Re: The Tumi Debate Spillover on my Facebook Wall. DIXIT | CAMEROUN/RAS-LE-BOL... «Donnez un autre référendum aux Anglophones, ils voteront pour quitter le Cameroun.» --- Cardinal Christian Wiyghan Tumi

Etre "berné" et "lésé" est un signe de faiblesse. Le reconnait-on?

On 06/07/2015, 'Ofege Ntemfac' via ambasbay <> wrote:
> Jean-Marc SobothJune 29 at8:22am · Quebec,Canada · Edited · DIXIT
> |CAMEROUN/RAS-LE-BOL... «Donnez un autre référendum aux Anglophones,
> ilsvoteront pour quitter le Cameroun.»
> --- Cardinal Christian Wiyghan Tumi> Jean Roger Kuate, Foading Kuate,
> Boniface Niba, Ayah Paul, Nfor Susungi, Ntemfac Ofege, Boniface Wewe,
> Awafong Julius, Angie Forbin, Manyo Bernard, Serge Banyongen, Senibnefer,
> Rexon Nting, Charles Atangana, Simon Inou, Evelyne-Mathilde Mballa, Joseph
> Nso, Ajong Stanislaus, Jakline Ajong, Azoh Jacobs, George Achu, Achu
> Miran...See MoreSee TranslationTop of FormLike · Comment · Share
> - Emil Mondoa, Awafong Julius Teneng, Elie Smith and 10 others like
> this.
> - 54 of 92
> View previous comments
> -
> Bottom of Form·  Foading Kuate Ntemfac Ofege 2 000 000de cartes c'est une
> bonne chose, il faut alors déjà faire des marches à bamendaet a buea si vous
> avez du courage. vous restez derrière votre clavier vousracontez des
> bêtises. complexé que vous pouvez être, british fais quoi sur lenom de votre
> pays qui n'existe que dans vos rêves?? vous n'avez pas devillage?? donnez
> déjà le nom de votre village à votre pays imaginaire.SeeTranslationLike ·
> Reply · 3 · June 29 at 4:44pm·  ·  Chantal Eballa Les anglophones sesentent
> marginalisés ou ils s auto marginalisent?See TranslationLike · Reply · 2 ·
> June29 at 5:53pm
> -
> EmilMondoa replied · 4 Replies ·  ·  Emeric Noupa C'est normal puisqu'ilsont
> été berne par la partie francophone. Ils avaient fait adhéré au
> fédéralismeet non à l'état unitaire. Et ils ont été très lésé dans la
> redistribution desrevenus du pétrole qui est extrait chez eux de même que
> dans les pratiquesadministratif qui sont très centralisée du côté
> francophone ou on nomme toutmême les chef cutumier etc..SeeTranslationLike ·
> Reply · 2 · June29 at 8:31pm
> -
> AhmedSalim replied · 1 Reply ·  ·  Boniface Niba Donnez un référendum
> auxCamerounais e ils ( Francophones et Anglophones),voteront pour le
> CamerounFédérale et effectivement Indépendant de la France
> Donnez un référendum aux Camerounais e ils ( Francophones et
> Anglophones),voterontpour l'autodétermination de son destin surtout
> économique hors du systemnazi-vichy du F.CFA»
> Donnez un référendum aux Camerounais e ils( Francophones et
> Anglophones),voteront pour la fin de la centralisation e concentration nazi
> fasciste dupourvoir au Cameroun.
