Re: [237medias:8085] Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [BOYO] Re: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge?'

Dear Mr Boh, I have sought for one thing in your GIBBERISH to respond
to and, finding NONE - absolutely NONE - I'll move on.

On 7/31/13, Herbert Boh <> wrote:
> Dear Ntemfac,
> There you go again.... Back to the future? Did I say you are my brother?
> Let me show why you are running away from the debate and struggling to take
> refuge in citations of the Bible. I will use your latest email to Wanaku to
> show (in bold print below) how you do this and why you are a danger to
> yourself and anyone else who does not believe in what you believe. Ntemfac
> wrote:
> Wanaku,
> Let me repeat myself.
> 1.Homosexuality is a sin, not an illness. Agreed! But sin is not the same
> thing as crime. The laws adopted by governments prohibit crimes, not sins.
> The Law of God prohibits sins. Prophet Ntemfac sees a world in which his
> beliefs are exclusive of all others, and a world in which (if he had his
> way) he would be most intolerant of all other beliefs. Yet, those who refuse
> to believe in God exercise another right (Free Will) given to them by God
> Himself, who allows them to choose hell fire if they so desire. Muslims,
> Budhists, and other non-believers in the need for a relation with Christ/God
> have a right, given to them by governments, that protects them from
> religious zealots like you, my brother Ntemfac. Governments must protect all
> citizens whether they believe in God or not, whether they believe in teh
> Bible or not; whether they are homosexuals or not.
> 2.Homosexuality is not a human right. God made man and Woman not God made
> Homosexual. He made man and woman for one purpose – pro-creation! God made
> man, an imperfect and sinful being, one of whose many sins is homosexuality.
> No one is accusing God of making sin. Homosexuals are not the only humans
> who, by virtue of the sexuality or lack of sexuality they have elected to
> live, do not pro-create. I will not bother you with a list of who is who. Is
> every couple that is barren; every couple that fails to pro-create; every
> man and every woman that does not pro-create commiting a sin? If
> homosexuality is not listed as a human right (meaning you recognize human
> rights) what in those rights authorizes those of you haters to think that
> you can violate the human right of homosexuals to life, to love, to security
> and to equal protection before the law?
> 3.Homosexuality is a choice. Agreed! A choice made pursuant to Free Will
> with its consequences. The first definition is found in the book of
> Leviticus, when God gives commandments concerning correct sexual behavior of
> a person and He defines the perversions everyone has to keep himself clear
> of. Here is what the Creator says: You shall not lie with a male as one lies
> with a female; it is an abomination. (Leveticus 18:22). The Lord God does
> not only prohibit homosexuality, unless you have not read the Bible. There
> are fornicators, adulterers, polygamists, the keepers of "deuxieme bureau",
> concubines, etc. Why is your hatred only directed against a particular group
> of sinners by incorrect sexual behavior? This is what you call half-Gospel
> at its very best. What about we read more verses in Leviticus and you let me
> know what God means by them? You have been running away to answer these
> questions: How about Leviticus 25:44 which authorizes the possession of
> slaves, both male and female, from a neighboring nation? What about Exodus
> 21:7 which allows me to sell my daughter into slavery? How about persecuting
> not only homosexuals but any man who comes in contact with a woman while in
> her period of Menstrual uncleanliness as forbidden by Lev 15: 19-24?
> 4.Homosexuality is a learnt practice. This shows your total lack of
> understanding of the biology of the human being. At the end of the same
> chapter, God makes a summary of all perversions that he bans people, His
> creation to practice and He says: But as for you, you are to keep My
> statutes and My judgments and shall not do any of these abominations,
> neither the native, nor the alien who sojourns among you (for the men of the
> land who have been before you have done all these abominations, and the land
> has become defiled); so that the land will not spew you out, should you
> defile it, as it has spewed out the nation which has been before you. 'For
> whoever does any of these abominations, those persons who do so shall be cut
> off from among their people. Thus you are to keep My charge, that you do not
> practice any of the abominable customs which have been practiced before you,
> so as not to defile yourselves with them; I am the LORD your God. The Law of
> God
> you cite punishes and prohibits sins. The laws of the land prohibit crimes.
