Re: [MTC Global] Why Are Some Academics So Unprofessional?

Oh yes! Academics can be so unprofessional.

I was invited as a speaker (Resource Person in typical jargon) for a Faculty Development Program in an institute. After traveling overnight to reach the place, I delivered 2 two-hour sessions spread through the day and traveled back overnight - quite hectic considering the distance and our beautiful roads! I wouldn't have accepted this kind of invite were it not for all the persistence over repeated emails and phone calls and making me feel like I was the only one on the planet who was capable of speaking on these topics! That the audience was quite receptive and appreciative was a consolation prize.

On return, despite several reminders there was not even a confirmation 'thank you' mail acknowledging the sessions required as proof to be submitted at my dept. Not even one picture was sent although many were taken throughout the program - including 'group selfies' :)

Is this plain lack of courtesy? I think not. I think they were doing this FDP program to make some "points" on their API and I was just a convenient tool that was used!  

Uma Chandrasekaran
Associate Professor
Dept of Management Studies
Pondicherry University

On Monday, 4 April 2016 11:54 AM, Chandrasekhar <> wrote:

Fantastic observation leading to the present environment . Just as an addition.....a good person with capabilities will not be selected as he or she is only seen as a threat to those " existing" in these institutions!!
Prof Dr N Chandrasekhar

Sent from my Lumia Windows Phone

From: 'thanikachalam vedhathiri' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global
Sent: ‎4/‎3/‎2016 22:39
To: Join_mtc; Prof. Bholanath Dutta; Prabhakar Waghodekar; Virendra Goel
Subject: Fw: [MTC Global] Why Are Some Academics So Unprofessional?

Dear all,
The following unprofessional ways practised in many institutes:
Selection of CEOs (Deans/principals/directors):
# Best applicants would be screened out  but unqualified applicants would be selected due to political pressure or corruption
# The selected CEO would constitute  a group of  coteries who will feed information and they will be rewarded
# Most of the members of the coteries group may NOT have the required qualification and competency
# The focus on research would be minimum but some routine reports would be published
# The faculty vacancies would be growing
# The CEO's name has to be included in all papers
# The star performers would not join the coteries and hence, they would be disturbed/ transferred, and they would not be empowered or delegated
# There is  no strategic planning
# The CEOs would be planning for self-development
# The funds would be misused
# The selection of the faculty  would be based on the corruption/ political pressure
# There would not be any focused development
#  The Board would not evaluate the low performance

If these are continued to grow, many academics are unprofessional.
These findings are based on the 40 years observation,
Thanikachalam.V. Ph.D.,M.S., Former Fulbright Scholar

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From: "'JAYASRI INDIRAN' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 31 March 2016 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Why Are Some Academics So Unprofessional?

I have very different peculiar experiences about which i would like to share here in connection to what Prof Bholanath has expressed. 

1) In an organization where i had been, i was assigned with some out-reach programs for which we are supposed to give a detailed report of the program on rejoining the duty, (rejoining process is different from this). Thus, as it was a new environment, as a fresher to the particular organization and there was no induction specifically such issues, i practiced my old institution's style which is reporting to all at the top management right from chairman, directors, deans and to the immediate head. Immediately, i received a reply from one of the directors saying i need not mark copies to all, its enough to intimate the HOD, as they would get the things shared at their end. Ok. later in the same organization, there were number of meetings organized just asking for staff to intimate everything to everybody as many things are missing when they goes from bottom to top thru one channel of reference. This was exactly what i felt and i did accordingly. Then it was a crime, now it is mandatory that everything should be communicated to all and funniest part is no one is ready to do that as we are used to report to one and the only one.   

2) In another organization, where there was an announcement on change in salary day. Actually it was every 2nd working day. But, due to various issues, it was changed as every 2nd day of the month and all our accounts were linked with the institution's core banking. I t actually helped us a lot especially on continuous holidays on start of the month or continuous bank strike days, etc. So, on such decision, we all felt really happy and few of us sent "thanks mail" to the management team. Immediately we were called one by one and were asked.....Why should you thank and we were also advised not do such things hereafter. So, what is wrong in it. Why should the courteousness been questioned? None of us know the reason and such reaction, i believe.

3) I am a person who usually respond to whatever comes in my way as mail or chat or thru any means of communication especially if its addressed including me. I would add, suggest removal, remark positive or negative views, appreciate, or add contents if necessary. This was the very first training that a Manager, especially an HR should practice, as my Mentor Mr Sivan Unni, used to advise. This also in some of my organizations was not really appreciated and even commented the most. I dont know why. If they dont appreciate any response then, why should it be sent to us. Why should we spend time and energy to reply thinking that it has value. 