> Donnez un référendum aux Camerounais e ils( Francophones et
> Anglophones),voteront une nouvelle Constitution pour la tripartition des
> pouvoirs autonomesde la République Fédérale ( LEGISLATIVE+ ESSECUTIVE +
> Donnez un référendum aux Camerounais e ils( Francophones et
> Anglophones),voteront pour le développement démocratique e politique de la
> NationCamerounaiseSee TranslationLike · Reply · 4 · June30 at 8:25am
> -
> Ahmed Salim replied · 1Reply · · Ntemfac Ofege UnfortunatelyMr Boniface
> Niba, you are selling after the market. The ideais not to graft designed to
> fail schemes unto the francophoneJacobin-Napoleonic quagmire. The idea is to
> restore the independence andstatehood of the British Cameroons. This is a
> matter of DIGNITY.Like · Reply · 3 · June30 at 9:29am
> -
> BonifaceNiba replied · 1 Reply ·  ·  Danielle Guibert L'essentiel est
> l'accèsà l'information. Pour le reste, ne prenons pas les camerounais
> etcamerounaises, francophones et anglophones, où qu'ils vivent, pour plus
> bêtesqu'ils ne sont. La population est tout à fait capable de percevoir que
> lepouvoir corrompt. Les politiciens sont armés pour canaliser et
> récupérerl'énergie populaire du désespoir à leur profit. Quelles
> personnalités aurontune audience assez large aujourd'hui pour s'unir et
> fédérer les espoirs de lapopulation face au pouvoir de
> l'argent.SeeTranslationLike · Reply · 2 · June30 at 9:30am· · Ntemfac Ofege
> FoadingKuate, bamileke emotionalism and the British Cameroons Ongoing
> IndependenceProcess. Professor Carlson Anyangwe once wrote the following
> lines about thenear-hysteria in some bamilekes whenever they hear that
> British Cameroonians,their umbrella, make a run to restore their state. I
> quote the Prof. Puzzle. Ofall the tribal groups in Republique du Cameroun
> the Bamileke are the chiefopponents of our liberation in the hopeless belief
> that we can continue to beheld captive in their country. This is something
> of a puzzle. We shelteredpeople from virtually all the ethnic groups in
> Republique du Cameroun fleeingbloody French repression and exactions:
> Bamileke, Ewondo, Bulu, Duala, Bassa,Bafia, and some 'nordistes'. People
> from these various tribes in Republique duCameroun did not flee to
> neighbouring French-speaking countries for reasonsthey know only too well.
> They chose to come to us and out of our generosity wewelcomed them and
> settled them among us in a spirit of African brotherhood andsolidarity. This
> is the pay we get from them, especially the Bamileke who constitutedthe
> largest group of refugees. Could they have forgotten so easily? Even
> today,our African French-speaking friends opt for the world of the very
> Anglo-Saxonsthey and their French Masters lampoon so often: Australia,
> Britain, Canada,Ireland, Nigeria, South Africa, and the United States of
> America. France (orany French-speaking African country for that matter) is
> not a preferreddestination. Those who succeed in making the treacherous
> Mediterranean crossingto France use that country merely as a transit point
> to other destinations ofpreference. It is further puzzling why these people
> should vote with their feetby going to English-speaking countries and yet
> instinctively reject the veryvalue systems, the very mindset, the very
> culture and the very governance modelthat make those countries so attractive
> and so inviting.Like · Reply · 4 · June30 at 4:49pm · Edited
> -
> Emil Mondoa replied · 2Replies · · Ntemfac Ofege ProfAnyangwe continues.
> The basic 'argument' of the opponents of our freedom is that they too
> sufferfrom the same evil we decry; an evil, they say, visited upon everyone
> by whatthey themselves admit is a satanic regime; replace that regime with a
> 'good'one, they maintain, and we shall all be happy ever after. That is a
> fat lie.The difference between our cause and their case is so patent that
> even anintellectually weak person can see it. We are a separate and distinct
> peopleand country fighting against brutal colonial occupation by a
> neighbouring country,their country. The only remedy for our forlorn land and
> condition of captivityis decolonisation, freedom. The coloniser must pack
> and go! The Bamileke,Bassa, Ewondo, Bulu etc are ethnic groups within
> Republique du Cameroun. Theremedy for their malady in their country lies in
> good governance, rule of law,and free and fair elections. How they face up
> to that challenge is their cup oftea not ours, and attempts to enlist our
> involvement in it in the name of asorry and content-less brotherhood must be
> puerile. In a sense their task hasbeen made a lot more easy thanks to the
> various cases we have institutedagainst their country's regime as a result
> of which that regime has time andagain been found guilty of gross human
> rights abuses, including torture andother inhuman treatment, arbitrary
> arrest and detention, and extra-judicialkillings. The judiciary in that
> country has also been found to be a dependentjudiciary completely under the
> boot of the country's ruler. For us, a newregime that comes to power in that
> country, even if it is an angelic regime,will not make us discontinue the
> fight for our manumission so long as thatcountry continues to hold us in
> terror and captivity. END.Like · Reply · 3 · June 30 at 9:35am·  ·  Ntemfac
> Ofege Entre 2007 et 2014, les nations unies ont dépensé 14millions de
> dollars US dans une opération de recréation des bornes indiquant lafrontière
> entre la République du Cameroun, pays qui devint Independent le 1erJanvier
> 1960 et la British Cameroons, un territoire qui est désormais revenusous
> tutelle des nations unies parce que le processus de son Independence
> aéchoué. La responsabilité de l'échec revient entièrement à ceux qui ont
> plutôtannexe British Southern Cameroons et British Northern Cameroons au
> lieu derespecter l'Independence de cet état.Like · Reply · 2 · June30 at
> 9:47am· · DanielleGuibert Of course, Mr Ntemfac Ofege, real democracy is the
> necessary andpermanent control of people over any government power.Like ·
> Reply · 2 · June30 at 9:47am· ·  Ntemfac Ofege L'hystérie d'un certain
> Foading Kuate dans cetteconversation s'explique – l'ignorance. Sieur Kuate
> ne sait pas que posse par laFrance, la republique du Cameroun, qui est
> diffèrent du mien a voté CONTRE la'réunification' en 1961.