> They are not the same thing. The punishment of sin is different from the
> punishment for crimes. The latter punishment is determined and administered
> by man/governments; while the former is determined and punished by God. And
> God does not need your help to mete out punishment for the sins of
> homosexuals or anyone else guilty of sinful sexual behavior. His Book
> invites you to throw the first stone only if you have not sinned. What don't
> you understand in that?
> 5.Homosexuality is a degrading passion. This, again, is that your very
> condenscending self speaking. You are saved; the others are damned and
> already live in hell fire. Very pretentious! God adds to the definition of
> what is called untraditional sexual orientation" nowadays, in the Epistle of
> Paul to Romans. Here is what the Word of God says: For this reason God gave
> them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural
> function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men
> abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire
> toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in
> their own persons the due penalty of their error. (Romans 1:26–27). Strange
> that the same Bible authorizes slavery. So, how am I to read it as a
> Christian? What am I to believe? Why should I believe the "men of God" who
> in another age used the same Bible to justify slavery? Leviticus also says
> eating
> shellfish is an abomination (Lev. 11:10). Is it the same abomination as
> homosexuality?
> The Role of the Satanists-the Illuminati-the World Bank and the West.
> Listen, the Lord God put BELIEF, not in the yes or the ears but in the heart
> of MEN. I have been harping on these things but EXAMINE your hears, my
> friends, you will discover that the Lord God foreknew you and predestinated
> and called and justified and glorified you to be conformed to the teachings
> of his Son, Jesus Christ and to himself. Reason w This just some more of
> your half-Gospel which is inspired by your intolerance. Is the World Bank
> guilty of satanic practices because it recommends, for example, that farmers
> should plant many crops in the same field which is banned by Lev. 19:19? Is
> the World Bank satanic because it is not okay for you to stone or burn
> people to death whom you consider are living in sin as authorized by Lev.
> 24: 10-16? Is the World Bank satanic because it would not agree that you
> should burn away and waste a bull as a sacrifice to God as authorized by
> Lev.
> 1:19? Is the World Bank satanic because it thinks it is okay to work on the
> Sabbath agains the ban laid out in Exodus 35:2?
> Boh Herbert
> ________________________________
> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
> To: afoakom <>; cameroon_politics
> <>
> Cc: "" <>; CAMNETWORK list
> <>; SDF <>;
> "" <>;
> "" <>;
> "" <>; ambasbay
> <>; creativiews
> <>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 10:00 AM
> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Re: [BOYO] Re: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on
> gays: `Who am I to judge?'
> Wanaku,
> Let me repeat myself.
> 1. Homosexuality is a sin,
> not an illness.
> 2. Homosexuality is not a
> human right. God made man and Woman not God made Homosexual. He made man
> and
> woman for one purpose – pro-creation!
> 3. Homosexuality is a
> choice The first definition is found in the book of Leviticus, when God
> gives
> commandments concerning correct sexual behavior of a person and He defines
> the
> perversions everyone has to keep himself clear of. Here is what the Creator
> says: You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an
> abomination. (Leveticus 18:22)
> 4. Homosexuality is a
> learnt practice. At the end of the same chapter, God makes a summary of all
> perversions that he bans people, His creation to practice and He says: But
> as
> for you, you are to keep My statutes and My judgments and shall not do any
> of
> these abominations, neither the native, nor the alien who sojourns among
> you
> (for the men of the land who have been before you have done all these
> abominations, and the land has become defiled); so that the land will not
> spew
> you out, should you defile it, as it has spewed out the nation which has
> been
> before you. 'For whoever does any of these abominations, those persons who
> do so
> shall be cut off from among their people. Thus you are to keep My charge,
> that
> you do not practice any of the abominable customs which have been practiced
> before you, so as not to defile yourselves with them; I am the LORD your
> God.
