Re: [visionaryleader] Re: Open Letter to UN Secretary General


Rev. Awasom asked a very pertinent question which Mr. Ebini and Dr. Jean Bosco seem to line behind:

'...Had you been picked by Paul biya to represent your party in parliament which is la republique would you have written this letter?...' [SIC].

My response: An unrepentant YES! I'd sent the appendix to my manifesto dubbed 'Why I am Running for Parliament' to a few senior friends who all advised me to rethink a certain point 4. Point 4 was one of the objectives why I ran 'to press for the immediate resolution of the Southern Cameroons problem'. They cited strategy and tact as their reason. I saw with them and respected their wise counsel. In fact, had I been accepted to become MP after PAP victory, and had I ever mounted the rostrum of the National Assembly chamber, my first speech would've centered on that, PERIOD!

I think my stance on the Southern Cameroons/La Republique concubinage has never changed. If there's a foundational problem with the union, it would shame my conscience should I go to that Glass House and pretend like others. The union MUST be rendered LEGAL and made more perfect if Southern Cameroonians so accept to continue. This has ALWAYS been my stance and would've been more pronounced as an MP. Let's face facts – this is the undiluted truth of the Southern Cameroons issue, pure and simple! Have we all forgotten so soon all those articles I have been writing and forwarding on these arguments? My recent write-ups go to continue and not some new stance after election. Even at rallies, we talk about it. I remember a 2012 rally at Kumba where AYAH addressed in great detail to a question posed on the union to the satisfaction of the crowd.

Mr. Christmas Ebini is a great patriot who went extra miles to ganner support on my behalf. I'd made adequate presence on the field to be victorious. Big bro, civil servants from Bertoua, Yaounde, Edea, Douala, Maroau, Garoua, Limbe, Buea, Kumba, Bamenda etc with SUV cars and billions went to Upper Bayang to fight a small boy. Enow Tanjong alone and Akoson on the field ... just two of them. Guess what would have happened? My campaign was heavily under funded to fight them and their machinery. Even in Mbinjong, the minister bribed all villagers (I have facts) but they still voted PAP. ELECAM and CPDM doctored the results and bribed my polling agents to the tune of up to 700.000 frs. What did you want me to do in such a case? I was ALONE with a few agents I only struggled to compensate for transport fares.

I thank all those who reacted to my Open Letter to the UN Sec. Gen.



"…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths to take over the baton. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does not constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side by side on the round table for law, policy and decision making and thorough brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues. Ayah Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am proud to work with him..." Akoson A. Raymond.

Image by

On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:12 PM, Howard Njeck <> wrote:
what an Encouraging statement, young Cameroonians like Raymond need inspiration, encouragement and support. These kind of encouragement comes from People Who are intellectually savvy
This CPDM bullies should bury Their anger and frustration and allow young people to make mistake and learn from them.  

Biya's failure is as a result of never venturing for any thing in his youth,"his world view is very limited", so do this his angry internet bullies. 

"The successful man Will benefit from His mistakes and
try again in a different way. "  
-  Dale Carnegie.

Some are even blaming Their weakness On Their own children, what a shame 

Herbert Boh
December 1
Bobe Paul Wallang,

! I think you are spot-on   Progress - in science, in economics, in politics, in life, in development, etc. .. - Comes in bits and pieces. It always HAS. Always Will.    

A political war like the one in Cameroon Shall Be Fought in several battles, in between ceasefires, negotiations, and a fresh hardening of positions leading to Renewed hostilities.  It is in battle as in farming: there is a time to sow, a time to tender to the crop HAS time to leave Nature to do its job, and a time to harvest.  No matter the cause, battles Will Never benefit from the backing of icts foot soldiers Unless They Are Fought one at a time. 

True leaders in Such battles learn to hold up a finger and feel the thrust of the political wind ...  They learn to cease the moment in the endlessly changing political weather map. Yesterday's time is not today's agenda and the the the for each season must be aligned to the political weather Each time seeking to make whatever steps - odd baby steps - Towards the final goal.