> La justification de ce vote était simple. La France ne voulait pas que
> lefrancophones soit contaminé par les germes de la culture anglo-saxon
> Voici de reste les pays qui on vote pour et contre l'unification entre
> SouthernCameroons et La Republique du Cameroon
> Vote on Southern Cameroosn Independence: Resolution 1608 (xv) as submitted
> bythe Fourth Committee, A/4737, and as amended orally by Guinea and
> Liberia,adopted by the General Assembly on 21 April 1961, meeting 994, by
> roll-callvote of 64 to 23, with 10 abstentions.
> These are the countries thatbelieved that the union of the two Cameroons
> under a Federal system of twoequal states would be a good thing:
> Afghanistan, Austria, Bolivia, Bulgaria,Burma, Byelorussian SSR, Canada,
> Ceylon, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus,Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican
> Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Federation ofMalaya, Finland, Ghana, Guinea,
> Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia,Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan,
> Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mexico,Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New
> Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan,Philippines, Poland, Romania, Saudi
> Arabia, Sudan, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia,Turkey, Ukrainian SSR, Union of
> South Africa, USSR, United Arab Republic,United Kingdom, United States,
> Venezuela, Yemen, and Yugoslavia.
> On the other hand, here are the countries that were against such a
> union,citing the violation of the Trusteeship agreement, and noting that
> there wouldbe future political (constitutional), socio-cultural and economic
> problems:Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroun, Central African
> Republic, Chad,China, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), Dahomey,
> France, Gabon,Greece, Israel, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Niger,
> Paraguay, Senegal,Upper Volta, and Uruguay.
> And there were countries without a position. They included Columbia,
> ElSalvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Italy, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain, and
> Togo.Sources of the information are from the Resolution 1608 (xv) as
> submitted bythe Fourth Committee, A/4737, and as amended orally by Guinea
> and Liberia,adopted by the General Assembly on 21 April 1961, meeting 994,
> by roll-callvote of 64 to 23, with 10 abstentions.Like · Reply · 4 · June30
> at 9:55am· ·  Danielle Guibert Merci, Mr Ntemgac Ofege,de ces précisions
> historiques utiles aux jeunes générations pour lacompréhension des alliances
> actuelles.See TranslationLike · Reply · 1 · June 30 at 10:06am · Edited·  ·
> Ntemfac Ofege Or après avoir voté contre la 'réunification" en 1961,le
> pétrole est découvert a Victoria Limbe, Southern Cameroons. La France et
> laRépublique du Cameroun décident alors d'abroger la fédération qui existait
> quede nom et d'annexer Southern Cameroons. Apres avoir envoyé son armée
> partoutdans Southern Cameroons, le manipulateur Ahidjo concocta un
> soi-disantreferendum ou les 'anglophones' devaient choisi entre OUI et YES
> si 'ils sontpour ou contre l'état unitaire. Or Ahidjo avait déjà abroge la
> fédération avantde convoquer le corps électorale pour le referendum.Like ·
> Reply · 2 · June30 at 10:13am· ·  Ntemfac Ofege Le territoire de la British
> Cameroons concerne les nationsunies et le droit international. Les
> xénophobes francophones s'impliquent danscette question à leur risque et
> péril. Vous entendez Foading Kuate.
> En 2010 lorsque la Republique du Cameroun, fêtait le cinquantenaire de
> sonIndependence l'assemble générale des nations unies envoya son président,
> leLibyen Triki avec un cadeau spéciale pour M. Biya – deux cartes. La carte
> deson pays que a eu son Independence le 1er janvier 1960 et la carte de
> laBritish Cameroons, pays encore sous tutelle des nations unies. Le message
> étaitclair. Les nations unies se charge de lors de décoloniser la British
> Cameroonssurtout de la colonisation francophone. Like · Reply · 1 · June30
> at 10:23am· ·  Ntemfac Ofege Maintenant écoutez-moi bien, surtout ceux qui
> profèrent desmenaces. La colonisation est un crime contre l'humanité et je
> rejette lacolonisation francophone. Les francophones n'ont jamais voté pour
> unefraternité avec les francophones. Les anglophones avaient voté. Or qu'est
> quis'est passé pendant cinquante ans ? DON'T TEACH ME YOUR LANGUAGE surtout
> quandvotre 'langue' est la colonisation, la marginalisation, la corruption
> et j'enpasse. Ecoutez-moi bien, otez-vous de mon chemin sinon....Like ·
> Reply · 3 · June 30 at 10:30am· · Boniface NibaTHE HOLY TRINITY IN NATION
> Equivalent Constitutional Powers: (1)Legislative +(2) Judiciary + (3)
> Executive
> Democracy: (1)Government By the People,+(2)Government For the People +
> (3)Government Of the People.