Where does professionalism go on such reactions? A lot to understand and analyse.                     
Associate Professor-HR
SCMS Cochin School of Business
Muttom, Aluva,
Mob.: +91-8129650401


On Thursday, 31 March 2016 9:33 AM, "'Vijendra Kumar' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global" <> wrote:

Dear Dutta Sir,
Thanks for the article. It has to be discussed in Indian professional colleges. My observation says Indian academician are not better than USA professors! However. Jenkins does not give reason for this kind of behaviour/attitude. Some time back I have coined a word 'Academic Chauvinism'. May be this suits well. It does not mean I am cynical of every teacher/professor. I believe in Gurubrahma.... concept. But this Guru is more than a western education method teacher.
Let our academic fraternity reflect on this article.
Prof. Vijendra Kumar SK
Assistant Professor & Counseling Psychologist
Centre for Counseling and Career Guidance
PES University, Bangalore.

On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 9:32 PM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:

Rob Jenkins
Associate Professor at Georgia Perimeter College

Are academics the most unprofessional professionals in the world? Sometimes it seems that way.

Although I've spent most of my adult life in higher education, I've also had extensive dealings with people in the corporate and nonprofit sectors, and I have to tell you: Those of us in academe don't always look so good by comparison.

Case in Point: Back in November, after our new book The 9 Virtues of Exceptional Leaders came out, my co-author Karl Haden and I sent complimentary copies to select business and education leaders. Most of the corporate types responded within a few weeks with a nice note — in several cases, handwritten — thanking us for the book. (Whether they actually cracked it, we have no idea.)

The academics? Other than a few we know personally, we never heard a word from most of them.

When someone gives you a gift, whatever you think of it, you send a thank-you note. That's just good manners. Then again, that's precisely what professionalism is — good manners extended to professional life.

Permit me to illustrate the point with a second anecdote. Last fall, about a week before Thanksgiving, I was contacted by a college asking if I was available to give a talk to its faculty in January. I got back to the college right away because it seemed like the courteous and professional thing to do, and also to confirm my availability for an event that was less than two months away. I received no immediate response.

Three weeks went by, and still no one from the college had contacted me. At that point, we were well into December, almost to the end of the semester. If I were going to visit that campus in January, I really needed to attend to certain logistical details before the holidays, such as filing a travel request with my own college and booking a flight.

So I wrote back to say, in essence, "Hey, I haven't heard anything from you. Do you still want me to come speak in January? Because if so, there are some things I need to do on my end." I went out of my way to be polite and not sound annoyed.

Again, nothing. It's March and I still haven't heard anything back from that college, which I find not only baffling but unconscionable.

It's not that they had any obligation to invite me to their campus, but they were the ones who approached me. Maybe they decided to bring in somebody else or use an in-house speaker. Maybe they canceled the event altogether. I don't know. And I'll never know, because they didn't bother to tell me. That's unprofessional, not to mention rude. And the saddest part, perhaps, is that this was not an isolated incident. I encounter that sort of unprofessionalism among people who work at colleges and universities on a regular basis.

Why do we behave that way?

I don't know the answer to that either, although I can certainly speculate. Perhaps, in keeping with the stereotype of the absent-minded professor, we're just a little scatterbrained. Or, as intellectuals living "the life of the mind," we don't think the normal rules of human social interaction apply to us — or we don't even know the rules. Or we're so impressed with our own importance, or the importance of our function (professor, dean, director), that we think everyone else ought to put their lives on hold and work around our schedule.

Or maybe we just haven't been taught any better. Graduate programs prepare students for a lot of things: in-depth research, field-specific publishing, even (in some cases) the job search. But apparently they're doing a poor job teaching professionalism — perhaps because professors don't always model that behavior themselves.

I do know that unprofessionalism, in the long run, is highly destructive. It puts a strain on what should be collegial relationships. It harms reputations, as people get labeled "hard to get along with." It drives away potential clients, collaborators, and students. It prevents the college and its programs from running as smoothly as they could.

So how do we fix this? The obvious answer is through education, which is why I'm broaching the topic in this column — to help young academics and administrators understand what it means to behave professionally. (Frankly, I don't have much hope for the older ones.)

But that raises another question: What, exactly, constitutes professionalism? Here are a few specific behaviors that come to mind:

Respond in kind. As a faculty member or administrator, you get a lot of emails, not to mention voice messages, texts, and even old-fashioned le

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