Re: Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour

Soon, To God be the Glory!

Dr. Tsherk Rezeh

Kenneth Jean Begheni Ndeh
C'est pas beau tout ça?

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Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now: one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

On Monday, May 25, 2015 3:10 PM, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Ambasbay SC,

A Patriotic Aboriginal Anglophone of West Cameroon Extraction shall take over the 
Presidency of the entire Cameroon Republic.  It will happen after Paul Biya.
When this happens it will further complicate the irredentist agenda of certain persons
whose nativity is the former Southern Cameroons or later West Cameroon.
The quest for the a PAAWCE President is an OPEN AGENDA.
This was announced since 2006.  Nothing stealthy.  No need to be imagining things.

SWIPE:  Small fee is reminiscent of your small mind.  Money cannot do anything to me/us.
Next time when you write, remove Mr. John FRU Ndi's name from these your inane expositions.

The Spokes Person
PAAWCE Presidency

From: Ambasbay SC <>
To: ambasbay <>
Cc: "" <>; AmbazoniaNationalGroup <>; cameroon_politics <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2015 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [FREE AMBAZONIANS] Re: Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour

Country*men, I am told that a son of John B. Ndeh called Kenneth was in Yaounde recently to discuss with the Biya regime. The result...a doomed attempt to derail the decolonization of Southern Cameroons and the restoration of the independent state of Southern Cameroons or Ambazonia. For a small fee.

On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 5:01 AM, Julius Acham <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nkolo Kangkolo [FREE_Ambazonians] <>
Date: Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FREE AMBAZONIANS] Re: Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour

This is an eye opener to us anybody who mentions Federation  should be considered  a suspect   a suspect or an agent of LRC  and watched  very carefully day and night. Fon  Dinka's  approach is the best .I say the best in comparison to Federation, Confederation and any other form of association with LRC we are tired of their  brutality, corruption , chasing of documents in Yaoundé a design to make people from the provinces or regions to go to Yaoundé and spend their money to develop Yaoundé instead of their own regions.
Some of them call us brothers in order to calm our anger while they steal and plunder our resources  but they treat us as a captured people. They call us Nigerians even when  they know very well that  we voted not to join Nigeria because we are not Nigerians, may be to them  Nigerians   are people who speak   English or Biafrans as some of them call us mean a people who want to separate  forgetting that Biafra failed to get out of Nigeria  because that territory was part of Nigeria at independence whereas we were not part of LRC at its independence on January 1 1960. And we had a vote for our independence October 1 1961 i now see why LRC does not want us to celebrate October 1 1961 our own independence Day.  I want LRC to get this very clear that we rejected NIGERIA and today we are rejecting them because we are neither Nigerians  nor Camerounians we are a people with a distinct identity we  don't like to have anything to do with people as brutal as they are.
  How do they explain that Gabon, had its so called independence when they were just a little over one million people, and Equatorial Guinea became independent when they were less than six hundred thousand today that country is prosperous and more developed than
LRC may be this is their fear that we will do better considering our natural  and
human resources. We are over six million peace loving descent hard working people  who can stand on their feet we don't need people who have nothing positive to offer  to us.
 I like Mr. Ofege's approach he publishes opinions expressed by people from LRC  in French(original version) who think that they can teach us history whereas they are refusing to teach their  children the history of Cameroun because they want to hide facts and indoctrinate them with falsehood and lies. Life in LRC is similar to life in a communist
country with constant arrest and detention of people and indoctrinating them to believe lies with force.
 Why do they who claim to know history ignore  self determination which is enshrined in both the UN and African union charters when they write their articles or posts on facebook. I read an article posted on Facebook by one of them and reactions by others with the same line of thinking in which they talk of
building a Cameroun based on our values not foreign like German, English or French and
reference is made of some Eastern European countries yes we know that I challenge them
to explain the reasons behind the break up of Senegambia. These are countries they hardly
mention in their articles.  I laugh when Britain and France conspired to put water and fire together that is LRC and southern Cameroons forgetting that water will extinguish the fire.
 Why did Britain and France both small countries not unite to make one big country or France uniting with small Belgium to form one country i know that the power acting behind the curtain is France which is a member of the security council and a benefits from our resources that they receive from their black  puppet man the President of LRC.
  I feel bad when i can't book a flight to say Tiko or Bali as before and travel to my village through Kumba - Mamfe -Widikum peacefully like before. CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY while we mourn the loss of our liberties and development inhabitants of LRC are celebrating peace, and victory over us after suffering decades of insecurity and terrorism. God save us.

