Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Jacob Nguni's Death // Awacko


Thanks for the correction.


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From:"Nyangkwe Agien Aaron" <>
Date:Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:47 AM
Subject:Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Jacob Nguni's Death // Awacko

It is AQUINO not Akweno.

Corazon (Cory) Aquino's husband Benigni Aquino was gunned down by hit men at the orders of Ferdinand Marcus on August 1986. I have this in mind because one of my daughters is called Cory


On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 4:44 AM, 'NDI MANJONG' via ambasbay <> wrote:
Pa Fru Ndeh

What is cyclical about my presentation that you have repeatedly made reference to, on this thread? Could you have previously just felt like making me feel good by appreciating my postings? You had on occasion corrected the Late man's misread of my posting. He came around to appreciating my postings not like you now do.

You could be right in questioning my interest in how far you can express your contempt for your fellow Ngemba brother. It has nothing to do with some new fondness towards Jonathan. Just that persons in Cameroun now live with missing limbs due to granades that could "celebratedly" have landed on Fru Ndi. Interestingly Fru Ndi did not reject Biya coming to his "crie die". Mrs. Akweno had no doubt that Marcus ordered the assassination of her husband. As president of the Phillipines, she dignifiedly brought back Marcus' remains for a state burial. I might be wrong as a Wimbum man on the grafi "do and don't" regarding death. Forgive my generalization and let's close this chapter (what really is my own in your thing with your brother?). 


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay" <>
Date:Thu, May 28, 2015 at 9:08 PM

Subject:Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Jacob Nguni's Death // Awacko

Dear Mr. Ndi Manjong,

I believe that you misunderstood, my admission of making a mistake to bring the "late man's family" into this.
Try to steer clear of your cyclical pattern of getting wrapped around in understanding what is stated clearly.
Here is what I wrote.  And I mean every word of it.
ADMITTEDLY, I made a mistake to bring in the name of a family member into this, that is Cynthia, but that does not in any way, shape or form take away from the thesis of what this thread is all about.

By that, I mean, ANY discussion with family does NOT have to make it to the PUBLIC SPACE.
Unfortunately it did thanks to provocation from Mishe Lucas Fon.

You can impute motives all you like unto me.  Does not change a darn thing.
The issue here is what AWACKO wished Grand Jacob Nguni.
AWACKO could be from Mars, China, Fulani, Ngemba, Sawa, whatever, Nigeria .....
Simple accurate reasoning is what is going on here.
Not the emotional biases of friendship and nativity.
AWACKO wished Grand Jacob DEATH.  He said TWICE, maybe even THRICE, who knows.

AWACKO's $90 contribution shall be returned in due course.  
AWACKO can deal with his conscience better than you coming to his defense.

Cameroun POWER BROKER, harbor hatred, and so on, What has all that got to do with the issue at hand?
Or does it PAIN you that you are not a Southern Cameroons POWER BROKER?  Vraiment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Were you PRIVY to the discussions that I had with Grand Jacob Nguni about what AWACKO wrote wishing him DEATH?
Why does AWACKO's conscience bother you more than it bothers AWACKO?

If you had planned to contribute $100 or $200, just add the $90, make it $190 or $290.

Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "NDI MANJONG [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Cc: Cameroon Politics <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: Jacob Nguni's Death // Awacko

Pa Fru Ndeh,

Glad you admit to the error of dragging the Late man's family into your nonsense (indeed, your nonse). One wonders why as a "Bandehman" you accepted to execute the Late man's will of keeping Jonathan away from his "crie die"? He thought nicely about you; but why will he in appreciation of that will it to you to do the thing no Ngembaman will accept to do? Do you know one Ngembaman who hates Jonathan for who he is who finds this execution of will noble of you?

It is interesting that you honestly think that I have been in wait for the opportunity to use Jonathan to get at you for being a Cameroun power broker's son. Nothing in my contributions on forums available to you, remotely suggest that. I do not have to labor to appreciate that you once came to my rescue in letting the Late man know that he grossly misunderstood my contribution as to think I habor hate towards his person. I knew where to go without much labor to give you the historical context of Jonathan reaching out to the Late man. 