The politicians we shoulds fear are not Those Who bother, like Akoson Seems to be doing right now, to recalibrate or to adjust course and Become a true "man for all political seasons" ...  We shoulds not fear politicians, like Akoson Have you Seems to be showing Actually he bothers to look back over His shoulder once in a while to Ensure That Those he claims to be leading are, Indeed, still following. 

Ask yourself the question: who gains when / if Akoson sticks with the outdated agenda of yesterday?  Surely not the Southern Cameroonians Have you are itching for work on the restoration of self-rule.  Here is same issue: who stands to gain if Akoson stayed with the past and to ignore Continued Southern Cameroons as a political demand of our time?  Did I hear you say Paul Biya CPDM, the status quo, The Republic, France?

Akoson shoulds turn down the invitation to Become a more or less a one-item agenda-politician.  We-have 'em everywhere and everywhere They Have proven detrimental to the pursuit of democratic progress.  Look at the one-item agenda, Republicans and Their extremist backers of "Tea Bag" fame in the USA.  For them all and everything boils down to "No to  Obama. " You have got the opposition sloganeering in Cameroon. Its leaders-have-been-have shoulds Reduced what a multifaceted battle for civil rights, liberties, freedom and democracy into the one agenda item "Biya must go". Their opposite number - not to be outdone -.-have sworn into the "Biya Forever" cult We are Witnesses to what-have really Achieved on Both Sides this one goal: both sides-have used it to cleverly mask Their disgusting "come no go"  sit-tight grab on power.      

A politician promising youngster like Akoson Would be wrong to try to fit That mold.  Who wants new wine in old wine skins?  Akoson's decision to waiting to the next big thing (Southern Cameroons) instead of vegetating on "Biya must go" is a sign Understands and he is exploring other ways of skinning the cat.  To paraphrase President Barack Obama can walk and chew gum Akoson.  Why are Some Suggesting That Would he be better served Combating dictatorship in Cameroon by sticking with a one-agenda-item?  Can not They See That It is sooooo yesterday?? 

Herbert Boh

Sent from my iPhone 

On 1 December 2013, at 9:24 AM, Paul < > wrote:  

                     Some of us heard of Akoson through the continuous medium he received from Mr. Ebini Christmas and others here on Cameroon politics.  carrier That raised his profile and he DID what he Could under very difficulty conditions. Anticipated The win for His Manyu local electorate About About did not happen.  Today he himself embodies no follow the values of His bankers simply Because he dared to think for.
                      Is he a traitor Because He wants the best for southern Cameroonians?  emphatically Not!  He is a traitor to The Few Have you wanted to use him to advance Their political ideas Within the present corrupt system.
                      Mr. Akoson HAS not changed as Some Would want us to believe he HAS.  He Has just come to the conclusions as Many before him That if you can not change from within as an Anglophone you can change from without under the banner of Southern Cameroon.  He is far more patriotic than His distractors.  Changing the system is a goal He Has embarked on.  I do not care That the argument against him is That he lost the election and he succeeded he HAD That Would Have Been Complaining?  Rather That is weak as we do not know and cannot make up excuses to slander him.

From:  SAIDOU < > To: " "< >; camnetwork Camnetwork < >; " "< > Sent: Sunday, December 1, 2013 3:23 AM Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] RE: Fw: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to UN Secretary General               

"The truth be told this young man Was Not odd in the area known Where He Was running to be a parliamentarian. He stayed in Yaounde and wrote big grammar on the Internet. We Knew him on the Internet more than the people voting on Who Were the ground. " 

 Christmas and Dear All, This is Exactly what I have beens saying over thesis forums, people Hardly notice.  Most people come onto the internet, make good impressions on readers WHO ARE OUTSIDE CAMEROON, maybe get some dollars or euros from the internet community, and Then fall back in town full to the roofing project, or just to repair the car Which Had an accident etc. .. Ms. Foning Has an electorate, Mbah Ndam Has an electorate, Ndam Njoya Has an electorate. Lofty speeches and programs Will Be Understood and applauded by Those of you out there Have you book Understand The electorate of thesis politictians listen more to the bags of rice, number of cows, fluidity of banknotes, etc, AND NOT LOFTY POLITICAL PROGRAMS. Akoson If WAS to use the dollars and euros culled from the internet to buy "bags of cows and herds of rice" he Would Have created a political opening. Well, maybe the SCNC as a fallback option is not a bad idea for the young politician: it Provides an opening for ranting and raving.  
SAIDOU NCHOUAT SOULE University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon 237 99 91 69 34 237 22 81 91 10 