From: "Julius Acham [FREE_Ambazonians]" <>
Cc: Cameroon Politics <>
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:07 PM
Subject: [FREE AMBAZONIANS] Re: Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour

I admire Pa Fru Ndeh. Pa Fru Ndeh sounds like a joke, but it may not really be a joke. It will not be surprising for a hurried  parliament to be put in Buea and a house of chiefs by LRC, houses they can control, then maneuver them to sign that missing ratification since Foumban Conference, which has never been ratified by the defunct Southern Cameroons Parliament. If that is done, LRC will deposit at UN to fulfil the Post Plebiscite UN RES 1608 XV and UN ART 102. Once that is done, then rapid renewed annexation and assimilation will begin. 
Would not be surprising also if LRC has an underground hand in the recent call for Federation to realize that hidden goal. Having been through all this intrigues with LRC as in Banjul, I leave no room for quick suspicion and fast analysis. For a meeting of sorts to hold in Bamenda smoothly begs for some more reflection. Possibly, a jittery attempt to counter the recent call to "Obey the Lord or else by Dinka". Iam seeing deeper into Pa Fru Ndeh's supposed joke because that is how LRC tests waters to see reactions. We must stop them. we are not fools.
We all should not forget gains made by Dinka quietly without fanfare that are acting in our favour. So many things went on at the background unrevealed before the following happened:
1. UN gave Biya two maps clearly defining the two Countries, LRC and Former British Cameroons (Ambazonia). Watch Biya close his eyes in the picture;
2. The very UN has delineated International boundaries between LRC and Ambazonia and planted Pillars;
3. Biya committed himself to the UN in writing and signed a document to withdraw to the Boundary of LRC at Independence;
4. Talks were held in London between Attorneys of Ambazonia and LRC, it was made clear to LRC they have no option but to withdraw from Ambazonia, Biya sighed in disgust-Merde!
With all these things evolving  in our favour, should we even be the first to mention Federalism? It should be LRC yearning for Federalism directly or indirectly, not the Republic of Ambazonia. The Republic of Ambazonia will obtain Full Independence and Sovereignty without any Condition. Respond to Dinka's bold loaded recent calls and see it happen. What serious person will prefer Federalism to Independence to have another 50 years of manipulation and insults and second class citizenship? Get real! The time is NOW! Be proud of your citizenship-Ambazonian. Do not mix words. Dinka has eaten fire this time around for our Country. It is not about him.
Long Live the Republic of Ambazonia

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 4:24 PM, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <> wrote:
Part of the OPEN AGENDA for a PAAWCE to take over the 
Presidency of the Federal/United Republic of Cameroon.
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh

From: 'kaavi melchizedek' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>; Cameroon Politics <>
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:00 AM
Subject: Re: Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour

What in God's name is this?
. mk

Chairman SCNC Belgium
Melchizedek Kaavi
Melim City(LGA)
Northern Zone Bui
County Southern Cameroon

From: 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <>
To: Cameroon Politics <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 11:20 PM
Subject: Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour

The Spokes Person of the PAAWCE Presidency informs the general Cameroon Public as follows:

1) Starting June 1, 2015 and ending October 1, 2015 for a period of four months, all Patriotic Aboriginal Anglophones
    of West Cameroon Extraction shall contribute funds towards a Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour (GRCT).
2) The Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour shall comprise of Members of Parliament, that is the National Assembly 
   and Senators, the Executive and the Judiciary.  180 members of the National Assembly and 100 Senators, all 60+ Ministers,
   Secretaries of State, Ministers without Portfolio and Members of the Supreme Court.
3) The Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour shall take place on January 1, 2016.
4)  The Government of Republic of Cameroon Tour itinerary shall be as follows:

A) Working Visit of the Southern Cameroons House of Parliament at BUEA by Cardinal Wiyghan Tumi
B) Working Visit of the Southern Cameroons House of Chiefs at BUEA by Chief Nambeke Manga Williams & Lamido Alim Hayatou
C)  A Primer on the workings of the Southern Cameroons Parliamentary Procedure by Senator Victor Mukete
D) Working Visit of the Sultanate at Foumban - Lecture By Mola Njoh Litumbe
E)  Exchange of Gifts in BAMENDA Congress Hall - Address by Jean-Bernard Ndongo Essomba

These are the HEADLINES.
The Spokes Person
PAAWCE Presidency
Thursday, 21st May 2015
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------------------>THE TRIAD PRINCIPLE<-------------------------
**Only when we acknowledge and remain steadfast to the TRUTH**
**Only when we recognize and never negotiate away our RIGHTS**
**Only when we accept the realities of our one and unique IDENTITY**

Only by adopting these TRIAD principles of survival and propagation
Can we expect to harness and maintain the power that belong to us as the people, the nation, the state and as the REPUBLIC OF AMBAZONIA (The United Nations Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration).

THIS IS OUR INALIENABLE RIGHT WHICH MUST BE RESTORED BY EVERY 'MEANS' POSSIBLE! We have only two options, the AMBAZONIA's Sovereignty-equality/Sovereignty-recognition model (the option-ONE) is here to enable us take advantage of the law as we mobilize our people to recognizing their rights to their AMBAZONIAN nationality.  The other alternative left for us is the conflict model [option TWO], which still must be FULLY ENGAGED recognizing that it has its own set rules! CAUTION!! we must get our people "hurriedly" mobilized TO ACTUALIZED THEIR RIGHTS TO THEIR NATIONALITY as AMBAZONIANS and not fight Cameroon as 'southern cameroonians". To call ourselves 'SOUTHERN CAMEROONIANS', can hardly be  recognized by observers as an act of "self-determination". It is time to think SMARTER even while we get ANGRIER!

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