My contribution to the fund is not at issue. You can be sure I feel angry and disappointed that you can be so sure of yourself as to publicly exhibit this low level of the hate you harbor towards your fellow Ngembaman. Nothing about Cameroun power brokers and their offsprings require that I hide behind third parties to express what I feel about them. Remember to give Jonathan a ride to the ocassion and worry later about my contribution to the fund.


From:"Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [cameroon_politics]" <>
Date:Thu, May 28, 2015 at 5:16 PM
Subject:[cameroon_politics] Re: Jacob Nguni's Death // Awacko

Mr. Ndi Manjong,

The mask is gradually unveiling.
You started by claiming that this was "my nonsense".
As the mask unveils itself, that mask being, your LATENT problems you have with the son of the power broker
in Cameroun, or perhaps "according to you" the so called, power broker in Cameroun, altogether.
Why HIDE behind AWACKO to resolve LATENT problems subservient to your biases?
This is not the first time and it will not be the last.

Have YOU made your own contribution to this endeavour?
Please send your contribution to the bank account via paypal or Bank of America.
If you want to send it directly to me, ou est le probleme?  I am NOT a FEYMAN.

One thing is certain, I will dot every i, and cross every tee, as far as 
The Spirit of Grand Jacob Nguni goes on the internet.  Rest assured.
ADMITTEDLY, I made a mistake to bring in the name of a family member into
this, that is Cynthia, but that does not in any way, shape or form take away from
the thesis of what this thread is all about.

You can go about digging up every mail on camnetwork to invite FLIES and other debilitating ennui.
We KNOW who Grand Jacob Nguni reconciled with inspite of what you go digging.
We, and if you like consider it a ROYAL We, for what is worth, have REJECTED AWACKO a priori
for we know why we have SINGLED him out.

You can continue HIDING behind AWACKO to resolve LATENT problems/issues against 
"the son of the power broker in Cameroun" or "the power broker in Cameroun".
Gone are "DEM" days when I was naive with people like you.

The Spirit of Grand Jacob Nguni Lives On.  To God Be The Glory.
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: 'NDI MANJONG' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Cc: Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>; Cameroon Politics <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Jacob Nguni's Death // Awacko

The man is the son of a power broker in Cameroun. He is no stranger to how power is used the Caneroun way. Where are the "community leaders/builders"?


From:"Ivo Tasong" <>
Date:Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:22 PM
Subject:Re: Jacob Nguni's Death // Awacko

Pa Fru,
Ivo Tasong
On May 27, 2015 7:22 PM, "Pa Fru Ndeh PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM [ACCDF]" <> wrote:

Dear All,

This is just an FYI.

Grand Jacob Nguni's family has since requested that the $90 contribution from Awacko aka Jonathan Awasom be returned.
If ANYONE has any questions or concerns at this time, PLEASE direct them to CYNTHIA NGUNI.

I appeal that the writer below speak for himself and not for any Organizing Committee for he is not the "Porte Parole".

Grand Jacob Nguni's Spirit Lives On.  To God Be The Glory.
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: "Mishe Fon [ACCDF]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; Accdf Accdf <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Evil at its best: Kenneth Fru Ndeh why are you trying to sabotage and destroy the memorial event of Jacob Nguni planned by ACCDF ?

Ngia Jona Awas
Leffam so. Pah PAAWCE Fru Ndeh is your Bamendrous brother. There is no need to "Fight". I know you are coming to Maryland for the "Wake" on the 30th. I will ask you and Pah PAAWCE to bury the hatchet and make ever lasting peace. Did you ever imagine that we will be talking about Microwave in the "Past Tense"? Tomorrow will surely be my turn but rest assured that any man who will "Cush" anybody relative to my "Meung"; I will jorrop from benengrung and appear only at their most vulnerable moments i.e when they are naked in their bedrooms ready to "knack nimo ndah-nting". That is when you will know that someone like Pah Fecafoot PAAWCE na daso empty mop. The man will jump out of his bed "empty ngnash" shouting...Oh Oh Wuna Kam Oh...Mishe Fon don kommot Weesh. If you had never known that Pah Fru was a classmate to Ben Johnson, just know today that when he finds himself in hot waters like now, the man can moof 8/80 running 100 meters in less than 8 seconds. Do you all even know that Pah Fecafoot was representing Kamalloon at the Seoul Olympics 400 meters Men's Single (although he came in as last coco)? Ngia Jona, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I wish to officially thank you for your kind gesture, kind words and most especially your generous donation. I know you will be arriving Maryland for the Wake. I will get you and Pah Fecafoot Fru Ndeh to make ever lasting peace and stop this unnecessary Internet brawls. You are a good person, likewise Pah PAAWCE Kenneth Ndeh. Both of you are young enough to be leaders of our great country instead of spending time over futilities. I will and must see you on Saturday. Kind regards.
Tah Mfar Mishe Fon

