Dear Sir, There is a tendency to blame the Labor Laws for the ills bedeviling Manufacturing. I think, this is short sighted, because it sees the recalcitrance of the workers as a major stumbling block. The labor laws have evolved after a long...
A recent study has come out which states that non-development of railways in terms of replacement of diesel engines with electrical engines, new tracks , electrification, fast speed trains, rationalization of fairs instead of loading goods...
And who told you Southern Cameroons is illegal?You must be out of your mind. The ICJ clearly stated that Bakassi is in Southern Cameroons, you fool. If it were not then where is it? In the air? Or in LRC? Do they speak French in Bakassi or...
Thanks for posting that, Bob. Very important and and poignant.DanielaOn Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Bob Perkins <> wrote: About 2 weeks ago I got this sent to me by a friend. I made my kids listen to me read this. It is very poignant. It relates to the topic of kindness and consideration that we have touched on in this post. It is from...
Our development happened totally because of the lack of ignorance of the government in areas of growth. Here are some examples. 1. The explosion in IT Exports happened because of a unique coincidence of Y2k and the ability of the...