand children and for posterity. We are Cameroon..........
> > 
> >Kind regards,
> >Sam Esale
> >Atl/ga-USA
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:16 PM, <ekonde07@...> wrote:
> > 
> >>Discuss the issues at hand and stop making references to Rwanda. Regionalism is enshrined in the Constitution. It was purposefully designed to ensure a balance of power that was increasingly being skewed to the favor of Northwesterners in the English-speaking regions. You write cheap nonsense. Where in my posting did you read a call for war? Northwesterners control all of their region; they want to control the South West as well. Is that just and fair? For now, leadership of U-Buea should be in the hands of Southwesterners; and leadership of U-Bamenda in the hands of Northwesterners. There will come a time when nationalism would replace ethnic-cum-regional affiliation. At that juncture an evolution would take place naturally and the acknowledged best will rise to leadership anywhere without recourse to strikes, violations of persons, and destruction of property.My advocacy is so clean and clear cut the every enlightened reader can easily discern its
>  reasonableness.
> >>Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
> >>
> >>________________________________
> >>
> >>From: Mishe Fon <mishefon@...>
> >>Sender:
> >>Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 21:03:26 -0700 (PDT)
> >>To:<>
> >>ReplyTo:
> >>Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Justice for UB requires a Change in the University Administration
> >>
> >> 
> >> 
> >>And the Bassas should quit SONARA pronto...Not so? What is really your beef in this "Fight"? Dr. Konde, what is wrong with you? Why all the venom? Why do you take pride in seeing others suffer?
> >>You are really beginning to sound like the agent provocateurs who were responsible for igniting the Rwandan massacres. Cameroon Government authorities should not consider these outbursts as the handiwork of anonymous Internet marauders...your hatred for "Graffi People" not withstanding. This is the most destructive outpouring of "Over-Love and Support" for your CPDM Party. No sane RDPC Cameroonian would stay indifferent to these your indirect calls for WAR between the North West and the South West. The Government should be more concerned because the Bassas don't even share a common boundary with any of the two Provinces. I don't even believe you are the spokes-person for all Bassas...some of whom may not share your craziness.
> >> 
> >>The trouble is, this "Fine-Palaver Tendency" might unfortunately run deep in some Limbe folks of Bassa origin. Remember a certain OMA BETOW? He was elected by the good people of SW to represent Tiko, Mutengene and I guess Limbe. When the Pah got to Parliament he stood up and announced that his allegiance was first and foremost to his "Ngog Mapubi Bassa village"...hence, SW people (who mistakenly elected him) should not stress him up with their useless complaints. Just imagine how they have messed up SONARA and LIMBE. In a few short years, EDING and METOUCK almost dried up the whole place....And you still have the guts to still come out publicly screaming about NW / SW Politics? For how long shall we condone this insanity? When it is convenient for you, the appointment of successive Bassa thieving administrators is considered "National Integration" BUT elsewhere UB should and must be for SW indegenes while the other "Bamendrous" UB the
>  "Graffi" NW can go do whatever they want there. Are you serious?
> >>
> >>
> >>From: Emmanuel Konde <ekonde07@...>
> >>To: "" <>
> >>Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:10 PM
> >>Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Justice for UB requires a Change in the University Administration
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Pure nonsense!  Justice at UB requires lecturers meeting their contractual obligations, students attending to their studies, dissolution of teachers and student unionism, and prosecution of violators of persons and property.  The administration of the University of Buea is in very capable hands. 
> >> 
> >>The democracy you advocate is skewed and does not take into account the political construct of regionalism enshrined in the Constitution. You want the University of Buea administration to look exactly like the executive of SYNES--dominated by Northwesterners.  The majority of lecturers and students at UB are from the North West Region where democracy does not exist.  How many Southwesterner students and lecturers are in the University of Bamenda?  Democracy in Cameroon is predicated on regionalism.  Southwesterners should administer the University of Buea and Northwesterners the University of Bamenda. 
> >>
> >>
> >>"The problem of power is how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public." Robert F. Kennedy
> >>
> >>From: Eric NJUNGWE <chezchezlemot@...>
> >>To: UB Alumni <>; Camnetwork <>; Cameroon Politics <>
> >>Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:21 PM
> >>Subject: [camnetwork] Justice for UB requires a Change in the University Administration
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Hello,
> >> 
> >>The crisis at the University of Buea has been protracted and it is hard to imagine any true victor under these circumstances. This explains why many stakeholders at home and abroad have decided to stay silent all this while in the hope that a peaceful solution could be reached between the University Administration, the Students represented by the University of Buea Students Union (UBSU), and the Academic Faculty represented by the Syndicate of Lecturers of Higher Education (SYNES), Buea branch.
> >> 
> >>I personally recognize that mistakes have been made along the way by all parties involved. However, it is also a recognizable fact that the course of justice usually comes at a price. I wish UB and particularly it students, did not have to go through all the tribulations we have been experiencing. But we must look forward to a brighter future for this our beloved institution. However, a bright future for UB cannot be under a University Administration that has lost its credibility and now governs by the use of police/military force and fabricated legal charges against the students and colleagues it is supposed to be serving.
> >> 
> >>The current inquest into the legal wrangling against UB students and their lecturers has already revealed some very pertinent agreement on all sides. All sides do agree now (including the Vice-Chancellor) that the email containing the names of SYNES members reported to the police by the Vice-Chancellor herself is bogus, and was done with the malicious intent of fomenting more trouble in UB. While an investigation into the true identity of this caricature who goes by the name John Ako Enow and his fictional Alliance for the Defense of University of Buea (ADUB) is warranted, lasting peace in UB will require as a precondition, the following elements.
> >>1.    The continued harassment and unjustified interrogations of UB lecturers by the police should stop immediately.
> >>2.    The students facing frivolous charges over the strikes in UB should be immediately released as a first step towards bringing sustainable peace to the university.
> >>3.    The attack by the faceless John Ako Enow, who is the author of the offensive email on Prof. Maurice Tchuente and whose email postings is the bases of the legal case against UB lecturers, must immediately be strongly condemned by the UB Administration.
> >> 
> >>As the UB Pro-Chancellor, Prof. Maurice Tchuente meet with the various factions in the UB crisis, I hope one of his recommendations to the Minister of Higher Education would be to request for the immediate resignation or dismissal of the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Pauline Nalova Lyonga as this would provide UB an important avenue forward. In addition to her numerous missteps and inaptitude in handling the legitimate concerns of students at the university, her requisitioning of the legal process against her colleagues based on spurious internet postings shows a profound lack of judgment that is unwarranted for a top university administrator. Meanwhile, an investigation into the role of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Registrar in the brutality against students and intimidation of colleagues would be a reasonable next step.
> >> 
> >>Moving forward, serious consideration should be given to articles 26, 54, and 74 of Decree No. 93/034 of 1993 establishing the University of Buea, which requires the selection of the Vice-Chancellor, Deans of Faculties, and Heads of Departments of the University of Buea through an electoral process. On March 5, 2012, CCDHR issued a Position Statement supporting the effort by SYNES for the election of UB administrative officials. This statement is comprehensive in nature and can be found at the following link:
> >> 
> >>Kind regards,
> >> 
> >>University of Buea Alumnus.
> >>Department of Law, Class of 2000.


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