> 5. Homosexuality is a degrading
> passion. God adds to the definition of what is called untraditional sexual
> orientation" nowadays, in the Epistle of Paul to Romans. Here is what the
> Word
> of God says: For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for
> their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and
> in
> the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and
> burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent
> acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
> (Romans
> 1:26–27 The Role of the Satanists-the
> Illuminati-the World Bank and the West. Listen, the Lord God put BELIEF, not
> in
> the yes or the ears but in the heart of MEN. I have been harping on these
> things but EXAMINE your hears, my friends, you will discover that the Lord
> God
> foreknew you and predestinated and called and justified and glorified you to
> be
> conformed to the teachings of his Son, Jesus Christ and to himself. Reason
> w
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <>
> wrote:
> Wanaku,
>>You write...'Mr Ofege,
> you seem to have a problem with everyone –even the Pope'
>>How you manage to
> construct that I have a 'problem with everybody' because I am teaching what
> is
> actually in the Bible about homosexuality is bewildering.
>>Bewildering because the
> WORD of the Lord God on this specific topic is clear and bodes no ambiguity,
> no
> dark zone, no darkness and no double-talk.
>>When people – a Pope –
> start creating dark areas with the WORD of God that is so simply spelt out
> in
> the Bible, I worry. I hold them to higher standards because then they are
> giving room for Man to falter and continue living in SIN.
>>Do you see how many
> people –especially our Resident Crusader for a Science fiction called GAY
> RIGHTS alias Mr. Boh Herbert – now construct the Pope's sentence as a
> license
> to continue living in SIN.
>>Not for himself – the bloody
> hypocrite – but for some others!
>>Why would a man CRUSADE
>>So that the Lord God
> will damn them while sparing him?
> Lie to Lie-Lie.
>>The things that cause
> Sin are bound to come but WOE betides him through whom those things come !
>>Luke 17:1 NIV
>>Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to sin are
> bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come.
>>Mr. Pope ought to know
> this as well.
>>As well as this: MANY
> STRIPES for the POPE!
>>For this SERVANT of the
> Lord God KNOWS the Lord's WILL and does not Do according
> to the Lord's Will and to him that much is given; much shall be required of
> him!
>>Luke 12:46-48
> King James Version (KJV)
>>46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for
>> him,
> and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will
> appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.47 And that servant, which knew
> his lord's will, and prepared not himself,
> neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.48 But
> he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be
> beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be
> much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask
> the
> more.
>>I do not believe in Papal INFALLIBILITY.
> God is INFALLIBLE, not man.
>>I underline it to you thatChristianity is not a RELIGION but it is a
>> RELATIONSHIP between the Man
> and his God and the only way the Man know the Lord God is by his WORD and
> through his WORD because then God is HIS WORD. In the beginning was the
> and the WORD was with god and the WORD was God.
>>God is his word.
> Man says himself!
>>The man who yells: What
> the POPE SAY...should rather be worried that he has not seen or would not
> see:
> WHAT the LORD GOS says in his WORD the BIBLE.
>>I am interested in the
> infallibility of the WORD of GOD, not in PAPAL INFALLIBILITY: Not in the
> infallibility of the doctrine of a church because then we know or we ought
> to
> know better.
>>In case you are not
> aware consider the spread of THIS THING in the Roman Catholic Church and why
> it
> is so. Why do priests sodomize unfortunate little boys: Is it because of
> SIN,
> because they have Sin in them or because they have opened the way for SIN to
> be
> in them? Consider the Word of god as per IDOLATORY – See Exodus 20-1-5 and
> Romans 1-18-32 and the thing becomes clear.
>>You call me a 'self-righteous
> preacher', do you?
>>You err.
>>The Bible is SELF-RIGHTEOUS;
> the book says so of itself. Why fault A MESSENGER who is just showing us
> what
> is written: Blame the Bible!
>>Do note the
> light-hearted spirit with which that specific post was written despite the
> gravity of the issue. I am a Bible scholar and I draw my inspiration from
> My
> Education in and TEACHINGS thereof of the Bible topics that I deal with.
>>Once more, I am not
> talking RELIGION or a specific Religious Organization or Organized Religion:
> I
> am talking Bible, the WORD of God, what is WRITTEN, not what a MAN or a
> group
> of MEN SAY.