> It has been historically proven that the concentration of these three powers
> inone subject will always result in the fading or disappearrance of the
> mostbasic of human rights. (JUSTICE) The people pay the price.
> A democratic State of Rights with credible institutions can never
> prosperwithout a functional independent and truly autonomous Judicial Power.
> Socialcohesion , national unity, national identiy ,the sense of citizenship,
> true andactive patriotism… are the valued basic bricks essential for nation
> building. ANation cannot exist in the absence of a stable constitution that
> garantees(JUSTICE) and the rule of the law with effective seperation and
> equal divisionof power in (1)Legislative +(2) Judiciary + (3) Executive.
> "The winner takes it all" mentality has not been good for Nation Building
> inCameroon. The original Republican form of state has been slowly
> transformedinto a form of Monarchy via (9)NINE successive modifications of
> theConstitution to give always more powers to the Executive.
> "anyone who has power shall be led to abuse it; (….) and will proceed inthe
> abuse until when he finds an impediment or a limit.(…) for power not
> beabused, power must be able to arrest power."
> Montesquieu; French philosopher in " spirit of the laws " published in 1748
> The judge must be apolitical and never lose his independence in a
> Democracy.
> The problem now in both East and West Cameroon Nation building is the
> absenceof an autonomous and autoritative Judge to autorize and organize any
> refrerndumin Cameroon on a long list of vital issues including those I
> listed in myprevious post.Like · Reply · 3 · June30 at 11:36am· ·  Foading
> Kuate Mr Ntemfac Ofege vous metraitez de quoi?? je vous laisse dans votre
> masturbation"intellectuel". et tous vos doc en entendant de trouver celui
> desannée 1914 il faut déjà le passer à vos petit fils pour qu'il le conserve
> parceque peut eux ils vont po...See MoreSeeTranslationLike · Reply · 2 ·
> June30 at 12:02pm· · Ahmed Salimle Cameroun n'est ni anglophone, ni
> francophone!SeeTranslationLike · Reply · 1 · June30 at 1:17pm· · Boniface
> Un homme et unefemme se rencontrent e décident de se marier. Cinq ans après
> le mariage sansenfants, la femme se sent négligée e se demande pourquoi.
> Elle se rend compteque le mariage ne marche pas surtout parce que l'homme
> s'était marie encachette avec beaucoup d'autre femmes parmi les quelles une
> vielle femmeblanche francaise. Elle demande donc la séparation mais le marie
> insiste pourque le mariage, devenu esclavagiste, continue a tout prix e par
> force parce quel'acte de mariage ha été signé! Elle demande le divorce mais
> le marie menace dela tuer ! Elle demande d'aller ensemble au tribunal mais
> le marie dit qu'ilss'en fou ! Selon vous ! Que doit faire cette pauvre
> femme? Qui est le voyoudans ce cas ? Foading Kuate ?SeeTranslationLike ·
> Reply · 2 · June30 at 5:53pm· · George Achu Republicof Cameroun wants to
> make of the two components of the Cameroons a French, notjust a francophone
> country. That is what its assimilation process is all about.Like · Reply · 3
> · June30 at 5:54pm· · Emil Mondoa Violatethe terms assimilate then prate
> bunk about 'ni anglophone ni francophone.'Actually I agree. Southern
> Cameroons not anglophones joined you to form afederation. You fear the term
> and introduced the fiction of anglophone.Like · Reply · 2 · June30 at 6:03pm
> -
> George Achu replied · 1Reply · · George Achu Thereis freedom of opinion on
> this Fb Page, except for those posting immoralmaterial as well as those who
> use it to blame and accuse the victims of humanand people's rights abuse.
