Re: Fwd: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

Dear all,
 There are some questions related to the above issue.
1). Is there any study that shows that insitution with maximum Ph.D faculties have delivered the best learning resources,, created inquisitiveness among students', addressed the needs of the students'.?
2). how many Ph.D's are acutlally application oriented for policy purpose or had they been used in practice by the various stake holders? 
3). Whether the demonstration effect is playing a role in driving most of the faculties to Ph.D?
4). Do all teacher's have same degree of curiosity?
 I agree that ideally doctorate is a degree that is suppose to widen the area of knowledge and deepen the understanding levels but I am sorry to say that most of the teachers see it as option to NET/SLET and getting it becomes do or die situation.   I am not against the financial equations of increment attached to it.. But I feel that in process of registration for Ph.D , one needs to be eqully consciuos about the application and the impact   that his research is likely to make on the society and mankind. Research done with such objectives is the need of the hour. 

This is what I personally feel.


On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Surendar Gade <> wrote:
Dear Members,
The Panel recommendation probably based on the following reasons...
1. Non availability of Ph.D holders in the respective subject
2. Ph.D acquiring through wrong roots
3. Pressure from the private institutions because majority of the institutions and universities are from private sector. For them, It has become very difficult to find the     Ph.D faculty and pay salaries to them as per rules.

Coming to point that 'Ph.D holders are not good teachers', but this is not correct in my point of view, because a candidate who have done Ph.D immediately after PG or M Phil may not deliver  as good as Non-Ph.D faculty who has few years of  teaching experience. That might be true in majority cases. A person with Ph.D and few years of teaching experience will deliver  goods in better way than an reasonably experience non-phd teacher. Most of the Ph.D awardees are having already teaching experience. That statement may be suitable for few individuals who are acquiring Ph.D without teaching experience. But we should also recognize that the research experience always added advantage for teaching. Particularly in Hihger Education We should give equal importance to research also as equal as teaching then only our purpose will be solved.  We are talking about Higher education, therefore, mere teaching is not a whole duty of the teacher, it is a part of duty. 
If that recommendation is accepted I can say the system will be more worse than the  present. How do we define a Quality teacher? are there any parameters to define a Quality teacher? Education institutions may misuse the opportunity. who will do research? who will bring new things into curriculum? who will take higher education a head? If we focus only on teaching it means we have half of our job. Therefore, Instead of that we should think how to stream line the system?.how to control dummy Ph.Ds. How to increase the quality in teaching and research?. I think  Research is the key for higher education. Let us respect true & valid research. All of the above a teacher should have PASSION to teach.

This is my personal opinion.

On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 8:46 AM, 'thanikachalam vedhathiri' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global <> wrote:
Teachers,  researchers, guides, supervisors, consultants, innovators, and intrapreneurs: 
We need key performing faculty in all higher education. If we exclude doctorates, then we have to depend on foreign universities for knowledge capital.
Doctorate degree holding faculty also need improvements in curriculum development, instructional design,  evaluation of the students and research focused on knowledge capital.
Never downgrade faculty with Ph.D.
Thanikachalam. B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., M.S., FIE., FIGS

From: Ramesh Vemuganti <>
To: "'Dr. Pratap Reddy S' via Management Teachers Consortium, Global" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February 2017 12:21 AM
Subject: Fwd: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel

27th Feb, 2017

"Quality teachers ,without PhD, are needed for colleges" is a welcome step for improving the quality & enhancing the standards of Higher education. This should have been done 15 years back in our country. Salaries should have been raised at par with industry. Then, Higher education would not have been in this state.

But a PhD has to be valued. The issue for research scholars & doctorates in not knowledge absorbtion or knowledge enrichment - what they need is knowledge management. To provide them an industry perspective, a one year orientation course/ internship for the Doctorates in teaching before their appointment as full time faculty. The evaluation must be done in an unbiased way by senior academicians, Professors & industry experts. Based on the earlier mails & opinions of senior members in MTC G, the process of awarding a PhD degree has to be streamlined - right from entry/ admission to the viva/ thesis/ completion stage.

A mix of academicians, professionals, entrepreneurs & industry managers should teach Management courses in every college, institution & university dept offering an MBA/ PGDM. Some B schools, where this is done, are among the top B schools in Asia. Industry goes to them. So many times, many industry managers & senior professionals seek my opinion on which college is recommended for hiring. I offer a fair opinion, where I am aware. With unwavering implementation, in 1 year, Management education will become the most sought after course .


Prof Vemuganti Ramesh


Begin forwarded message:

From: Amal Chaudhuri <>
Subject: [MTC Global] Quality Teachers, not PhDs needed for Colleges: Panel
Date: 27 February 2017 at 4:02:15 PM IST

​Amalendu, MBA
A proud MTCian since 2009

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