>>Take time off to read
> what is ACTUALLY IN THE BIBLE: You will be surprise on how many WRONG
>>For those desirous of a
> CONVERSATION on Bible issues meet me at:
>>This is the Main Portal
> of my Worldwide Ministry with circa 3000 people present from all over the
> world. I do hold regular teachings exhortation, edification and comfort
> sessions: that you may also be HEWN by the Prophet.
>>On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:58 PM, john ntam <> wrote:
>>>To the best of my understanding, the Pope did not make things clear on
>>> this issue, if were the Pope I would have told the whole world to say
>>> NO TO HOMOSEXUALITY PRACTICES. He would have let Christians know that it
>>> is a sin or not a sin. Pope Benedict never wanted to comment on this
>>> issue, some people think that it was the main reason that triggered him
>>> to resign
>>> From: Emmanuel Yem <>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 12:10 AM
>>>Subject: [BOYO] Re: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to
>>> judge?'
>>>The Pope was is a sin.the door is close for female priest becos
>>> christ never had e female apostle. But God is loveIboisi
>>> From: JAMES CHUYUM <>; To:
>>> <>; <>;
>>> Subject: Re: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge?'
>>> Sent: Wed, Jul 31, 2013 3:53:07 AM
>>>Woin naghem,a
>>>The Pope did not endorse homosexuality. As the father of all children be
>>> you a good or bad child he does not discriminate but wants LOVE which is
>>> the greatest commandment of God to flow in us all. The bible rejects
>>> prostitution and we all know it is a sin and live with it even in our
>>> homes but Jesus Christ tells us that Prostitutes will find themselves in
>>> Heaven before some of you who think you are righteous etc. He pope said
>>> A gay person who is seeking God, who is of good will—well, who am I to
>>> judge him? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this very well.
>>> It says one must not marginalize these persons, they must be integrated
>>> into society. The problem isn't this [homosexual] orientation—we must be
>>> like brothers and sisters. The problem is something else, the problem is
>>> lobbying either for this orientation or a political lobby or a Masonic
>>> lobby.
>>>1, A gay person who is seeking
>>> God...
>>> Seek ye first the kingdom of God
>>>2. Who am I to
>>> judge.
>>> God alone has the authority to judge them and not the Pope.
>>>3. We must be like brothers and
>>> sisters.
>>> LOVE
>>>4. The problem is something
>>> else,
>>> Lobbying (Orientation, Political or Masonic)
>>>Why did ( those who say the pope endorsed homosexuality) avoided that
>>> great opening words of the Pontiff ?
>>> From: Herbert Boh <>
>>>To: "" <>
>>>Subject: Re: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge?'chf
>>>Bobe Yongabi,
>>>The Pope did not certainly say, as a certain now retired archbishop of
>>> Yaounde said (with your support), that homosexuality is a crime against
>>> humanity and the Pope will not do, as some have on this forum, rejoice in
>>> the murder of someone who campaigned for gay rights.
>>>The Pope does his job by citing the Catechism of the Catholic Church as
>>> the basis for his teaching and the media does its job by relying on the
>>> practice of journalism that allows journalists to comment, interpret and
>>> editorialize on any position taken by the Pope or anyone else in the
>>> news. How is the media wrong? Who else in the news gets treated
>>> differently? Who else in the news gets carried verbatim on all media
>>> outlets?
>>>Boh Herbert
>>> From: ngalim bernard yongabi <>
>>>To: "" <>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 7:24 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge?'
>>>Dear All,
>>>At times it is very easy to be derailed. The point of focus is what the
>>> Pope said and not what the media said he said. It is better to quote
>>> verbatim what the Pope said. Fr. Ignatius has reproduced the Pope's
>>> discussion with the media here under. It is important that we stop saying
>>> what the Pope has not said. The Pope has not moved away from the
>>> teachings of the Church. This is what the Pope said:
>>>A gay person who is seeking God, who is of good will—well, who am I to
>>> judge him? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this very well.
>>> It says one must not marginalize these persons, they must be integrated
>>> into society. The problem isn't this [homosexual] orientation—we must be
>>> like brothers and sisters. The problem is something else, the problem is
>>> lobbying either for this orientation or a political lobby or a Masonic
>>> lobby.