> Among the latter are the people of the annexed stateof Southern Cameroons,
> striving to free themselves from foreign occupation,domination, exploitation
> and assimilation - the worst form of colonialism(banned by international
> law). Those encouraging, condoning and abetting thiscolonization under false
> pretenses of fraternity on this Page will beunfriended. As colonization is
> an international high crime (felony), they areintentionally or even
> purposefully making themselves "accessories afterthe fact", a related
> crime.Like · Reply · 2 · June30 at 6:21pm· · George Achu Underinternational
> law, applicable to the occupied state of Southern
> Cameroons,self-determination (self-government) is an UNALIENABLE RIGHT of
> "APEOPLE". The African Union Commission (Tribunal) ruling in,
> SouthernCameroons v Republique du Cameroun, took judicial notice of this
> fact in May2009 - ratified by the General Assembly of African Heads of State
> in July sameyear. As a people, their use of this right of autonomy is not
> subject to anyconditions, such as, a historical link, size, economic
> viability, the will ofthe majority in a referendum, good leadership, the
> will of a third party suchas Cameroun or the ability of the subjects to
> shoot their way to freedom. Thatis why the right is "unalienable" - not
> subject to conditions, So,determining this right by referendum, as proposed
> by His Eminence ChristianCardinal Tumi is legally improper. Its use is
> similar to asking a kidnappedperson whether s/he wants the felon to set
> him/her free. I hope Cardinal Tumiis listening..Like · Reply · 3 · June30 at
> 7:01pm· · Moki MononoMr Jean Marc Soboth thanks for this important post
> which I have read withsadness. I am a Cameroonian patriot like most
> anglophones and I read withsadness the lack of comprehension of our
> francophone brothers towardsanglophone problems. Fifty years after
> independence no road links the NorthWest and South West! Do you francophones
> think that if we were an independentcountry for 50 years no tarred road
> would have linked Bamenda Kumba and Mamfe?All anglophone "things" have been
> destroyed: Tiko Airport, LimbePort, Yoke power station, Santa
> Coffee,Besongabang Airport, LimbeAirport,Produce Marketing Organisation,
> West Cameroon Hotels Limited, the GRAs,the list is endless. Anglophones have
> been kept away from all importantministeries for fifty years: Defense,
> Finance, Foreign Affairs, Public Service,Economy and Plan, Territorial
> Administration, Secretary General Presidency etc!Francophones find out why
> anglophones are unhappy!Like · Reply · 5 · June30 at 7:26pm· · Emil Mondoa
> Theterm "anglophone" is meaningless. It has no history, no legal basis.It
> lacks power. It is a nonsense term introduced by Ahidjo to muddy the
> watersand confuse a really simple issue to further his designs. Please, good
> people,eschew that term.Like · Reply · 4 · June30 at 7:38pm· · Moki
> MononoThe last six SDOs of Limbe have been francophones for the last 20
> years. Werewe captured in war? All Commanders of the naval base Man o War
> Bay have beenfrancophones. Francophone Divisional Officers who cannot speak
> English havebeen posted to Limbe.Like · Reply · 3 · June30 at 7:48pm
> -
> MokiMonono replied · 1 Reply ·  ·  Dick Samy Osiris je crois qu'il y a
> bienlogtemps ce prélat de merde est frappé d'une maladie liée à la
> démenceSeeTranslationLike · Reply · 1 · June30 at 8:04pm
> -
> George Achu replied · 1Reply · · Emil Mondoa Mustyou be such a Dick, Dick?
> The Cardinal would still run circles around youintellectually. Dementia
> indeed!Like · Reply · 2 · June30 at 8:08pm· ·  Frederick Avangontii Je suis
> pas dz cet avisSeeTranslationLike · Reply · 1 · June30 at 8:26pm· ·
> Boniface Niba Un vraie camerounaisn'insulte pas les autres dans un important
> débat publique ! Mons. Dick Samy? Calmez vous !SeeTranslationLike · Reply ·
> 1 · June30 at 8:37pm· · Moki MononoThe absence of courtesy Dick Sammy Osiris
> towards a Cardinal and a Prince ofthe Catholic Church whom you describe as "
> un prelat de merde" is unfortunate.People like Tumi do not make such
> statements without deep reflection. LetCameroon reflect on what Tumi has
> said.Like · Reply · 3 · June30 at 9:15pm · Edited·  ·  Boniface Niba « Dans
> la fonctionpublic Camerounaise, seulement 8 pour cent des fonctionnaires
> sont anglophonesdonc 92 pour cent sont Francophone. Les anglophones sont
> exclus des postesstratégiques de la république du cameroun au plan interne !