From: "Jonathan Awasom [camnetwork]" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 1:55 PM
Subject: [camnetwork] Evil at its best: Kenneth Fru Ndeh why are you trying to sabotage and destroy the memorial event of Jacob Nguni planned by ACCDF ?

Kenneth Fru Ndeh

Are you speaking on your behalf or on the behalf of ACCDF?  How can we build and empower families and communities with this type of intolerance ? You are confusing people with your participation in ACCDF. If you are part of the planning meeting with ACCDF and simultaneously rooting to ridicule the event and life of your friend and brother as you want people to know, then check your brains properly.

Even after Jacob Nguni is dead, you 're still bent to use his demise as a weapon to fight ? Let me ask you a simple question. What do you want to accomplish with your diatribes circulated against me  all over? You want Cameroonians and Africans to stone someone to dead or what is your objective? There is a problem with your reasoning calculus.

Kenneth Fru Ndeh, why are trying to disrupt, sabotage and destroy efforts made by ACCDF to rally people to celebrate the life of Jacob Nguni? Why are you so wicked and selfish?  If you loved and cared for him, you won't  be doing this because you insulted Jacob Nguni here on many occasions. Therfefore, you are a hypocrite and liar.

This is his moment and please do not INJECT yourself into his life  with your notorious rants. You are EXPLOITING  HIS DEMISE to  seek public attention and advance your own agenda. It is unbelievable that  during moments like this you would be circulating diatribes based on your gossips to Cameroonian and African online forums where  I am not even a member! I have not seen you rise up to the befitting gesture of gentlemen here except to seek public attention. I have paid my last respect to him with a good conscience and whoever you always plot with against me, good luck. I hope that you 'll stand before a Judge one day to run your mouth again.

This is a simple Christian calling that requires no public debate or scrutiny from you. It is my absolute freedom to donate and whether I am no saint or one , that is entirely up to God. But for the sake of this audience and others , let your demons and evil spirits find an abyss forever. When ACCDF came to the public to seek for public donations on behalf of Jacob Nguni, the appeal did not exclude  me. I donated because I saw a need . I used to think that the deceased was very rich in the way he insulted me . If he has died short of a life insurance policy or a juicy bank account, then , it is very Godly to organize a charitable fund- drive to assist his family and his funeral. So, why are you discouraging people from helping ?  Jacob Nguni had no father like yours who has fatten himself from the  CPDM regime for over 30 years. This is the only means left for a man who used his fingers given to him by God and thrilled  his audience.  Spare him your ungodliness. If you are so dear to him why did you not organize a fund-raising drive like this during his last six months to help him?

Before the 30th of May , I want to see you publish only 500 words about your fake friendship and brotherhood with Jacob Nguni. Where you present at Jacob Nguni 's bed side or home during his last 48 hours? You can't even share joyous moments to show us how you were friends except make me the object of your demonic desires. You appear to be the least informed about his last 90 days on earth and here you 're shedding crocodile tears! When was the last time you visited him before he passed on? Can you share details with us ?  You were a stranger to him like me. If you loved him this  much as you want to portray through your hate campaign, then you would have been by his side always. Yet, he died when you were not even aware of his final moments. Oh Please, don't mourn more than the bereaved.

You really think the world is blind to your fake friendship and fake brotherhood  that you have paraded over the years? Today you have justified what I knew. If you think you are speaking on behalf of Jacob Nguni, then be prepared but before you continue to deceive yourself, I know for a fact that Jacob Nguni was not your friend.He wrote it down and camnet archives have the facts. When  you stepped on his toes, he gave you his piece of mind.  You insulted Jacob Nguni and he also insulted you ! Jacob Nguni quarreled and insulted many people including Mishe Fon , Christmas Ebini and these individuals fought back.So, why do  you single me out ?