>>>Dear people, let us be honest to ourselves by giving complete information.
>>> It is really absurd we use the first 2 words of a sentence to describe a
>>> complete article. Once more, the Pope hasn't gone out of the Church's
>>> teaching on this issue. Kindly take note of his reference to the
>>> Catechism of the Catholic Church.
>>>Please, don't be fooled by the press and the lobbies the pope is
>>> condemning.
>>>By little token
>>> From: Ignatius Waindim <>
>>>To: "" <>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 2:53:52 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge?'
>>>Dear everybody, Would the following be a useful contribution to the
>>> debate? It consists of what actually happened on the Pope's return trip
>>> to Rome: "ABOARD THE PAPAL AIRCRAFT — Pope Francis reached out to gays on
>>> Monday, 29 July,
> saying he wouldn't judge priests for their sexual orientation in a
> remarkably open and wide-ranging news conference as he returned from his
> first foreign trip.
>>>"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am
>>> I to judge?" Francis asked.
>>>His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that
> said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests.
> Francis was much more conciliatory, saying gay clergymen should be
> forgiven and their sins forgotten.
>>>Francis' remarks came Monday during a plane journey back to the Vatican
>>> from his first foreign trip in Brazil.
>>>He was funny and candid during a news conference that lasted almost
> an hour and a half. He didn't dodge a single question, even thanking the
> journalist who raised allegations reported by an Italian newsmagazine
> that one of his trusted monsignors was involved in a scandalous gay
> tryst.
>>>Francis said he investigated and found nothing to back up the allegations.
>>>Francis was asked about Italian media reports suggesting that a group
>>> within the church tried to blackmail fellow church officials with
> evidence of their homosexual activities. Italian media reported this
> year that the allegations contributed to Benedict's decision to resign
>>>While stressing Catholic social teaching that calls for homosexuals
> to be treated with dignity and not marginalized, Francis said it was
> something else entirely to conspire to use private information for
> blackmail or to exert pressure.
>>>Francis was responding to reports that a trusted aide was involved in an
>>> alleged gay tryst a decade ago. He said he investigated the
> allegations according to canon law and found nothing to back them up.
> But he took journalists to task for reporting on the matter, saying the
> allegations concerned matters of sin, not crimes like sexually abusing
> children.
>>>And when someone sins and confesses, he said, God not only forgives but
>>> forgets.
>>>"We don't have the right to not forget," he said."
>>>Let us note that concerning homosexuality, the Pope talked about
>>> "orientation". He was not talking about active gay fornication, or the
>>> so-called gay marriage. Yet sin, when recognized and humbly confessed
>>> with the resolve not to sin again, can be forgiven. This resolve includes
>>> avoiding future occasions of sin. And when God forgives, he forgets. It
>>> requires profound formation to recognize what is SIN and what is not. A
>>> person of good will who seeks the Lord tries to avoid sin - whether that
>>> person is gay or straight.
>>>What is Pope Francis' stand about sinning gays? Consider the following:
>>>"Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a 76-year-old Argentinean, was chosen as
>>> the first Latin American pope on Wednesday. He will lead the world's 1.2
>>> billion Catholics as Pope Francis. While his selection may be historic,
>>> it may also mean more of the same when it comes to gay rights in the
>>> Catholic Church.
>>>Pope Francis is a conservative who is anti-gay marriage and anti-gay
>>> adoption. He has described same-sex marriage as the work of the devil and
>>> a "destructive attack on God's plan." He has also said that gay adoption
>>> is a form of discrimination against children.
>>>In 2010, Francis championed against a bill for same-sex marriage and gay
>>> adoption, according to the National Catholic Register.
>>>"[T]he Argentine people will face a situation whose outcome can
> seriously harm the family," he wrote to the four monasteries in
> Argentina. "At stake is the identity and survival of the family: father,
> mother and children. At stake are the lives of many children who will
> be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human
> development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. At stake
> is the total rejection of God's law engraved in our hearts."
>>>He went on to describe it as a "'move' of the Father of Lies who
> seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God" and asked for
> lawmakers to "not act in error." In John 8:44, the Father of Lies is the
> devil.