> au planinternational les anglophones étaient écartés des postes également
> stratégiquesà la foi au sein des associations des hautes juridictions des
> cours suprêmesqu'au sein des associations internationales dont est membre le
> parlement duCameroun : s'agissant des associations dont fait partie ou dont
> est membre lacour suprême du cameroun : il n'ya aucun anglophone représenté
> à ACCPUF , aucunanglophone dans AHJUCAF , aucun anglophone dans la comission
> internationale descours constitutionnelle il n'y a aucun anglophone , il n'y
> a aucun anglophoneau sein de l'association internationale des cours des
> comptes aucun anglophoneet ceci ne concerne que la francophonie ! au sein
> maintenant de l'associationdes juridictions du commonwealth dont est membre
> la cour suprême ce n'est pasmême pas un anglophone qui y est ! mais un
> francophone ! au sein del'association des président des parlements où se
> ratifient d'ailleurs plusieursconventions internationales à l'insu du peuple
> il n'ya aucun anglophone , ausein de l'association internationale des
> secrétaires généraux des assembléesnationales il n'ya aucun anglophone »See
> TranslationLike · Reply · 3 · June30 at 9:52pm· · George Achu Whywould any
> colonial subject expect equal treatment with citizens of the colonialpower?
> Is it not like a slave expecting the same rights as the slave owners? Isthat
> what the subjects want? They will wait until men have wings to fly.Like ·
> Reply · 4 · June30 at 11:04pm· · Emil Mondoa BonifaceNiba, one of the kids
> here likened Southern Cameroonians to one of theirmarginalized Baka tribes.
> Basically take a number and stand on the line. Suchis the deliberate
> ignorance and arrogance. Marginalization is not the issuejust a side
> effect.Unlike · Reply · 3 · July2 at 10:25am · Edited· · Moki MononoAs
> anglophones we have realized that I t is nearly impossible to change
> andreform Cameroonian bureaucracy, bureaucrats and institutions. It is
> almostimpossible to get a simple reply to any letter written to a government
> ministryor department. Civil servants are owed salary advances and arrears
> for years,corruption is endemic, admissions into grand ecoles cost 1million
> francs,government monies are poorly utilized , unemployment is the norm,
> for these and other reasons we want our own state. Federalism is not a
> crime!All anglophone nations are federations : Great Britain, the U.S.,
> Australia,Nigeria etc.Like · Reply · 5 · July1 at 7:12am· ·  Elysee
> Bayigbedeg le débat anglophone estun faux débat, il rejoint celui sur
> l'équilibre régional qui a fait tant de malau Cameroun, il fait réculer la
> méritocratie au profit de régionalité, pour mapart il faut trouver un juste
> milieu entre le mérite et la prise en compte detoutes les catégories de
> couches sociales dans la répartition des revenus dupays.SeeTranslationLike ·
> Reply · July1 at 10:39am
> -
> George Achu replied · 3Replies · · John Fombe MrElysée Bayigbedeg sounds to
> me like someone from the Elysée palace.
> The people of La Republic du Cameroun did not and still do not know,
> 1) that once upon a time a time there was a colonised people under the
> British,Called Southern Cameroons.
> 2) the on 1st October 1961 the Southern Cameroons and La Republique du
> Camerounjoined in an undocumented union to form the Federal Republic of
> Cameroon whichis dead
> 3) That the National Anthem of Southern Cameroon was and still is
> differentfrom that of LRC
> 4) That the First constitution of the FRC was a fake because in the
> Englishversion of the constitution, it was the Southern Cameroon that united
> with LRCwhereas according to the French version it was Cameroun merdionale
> that unitedwith LRC
> 5) That the insult on Anglophones started with that false constitution
> whichstated that the French version was authentic
> 6) That by that constitution, Southern Cameroonians who spoke English were
> notauthentic Camerounians and, therefore, deprived of constitutional right
> My physics teacher in CCAST Bambili, late Dr Aaron Bokossah described
> ignoranceas a frictional force acting tangentially to knowledge.
> I did not understand him then. Now I know he was right when I examine what
> ishappening in this countryUnlike · Reply · 4 · July1 at 1:14pm· · John
> Fombe Longago, I used to read some francophone newspaper, where in a certain
> Mr Sobothfeatured prominently as a journalist.
> It was perhaps Dikallo. I very much hope that he is the same Jean-Marc
> Sobothwho is at the origin of this lively debate.
> As a journalist especially, and even if he is not the one, he ought to
> rememberthat Some times ago, chez nous en France, the President of LRC cried
> out aloudin public that he was Mitterrand's best pupil (eleve) not even a
> student(etudient).
