[MTC Global] MTFI, CA, USA joins as an Official Partner to 7th World Edu Summit 'Sankalp 2017'

7th World Edu Summit is getting much much bigger and stronger everyday. MTFI, California, USA joins as an official partner to it. Looking forward to meet you all at Bangalore, India , this Sep. Join us and let us connect the dots at mtc.sankalp@gmail.com​--...


[MTC Global] Former GE CEO Jack Welch says leaders have 5 basic traits — and only 2 can be taught

For some people, the question of whether leaders are born or made is truly intellectual — fodder for a good classroom or dinner party debate.But for people in front-line positions to hire, promote, and fire, the question, "Who has the right stuff to lead?" definitely has more urgency.Getting the answer right can drive an organization's culture and performance to new levels. Getting it wrong can too...


[MTC Global] Conexion ~ The best value proposition to your institution

Dear Professor,Sub: MTC Global Centre for Excellence – ConexiónGreetings from MTC Global. Here is a great opportunity for your institution to establish a MTC Global Centre for Excellence "Conexión" in your esteemed institution.MTC Global with...


Re: Fwd: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

Dear Members,The Panel recommendation probably based on the following reasons...1. Non availability of Ph.D holders in the respective subject2. Ph.D acquiring through wrong roots3. Pressure from the private institutions because majority of...


Re: [MTC Global] As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a studenthas ever t...

A revolutionary in Academic Arena. Working for innovative strategies in teaching and learning  Sent from my  iPhone 7 Plus From: Imimarla via Management Teachers Consortium, Global <join_mtc@googlegroups.com>...


[MTC Global] Data Analysis through SPSS during 3-5 April 2017

Dear Sir/Ma'am,​Greetings from School of Commerce Studies, Jain University, Knowledge Campus​, JayanagarThe School of Commerce Studies, Jain University is conducting a 3 day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Data Analysis through SPSS...


Re: Fwd: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

Teachers,  researchers, guides, supervisors, consultants, innovators, and intrapreneurs: We need key performing faculty in all higher education. If we exclude doctorates, then we have to depend on foreign universities for knowledge...


Re: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

Dear Professors                  We should not generalise the attitude of Teachers.Majority of us are Good Human beings.We are Teachers.We are not here to BLAME others.We can do our level best to...


Re: [MTC Global] As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a studenthas ever t...

>>> please enlighten me: What on earth is an "Academic Evangelist"???   Irmi V. Marla (Sociologist/Anthropologist)Chairperson: International Institute for Holistic Research and Voluntary Action (India-Germany) in collaboration...


Bonjourr très cher !!!!

Je suis Sylvie RON, je suis une comptable dans une Banque en Afrique, j'ai une proposition d'affaires de 12.500.000€ dont je veux que vous gérer avec moi depuis ma banque comme bénéficiaire. J'ai obtenu votre adresse dans une base de données professionnelle quand j'étais à la recherche d'un partenaire étranger sur Internet pour confier une affaire par un système fiable et honnête.  ...


Looking for IBM BPM Consultant....

Hello,Hope you are doing well today,Please let me know if you are comfortable with for this role. If yes please send me your updated resume along with the best number to reach you ASAP.Job Title     : IBM BPM ConsultantLocation    : HERNDON,VADuration   : 06+ monthsRequired skills :Must have  3-4 years of experience of development of IBM BPMMust be 7+ Years of Experience. __________________________________________________________________________________Thanks...

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