>>>Argentina approved same-sex marriage in 2010, making it the first Latin
>>> American country to legalize the
> union, the New York Times previously reported. The country is also
> progressive when it comes to contraception. President Cristina Fernández de
> Kirchner has promoted free contraception and artificial insemination, the
> Associated Press notes. In the past, Francis has clashed with the
> Argentinean government over his stance on these issues."
>>>Pope Francis is against SIN, not against people who are genuinely trying,
>>> in spite of their "orientation" to avoid sin and please God by their
>>> lives.
>>>Fiyinifi boisi
>>> From: Wanaku <>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 17:04
>>>Subject: Re: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge?'
>>>Mr. Ofege If I am reading you right then it seems your rhetoric sounds
>>> like that of a self-righteous preacher. Is it? Then I have no
>>> questions. That must be the job you have been ordained to do. If not
>>> pardon my misread of your text. Speaking of (you called it: "Wanaku ...
>>> own kind of hunger")
>>>hunger, I am not sure where "hunger" came from,
>>>but I will repeat (again) - the goal is to discuss ways to create a
>>> sustainable
>>>Food, Shelter, Clothing + Literacy (in any language, includingitanghiKom)
>>>strategy for Kom Kingdom.
>>>I do not know how to make it sound simpler than it is already.
>>>Once again it is a suggested discussion scope.
>>>I hope that does not prevent you from your good work.
>>>I will also suggest creating an online space where you can do some
>>>more of that kindof workuninhibited by our modest efforts to resolve
>>> other
>>>kinds of (to use your word) "hunger".
>>> On 7/30/2013 9:44 AM, Ofege Ntemfac wrote:
>>>>Bo Chia Nkwain,
>>>> No
>>>> Not me.
>>>> I will not sound condescending to anyone.
>>>> That is not my style.
>>>>Hey we are on the same side.
>>>> Wanaku wants us to talk his own kind of hunger whereas We HUNGER and
>>>> THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. This I know: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
>>>> and his Righteousness and the OTHERS WILL BE ADDED UNTO THEE - pressed
>>>> down, shaken together and running over shall MEN GIVE UNTO THEE.
>>>>On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>Where angels fear to tread......
>>>>>Dear Mr Boh,
>>>>> I am afraid that, once again, your dross is showing.
>>>>>Let me repeat myself for whatsoever it
> is worth.
> – in the order of their Father, the
> devil – speak in half-gospels;
> ambiguous and
> misleading terms so that mankind
> should get the wrong message and
> perish. At the Temptation of Jesus, Satan
> spoke in half-gospels; ambiguous and misleading terms.
>>>>>Let me show you something:
>>>>>The Lord God himself says in Leviticus 18:22. Thou shall not practice
>>>>> homosexuality, it is an abominable sin.
>>>>>A GAY is one who practises
>>>>>And the Lord God in Romans 1:26-32 declares that being GAY is a package
>>>>> wherein the GAY is also..filled
> with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness,
> maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
> 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil
> things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenant-breakers,
> without natural
> affection, implacable, unmerciful: unsociable. See how ridiculous you are -
> inane too, I might add.How can you possibly be all of the above and be none
> of the above?
>>>>>How can you be practising SIN and be accepted by God?
>>>>> The double-speak of the possessed.
>>>>>As if, we should ask PIGS to come into our parlours and have a seat.You
>>>>> see, God loves MAN but God hates Sin.
>>>>>SIN is anything that is CONTRARY TO THE
> WORD OF GOD. And the specific Sin of
> homosexuality is regimented by the Lord
> God himself. I will show you shortly why you
> have absolutely no clue regading the stakes of this issue.
>>>>>On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 5:07 AM, Herbert Boh <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>And the Pope has spoken! Long live the Pope!