> Around the same time if not during the same interview he told the French
> pressthat a referendum will be the solution to the Anglophone problem. Why
> did thepress in LRC not treat him as a traitor or as foolish as Cardinal
> Tumi.Like · Reply · 3 · July2 at 8:20am· · John Fombe Iwish we citizens
> whether or not of La Republique du Cameroun should reason fromthe head and
> not from the heart as I have often observed
> I am anglophone but I am not proud to be. I acquired a certain way of
> lifewhich is called anglophone culture wh...SeeMoreLike · Reply · 3 · July2
> at 9:54am· · Ntemfac Ofege Consequently,we have said that the State of
> Southern Cameroons will be restored come rain orhellfire. So shall it be.
> Amen.Like · Reply · 2 · July3 at 11:03am· · George Achu SouthernCameroonians
> aka Ambazonians yearning for a nation state with Cameroun arewishful
> thinkers. They may not know the difference between the three
> politicalconcepts of state, nation and nation state. While suggesting
> they"Google" them, I will just simply define them here with a few examples.A
> STATE is a political entity that has a territory, a people and a
> government,recognized as such by the United Nations. An example: all members
> of the UnitedNations, except those entities having observer status. A NATION
> consists of apeople related by certain factors, the most important being, a
> common past, acommon present, and aspirations to live and strive together.
> Examples are: theJews before the creation of the State of Israel in 1948;
> Southern Sudanese,before their recent secession and independence; the
> Palestinians; the people ofthe occupied State of Southern Cameroons
> (Ambazonia). If such a people controlor acquire a territory and form a
> government recognized by the UN, it becomes anation state.Like · Reply · 1 ·
> July3 at 1:40pm· · Moki MononoIt is possible that francophone Cameroonians
> are not aware of the extent towhich Anglophones are marginalized. We must
> continue to educate them aboutthese things. Isn't it curious that even in
> the Ministry of Foreign Affiars,the Cameroon ambassadors to America and
> England , countries in which English isthe language of expression, the
> ambassadors are always francophones? Instead ofexploiting the bilingual
> character of Cameroon in its diplomacy and usingAmerican educated
> anglophones in diplomacy we continue to post francophoneswhose knowledge of
> English is weak as Ambassadors to anglophone countries?Like · Reply · 2 ·
> July3 at 1:46pm· · Moki MononoAttn Anike NokuriLike · Reply · July3 at
> 1:48pm· · George Achu ADDENDUM.NATION STATE: A political entity that has the
> characteristics of a nation and astate as defined. The result is that there
> can be a nation without a state aswell as a statenation without a n. A state
> that consists of two or morenationalities (significant groups that want to
> be separate and apart). Sudanbefore the secession of Southern Sudan; the
> hybrid so-called nation state ofCameroun. For instance, Sudan before the
> secession of Southern Sudan;Like · Reply · July3 at 2:01pm· · George Achu
> CORRECTION."The second sentence should read, The examples above show that
> there canbe a nation without a state as well as a state without a nation."
> ...See MoreLike · Reply · July3 at 2:23pm· · George Achu Istated already
> that anyone encouraging, aiding and abetting the annexation byfalse
> pretenses is either an accomplice of the ongoing felony or an accessoryafter
> the fact - a felony or misdemeanour. Among the latter are thoseintentionally
> using diversionary tactics and defenses such as the occupier'signorance,
> discrimination, marginalization, NW/SW divide, threats (I havereceived a
> number of them on this Page), etc. Whenever these tactics are used,the
> moderator of this Page will use his discretion to exclude block them fromit
> - in order to enable a constructive discourse to take place. To be
> forewarndis to be forearmed.Like · Reply · 1 · July3 at 3:01pm· · Emil
> Mondoa MolaMoki Monono, the "ignorance" of the Camerouneseis a ruse. There
> is a deliberate refusal to learn the facts as they roboticallyvomit the
> programming and propaganda that they learned from their politicalleaders.
> This iron curtain of lies that envelopes their souls is so thick thatlong
> ago I stopped bothering to work with them and to dedicate my
> politicalenergies towards our total independence.Like · Reply · 1 · July3 at
> 3:28pm· · George Achu Correction:In the last sentence, instead of "In
> these...... read, "In thisrespect....".Like · Reply · July3 at
> 4:07pm· · John Fombe Toall francophones who initiated this debate and all
> the others who follow thedebate.
> Please defend your point of view.
> To the anglophone, "Silence means consent" It will be recorded thatyou have
> recognized your error and have no defence.