I know you are incapable of advice. I would have ignored you enough based on your shortsightedness but  I decided to write to uphold this community. When Jacob Nguni was alive you and your cronies took advantage of him . Now that he is dead and deserves his final moment, you still want to use him as a weapon to perpetrate your evil designs . May be you are begging for  a spot from his relatives and friends to speak at his memorial. It is not a smart move. Just be patient . If you were told to stand in front of Cameroonians and repeat yourself, you won't even speak ! Mishe Fon , please make Kenneth Fru Ndeh to be one of the speakers at the event on Saturday. He appears to have a passion for Jacob Nguni and I hope you'll satisfy his cry for help.

I won't overlabour this point because you have no modicum of human decency  and respect for a man you want to portray as your brother.When you stepped on Jacob Nguni's toes, he brushed you aside. You should be reflecting over your uneasy and unstable friendship with him rather than worry about what he would say about me. It takes a certain level of maturity and education to appreciate this life from the standpoint of humility and when it comes to the dead, it is a different story. You are not privy to Jacob Nguni 's will as to who should donate or wish him farewell. You make one to doubt your involvement with ACCDF because your ways are inconsistent with what ACCDF stands for.

You have been participating at ACCDF meeting to plan for his memorial. Did the ACCDF authorize you to represent them with your witch-hunt ? Since when have you become a spokesperson for the deceased 's memorial to be talking? You think his memorial is going to be sponsored by your thief father John B Ndeh who embezzled poor farmer 's money  to feed you  here in America? None of the sympathizers of Jacob Nguni is responsible for your father's frustration and failures over FECAFOOT !Your stupid PAAWCE is not my cup of tea and Jacob Nguni never was a fan of your stupidities, either.

First of all Jacob Nguni  was not a privileged child growing up like you who has lived off of stolen public funds by virtue of your father's involvement with the Cameroon kleptocracy( government of thieves and children of thieves). May be you should read his story and compare and contrast before you make me the object of your evil pursuits.

You were supposed to be a spoiled child, pampered and fed with milk and honey. Your academic records were all falsified by your family and the corrupt Cameroon scholarship board to enable you benefit from Cameroon  fraudulent scholarship to study in Manchester London. You went to London and could not make it because you were not  naturally qualified for the scholarship and profited from it because your father was a member of the corrupt government of Cameroon. If you were on scholarship in London, what happened that you winded up here in the US?

Out of shame your father moved you to the United States to manage his ill gotten wealth . You went to Virginia and got entangled in a dubious estate business and got sued , x-rayed and disgraced. You relocated to Washington, DC and got enrolled into an institute of low technology and pins. Neither I nor Jacob Nguni are responsible for your inability to perform in life academically and intellectually . Your curse is that you will feed on stolen money until the end.

Jacob Nguni  tapped into his talents , some he acquired intuitively,to make a living. What is your own talent? Your own talent is to be the thief son of  a thief  Minister ! You grew up in abundance and look at you , you can't even write a page to pay tribute to Jacob Nguni. Can you? Why ? because you are empty. Why can't you just donate the $ 10.000.00 sharp  required   to cover the expenses of his funeral since you are so beloved? 

Kenneth Fru Ndeh I fear no evil and you can mobilize your entire CPDM family after me but this is not the moment and this not the platform.God is no respecter of persons and once again, touch not my anointed , says the lord.

I was not a friend of Jacob Nguni but deep down in  my conscience I knew that he was free to express himself politically as well as disagree with me no matter how unfriendly it was. Our disagreements were mutual and comes with the territory. If I was gone before him,I know he would express his sympathy and wish me well but so long as you are a child of the dark Cain , trust me , you will never deserve any last respect from me. I don't give respect to nonentities and children of thieves and bandits. Jacob Nguni was a authentic. I admire this trait in his character.

If you and your father were not part of a corrupt system , many of us would be happily living in our country unlike you. Touch not my anointed , so says the lord. After he is laid to rest, then  go back to your pin institute and continue to learn about pins.

The next time you are distracting people from focus , write just a paragraph to pay your respect to Jacob Nguni  instead of being such a nonentity with your evil designs. Your father hired teachers to teach you English language since you were a child. How come you can't write a short composition  to depict your brotherhood here?

Let there be peace and goodwill towards all people.

Jonathan Awasom

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