Father Krzystof Charamsa stripped of post on the day he said he was gay

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The Church is making life 'hell' for millions of gay Catholics even
though the clergy is 'full of homosexuals' says priest fired by the
Vatican after coming out

Father Krzystof Charamsa stripped of post on the day he said he was gay
In furious letter to Pope Francis, he has accused the Vatican of hypocrisy
Condemned Church for causing 'immeasurable suffering' to gay Catholics
Called on 'gay cardinals, bishops and priests' to abandon 'brutal' Church
Italian court annuls marriages of hundreds gay couples who wed abroad

By Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline

Published: 12:37 GMT, 28 October 2015 | Updated: 13:42 GMT, 28 October 2015

A high-ranking Polish priest who was fired after coming out as gay has
accused the Catholic Church of making life 'hell' for millions of

Father Krzystof Charamsa was stripped of his post earlier this month
on the day he announced he was in a relationship with another man.

In a scathing letter to Pope Francis, he accused the Vatican of
hypocrisy because he said the clergy was 'full of homosexuals'.

He also condemned the Church for causing 'immeasurable suffering' to
homosexual Catholics and their families.

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Polish priest Krzystof Charamsa (left) has accused the Catholic Church
of making life 'hell' for millions of homosexuals after he was fired
on the day he announced he was in a relationship with another man

Polish priest Krzystof Charamsa (left) has accused the Catholic Church
of making life 'hell' for millions of homosexuals after he was fired
on the day he announced he was in a relationship with another man

In the letter, released to the BBC, he said he had taken the decision
to 'publicly reject the violence of the Church towards homosexual,
lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and intersexual people'.

He called on 'all gay cardinals, gay bishops and gay priests to have
the courage to abandon this insensitive, unfair and brutal Church.'

Pope Francis has not yet responded to the letter.

But the Vatican's anger contrasted with the news of Francis's still
close relationship with an old Argentinian friend and his gay partner,
who were hugged by the pontiff in the United States last month.
Father Charamsa has written a letter to Pope Francis, saying he had
taken the decision to 'publicly reject the violence of the Church
towards homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and intersexual

Father Charamsa has written a letter to Pope Francis, saying he had
taken the decision to 'publicly reject the violence of the Church
towards homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and intersexual

An Italian court ruled that marriages of gay couples who wed abroad
can't be registered in Italy, sparking an angry reaction from cities
which had defied the government to recognise the unions.

Italy's highest administrative court annulled a ruling by a lower
court which had earlier found in favour of cities from Rome to Naples
and Milan which had registered such marriages despite the fact that
Italy has no legal framework for gay unions.

Interior Minister Angelino Alfano, who issued an order last year
banning the practice, applauded the latest ruling, saying it showed he
was right to take a stand despite having provoked 'controversy,
sometimes violent aggression and a hail of appeals'.

The decision was met in some quarters with anger if not surprise in a
country where the Catholic Church - opposed to gay marriage - plays an
influential role in politics.

Foreign ministry undersecretary Benedetto Della Vedova said it was 'a
victory for none and a defeat for all'.

A bill introducing civil unions for same-sex couples is currently
being examined by parliament but has met fierce opposition.

The Pontiff has also previously said that the Church must have 'its
doors open to welcome all those who knock' and not 'point the finger
in judgement' of others.

Earlier this month, Father Charamsa rubbished claims that there was a
'gay lobby' trying to influence the church.

It came after the Pope made comments in the past that suggested there
was a gay network in the Church.

In 2013 he famously said 'Who am I to judge?' when asked about
homosexuals in the Church and the rumoured network of gay Vatican

But Father Charamsa denied the rumours.

'I met homosexual priests, often isolated like me... but no gay
lobby,' he said, adding that he also met gay priests who were
'homophobes' and had 'hatred for themselves and others'.

Charamsa said he wrote a letter to Pope Francis asking him to convey
his spirit of openness to bishops at the synod, where Church leaders
discussed marriage and family teachings.

Since 2005, the Church has forbidden the ordination of priests with
homosexual tendencies.

But this rule is applied in different ways, with many bishops turning
a blind eye as long as priests remain celibate.

Charamsa says he has stayed faithful to his vow of celibacy because he
has 'never touched a woman'.
Read more:

Gay priest decries 'inhuman' treatment of homosexual Catholics - BBC News

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