> Please defend your point of view. Or as it is customary you are saying
> that:
> "toute la verite n'est pas bonne a dire" ou bien encore "c'estpas grave"
> There is one thing I admire in francophone culture:
> "Vous avez votre droite de reponse".I can only guess the meaningsince I
> hardly hear it in English and my French is poorLike · Reply · 1 · July3 at
> 6:11pm· · Ntemfac Ofege Whenconfronted with supreme facts as have been
> presented herein our francophonecolonizers and occupiers have no defense.
> Most often than not the JacobinNapoleonic types dare not the face facts and
> the law in this case and manyother cases. We've let...See MoreLike · Reply ·
> 2 · July4 at 9:19am· · Ntemfac Ofege Moreoverthis is not an issue between
> anglophones and francophones. This is an issuethat draws its legitimacy from
> international law. This is an issue beingresolved by the Secretariat General
> of the UN to the benefit of Ambazonians.All history and historical treaties
> aside between 2003 and 2009, fourteenAmbazonians dragged the Biya regime to
> the African Commission on Human andPeoples Rights and charged that regime
> with colonization. Dion Ngute, Kamto,Owona Joseph, etc represented La
> Republique. The case went back and forth for 6years and La Republique LOST.
> The Biya regime was order, among other things, topay compensation to all
> businesses in Ambazonia that they have excluded for 50years. Can they pay?
> France has even offered to pay for them! Hollande's visitof last night is
> related to the issue. Instead one Issa Tchiroma went to theCamerounese media
> and lied that La Republique won. I repeat since 2006 the UNGeneral
> Secretariat has been working overtime to recover the State of
> BritishCameroons.Like · Reply · 2 · July4 at 9:33am· · Ntemfac Ofege Patrice
> Noumaon the Southern Cameroons' case and the deception by the Biya's Regime,
> thepetition by 600 Southern Cameroons Lawyers on federation in the Cameroons
> ....please watch the video and tap into the truth exposed by a former
> Military Man,a citizen of La Republique du Cameroon who is fade up with the
> system and knowsthe inside/out and has a mastery of the history of the
> Cameroons.... Stay blessedPatrice Nouma.... More strength to you
> .....
> La fête du20 Mai au Cameroun est une Imposture, Paul Biya a pousse
> lesAnglophones a la secession !
> Discours du CCT à l'occasion de la fête nationale du Cameroun le 20 mai
> 2015. Camerounaises;...
> YOUTUBE.COM La fête du20 Mai au Cameroun est une Imposture,Paul Biya
> · Reply · Remove Preview · 2 · July4 at
> 10:32am· · Ntemfac Ofege PARAGRAPHS 178and 179 of the 2009 ACHPR Banjul
> Ruling specifically banned all foreigners(francophones especially) from
> meddling in the internal affairs of SouthernCameroons as they do so
> carelessly in here. Read those resolutions foryourselves.Like · Reply · 2 ·
> July4 at 10:41am· Ntemfac Ofege 178. The Commissionstates that after
> thorough analysis of the arguments and literature, it findsthat the people
> of Southern Cameroon can legitimately claim to be a "people".Besides the
> individual rights
> due to Southern Cameroon[ians], they have a distinct identity which
> attractscertain collective rights.
> The UNESCO Group of Experts report referred to hereinabove, states that for
> acollective of individuals to constitute a "people" they need to manifest
> some,or all the identified attributes. The Commission agrees with the
> RespondentState that a "people" may manifest ethno-anthropological
> attributes. Ethno-anthropological attributes may be added to the
> characteristics of a "people".Such attributes are necessary only when
> determining indigenology of a"people"[quote], but cannot be used
> as the only determinant factor to accord or deny the enjoyment or protection
> ofpeoples' rights.
> Was [sic] it the intention of the State Parties to rely
> onethno-anthropological roots only to determine [quote]"peoples' rights,"
> theywould have said so in the African Charter? As it is, the African
> Charter
> guarantees equal protection to people on the continent, including other
> racialgroups whose ethnoanthropological roots are not African.
> 179. Based on that reasoning, the Commission finds that "the people of
> SouthernCameroon" qualify to be referred to as a"people" because they
> manifest numerouscharacteristics and affinities, which include a common
> history, linguistictradition, territorial connection and political outlook.
> More importantly theyidentify themselves as a people with a separate and
> distinct identity. Identityis an innate characteristic within a people. It
> is up to other external peopleto recognise such existence, but
> not to deny it. LET THIS BE VERY CLEAR.Like · Reply · 2 · July4 at
> 10:42am
> Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also
> appear with him in glory. Christ appears in your life right here, right now:
> one nanosecond after you believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.
> --
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