On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Divine Rhyme <hittback@yahoo.com> wrote:
So Akoson Raymond,
Where do we make the Yes or No response?
On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 12:41 PM, Akoson A. Raymond <akosonako@yahoo.com> wrote:
Southern Cameroons referendum.
Answer simply, YES or NO:
Question: If given the opportunity, would you vote for the complete and unconditional indepedence of the Southern Cameroons?
This is no joke, the results will be forwarded to the United Nations, the Unrepresented People's Organisation (UNPO) and published on authoritative national and international media.
This is an online referendum to be answered by Southern Cameroonians ONLY. For the purpose of this referendum, a Southern Cameroonian is someone whose either parents come from the erstwhile British Southern Cameroons which is now illegally referred to as the North West and South West regions.
To help you with this voting exercise, please take note of the following vital facts:
1. In 1961, Southerrn Cameroonians voted in a plebiscite to join La Republique du Cameroon as EQUAL PARTNERS in a union to form an aggregative federation. An aggregative federation is one formed by sovereign states with internationally recognised boundaries. Although the Southern Cameroons was not a sovereign and independent state at the time of the plebiscite, it had its international legal status with well defined boundaries as a UN Trust Territory which allowed the Southern Cameroons to form an aggregative federation with La republique du Cameroun. That was the reason why the UN could not simply ask the Southern Cameroons at the plebiscite to integrate itself into La Republique du Cameroun. It was on this legal ground that the UN envisioned the workout of a Treaty of Union for the projected federation according to the international law on Treaties. Because Ahidjo and his cronies were envious of the wealth potential in terms of natural resources in the Southern Cameroons, they sought a secret plan to ASSIMILATE the Southern Cameroons into La Republique du Cameroun as provinces of its territory through some fake referendum in 1972. Note that members of an aggregative federation are called Federated States: each of them has the right to quit the federation. Examples of aggregative federations are: Federation of the Federated States of Micronesia in the South Pacific, Senegal / Gambia. And then, a very skillful Biya terminated everything with restoration Law 84/01 in complicity with some 'herding' Southern Cameroonian leaders;
2. There is no document at the United Nations Secretariat that legally formalises the union between the two Cameroons as international law so provides. Therefore, thanks be to God there is no marriage certificate. The relationship is only a 'njoomba (come-we-stay) arrangement';
3. Ask yourself the following questions:
- During the Bakassi Palavar, La Republique du Cameroun prayed the ICJ to rule that Bakassi is Cameroonian. Why did they not pray the courts to rule that Bakassi belongs to La Republique du cameroun?
- if you were part of them: why has no Southern Cameroonian ever become minister of the following ministries: Defence, Territorial Administration, Secretary General No. 1 at the presidency, Finance etc;
- if you were part of them, why would they OPENLY call your parliamentarians at parliamentary session, 'les biafres';
- if you were part of them, why would a minister like Ahmadou Ali announce in his press conference that 'I don't want to hear that kind of language (English)' during his confab. Also, the same minister, as wikileaks leaked was caught of tape saying that no Southern Cameroonian can ever become president of their country;
- Ask yourself why they refused to give Ni John Fru Ndi his hard won victory in 1992;
- Ask yourself why minister Mama Fouda and a certain Yaounde SDO asked Southern Cameroonian politicians to 'rentrer chez vous (go back home)';
- Ask yourself why they'll outrightly gun down UB students clamouring for better educational services but will beg Yaounde University students for dialogue during protests;
- Ask yourself why the first three personalities of the state - the president of the republic, the president of the Senate, the Speaker of the National Assembly are all francophones while Southern Cameroonians are now fourth class citizens;
The list is very long, brethren.
Good luck with the voting exercise.
The Referendum Team
Southern Cameroons Political Affairs Division------------------------------------------------------------------------“…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths to take over the baton. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does not constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side by side on the round table for law, policy and decision making and thorough brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues. Ayah Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am proud to work with him...” Akoson A. Raymond.----------------------------------------------------------------------__._,_.___
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