>>>>>>Boh Herbert
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>On Jul 29, 2013, at 9:23 PM, nkwain chia <> wrote:
>>>>>>>Greetings to all out there. I must say it beats my understanding to
>>>>>>> see the vehemence with which some of us advocate evasiveness towards
>>>>>>> a topic of such social, moral and spiritual relevance. I could not be
>>>>>>> 'prouder', so to speak, to follow Bobe Ntam's line of reasoning. The
>>>>>>> Kom tribe may be ridden with poverty, yes, but I am afraid Bobe Ofege
>>>>>>> and Wanaku sound too condescending to me when they seem to reduce us
>>>>>>> to some wretched upland savages who should be so carried away by the
>>>>>>> age-old issues of hunger, shelter and diseases that current issues
>>>>>>> should not be any of our business. Even if that were to be the case,
>>>>>>> then as Bobe Ntam logically puts it, addressing this topic does not
>>>>>>> entail evading any other topics. By the way, is homosexuality really
>>>>>>> that much of a distant reality to us as Kom people? If you think it
>>>>>>> may still have to take a few more years to invade the very depths of
>>>>>>> our fondom, you may be right but what about the millions of our
> other brothers and sisters living in the diaspora and the poor children
> (future leaders of Kom) being born there even as we speak. Or should this
> forum discuss only issues that have to do with my hungry mother or brother
> who live at Ameng village or Advuk?
>>>>>>>May we all stay blessed
>>>>>>>Chia Nkwain
>>>>>>> From: Wanaku
>>>>>>>>Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 9:03 PM
>>>>>>>>Subject: [AFOaKOM] Re: Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge?'
>>>>>>>>Bobe, You are right about quoting (referencing others) when
>>>>>>>> publishing scientific work. If I talked about "writing our (not
>>>>>>>> 'my') own book", I am referring to "us" as a community "writing our
>>>>>>>> own book", which (if my communication is any good at this point)
>>>>>>>> implies "helping ourselves" as opposed to waiting for some other
>>>>>>>> entity to do it for us. I think we slid out of topic again.
>>>>>>>> Probably my fault. We should focus here on helping our people in
>>>>>>>> solving/resolving the perennial problems of: Food, Shelter,
>>>>>>>> Clothing + Literacy. There is enough in these areas to keep us busy
>>>>>>>> for a very long time. And this does not prevent anyone from doing
>>>>>>>> diligence to their personal beliefs. Thanks for your kind
>>>>>>>> feedback. iBois+ ~wv --- In,
>>>>>>>> challow ntam wrote: > > Bobe Wanaku, > > well not as easy as you
>>>>>>>> think. So many students,at the level of Masters > even,still can't
>>>>>>>> quote as easily as you think. Find out. Before
> one > publishes a scientific work, he does some research on that area ,
> makes > references to earlier publications, then goes ahead to reveal his
> research > and leaves it open,and everything that happened before is a
> foundation, > anything after,would only add up to what has been done. If
> you can't quote > others,and think you want to write your own book, don't
> expect someone else > to read your work,let alone quoting your work. Well
> if you want to write > your own book and feel happy about no one quoting
> you, then good for you. > After all what is wrong in speaking to yourself?
>> > Ntam > > > > > On 29 July 2013 21:31, Wanaku wrote: > > > ** >
>> > > > > Bobe Challow, > > > > First thing I want to say is: there is
> (and cannot be) censorship on here > > simply because it does not make
> sense. > > Secondly, the quote you use can be discussed and parsed in
> several > > different ways: > > > > "Man shall not live on bread alone"
> > Really? I am not sure discussing/parsing this quote will help anyone. So
> I > > will let it slide. > > > > I will keep saying that our focus here
> should be (and this is not forcing > > anyone - just a suggestion) > > How
> to keep Kom on the road to a sustainable Food, Shelter, Clothing and > >
> Literacy future. > > > > It is not an easy thing to do (or talk about). >
>> That might explain why few would like to talk about (discuss) those > >
> subjects. > > It is easy to quote from a book - it is written already. > >
> What I am suggesting is for us to write our own book. > > That's a more
> challenging proposal. > > > > iBois+ > > ~wv > > > > > > > > On
> 7/29/2013 2:13 PM, challow ntam wrote: > > > > > > Bobe Wanaku, > > > >
> "Man shall not live on bread alone". With food,shelter and the best > >