From:  Dennis Tambe < > To: " "< >; camnetwork Camnetwork < >; " "< ambasbay @ googlegroups. com > Posted: Sunday, December 1, 2013 2:36 Subject: RE: [cameroon_politics] RE: Fw: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to UN Secretary General                 

I Had the same gut feeling about Akoson's cynical adoption of the ASOC's secessionist agenda When I read his "open letter" This Makes a mockery of the PAP agenda. Honourable Paul Ayah HAS Expressed similar pro-ASOC feelings When his party Was not making a headway w  
ith the electorate.   
PAP candidates-have gone the way of Cameroonian politicians who play to the gallery and-have no principles or morals.  These are fly-by-night
From: Date: Sat, November 30, 2013 6:23:16 pm -0500 Subject: [cameroon_politics] RE: Fw: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to UN Secretary General   
Dear Jonathan: please Note That I am on the same page with you as far as the Ako's post election behavior is Concerned My assumption is he That Would Have Been A worthless arrogant politician HAD he found himself Into That parliament.  I Rallied for Supporting him with That vision has now Realize I WAS far from His personal intentions.  I am extremely disappointed in him and it is shameful to Have Some of our young people Have you show up in our national political radar of the material be Ako That son is letting us know he is made of. 

It is disheartening to see people Have you embark on a selfish Mission Then later project self righteousness of Being Southern Cameroon patriots When They meet roadblocks.  Any Doubts why a worthy political causes like the Anglophone struggle has-beens turn into the tent for basking political Buffoons and adventurers.  The truth be told this young man Was Not odd in the area known Where He Was running to be a parliamentarian.  He stayed in Yaounde and wrote big grammar on the Internet.  We Knew him on the Internet more than the people Who Were voting on the ground. 

What deceptions and Disappointments. 

Christmas Ebini

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original Message -------- From: virtuous and free Cameroon Date: 11/30/2013 3:18 PM (GMT-05: 00) To: Cc : Subject: Fw: [camnetwork] Re: Open Letter to UN Secretary General    
Raymond >>>>>>> Had you been picked by Paul Biya to Represent your party in> All All which is the republic parliament would you-have written> this letter?  Akoson why are you like this?  Why is Christmas> Ebini misleading you and destroying you like this?  It cost> so much to you and now You Were going too fast.  This is> a fruitless strategy you are Embarking on.  >>>> Now That you lost the parliamentary seat you 're> switching back to the secessionist agenda.  It is pity That> you can play this dirty.  >>>> Maps-have no role to play in the execution of> liberty, justice and prosperity for all Cameroonians> Regardless of Where They are on the map of Cameroon .  >>>> We are seeking a virtuous and free Cameroon Where everyone> Will Be free and equal under law and to enjoy the rights and> privileges of Being Citizens of Cameroon.  Whoever presented the map >>>> Does not speak for our > generation.  That was in the ancient past and our generation> Will no follow indulge into the stupidity of the past.  >>>> In fact we just want good people and good government.  mate> 'Anglophone and Francophone re Both thieves thieves to > the dots mean nothing if we Lack maps Where the structures> and policies for good governance and the rule of law.  >>>> I think you shoulds not get too confused if you do not> know what to do.  Join the movement for freedom and> paradigm shift.  You Will not be kicked out so long as you are> a Cameroonian That I have trained.  >>>> Thanks >>>> Jonathan Awasom >>>> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G Android device> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Visionary leaders are the builders of a new dawn, working with imagination, insight, and boldness. They present a challenge that calls forth the best in people and brings them together around a shared sense of purpose. They work with the power of intentionality and alignment with a higher purpose. Their eyes are on the horizon, not just on the near at hand. They are social innovators and change agents, seeing the big picture and thinking strategically.
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