> means of moving from point A to point B,if you do not have a sound mind,in
>> > a sound body, (good health), you are not getting anywhere. One
> of your > > favorite sayings has always been " If you do not let some one
> speak,how > > would you know what is in their minds"? You have realized
> that this > > some others has been around for a while. This is
> what the people > > have decided to talk about for now. If I was a betting
> man, I'd put all I > > have, that no one has stopped looking for food and
> shelter because of the > > discussion we have here, no one has gone to bed
> hungry,because papa and > > mama spent time on this topic. No better
> idea,that could give us more > > grains and vegetables has been relegated
> to the background. I respect your > > opinion about bringing an end to this
> topic,but I completely disagree with > > it in any shape and form because
> no matter how u present it, it looks (to > > me),like censorship. > > > >
> Ntam > > > > > > On 29 July 2013 20:38, Wanaku wrote: > > > >> > >> >
>>> Bobe Ofege, > >> I thought the Pope had closed this discussion
> > >> but it seems he has just poured kerosene on it. > >> I am not sure
> what each person's goal is > >> spending time/resources on this topic. >
>>> I guess there is something about it (more than other topics like Food, >
>>> Shelter, Clothing, Literacy) > >> that makes a human go: "Mmh! I have to
> say something > >> about this". And they do. > >> > >> Again, if you ask
> me, in our context (that of Kom) > >> I think that we have more pressing
> issues to talk about > >> and do, than trying to fix an issue that most are
> > >> bothered about and few have any real solution for. > >> > >> On the
> other hand, some societies (or contexts) that > >> have solved(or resolved)
> some basic human problems, > >> now have ample time to discuss/debate/argue
> about > >> whether a human should behave one way or the other. > >> > >>
> Given that we have so much work to do in our communities > >> I am not sure
> we can afford the time to sit around and > >> wonder
> what x and y are involved in some deviant behaviour or not. > >> Again it
> is like discussing strategies of how to catch > >> fish, when we do not
> even have water to drink. > >> > >> Kom needs sustainable solutions for
> the following: > >> Food, Shelter, Clothing and a robust revival of 100%
> Literacy for ALL. > >> > >> That is how we can move our people from point
> A to B > >> whether they pray to Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed or Tangnankoli. >
>>> ALL of them need Food, Shelter, Clothing and the ability > >> of
> READ/WRITE (in any language they choose: itanghiKom preferably). > >> > >>
> We should discuss about these issues and how to make them become real in >
>>> our communities rather than trying to catch fireflies thrown into the >
>>> global town square by the western media. It is a smart topic to distract
>> >> (and take a lot of productive time) away from issues that are burning
> at > >> our feet to solve - burning more than the jiggers in our
> kids classrooms in > >> some of our primary schools. > >> > >> Bobe
> Ofege, if you ask me I'd say (again in our context), the best way to > >>
> preach (gospel, koran, bhagavad gita etc) is to DO. We need more doing on >
>>> the ground for our people than all the alleluia/amen/lord this lord > >>
> that/prophet here prohet there etc ... But then I may be wrong because some
>> >> humans - at given stages in their lives - might need a given style of
>> >> preaching to save themselves (from themselves). So like I said here, it
> is > >> just my opinion. The trick for every preacher is to find those who
> can > >> listen (not just those who have ears). > >> > >> Any preacher
> who has solutions for my people (Kom), I am all ears. > >> Anything else is
> a waste of valuable time. Again, just my opinion. > >> > >> iBois+ > >>
> ~wv > >> > >> > >> --- In, Ofege Ntemfac
> wrote: > >> > > >> > Wanaku, > >> > I just made this
> Post to Chief Taku. > >> > You may find it stimulating > >> > > >> > The
> Chief, > >> > The issue cannot be Judging PEOPLE because Romans 2 and
> Romans 14 > >> > specifically proscribe the Christian from JUDGING ANYONE.
>> >> > All have sinned and come short of the GLORY OF GOD. > >> > The issue
> is this bewildering celebration of WHAT GOD condemns so much > >> > so that
> a man told me in these set of chambers that THE WORLD WILL NOT > >> > BE
> RULED BY THE BIBLE! > >> > The issue ...
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